2008-10-20 GnuCash IRC logs

02:58:41 *** esperegu has joined #gnucash
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09:05:59 <jesh> is possible to make general ledger report to list all other accounts when transaction is split?
09:06:06 <jesh> currently, it shows none
09:07:31 <jesh> ie. it looks like it can't be done with 2.2.7, is there a good reason for that? or workaround?
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09:36:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:38:55 <warlord> jesh: Yes, turn on multi-line mode, and then turn on the "other account name"
09:39:07 <warlord> (under General and Display pages of the report options)
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11:01:40 *** mircmac has joined #gnucash
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11:05:49 <mircmac> warlord: where is "other account name" turned on?
11:06:04 <warlord> in the display page of the report option
11:06:23 <mircmac> Thanks
11:09:18 <mircmac> This is an accounting question I suppose, but when you bring in a set of transactions from an external source you need to create an opening balance so the current balance is correct. GC creates an account. But technically the amount in the imported didn't come from there. How do most users handle this?
11:09:50 <jsled> There's an Equity:Opening Balances account for that.
11:12:34 <mircmac> Yes, that's where the opening balance matching xaction comes from...but, clearly the opening balance of my checking account didn't come from there, and neither did my wifes, nor did my credit card...this is what confuses me (having a limited accounting experience)
11:13:33 <jsled> Ah, well, the documentation covers this, I believe. But, yes, in accounting, existing equity "sources" from an Equity account.
11:13:46 <jsled> (and/or existing liabilities)
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11:20:20 <mircmac> I've read the docs and their doesn't seem to be enough detail for my feeble brain. So, what I understand from this is SAP has a magical account (that I never had in QUicken) that tracks my current equity and liability and when I move an account from Quicken I should increase or decrease (as appropriate) this account for the opening balance
11:21:01 <jsled> SAP?
11:21:24 <mircmac> Standard Accounting Principles or some such
11:22:55 <mircmac> In other words, the real accounting world as opposed to Quicken's
11:23:03 *** ErKa has quit IRC
11:23:11 <root_> commit patches to -dev or to -patches?
11:23:18 <root_> someone suggested me to commit to -dev.
11:23:31 <root_> patches only about document, not program.
11:24:02 <root_> sorry I didn't mean to be root ('root_'). just didn't know how to get irssi run without using sudo.
11:25:39 <jsled> irssi should run fine without being root.
11:25:47 <jsled> patches to -devel,
11:27:04 <root_> irssi said: " Unable to connect server irc.gnome.org port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:]"
11:27:07 <root_> unless I sudo
11:28:11 <jsled> that's … weird.
11:28:17 <jsled> Anyways, off topic here. :)
11:28:23 *** esperegu has quit IRC
11:31:36 <root_> How you managed to have typed an ellipsis? Most people would have typed 3-dots. What magical irc software you used to make that ellipsis?
11:34:23 <jsled> not irc software (though xchat does have some support for doing character conversion). I have GTK's input method set to X-Input Method, and a bunch of Compose-key mappings for characters I like (like ♥ and ☺ and ∞ and … :)
11:38:13 <root_> Great. I got to learn that as well. Gotta google for X-Input.
11:38:29 <root_> Just sent my first patch. Hope it's welcome/accepted.
12:02:22 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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12:29:06 <jesh> warlord: suggestion to use multi-line mode in general ledger to show all other accounts in split transaction didn't work for me
12:29:27 <jesh> now it only shows 4 times "split"
12:30:12 <jesh> show other account name/full name/code doesn't seem to affect it
12:32:23 <warlord> jesh: sorry. I've never used to GL report before.
12:32:32 <warlord> I dont even know why you would want to use it.
12:33:59 <jesh> well, i want all transactions listed, grouped by account
12:34:26 <jesh> which i believe general ledger is supposed to do
12:34:31 *** esperegu has joined #gnucash
12:34:53 <warlord> Try a "transaction report"?
12:39:12 <jesh> that indeed looks very similar to gl, but it also shows splits just like gl too
12:39:56 *** ryanspicer has joined #gnucash
12:41:56 <ryanspicer> I'm attempting to build gnucash 2.2.7 on OS X 10.5.5 Intel w/ Macports 1.6.0. The configure step errors with "Cannot find SLIB. Are you sure you have it installed?" .. I do have the slib, guile16 and slib-guile16 ports installed and activated. I know this is more of a macports question than a gnucash question, but I'm asking here in case anyone might know.. thanks!
12:49:41 <warlord> I think the macports version has fallen into disrepair. I know that fink works
12:56:44 *** mircmac has left #gnucash
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13:21:19 <ryanspicer> warlord: thank you. I'll investigate this. (or maybe try compiling from source, I guess)
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23:03:16 <dbreiser> is there any reason I'd have to rebuild gnucash after mucking with finance-quote?
23:03:31 <dbreiser> looks to me like quote retrieval is just scheme and perl
23:04:12 <dbreiser> I can modify f-q to get european fund quotes and not stomp on yahoo usa or screw up standard european quotes
23:04:25 <dbreiser> gnc-fq-dump has no complaints
23:04:26 <jsled> nope. totally separate process, communicating via std{in,out}
23:04:58 <dbreiser> but gnucash itself barfs on yahoo quotes.
23:05:08 <dbreiser> hmm. thanks.
23:07:03 <dbreiser> gnc-fq-helper is written in opaque perl :(
23:14:54 <dbreiser> looks like the time retrieval is failing. At least it might be fixable...
23:15:55 *** Padre has joined #gnucash
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23:17:52 <Padre> Hello, looking for a way to create a credit memo against an invoice in gnucash
23:19:08 <Padre> anybody home?
23:22:25 <Padre> wakey wakey eggs 'n' bakey... ;-)
23:26:35 <Padre> JSLED -- Hello, looking for a way to create a credit memo against an invoice in gnucash. Any suggestions?
23:26:41 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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23:26:52 <jsled> yup, saw it the first time. Nope, don't know.
23:27:10 <Padre> K, TY
23:27:33 <jsled> (if I did and had the time to respond, I would. same goes for everyone else. So, just put your question out there and wait as long as you can.
23:27:34 <jsled> )
23:28:15 <Padre> okey dokey <-- noob to IRC
23:28:16 <jsled> If that doesn't work, then you can try the mailing list. Maybe search the list archives in the mean time.
23:28:38 <Padre> k
23:33:05 *** nube has joined #gnucash
23:33:41 <nube> hi guys.. i have a question about the license
23:35:05 <nube> ello..
23:35:38 <Padre> post your question and wait for a response
23:38:24 <Padre> how do I access hte list archive?
23:39:14 <nube> thnx padre.. my question is: I thought gnucash is fully opensource. If so, why does the license say "Some of the source files are in public domain"
23:39:43 <nube> Is it just that different parts have different GPL license?
23:41:09 <warlord> Padre: http://lists.gnucash.org/
23:41:15 <warlord> (depends on which list)
23:41:27 <Padre> ty warlord
23:41:43 <warlord> GnuCash is GPL. But some sources are also in the Publc Domain (which is also open source)
23:44:32 <nube> i'm loving it.. its a very useful application.. a big thank you to all the developers
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23:55:26 <dbreiser> It's worse (or maybe better, in a perverse way) than I thought. gnucash doesn't work with finance-quote 1.14
23:55:37 <warlord> Oh??
23:55:40 <warlord> At all?
23:55:50 <dbreiser> not yahoo sources anyway
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23:56:29 <dbreiser> they switched to some iso functions for date and time, looks like Date-Manip might be unnecessary if I can figure this out...
23:57:01 <dbreiser> end of day times come out of gnc-fq-dump like "16:000"
23:57:39 <dbreiser> that irritates gnc-fq-helper
23:57:46 <warlord> OOPS
23:58:11 <dbreiser> however, the ^IXIC quote returned a valid time (17:16) so I'm a bit confused. could be a f-q bug
23:58:44 <dbreiser> the string from yahoo says "4:00pm" (with the quotes)
23:58:49 <warlord> Hmmmmm
23:59:45 <dbreiser> tiaacref quotes work