2009-01-04 GnuCash IRC logs
00:51:56 *** wteiken has quit IRC
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06:22:58 *** the-moog has joined #gnucash
06:23:43 <the-moog> Gnucash nubie needs help: GC always crashes when I try and enter an invoice
06:46:56 <the-moog> Update: This is something to do with tax table. The tax table drop down lists four entries, to identical pairs, though I have only defined two tax rates. If I don't put a tax table entry in the invoice line then GC does not crash
06:51:14 <the-moog> OK, solved it, it was the name of the tax rate - it was called "VAT (Before 1st Dec 08)" I think the brackets were confusing a piece of code, how do I submit a bug report?
07:15:49 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
07:16:08 <andi5> the-moog: visit http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
07:16:33 <the-moog> Hi, thanks. Bug submitted
07:17:04 <andi5> 566505?
07:17:53 <the-moog> While you are here I have a question about invoice payment. I have imported my bank statements into GC. I have created an invoice and tried to pay it, trouble is the payment also goes into the bank account. How do I link a bank transaction to an invoice?
07:17:54 <andi5> well, it would help if you could provide instructions how to reproduce this bug... preferrably from an empty or provided data file
07:18:44 <the-moog> I thought I gave enough info in my description hang on I'll look up the number....
07:19:58 <the-moog> yes it is 566505
07:20:02 <andi5> i have not tried yet, but very often when i try to reproduce a bug a reporter described without providing crucial information about his particular setup / data file, i do not see the crash
07:20:20 <the-moog> I know the feeling!!!!
07:20:30 <andi5> that is why i ask you now to try it from an empty file :)
07:21:01 <andi5> please also specify your os... it seems it is windows, based on the auto-detected value
07:21:06 <the-moog> Will creating a new file destroy my other work or settings?
07:21:07 <andi5> to be windows...
07:21:14 <andi5> no
07:22:02 <the-moog> Doh New->file crashed too :(
07:22:08 <andi5> you do not even have to save that empty file (or stock one, simply use file -> new -> new file)
07:22:42 <andi5> take a look at c:\program files\gnucash\bin\gnucash.bat
07:22:52 <andi5> append --nofile to the last line and try to start gnucash
07:23:05 <the-moog> OK
07:23:29 <andi5> if gnucash crashes when you choose file->new only from your data file, then that is a typical example of a crash depending on your data :)
07:23:36 <the-moog> I was going to move the account file so that it can't find it at startup, there are a whole bunch of .xac files, what are they?
07:23:46 <andi5> backup files
07:24:21 <andi5> when you save or auto-save, your previous data file (without the date) is not overwritten but tagged with a data and backed up
07:24:51 <the-moog> ahh
07:24:57 <the-moog> Ok, started with --nofile
07:25:30 <andi5> btw, i cannot test this now anyway (1) no windows here, (2) will leave soonish
07:25:53 <the-moog> Ok, but what is the minimum I need to set-up?
07:26:06 <andi5> depends on what is needed to see the crash
07:26:09 <andi5> i cannot tell you that :)
07:27:06 <andi5> there is also a open bug about a crash when closing invoices... it will be fixed in 2.2.9, no need to report that :)
07:27:36 <andi5> ok...gotta go
07:27:46 *** andi5 has quit IRC
07:28:11 <the-moog> Ok, blank file created with one customer and one tax account, will post as it creates crash
07:33:41 <the-moog> Thanks andi5
07:34:30 <the-moog> OK new question: I have imported my bank statements into GC. I have created an invoice and tried to pay it, trouble is the payment also goes into the bank account. How do I link a bank transaction to an invoice without creating a duplicate bank credit?
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10:06:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:06:20 <warlord> the-moog: you need to Process Payment first, and then in the import you can mark that as a duplicate.
10:06:27 <warlord> You cannot "assign" an existing transaction to the invoice.
10:06:39 <warlord> (there is a feature request for that)
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10:21:58 <the-moog> warlord: Thanks, seems its a bit chicken and egg, lets hope the feature request sees the light of day. I am importing years of data into GC and this would mean I should have created all the invoices first - Doh
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11:40:11 <stuartf> I've imported a year's worth of data from a qfx file I got from my bank, and now I'm trying to balance it. Is there a quick way to do something like mark all transactions with a description of PUBLIX as Expenses:Groceries?
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12:38:54 <jsled> stuartf: no. the only good way to do that is via the importer(s), which remember to which accounts various transactions are mapped.
12:39:04 <jsled> But otherwise there's no bulk transaction management.
12:39:15 <jsled> You could modify the datafile directly if you're so inclined.
12:39:38 <jsled> And you can search for such transactions, then you could probably get into a good rhythm of changing them in the search results register.
12:40:04 <stuartf> which datafile, the imported qfx? or gnucash's save file
12:40:50 <jsled> gnucash's datafile.
12:41:22 <jsled> I mean, it's not supported, only operate on a copy, make a backup first, &c.
12:41:49 <stuartf> what format is it? sqllite?
12:42:11 <jsled> no. (usually compressed) xml.
12:42:18 <stuartf> ah
12:42:55 <jsled> it's gzip compressed; you can use gzip and gunzip to deal with it.
12:43:05 <jsled> Or turn off the "compress" Preference in gnucash and re-save.
12:43:55 <stuartf> do I need to keep all these .log and .xac files it created?
12:44:14 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_are_all_these_.xac_and_.log_files_filling_up_my_directory.3F
12:45:22 <stuartf> thanks
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17:44:17 <u-haul> Hello! I'm wondering if there are any Australians here using GnuCash and have a good way of reporting GST to their accountant?
17:44:44 <u-haul> At the moment I'm copying out the information to a spreadsheet and sending that off, but I'd rather not have to do that.
17:44:47 <u-haul> Thanks in advance.
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18:51:14 <u-haul> Anyone?
18:51:57 <jsled> u-haul: All I know about GST is <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_handle_GST_on_invoices.2C_and_claim_GST_rebates_on_purchases.3F>
18:54:02 <u-haul> jsled: Thanks. I've read most of the stuff on the wiki, which I should have mentioned in my original question. I might have a look at coding up a report...which would be interesting...
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19:14:38 <goodger> msg dpkg nvidia_post_etch
19:14:50 <goodger> damn!
19:15:55 <jsled> at least it wasn't a password. :)
19:16:05 <jsled> or, maybe …
19:19:29 <u-haul> :)
19:21:28 <goodger> hmm
19:21:51 <goodger> I've just realised why dpkg is not responding: this is completely the wrong channel and indeed the wrong server
19:22:04 <goodger> my client switched to this channel after I typed the / into #debian
19:32:57 *** daum has joined #gnucash
19:33:22 <daum> hey guys- how do you do a trial balance? i can't find it in the documentation
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19:39:47 <goodger> daum: reports -> income & expense -> trial balance (at bottom) on 2.2.6
19:41:55 <daum> thanks
19:48:19 <goodger> that's ok
19:48:23 <goodger> it does seem to be improperly placed
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