2008-10-30 GnuCash IRC logs

00:03:15 *** jcreigh has quit IRC
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01:59:10 <JeremyE> Hello, everyone
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04:07:31 <puck> With gnucash 2.2.6 has anyone seen this error message : This transaction is already being edited in another register. Please finish editing it there first.
04:07:42 <puck> That is a brand new transaction so I'm definitely not editting it in another register.
04:08:52 <puck> And now the new txn has disappeared and I've been able to re-enter it
05:05:07 <jesh> i've seen that in 2.2.7 too
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09:42:06 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:42:08 <warlord> regius: no.
09:42:22 <warlord> it only works from invoice to transaction.
09:42:49 <warlord> puck: yeah, it's a known issue but hasn't been tracked down.
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12:16:54 *** blahrus has joined #gnucash
12:17:06 <blahrus> had a quick question or two if anyone has a second
12:19:00 <jsled> please just go ahead and ask
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14:20:11 <blahrus> alright, here is my question, I have 6 bank accounts, and 3 credit cards. What should I label those transactions between the accounts?
14:20:45 <jsled> label them? What do you mean?
14:28:46 <blahrus> jsled: under the Transfer section in the register, I need to label them or the show as unspecified
14:29:22 <jsled> So, make the Transfer account the other account.
14:29:25 <jsled> e.g.,
14:29:49 <jsled> If you're paying your credit card from Checking, in the Checking register, make the transfer account the Credit Card
14:53:11 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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15:17:53 <puck> warlord: darn :(
15:18:19 <warlord> quick workaround: save and exit, then restart.
15:18:42 <puck> warlord: heh, in the example last night, asking in IRC was enough of a delay for it to get sorted.
15:19:04 <warlord> heh
15:19:14 <warlord> well, you DID ask at 4am.
15:19:32 <puck> It was 2100 my time. :)
15:29:11 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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18:53:24 <xi1> how can I set up commodity accounts? I want a gold account measured in grams (XAU is in oz)
18:55:10 <jsled> by editing the sources.
18:55:20 <jsled> commodity accounts can't be setup after the fact, afaik
18:57:32 <warlord> Currencies are not editable.
18:57:52 <warlord> You could just create a standard commodity and treat it like a Stock or Mutual Fund
18:58:39 <xi1> how do i do that
19:00:12 <warlord> Read the docs on commodities
19:00:16 <warlord> it's all in there.
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19:01:56 <warlord> BIAW...
19:01:59 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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20:36:06 *** dft has joined #gnucash
20:36:10 <dft> hello
20:46:00 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:49:05 <dft> I've exported my accounts to a what looks like an xml file, how can I start a clean file and import the account structure exported from a previous file?
20:49:18 <warlord> File -> OPen
20:49:25 <dft> tjat
20:49:27 <dft> ugh
20:49:34 <dft> that's way too easy....sheesh
20:50:56 <benjamingoodger> :)
20:51:02 <benjamingoodger> evening warlord
20:51:26 <warlord> hi benjamingoodger
20:51:33 <dft> well ty warlord for that ridiculously simple fix
20:52:25 <warlord> dft: you're welcome. :)
20:52:28 <warlord> Happy to Help
20:53:11 <benjamingoodger> this isn't #wal*cash ffs
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21:08:16 *** jrc has joined #gnucash
21:09:53 <jrc> I've converted some CSV files from my bank to a QIF files, but when I import the qif files - I can't figure out how to pair transactions between my bank accounts
21:11:19 <jrc> I end up having either no connection between the accounts, or each transaction repeated twice on both accounts.
21:13:18 <warlord> are you importing both QIF files at the same time?
21:13:27 <jrc> yes
21:13:59 <jrc> I must mention that I made the CSV->QIF converter myself - some important fields could be missing
21:14:32 <warlord> they could be...
21:15:35 <warlord> You might have marked those as categories instead of accounts
21:16:02 <jrc> !Type:Bank
21:16:02 <jrc> D07/26/2005
21:16:02 <jrc> PJANNIK
21:16:02 <jrc> T 0.01
21:16:02 <jrc> ^
21:16:47 <jrc> This is more less what the entries look like
21:17:16 <warlord> Right, that would be an Income/Expense Txn which wont let you go betwen Assets/Liabilities
21:17:55 <jrc> Oh
21:18:27 <jrc> What should it look like if it goes between assets?
21:18:56 <jrc> *checking documentation*
21:19:53 <jrc> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QIF <- this is where I'm looking
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21:22:44 <warlord> Use an L[]
21:25:05 <jrc> What does [] symbolize?
21:25:30 <jrc> or rather, where did you find this - then I can read about it myself?
21:26:48 <jrc> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/branches/1.8/src/import-export/qif-import/file-format.txt <- there is something at the bottom here.. I think I can read about it there
21:28:13 <warlord> The [] are verbatim symbols for an Asset/Liability account
21:28:53 <jrc> ok
21:29:06 <jrc> I'll read a bit, and return if I still have problems
21:29:08 <jrc> Thanks alot
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