2008-10-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:53 <warlord-afk> ive only heard one other person ask for it... and that could have been you earlier.
00:02:03 <warlord-afk> pretty much everyone else wants MORE matching.
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00:07:30 <mib_dprz52> Actually it was me. When I tried using irc the other day the server was down so I posted to the newsgroup instead. But I doubt I am the only person who would want it since both Quicken and Microsoft Money provide the option.
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00:49:46 <keith> anyone here successfully used gnucash with Vista?
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05:45:17 <Rolf1> warlord-afk: I recompiled trunk with your modifications and it built, the program itself crashes, though: http://rafb.net/p/p0NAIi64.html
05:45:59 <Rolf1> BTW, you haven't had a chance to commit your changes to lib/libqof/qof/qofbook.h, yet, did you?
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09:39:55 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:40:08 <warlord> Rolf1: no, I didn't commit my changes.
09:41:28 <warlord> Rolf1: add job-report.scm to gncscmmod_DATA in src/business/business-reports/Makefile.am
09:41:40 <warlord> that should fix the crash -- job-report.scm isn't being installed.
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10:31:46 <Rolf1> I'm building 17663 for now
10:31:53 <Rolf1> I don't think that crashes
10:32:17 <warlord> Oh, no need to fully rebuild; just rebuild/reinstall in that one directory
10:32:20 <Rolf1> Since you know what knobs to tweak in the build system it would be awesome if you committed the fix to the official svn repo
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10:49:20 <warlord> I will...
10:49:26 <warlord> Just wanted to make sure it was working before I did.
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10:59:58 <warlord> Rolf1: the Makefile.am problem was already fixed. r17666
11:01:48 <warlord> I also updated qofbook.h in 17671
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11:30:13 *** BuleManCrCe has joined #gnucash
11:30:39 <BuleManCrCe> hello...
11:30:49 <BuleManCrCe> anobody out there?
11:31:26 <BuleManCrCe> I've got a hopefully quick question...
11:32:01 * benjamingoodger waves
11:32:23 <BuleManCrCe> I'm trying gnucash to manage my personal expenses...
11:32:52 <BuleManCrCe> i'm an american who lives and works in Indonesia
11:33:10 <benjamingoodger> right...
11:33:26 <BuleManCrCe> I don't have any liabilities - worked a long time to minimize that to zero
11:33:58 <jsled> (/me read benjamingoodger's line as "right … yeah, sure you are…" ;)
11:34:23 <benjamingoodger> jsled: it's just an affirmation that I'm listening
11:34:39 <BuleManCrCe> I pay for everything in cash and my office pays all my taxes, i.e. I collect a net salary
11:34:46 <BuleManCrCe> thanks
11:34:58 <benjamingoodger> ok...
11:35:18 <jsled> benjamingoodger: no no, I know. Just read funnier to me. Nevermind me.
11:35:45 <benjamingoodger> BuleManCrCe: so your question is what? ^
11:35:50 <benjamingoodger> or ^^, rather
11:36:36 <BuleManCrCe> however, when I enter expenses into gnucash, my Assets are adjusted correctly, but my Equity balance remains the same as it was with opening balances
11:37:02 <jsled> The Equity account does not change balance.
11:37:09 <benjamingoodger> indeed
11:37:13 <warlord> BuleManCrCe: correct, "equity" is transient. The equity accounts show your equity at a specific point in time.
11:37:14 <jsled> If you want the running Equity value you need to run a report to obtain it.
11:37:15 <BuleManCrCe> hm...
11:37:30 <benjamingoodger> equity is an emergent property of the system, to an extent
11:37:36 <BuleManCrCe> which report?
11:37:43 <warlord> Run a Balance Sheet to find your instantaneous Equity at any point in time.
11:37:59 <BuleManCrCe> ic...
11:38:39 <BuleManCrCe> i was thinking that the Equity reflect Net Value
11:39:14 <BuleManCrCe> and yes, if I had liabilities that would need to reflect y net value
11:39:44 <BuleManCrCe> however, my net value is actually my current assets
11:40:44 <BuleManCrCe> i thought it had something to do with reconciliation, but I can only clear accounts that I've paid in cash
11:41:38 <BuleManCrCe> ok, i'll try a Balance Sheet report
11:41:41 <BuleManCrCe> thanks
11:43:13 <BuleManCrCe> ic...
11:44:23 <BuleManCrCe> i guess I'll just have to keep my eye on Assets until the end of the month
11:46:19 <BuleManCrCe> ok. thanks. that helps me understand things a bit more...
11:46:57 <warlord> Remember that Equity == A - L + I - Ex
11:47:09 <warlord> So you need to include Income and Expense in your changes in equity
11:47:14 <BuleManCrCe> do i need to worry about the 'n' and 'c' fields if I pay in cash?
11:47:28 <warlord> That's up to you.
11:47:45 <BuleManCrCe> Sorry, I don't understand
11:48:06 <BuleManCrCe> Do you mean it doesn't matter?
11:48:42 <BuleManCrCe> everything is paid for in full in cash...
11:49:02 <warlord> Gnucash doesn't care.. But you may.
11:49:13 <BuleManCrCe> what should I select for that? 'n'? 'c'?
11:49:22 * warlord doesn't bother with reconciliation of cash-on-hand
11:49:27 <warlord> that's in the docs.
11:49:37 <warlord> you HAVE read the docs, right?
11:50:05 <BuleManCrCe> i read the docs and this is the part that most confused me as it used a checking account as an example
11:50:53 <BuleManCrCe> i've never had one - and don't have a credit card - so it was difficult to relates to the concepts in that context
11:51:33 <BuleManCrCe> i would like a sugestion for "cash and carry'
11:51:54 <BuleManCrCe> no checking account or credit card
11:52:38 <BuleManCrCe> there was nothing in the doc that said "If you pay by cash..."
11:55:13 <BuleManCrCe> yes, I have read the docs. Thank you all for your help. I'll go back and read them again. Again, thanks
11:57:48 <warlord> For cash you probably dont need reconciliation.
11:57:58 <warlord> There is no "statement" against which you could reconcile.
11:59:13 <BuleManCrCe> yup. that's how I understand it. So, should I leave such entries 'n' or mark them 'c' or doesn't it really matter?
12:00:46 <BuleManCrCe> btw: the Balance Sheet report doesn't convert my foreign currency amounts to the local currency whereas I've got that working in the program
12:00:51 <BuleManCrCe> ?
12:01:27 <BuleManCrCe> rxample:
12:01:28 <benjamingoodger> BuleManCrCe: try poking at its options, I'm sure there's a switch to do that
12:01:45 <BuleManCrCe> example:
12:02:06 <BuleManCrCe> Opening Balances - USD $474.49 IDR 0
12:02:59 <benjamingoodger> in the commodities tab you will see an option for the report's currency. ensure that the exchange rates are all up-to-date (file menu, I think)
12:04:11 <warlord> I'd leave them as 'n'
12:04:20 <warlord> for the reports: check your options and PriceDB entries
12:04:36 <BuleManCrCe> i chose "show exchange rates" but no difference... perhaps I need to generate the report again... just a moment
12:06:36 <BuleManCrCe> wow! Now I can even generate a report.. I've done something wrong...
12:06:44 <BuleManCrCe> I get this:
12:06:54 <BuleManCrCe> Budget Report:
12:06:55 <BuleManCrCe> This report requires you to specify certain report options.
12:06:55 <BuleManCrCe> Edit report options
12:07:45 <BuleManCrCe> it just crashed!
12:07:51 <warlord> Do you have a budget?
12:07:55 <BuleManCrCe> nope
12:07:56 <warlord> Did you create one?
12:08:08 <warlord> Ah, that's the problem -- you can't run the budget report w/o a budget.
12:08:16 <BuleManCrCe> just started trying it to manage my money
12:08:57 <BuleManCrCe> oops! my fault - confused budget report with balance report
12:09:36 <BuleManCrCe> well, you that it crashes if someone tries this... ;)
12:10:10 <warlord> Yeah.
12:13:14 <BuleManCrCe> OK. I've taken enough of all your time for tonight. Let me go back and spend some time. If I have further questions, I may prompt you again
12:13:34 <BuleManCrCe> Thank you all for your feedback.
12:14:06 <BuleManCrCe> Goodnight or good morning... depending where you are
12:15:41 <warlord> good luck
12:15:42 <warlord> :)
12:20:00 <BuleManCrCe> tnx. I see that i show a negative profit that equals my expenses... and I haven't been paid yet, so there is no income recorded yet
12:20:31 <warlord> That's why
12:20:41 <BuleManCrCe> ic...
12:20:55 <benjamingoodger> warlord: where in the UI is budgeting handled? I can't find it
12:21:16 <benjamingoodger> unless it's a feature added after 2.2.6
12:21:27 <BuleManCrCe> i haven't even got to looking at budgeting...
12:21:41 <warlord> benjamingoodger: File -> New -> New Budget
12:21:48 <BuleManCrCe> my wife will be up in arms when I do so ;)
12:21:54 <benjamingoodger> aha! thank you
12:22:49 <BuleManCrCe> btw: I like the new things I am learning along the way...
12:27:17 <BuleManCrCe> The dos are fairly good --- a lot of irrelevant examples for me, but perhaps very relevant to others who have to manage debt
12:27:19 <warlord> learning is always good.
12:28:08 <BuleManCrCe> As a teacher, I'd recommend a Case Study approach to the docs and using the app
12:28:37 <BuleManCrCe> basics first -> case studies
12:29:12 <BuleManCrCe> users can select the case study that is relevant to their financial needs
12:29:22 <BuleManCrCe> just my thought...
12:30:13 <BuleManCrCe> i teach business English and everything I do in terms of application is in the form of a relevant case study
12:30:21 <warlord> BuleManCrCe: feel free to submit additional documentation :-)
12:30:36 <BuleManCrCe> ... and yes, learning is always good
12:31:15 <BuleManCrCe> sorry, warlord, I don't know how to do the RED thing...
12:31:25 <warlord> RED?
12:31:37 <BuleManCrCe> if I can figure out how to use it myself, perhaps I wil...
12:31:54 <BuleManCrCe> the red writing in irc..
12:32:08 <jsled> BuleManCrCe: like this?
12:32:18 <jsled> (and not like this?)
12:32:21 <BuleManCrCe> yeah... cool...
12:32:34 <jsled> It's just the way your client hilights lines where you are addressed.
12:32:57 <jsled> and/or, lines where your nick (BuleManCrCe) is present.
12:33:34 <BuleManCrCe> hmmm...
12:34:16 <BuleManCrCe> well, you guys spend a lot more time on IRC than I do, I guess
12:34:54 <BuleManCrCe> I am using Xchat on a Fedora linux box
12:35:15 <BuleManCrCe> can you choose the color?
12:36:14 <warlord> Yes, you can
12:36:20 <warlord> (although I dont know how..)
12:36:32 <warlord> For me, my lines get highlighted in yellow.
12:38:14 <BuleManCrCe> can I set it to show the hot interested women in red and the uninterested in blue?
12:38:23 <BuleManCrCe> sorry... OTT
12:39:14 <benjamingoodger> women? in here?
12:39:34 <benjamingoodger> sorry, that was tasteless...but statistically justified
12:39:38 <benjamingoodger> see you lot later
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12:40:23 <BuleManCrCe> thanks again... goodnight...
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21:49:39 <mib_9ns1fq> I started talking a little yesterday about having an option to not automatically match destination accounts when importing.
21:50:09 <mib_9ns1fq> Is anyone around today that can help me with that.
21:52:30 <mib_9ns1fq> I went through the code and it looks like a simple modification, ,just a few lines and adding an option. I am going to add it for myself, but don't always want to have to patch and compile with new releases.
21:53:04 <mib_9ns1fq> It seems like a feature other people might want. Both Quicken and Money provide it. I was just hoping I could get it included in the main release.
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22:01:40 <mib_9ns1fq> If anyone cares about the details of the code change, it looks like a small modification could be made in import-backend.c function matchmap_find_destination
22:02:39 <mib_9ns1fq> In addition to the bayes option check an option check could be added that simply sets result = NULL so that it will not try to match the destination account if the user has chosen that option
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23:12:45 <mib_9ns1fq> just a quick post to keep my client from timing out
23:56:02 <mib_9ns1fq> well, I'm not going to be on my computer much longer, and this client will probably time out before anyone responds. If I get time this weekend I will create the patch and submit it to the developers mailing list and see what people say.