2008-10-29 GnuCash IRC logs
00:09:23 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
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01:32:24 <warlord> mib_9ns1fq: Send the patch to the -devel list.
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10:10:02 <RikMan> most of the reports i understand - but how does the price scatterplot report work?
10:11:18 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:11:39 <warlord> it uses your selected price source to print a plot of price vs time
10:12:52 <RikMan> is it for investments
10:13:14 <warlord> yes
10:14:32 <RikMan> all it ever tells me is - Identical commodities
10:14:32 <RikMan> Your selected commodity and the currency of the report are identical. It doesn't make sense to show prices for identical commodities.
10:15:01 <warlord> Right....
10:15:12 <warlord> It makes not sense to get a price plot of USD in USD
10:16:24 <RikMan> so this is not a graph of investment prices over a period of time to track what the market is doing
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10:18:10 <warlord> Sure it is.
10:18:18 <warlord> But you have to choose the commodity to track.
10:18:44 <warlord> And you cannot track your "report currency".
10:18:54 <warlord> So, you could track the price of SUNW in USD.
10:18:56 <warlord> But not USD in USD
10:19:16 <RikMan> sorry - i figured it out, i was not selecting a commodity from the list. thanks
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11:14:40 <soa2ii> Hi there. I'm on gentoo stable (gnucash 2.2.6) and try to get it speaking german with me... all my locales are de_DE.utf8. What shall I look for especially?
11:17:51 <warlord> that locale should work.
11:28:32 <soa2ii> warlord: Its just english
11:28:44 <soa2ii> soa2ii@thor ~ $ env LANG=de_DE gnucash %f
11:28:44 <soa2ii> gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time.
11:28:51 <soa2ii> This is what I get in the Terminal.
11:29:39 <warlord> We really should just get rid of that message.. it confuses too many users.
11:30:22 <warlord> but that command works for me.
11:30:24 <soa2ii> warlord: My env looks like:
11:30:25 <soa2ii> thor soa2ii # env | grep LANG
11:30:26 <soa2ii> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
11:30:26 <soa2ii> GDM_LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
11:30:26 <soa2ii> LANGUAGE=de_DE
11:30:52 <soa2ii> It is still english :/
11:30:59 <warlord> Then it's your system.
11:31:12 <warlord> 'env LANG=de_DE gnucash' puts it in German here for me.
11:31:19 <jsled> `LANGUAGE=de_DE gnucash &` on my gentoo box brings it up in german.
11:31:58 <warlord> But it looks like both LANG and LANGUAGE are de_DE.. So it should just work for you.
11:32:06 <warlord> Unless your system's locale dictionary is broken
11:32:18 <soa2ii> jsled: Yes!
11:32:23 <soa2ii> wtf...
11:32:37 <soa2ii> As you see in my 'env' I have set that...
11:32:47 <warlord> Are other apps in german?
11:33:00 <soa2ii> warlord: Yeah. (They're all KDE apps :P)
11:33:13 <warlord> Are any GNOME apps in german?
11:33:16 <soa2ii> But with jsleds command it's german here, too.
11:33:25 <soa2ii> warlord: Don't know.
11:33:51 <soa2ii> Why does jsleds command work?
11:34:19 <warlord> why is the sky bue?
11:34:20 <warlord> blue
11:34:36 <soa2ii> Because it has to do with light ray refraction in the atmosphere.
11:34:56 <soa2ii> So why does it work know?
11:34:58 <soa2ii> :P
11:38:11 <warlord> cosmic rays?
11:39:01 <soa2ii> warlord: Hm... I don't think so...
11:40:45 <warlord> honestly, I dont know why the env command worked when it's in your environment already.
11:45:31 <warlord> unless it's not in the environment from where gnucash is starting.
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15:48:13 <dunk> hi
15:48:29 <dunk> I have just installed gnucash and at the end of teh installation i get the following error...
15:48:31 <dunk> exception processing message 0x0000013 Parameters 0x75DA92A0 0x00000004 0x75DA92A0 0x75DA92A0
15:48:42 <dunk> can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
15:54:30 <dunk> nope? :(
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16:09:33 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
16:09:50 <warlord> well, geeze.. not if you only wait 10 minutes.
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16:54:31 <regius> Hi, I'm is it possible to make a invoce from transactions I have put in my AR?
16:58:31 <regius> And in my AR, how do I use the coustumer, type, ref feelds?
16:59:52 <warlord> You dont
16:59:59 <warlord> AR should never be entered by hand.
17:00:15 <warlord> the only supported means is via the Business interface
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19:40:25 <robin2> Im trying to use File / Export / Export to QSF but I end up with a 0 kb sized .xml-file. Are there any known issues with the export function?
19:41:29 <jsled> Why do you want to export to QSF?
19:42:33 <robin2> my accountant asks for .xml format
19:42:47 <jsled> huh?
19:42:54 <jsled> your accountant knows what XML is? :)
19:43:02 <robin2> i guess he's not using gnucash and needs xml to import
19:43:06 <jsled> the datafile itself is (perhaps gzip'ed XML)
19:43:07 <robin2> hehe
19:43:22 <jsled> "xml" doesn't mean anything … he won't be able to to import it anywhere
19:43:37 <jsled> There's no standard format for financial data, afaik
19:44:11 <jsled> some people also have success communicating with their accountants via the reports, which are html.
19:44:14 <robin2> ok.. humm. i am not sure. that's what he asked for.
19:44:55 <robin2> do you know of any issues with the export function?
19:45:28 <robin2> since there's an option in my gui i expect it to create something bigger than 0 kb :)
19:45:36 <jsled> Export to QSF? Last I knew, it worked … but there's no way to import QSF, so…
19:46:01 <jsled> But, again, if you just want "xml", the datafile itself is XML. There's no need to "export".
19:46:19 <robin2> ok.. do i need to unzip it? (you mentioned gzip)
19:46:51 <jsled> Likely.
19:47:08 <jsled> `gunzip < file > uncompressed-file`
19:47:12 <robin2> is it the file named just "gnucash" ?
19:47:18 <robin2> with no file extentions?
19:47:24 <jsled> It's named whatever you named it. Check the titlebar while gnucash is running.
19:47:29 <robin2> oh ok sorry
19:47:50 <jsled> ah, it's all good. :)
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19:50:33 <robin2> maybe I got the letter mixed up.. could it have been export to QIF he asked me to?
19:50:50 <robin2> does that make more sense?
19:50:54 <jsled> Yup.
19:51:01 <jsled> QIF is the Quicken Interchange Format.
19:51:15 <robin2> can i do that in gnucash?
19:51:25 <jsled> nope. :(
19:51:33 <jsled> import, yes. No export however.
19:51:44 <jsled> You could probably run an XSLT across the datafile to generate one, however.
19:51:53 <jsled> Oh, wait.
19:52:05 * jsled headslaps
19:52:06 <jsled> http://gnucashtoqif.sourceforge.net/
19:52:19 <robin2> thanks :)
19:52:26 <robin2> ill give it a try
19:55:43 <robin2> seems to be working... at least on my part :) got the .gif
19:55:47 <robin2> thank you for you help
19:55:56 <robin2> .qif that is
19:56:02 <robin2> your that is
19:56:11 <jsled> you're welcome. cheers
19:56:15 <robin2> cheers
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