2008-10-22 GnuCash IRC logs
01:30:13 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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01:57:57 *** nsim has joined #gnucash
01:59:09 <nsim> How do I list a transaction, imported via QIF from my bank, to an invoice in Accounts Receivable and thus mark the invoice as paid?
01:59:51 <nsim> I tried the "Process Payment" menu item, but that creates a new transaction in the source account, meaning I then have to delete the imported transaction.
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02:21:11 <nsim> From what I can tell I need to add the transaction into the appropriate "lot", but all I can find is how to view the lots, not manipulate them.
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05:20:22 *** AlanBell has joined #gnucash
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05:27:28 <AlanBell> hello, I see credit notes are on the wishlist and not in the version I am using (2.2.4)
05:27:49 <AlanBell> has anything been done on credit notes or allowing negative invoices in the more recent builds?
05:28:17 <AlanBell> and would bad things happen if I removed the code that prevents posting a negative invoice?
05:35:07 <AlanBell> looks like this 'feature' was added in r13304
05:35:31 <AlanBell> * [r13304] trunk/ChangeLog, trunk/src/business/business-gnome/dialog-invoice.c: Don't let users post negative invoices. (#166864) Pop up an error dialog and prevent the post.
05:45:54 <AlanBell> http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/dialog-invoice_8c-source.html line 627
05:48:52 <AlanBell> maybe this could be converted to a warning asking the user if they really intended to post a negative invoice and letting them continue if they know what they are doing?
05:49:44 <AlanBell> I am pretty sure that a negative invoice would credit back the VAT liability correctly and I can't see any downsides to doing this
05:51:34 <AlanBell> the scenario is that I have invoiced a customer but they are part-paying and I am crediting back part of it. I have accrued a VAT liability on the first invoice and I need to reduce that liability accordingly.
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08:07:08 *** studygroup has joined #gnucash
08:08:02 <studygroup> Hi, i'm looking for a free or cheap billing software for Linux.
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11:56:47 <warlord> studygroup: define "billing software"
11:57:07 <studygroup> for soho invoicing, warlord
11:57:20 <studygroup> for a golf teacher
11:57:26 <warlord> Hmm... GnuCash could be that.
11:57:39 <studygroup> ah, thanks.
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14:17:42 *** AlanBell_ has joined #gnucash
14:18:05 <AlanBell_> am I online?
14:18:09 <AlanBell_> seems I am
14:18:31 <jsled> yup
14:19:01 <AlanBell_> jsled: thanks :-)
14:19:53 <AlanBell_> I was asking about credit notes/negative invoices earlier but it was a quiet time then I think I dropped offline
14:21:43 <jsled> gotcha. no responses in the mean time.
14:24:32 <warlord> You were offline by the time I woke up.
14:24:45 <warlord> reversing that code would be a bad thing -- look at the bug report.
14:25:06 <warlord> the underlying code to do matching of invoices and payments makes an assumption that invoices are always positive.
14:25:41 <warlord> It uses that logic to determine whether a lot is a pre-payment or an open invoice -- and you dont want to have multuple "invoices" in a single lot.
14:25:54 <AlanBell_> warlord: your name seems to be on the code, any thoughts on turning line 627ish of business/business-gnome/dialog-invoice.c to a friendly warning rather than a prohibition?
14:26:09 <warlord> You have two options.
14:26:24 <warlord> 1) unpost the last invoice and add the discount there, then repost it
14:26:46 <warlord> 2) use Process Payment for the discount and then manually redirect and split it appropriately.
14:27:05 <warlord> removing the prohibition would re-introduce the bug that the prohibition was created to protect against.
14:27:22 <AlanBell_> ok, I will read the bug report, thanks for the advice
14:28:46 <warlord> As I said, it's all about assumptions made in the underlying logic code for posting invoices/payments and doing payment balance matching.
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14:28:58 <warlord> And... you left.
14:33:08 *** AlanBell_ has joined #gnucash
14:33:26 <AlanBell_> ok, read the bug report http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=535781 it makes sense now
14:33:49 <AlanBell_> I thought it looked very deliberate!
14:33:59 <warlord> yep
14:36:01 <AlanBell_> I think option 1 is the least nasty
14:36:24 <AlanBell_> at least in terms of someone else later trying to figure out what happened.
14:36:50 <AlanBell_> Whilst both work, it leaves the VAT more transparently correct.
14:40:32 <warlord> ok
14:42:06 <AlanBell_> I will do that then have a go at fixing this poxy wireless router I am connected to!
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15:07:25 *** warlord is now known as warlord-slow
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19:49:27 *** xi1 has joined #gnucash
19:49:48 <xi1> if I want to record precious metal purchases in gnucash, how would I do it?
19:49:56 <xi1> for example if I want to make a new currency "gold grams"
19:50:39 <jsled> XAU is already in the currency list. :)
19:51:11 <jsled> (along with palladium (XPD), platinum (XPT) and silver (XAG))
19:51:21 <jsled> But, otherwise, the currencies are not user-editable.
19:51:32 <xi1> oh, xau
19:51:35 <jsled> Though you can create new commodities in a different namespace.
19:52:37 <xi1> is XAU measured in ounces or grams?
19:53:28 <jsled> ounces
19:55:15 <warlord-slow> well, it's measured in whatever you feel like measuring it in..
19:56:13 <xi1> well i'd like it in grams, but I added it to the price editor and used finance::quote to update the price and it looks like its oz
19:56:17 *** warlord-slow is now known as warlord
19:56:31 <xi1> but thats ok
19:56:36 <warlord> well, the price quotes are definitely in Oz
19:56:38 <jsled> warlord-slow: I don't know. the iso-4217-currencies.scm file says ounces specifically, and if quotes are standardized in one unit.
19:57:01 <warlord> Well, it says ounces but i dont think that has any real meaning.
19:57:08 <warlord> it's only the SCU that matters
21:19:17 *** halycon has joined #gnucash
21:21:04 <halycon> hey everyone I am just getting started with GNUcash and I just imported a log of ofx transactions from my bank and for some reason the balance is completely off now
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21:21:37 <warlord> did you assign income/expense accounts properly to all your transactions?
21:30:37 <halycon> yeah
21:31:16 <halycon> well there are 2 transfers at the bottom
21:31:23 <halycon> that are going to my credit card accounts
21:31:31 <halycon> and then there is some credit as the first transaction
21:33:30 <warlord> Hmm... what version of gnucash? And what balances are "off"?
21:36:00 <halycon> warlord, I think I fixed it, there was some blank transaction it had downloaded into the register
21:36:09 <halycon> That didnt have an amount
21:36:20 <halycon> and I erased it and now everything is showing up properly
21:36:26 <warlord> Huh. ok.
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21:47:26 <warlord> well, glad it's working
21:55:24 <halycon> hmmm I am still not sure if it is
21:57:51 <halycon> my balance on my Chequings and Savings accounts are correct but the current assets shows a different Total
21:59:28 <halycon> I really need to learn accounting stuff
21:59:40 <halycon> I thought I was doing stuff right
22:01:22 <warlord> Well, expand your current assets tree and see what else is under there?
22:02:37 <halycon> oh I am such an idiot
22:02:48 <halycon> I forgot I did all these transfer to my cash in wallet
22:03:20 <halycon> god I really need to lay down the pipe every once in a while
22:04:17 <warlord> LOL
22:04:42 <halycon> holy
22:04:45 <halycon> that is probably what it is
22:04:49 <halycon> i hope
22:05:08 <halycon> warlord, if I was setting up an account and I transferred money out of my account into my brothers account
22:05:15 <halycon> what would I classify that as
22:05:30 <halycon> like in Gnucash would I make another liability account for my brother
22:05:35 <halycon> and do a transfer to that
22:05:58 <halycon> or do I need to lay down the pipe again
22:06:02 <warlord> Well, do you expect your brother to pay you back?
22:06:06 <halycon> well
22:06:08 <halycon> I paid him b ack
22:06:11 <halycon> for money he had lent me
22:06:46 <halycon> but my bank just shows it is as a transfer of money out of my account
22:06:48 <warlord> Um, well, the Liability would have been the money you owed... So it woulod have been a txn from Liabiity to either Assets or Equity:Opening Balances
22:07:00 <warlord> Then when you pay him back, it's from Checking -> L:My Bro
22:07:27 <warlord> Anyways, I need to run to dinner.
22:07:32 <halycon> ok
22:07:39 <halycon> have a nice dinner
22:07:46 <warlord> If you haven't, I suggest you read the Concepts & Tutorial. It's quite good.
22:07:55 <halycon> yeah i have been reading a lot of stuff on it
22:08:03 <warlord> .. and it answers lots of these questions.
22:08:05 <warlord> Anyways, TTFN
22:08:05 <halycon> i am still kind of dumb tho
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22:08:11 <halycon> cya
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23:22:35 *** halycon has joined #gnucash
23:22:39 <halycon> hey everyone
23:25:22 <halycon> I withdrew some money from an ATM from my chequings account and I categorized that as a transfer from my Chequings to my Cash in Wallet account and now how do I specify the expense account that I spent the money on? The transfer section of the transaction is already filled in with the name of my chequings account
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