2008-10-12 GnuCash IRC logs
03:54:02 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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05:25:33 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
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06:34:10 <Beaker> Hi all!
07:04:54 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
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09:22:38 *** Beaker has left #gnucash
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11:52:12 *** JimRaehl has joined #gnucash
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22:17:53 *** npb has joined #gnucash
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22:30:33 <npb> I can't get GnuCash Portable (2.2x) to operate on my Win 98se machine. Any sugestions?
22:34:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:34:17 <warlord> npb: yeah, we don't support Win9x
22:34:22 <warlord> NT/XP/Vista only
22:35:20 <npb> Is there an older version? The Portable Apps site indicated that it would work with 98.
22:36:39 *** abe has joined #gnucash
22:37:02 <abe> ?
22:37:06 <abe> hellow
22:37:19 <npb> hi, just waiting.
22:38:04 <warlord> npb: bope, 2.2 is the first release for Windows.
22:38:32 <warlord> ( er, *nope* )
22:38:41 <npb> Oh well, it was worth a try. Thanks for the help.
22:38:44 <warlord> Sorry.
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22:38:54 <warlord> You should really update to something this century
22:42:29 <abe> I have problems when I add a new Security with type "Template"... i can't see it again in the Securities Editor.. so i can't delete it. But i know it is there. Becuase when i select Securities when creating a new account, all the Seucirities listed under the "Template" type are shown there.. How can i delete Securities listed under "Template" type?
22:43:19 <abe> anyone else have this? http://www.nabble.com/%22template%22-commodity-namespace--td19376205.html
22:44:02 <warlord> abe: You shouldn't use type "template".
22:44:10 <warlord> Indeed, it shouldn't be visible at all -- that's a bug.
22:44:52 <abe> yah. I accedintally used "Template" when testing.. just learning.. but now i have an account under template, with wrong Symbol that keeps trying to get new quotes.. i want to get rid of it.. don't know how ?
22:46:13 <warlord> 'rm'?
22:46:15 <warlord> Delete the account?
22:46:17 <warlord> Start over?
22:46:20 <warlord> Lots of ways
22:48:52 <abe> I deleted the account. But that Security is still there.. because it fails to update price when getting new quotes.. so i just want to delete that security...
22:49:18 <abe> i would have to start with an all new gnucash file ...?
22:49:46 <warlord> there's probably no easy way to delete it from the UI..
22:50:04 <warlord> The 'template' namespace was never meant to be visible at all... and there are places where it's ignored.
22:50:19 <warlord> apparently you've hit one.
22:51:19 <abe> yah... it is ignored in Securities Editor... but not ignored in Select Security dialog box, and when attempting to get online quotes...
22:53:07 <warlord> Yep.
22:53:11 <warlord> Sorry.
22:53:12 <warlord> It's a bug.
22:54:38 <warlord> Revert to a backup file from before you created the security?
22:55:04 <warlord> I suppose you could try to hand-edit the data file and remove the security.. But I don't recommend it.
23:13:55 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
23:21:38 <abe> is this bug fixed in ver 2.2.7 ?
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23:27:59 <warlord> No.
23:28:09 <warlord> It was only recently discovered.