2008-10-16 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:11 *** Pedro_ has joined #gnucash
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00:14:21 <Pedro_> hi ! I've just placed a copy of the file http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/doc/gtkrc-2.0.gnucash in the /bin folder but the colors are not changed
00:14:25 <Pedro_> I am under XP
01:07:59 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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04:27:35 <joslwah> jsled, You around? I have a quick bugfix to fix a compilation warning that block compiling.
04:28:44 <joslwah> backend/sql/gnc-price-sql.c, line 141. gboolean is_ok; needs = FALSE adding. Otherwise get a warning about possible uninitialised variable.
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08:29:26 *** charly has left #gnucash
09:16:22 *** sadleder has joined #gnucash
09:17:58 <sadleder> hi all, does gnucash match a use case where different people share bank accounts, income and expenses?
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10:43:02 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:43:41 <warlord> sadleder: Sure, if you account for everyone's usage of that account in one datafile.
10:44:32 <sadleder> warlord: may data be used by different people?
10:45:03 <warlord> Sure, multiple users can run gnucash and share the data file...
10:45:13 <warlord> You just need to make the data file available to everyone.
10:45:21 <warlord> And only one person can be using it at a time.
10:56:39 <sadleder> warlord: does gnucash take care to lock data files?
10:57:15 <warlord> locks are advisory.
10:57:17 <warlord> but yes.
11:00:17 <sadleder> warlord: ok, thanks
11:00:38 <warlord> If the file is locked then gnucash will pop up a dialog. But one of the options is "open anways".
11:00:42 <warlord> *anyways*
11:05:45 <sadleder> warlord: but there is support to save to a database, right?
11:06:03 <warlord> Not in 2.2
11:06:07 <warlord> Only the data file.
11:06:23 <warlord> There is work for a dbi-based SQL backend in trunk which will be in 2.4
11:07:06 <sadleder> ok
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13:01:07 *** mircmac has joined #gnucash
13:03:31 <mircmac> SO far I've been unsuccessful at getting an scheduled transaction to happen. I tried to set up a loan payment and it says it can't balance the transaction. And how do I get it to try the transaction again when it fails?
13:05:37 <warlord> mircmac: that means that the system can't auto-balance the txn. It doens't mean that it's NOT balanced, just that it cannot verify it.
13:06:21 <jsled> What're the split values that you're using?
13:20:02 <mircmac> It's the equation that the druid put in for the period and rate of the loan.
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14:33:22 <mircmac> warlord: but it won't enter the transaction
14:33:37 <warlord> Sure it will, if you tell it "yes"
14:34:21 <mircmac> jsled: The equations for the amount, the principle, and the interest are what the druid put in
14:35:07 <jsled> So long as the exact same expression is in both splits, it should evaluate to the same value.
14:35:14 <jsled> (and thus pass the check)
14:35:54 <mircmac> warlord: I'm not near the machine with GC on it, but if I remember right I hit ok it said nope. Then I couldn't get it to try the transaction again.
14:36:06 <jsled> I guess with the right params, different functions (i.e., ipmt vs. ppmt) could return different values due to rounding or whatever
14:36:42 <warlord> mircmac: there is a response that tells gnucash "it's okay, I know what I'm doing -- enter it anwyays". I don't remember what that is labeled.
14:37:27 <mircmac> jsled: what I remember is there was a from with an equation that should calculate the amount of the payment to be deducted from the checking account and an equation for both the princ. & interest that would total that amount.
14:38:28 <mircmac> jsled: I was wondering if there was a round off issue at play
15:05:30 <joslwah> warlord, Did you pick up my bug report/patch?
15:06:08 <joslwah> Or jsled?
15:06:27 <warlord> bug?
15:06:29 <warlord> Bug#?
15:07:15 <jsled> it was in irc early this morning
15:07:39 <jsled> http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2008/10/2008-10-16.html#T04:27:35
15:07:43 <warlord> Oh.
15:07:53 <warlord> I vaguely recall seeing that this morning.
15:08:05 <joslwah> backend/sql/gnc-price-sql.c, line 141. gboolean is_ok; needs = FALSE adding. Otherwise get a warning about possible uninitialised variable.
15:08:24 <joslwah> Without the patch it gives a warning, which stop compilation. Warning seems reasonable as well from what I can see.
15:08:31 <joslwah> I.e. it really is a bug.
15:08:46 <joslwah> 7 character fix.
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17:03:19 *** ergo has joined #gnucash
17:03:22 <ergo> hi
17:04:38 <ergo> during the upgrade from 2.0.5 to 2.2.7 I've lost my settings for one bank with hbci, of course they are in .banking, how can I migrate?
17:05:16 <warlord> What OS/Distro?
17:05:44 <warlord> If you upgraded from AqB-2 to AqB-3 you probably need to reset.
17:09:44 <ergo> Mac OS X 10.4
17:10:57 <ergo> does reset migrate the hbci settings?
17:11:27 <ergo> before I've used AqB-2.2.6
17:11:32 <warlord> By 'reset" I mean you'll need to re-enter your HBCI settings
17:11:55 <warlord> I believe that AqB2 and AqB3 are not compatible.
17:12:06 <ergo> o.k.
17:12:20 <ergo> does this mean I have to generate a new ini letter?
17:12:47 <warlord> I have no idea
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18:52:16 <jesh> there appears to be both "Report's currency"
18:52:27 <jesh> and "Report Currency"
18:53:26 <jesh> defined in .po file, depending on report, i guess other one is unneeded
18:53:52 <warlord> You would need to find the sources.. Gramatically there may be reasons for both strings.
18:54:56 <jesh> well, at least they are both used in reports
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18:56:37 <jesh> report options in general ledger and income statement
18:57:00 <jesh> it's not problematic, it's just not consistent
18:58:30 <jesh> i agree that there might be reason elsewhere, but i guess the report options should be the same
19:02:08 <warlord> probably
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22:51:48 *** reno419 has joined #gnucash
22:52:43 <reno419> I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out. I seem to be having issues installing GnuCash on my system.
22:53:25 <reno419> I'm getting a "Windows - No Disk" dialog box popping up when I go to install.
22:54:27 <reno419> It has the following text in it: "Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c"
22:54:37 <reno419> I'm attempting to install on Windows XP Home.
22:54:43 <reno419> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
22:56:40 <warlord> Weird. A few people have reported that.
23:14:30 <reno419> I'm gonna try rebooting. I'll report back if I find a solution.
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23:31:16 *** overrider has joined #gnucash
23:34:13 *** JohnnyCake has joined #gnucash
23:36:45 <JohnnyCake> Hello. I'm a college student keeping track of my expenses and what not with gnucash; occasionally I use a credit card that my parents pay for, and I'm not entirely sure how I should account for this relationship. When the credit card bill is paid off by my parents, should I consider that income for me, or should I consider it a loan from my parents? What's the right way to think about this and keep track of it? I don't intend to pay my
23:38:02 <warlord> IANAA but I'd probably count it as income
23:38:10 <warlord> technically it's a gift
23:38:14 <warlord> (I think)
23:38:17 <JohnnyCake> Good thinking
23:38:19 <JohnnyCake> gift
23:38:24 <JohnnyCake> I like that; that makes sense
23:38:51 <JohnnyCake> I guess a 'gift' is non-taxable income (to a limit of $10 000)
23:38:56 <JohnnyCake> ?
23:39:21 <warlord> I think so.
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23:39:51 <JohnnyCake> Thanks so much! I feel much clearer in my head now. I just needed the right words
23:40:18 <warlord> you're welcome/
23:40:45 <reno419> Well, I was able to get it installed. I read something about disconnected drives after installing XP SP3. I had a blank CD in one of my drives. I removed it, rebooted, and was able to install. I don't know if the disk had anything to do with or not but it seems to be working now.
23:41:09 <warlord> glad it's working for you reno419
23:41:49 <reno419> I look forward to checking it out.
23:45:22 <overrider> hi; it should be possible to run the expense report ONLY in context to a certain Cash account, yes? Everytime i run the expense report, it simply takes all my expense accounts to create the report, even if i later gointo the report options and select only the one cash account i want to report on. any ideas? if i am doing it wrong: i am tracking how much everyone in the family is spending, and i want to basically report what their biggest expenses are.
23:46:04 <warlord> Which report?
23:53:52 <warlord> overrider: which "expense" report?
23:54:29 <overrider> warlord, Reports -> Income & Expenses -> Expense Piechart
23:54:33 <overrider> sorry
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23:55:29 <warlord> yeah, that wont limit itself to particular assets. it's a combined expense report.
23:55:59 <overrider> thats bad, because larger bills like my utilities bill or so are always on top
23:56:04 <warlord> It /sounds/ like you want a visual cash-flow report.
23:56:18 <warlord> well,you can exclude your utilities.
23:56:20 <overrider> is there such a report?
23:56:36 <warlord> nope.
23:56:42 <warlord> only a textual cash-flow
23:56:52 <overrider> basically i want to run a report on my wifes pettycash account, to see what she is spending my money on.
23:57:01 <overrider> seems like a common thing to do :-/
23:57:04 <warlord> you want a ash flow
23:57:07 <warlord> cash flow
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23:57:28 <warlord> it's just not graphical
23:57:38 <overrider> ok
23:57:54 <warlord> run cash flow. select just her petty cash acct.