2009-01-05 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:02:38 <M_Assis> I have a problem with MT940 import, it worked fine but know if I import he find all info but when I try to edit somenthing the following error appear:
09:03:04 <M_Assis> this window is already being edit.....
09:03:22 <M_Assis> the "saldo" value is zero (which should not)
09:05:51 <M_Assis> forget.... my mistake..... already solved..
09:12:02 <warlord> okay.
09:12:05 <warlord> that makes it easy ;)
09:12:12 <goodger> indeed
09:12:15 <goodger> good morning, warlord
09:12:40 <warlord> hi
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11:16:53 <M_Assis> Hi, I tried to add the "date interval" option to the Budget report and it did not work.
11:17:19 <M_Assis> the option is there but doesn´t matther what I add the report still go with the same dates
11:17:57 <M_Assis> I deleted the ";" at the option generator. should I change something more?
11:18:21 <M_Assis> also deleted from the define area
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11:50:32 <M_Assis> is my Mirc not working or I made a difficult question?? 8-)
11:51:19 <psymin> M_Assis: I just lurk, I heard your question though :P
11:51:24 <goodger> M_Assis: likely there is nobody here who can help you
12:17:24 *** rockfreak has joined #gnucash
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12:19:54 <rockfreak> Hello
12:20:57 <rockfreak> not sure if any of you can help me but I have just downloaded the software and I wish to setup an account but not sure what to choose as i am a sole trader in the uk! Any advice would be greatly recived :-)
12:22:08 <psymin> sole trader?
12:23:48 <rockfreak> yes
12:24:57 <rockfreak> an individual who runs the business alone, without partners or a company structure. The income of the business is treated as the individual's personal income.
12:26:44 <goodger> ...and the business and individual are not legally separated; the individual has unlimited liability for the debts of the business
12:27:04 <goodger> rockfreak: do you have any particular question?
12:28:15 <rockfreak> yes when you go to create a new account you get the wizard screen come up
12:29:10 <rockfreak> you select the currancy (GBP in my case)
12:29:42 <rockfreak> then you get a list of categories
12:30:03 <rockfreak> i wondered if there are any more templated spcifically for a sole trader
12:31:22 <warlord> M_Assis: Are you actually using the date range values in your report?
12:31:54 <warlord> rockfreak: only what you see in File -> New -> New File
12:32:48 <rockfreak> ok thankyou :-)
12:38:04 <warlord> M_Assis: please dont PM without asking first. It's considered rude.
12:38:59 <warlord> You said you tried to add a date interval option to the report.. well, what didn't work? Did it not appear in the options dialog? Or the values aren't used by the report? If the latter... did you encode the report to actually USE the values from the options?
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12:42:43 <goodger> git is actually not an acronym whatsoever
12:43:36 <M_Assis> first sorry for my mistake, new at IRC..
12:44:19 <M_Assis> yes the option appear at the report options, but i can give there the date I want.. and nothing happen
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12:44:59 <M_Assis> i just deleted the ";" from the actual report as I´m not very good with programing. I thought that this should do it
12:45:30 <jsled> I think that just adds the option. If the report's logic doesn't actually *use* the value of the option, then it doesn't.
12:45:31 <M_Assis> from what I see some other change is missing and is not so easy to find it.
12:45:44 <jsled> So, if you didn't modify the report to actually limit based on date, then …
12:46:18 <M_Assis> the point is that this is already there so I thought that who create the report had it pre-done... 8-(
12:48:00 <warlord> but if it was there it was commented out...
12:49:18 <goodger> sorry about the above git-based quote
12:49:21 <goodger> wrong channel
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12:50:40 <M_Assis> on other place they define the date interval as "a" but i saw that "a" is also used at acountsto work on..
12:53:09 <M_Assis> should i change the "0" for "a" at this place??
12:53:13 <M_Assis> ((num-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget))
12:53:13 <M_Assis> (period 0)
12:53:13 <M_Assis> (current-col (+ colnum 1))
12:53:13 <M_Assis> )
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13:04:18 <warlord> I dont know..
13:04:28 <warlord> Is this within a let statement?
13:04:36 <warlord> How is period used later?
13:06:14 <M_Assis> yes is a let statement, how it´s used later I really don´t know. I´m trying to find.
13:06:59 <M_Assis> The report I´m trying to change is the "Budget" that came with the program, I can´t create one by myself. 8-)
13:08:10 <warlord> I've never used that report, so I have no familiarity with it.
13:09:44 <M_Assis> I´ll try to send a email to the guy that created it, this is the report I need but the period option is missing.
13:09:57 <M_Assis> nevertheless, thanks for the help.
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13:19:14 <warlord> You probably need to take the date options and apply them to the report time period.
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16:05:18 <Dave_is_sexy> Hi all. I've just made myself a budget for the first time, but I can't find any tools to show me how my spending relates to my budget. Is there a way I can see on an on going basis where I am going over budget and the cumulative totals. Maybe red highlights for over budget? I'd also like to be able to see how much spending I've budgeted for so that I can predict what I might have saved by this time next year. Thanks
16:06:01 <warlord> The Budget Report?
16:07:13 <Dave_is_sexy> It's not of any practical use though. It doesn't even subtract the spending from the budget, or highlight anything, or give totals
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16:07:44 <warlord> unfortunately that's pretty much all there is except stuff that people have written on their own but not submitted
16:08:29 <Dave_is_sexy> Aw. So there's no way of using the budget feature to keep track of my spending?
16:11:06 <warlord> No........
16:11:39 <warlord> There are other ways.. just not necessarily using a Budget.
16:12:00 <Dave_is_sexy> Oh. What's another way please?
16:13:04 <warlord> budgeting buckets?
16:13:11 <warlord> P&L?
16:13:18 <Dave_is_sexy> mmmmm
16:14:51 <Dave_is_sexy> Maybe copy-pasting the budget report to OpenOffice would be my best bet
16:16:06 <Dave_is_sexy> What's P&L?
16:17:22 <warlord> Profit & Loss.
16:17:33 <warlord> Aka Income Statement
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22:36:41 <deadimp> I'm having trouble managing a transaction split.
22:36:49 <deadimp> Just to get some practice, I'm trying to record a set of transactions for a haircut.
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22:37:37 <deadimp> I've tried entering the price of the haircuts, the tips for it, and then some money I had received from my parents for the haircut all in the same transaction split.
22:38:07 <deadimp> The main problem I'm encountering is how to handle the incoming cash.
22:39:05 <warlord> income:gift
22:39:06 <warlord> ?
22:39:48 <deadimp> Tried entering the money received (which only covered part) in the split that increased my Cash account, but it's still subtracting it overall...
22:39:51 <deadimp> I'll try that out.
22:40:40 <deadimp> Just did, and it just blanked out the transaction. It did this once before. I'll try it fresh now.
22:41:01 <warlord> The way I'd start it is to enter it from your cash-in-wallet account. Start with the amount of cash you paid, and then add all the splits for the various expenses.. In the end you'll have an extra split which should be the amoujnt of the gift.
22:43:38 <deadimp> That worked! Thanks!
22:44:08 <deadimp> Handling transaction splits is still a little awkward for me since it does those automatic adjustments.
22:44:27 <warlord> Think about it as keeping track of the balancing split for you.
22:48:44 <deadimp> I guess now I better understand subtracting it from the other accounts. Was able to use your advice for another situation I had tried handling in a split a month ago.
22:49:15 <warlord> :)
22:49:34 <warlord> It usually always works best to work from the Asset or Liability account.. E.g. Bank, Cash, or CC.
22:50:03 <deadimp> Can I ask a question about the design of the program and its interface? Or is this channel for more general end user use?
22:50:12 <warlord> go ahead
22:52:59 <deadimp> Is there a reason why they chose not to have a double-click over "--- Split Transaction ---" show the splits?
22:53:19 <deadimp> It would seem like simple design choice, so I'm guessing there must be something behind it.
22:54:38 <warlord> Ummm...
22:54:45 <warlord> Probably nobody thought about it?
22:56:06 <deadimp> Huh... I guess I'll look into the code. It seems like a useful feature.
22:57:28 <warlord> ok
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23:13:20 <deadimp> My head hurts now... Found what I guess to be the split transaction code here: trunk/src/register/ledger-core
23:14:10 <deadimp> Sifted through some of it just for fun (again) but couldn't find the signal / function that showed the transaction split.
23:14:42 <deadimp> I guess the development question is: Anyone know where the code for the toolbar is, or the menu? Maybe I can find the code for toggling the transaction split and see there.
23:15:37 <warlord> try src/register/split-register
23:16:15 <deadimp> I'll go ahead and post this on the devel mailing list since I'm just running around in circles.
23:16:28 <deadimp> Tried looking for that directory but couldn't find it.
23:16:33 <warlord> sure, go ahead.
23:17:42 <deadimp> Are you able to do feature requests in the devel list?
23:18:05 <warlord> "able"? Sure, but if it doesn't come with a patch it probably will get lost.
23:21:08 <deadimp> D'oh! Forgot about Bugzilla. Probably might get handled a little better there :P
23:22:39 <warlord> well, it wont get lost
23:22:51 <warlord> wont get handled any faster, tho
23:30:07 <deadimp> Made the post: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=566728
23:31:56 <warlord> ok
23:32:16 <deadimp> Thanks again for your help!
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