2008-08-15 GnuCash IRC logs
00:11:35 *** _gunni_ has joined #gnucash
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01:23:13 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
01:24:31 <dbreiser> jcarter: I'm pretty sure the font size problem on the mac is an issue of a bad choice when no default font is set in gnome-control-center
01:24:55 <dbreiser> jcarter: I believe g-c-c is still called just control-center in fink
01:25:37 <dbreiser> and I've seen some weird problems getting dbus started correctly. rebooting after installing control-center helped me once
01:26:30 <dbreiser> ectospasm: that loss of transactions isn't the fact that they're small amounts, but that they differ by less than a dollar or two with a date within a small range
01:27:31 <dbreiser> I haven't been able to create a reproducible case from either a pair of reactions or a month's worth on an import. But I usually see the problem at least every couple months.
01:29:21 <dbreiser> I have identified specific pairs of transactions that exhibit the failure, but it doesn't happen if I duplicate just those transactions outside my data file
01:32:04 <dbreiser> It's also worse if there are 2 similar transactions in the import file, but only one in data file already.
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02:09:34 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
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02:25:18 <jsled> @op warlord-afk
02:25:19 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord-afk
02:25:20 <jsled> @op db
02:25:20 <gncbot> jsled: Error: db is not in #gnucash.
02:25:34 <jsled> @op benoitg
02:25:35 *** gncbot sets mode: +o benoitg
02:25:45 <jsled> @op andrewsw-afk
02:25:46 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andrewsw-afk
02:31:08 *** ashikase has joined #gnucash
02:42:35 *** mfwitten has joined #gnucash
02:43:37 <mfwitten> To build 2.2.6 using [lib]goffice "0.7" I had to use this hack: sed -i '' -e 's/libgoffice-0.6/libgoffice-0.8/g' configure
04:16:46 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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05:14:13 <ashikase> has anyone successfully compiled the python bindings under OS X?
05:15:10 <ashikase> (I'm currently struggling to get the current svn version to compile, to no avail)
05:23:33 *** mfwitten has joined #gnucash
05:26:19 <mfwitten> Hello. I've installed 2.2.6 on Mac OS X 10.5.4 by hand (including all dependencies). When I ran gnucash for the first time, it aborted, because dbus wasn't running or the like, so I ran "sudo dbus-daemon --system" and then gnucash started with "gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time."
05:27:12 <mfwitten> Shortly thereafter, a dialog box (2 really) popped up, complaining about not being able to read the defaults and asking me to do a setup, because things are not installed in standard locations (I have installed everything in /usr/local)
05:27:59 <mfwitten> The setup ends up writing some stuff to ~/.gconf....... and then doing something to restart the gconf daemon; interestingly, I never started any gconf daemon, so I'm not surprised when I see warnings galore like:
05:28:00 <mfwitten> Failed to load key /apps/gnucash/general/show_splash_screen: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
05:28:59 <mfwitten> I ran "/usr/local/libexec/gconfd-2" (and with sudo), but that seems to do NOTHING.
05:29:11 <mfwitten> Google doesn't give me much info
05:29:20 <mfwitten> Is ORBit the problem?
05:29:47 <mfwitten> Is D-Bus the problem?
05:29:52 <mfwitten> Is GConf the problem?
05:30:04 <mfwitten> Is GnuCash the problem?
05:32:02 <mfwitten> I'll check this channel later, so please some kind of response, even if it's "uh.... dunno"
05:32:02 <mfwitten> Thanks
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05:35:56 <mfwitten> gconf's make check passes
05:36:11 <mfwitten> /usr/local/libexec/gconf-sanity-check-2 has no output and exits normally
05:41:28 <mfwitten> Maybe --gconf-path is good for something?
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07:38:04 <ashikase> wow... mfwitten completely buried my question :)
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08:10:33 <Rolf> ashikase: wb
08:10:41 <Rolf> Does Zaurus mean anything to you?
08:11:12 <Rolf> looking at your whois, chances are high
08:12:35 <Rolf> ashikase: All I can say is that I have successfully used the python bindings on ubuntu
08:12:41 <ashikase> Rolf: yes, I have two of them
08:13:03 <ashikase> Rolf: unfortunately I want to get it running on my mac mini (my home server)
08:13:30 <Rolf> Your name rings a bell for me because I think you offered some interesting Z soft
08:13:42 <Rolf> Well, what is the problem with the Mac?
08:13:52 <Rolf> You are building from svn, I suppose
08:14:14 <ashikase> Rolf: yep... and have run into a couple of different errors, depending on how I configure it
08:15:27 <ashikase> Rolf: I tried --disable-gui, but that gives me GTKHTML_USES_GTKPRINT error
08:15:57 <ashikase> Rolf: otherwise, I get an error about srfi-2.scm
08:16:34 <ashikase> (2.2.6 builds and works ok)
08:20:05 <Rolf> OK, one step at a time
08:20:17 <Rolf> You can build gnucash without python-bindings OK?
08:21:21 <ashikase> 2.2.6, yes. The svn, no.
08:21:41 <Rolf> OK, then let's try to find out why no
08:21:53 <Rolf> What are you doing?
08:21:59 <ashikase> I just tried again with just: ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --enable-python-bindings
08:22:03 <Rolf> "svn co $blah"
08:22:04 <Rolf> I suppose
08:22:10 <ashikase> correct
08:22:18 <Rolf> did you read README.SVN?
08:22:27 <Rolf> or README.svn
08:22:32 <Rolf> you'll notice
08:22:41 <Rolf> You need to call ./autogen.sh
08:23:06 <ashikase> Rolf: no, I didn't read that file (oops), but yes, I ran autogen.sh
08:23:45 <ashikase> looking at it now, though, it doesn't contain anything that appears relevant to this problem
08:24:04 <ashikase> when using the options above, I run into this error:
08:24:29 <ashikase> "ERROR: Loaded gnucash srfi-2.scm in unknown Guile version:1.8.4."
08:24:49 <Rolf> I think you need guile 1.6
08:25:04 <Rolf> Debian packaging specifically conflicts with 1.8 IIRC
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08:25:56 <ashikase> Rolf: I was afraid you'd say that
08:26:39 <ashikase> Rolf: ok, I'll work with guile 1.6 and see if that fixes things
08:37:30 *** mfwitten has joined #gnucash
08:38:41 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:38:58 <warlord> ashikase: Also, depending how you installed guile, you might need to set a bunch of env vars prior to running ./configure
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11:02:37 <jcarter> dbreiser: re: font size on Mac: what you mentioned about control-center went over my head. I used fink to check out c-c. It finds version 2.20.3-2. I then did a self-update and update-all. It shows that among 36 packages to be installed are: control-center-dev control-center-shlibs. I will reboot afterwards.
11:04:16 <jcarter> dbreiser: after the build, I got this error: Failed: buildlock failure
11:05:42 <jcarter> Ran update-all again. same packages to be updated or installed.
11:31:46 <jcarter> This time it´s doing the full build.
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12:04:46 *** ech0s7 has joined #gnucash
12:04:48 <ech0s7> hello
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12:09:51 <ech0s7> i'm looking the sources files of gnucash
12:10:02 <ech0s7> but i don't find the definition of this struct gnc_html
12:11:19 <warlord> What version of the sources are you looking at?
12:11:57 <warlord> it's defined in gnc-html.c
12:12:10 <ech0s7> warlord: 2.2.6
12:13:29 <warlord> ok
12:14:04 <ech0s7> warlord: in gnc-html.c there is gnc_html_struct
12:14:10 <warlord> Right.
12:14:23 <warlord> And in gnc-html.h: typedef struct gnc_html_struct gnc_html;
12:14:52 <ech0s7> ok, i don't have seen this
12:15:46 <warlord> 'grep' is your friend
12:16:11 <ech0s7> eheh thanks
12:16:36 <ech0s7> warlord: i'm interesting to look this source, because i would use gtkhtml in my application
12:17:16 <warlord> Trust me, you do NOT want to use GtkHTML in any application.
12:17:18 <warlord> Use WebKit
12:17:29 <warlord> We want to move away from GtkHTML.
12:17:40 <warlord> It's buggy. It's old. It's not well maintained. It doesn't support CSS.
12:18:48 <ech0s7> warlord: yes, but webkit doesn't compile on windows
12:19:55 <ech0s7> i have tried webkit-gtk, and it works very well on linux
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12:20:16 <ech0s7> but if you would to compile on windows, it's really problem
12:21:04 <warlord> Well, there's also GtkMozEmbed
12:22:24 <ech0s7> i have tried it with no success
12:22:43 <warlord> I'm surprised that Webkit-Gtk does't build on Windows.
12:22:54 <warlord> But I admit that I haven't tried.
12:23:53 <ech0s7> warlord: i have also asked on webkit-gtk+ on freenode
12:24:37 <ech0s7> but nobody succeded
12:25:15 <warlord> I haven't tried myself, so I honestly don't know what kind of failures there are.
12:25:24 <warlord> But seriously, I would not use GtkHTML
12:26:39 <ech0s7> warlord: really GtkHTML have some bugs... i have seen
12:27:44 <ech0s7> for example
12:28:21 <ech0s7> i get always this warning
12:28:23 <ech0s7> (gtkhtml_testing:8243): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `GtkHTML' to `GtkWindow'
12:28:23 <ech0s7> (gtkhtml_testing:8243): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_new_valist: invalid object type `GtkHTML' for value type `GtkWindow'
12:28:43 <ech0s7> when i cast from html widget to GTK_WINDOW
12:29:19 <ech0s7> but by documentation that is right
12:30:31 <warlord> GtkHTML isn't a GtkWindow.
12:30:44 <warlord> At least I'm pretty sure it isn't
12:31:09 <ech0s7> warlord: i have to use in gtk_print_operation_run(print, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG, GTK_WINDOW(html), NULL)
12:32:12 <warlord> You want GTK_WINDOW(html->window)
12:32:22 <warlord> see ./src/gnome-utils/gnc-html.c
12:36:21 *** mfwitten has joined #gnucash
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12:45:18 <mfwitten> Nobody has anything remotely interesting to say regarding my gconf/orbit/dbus problem(s)?
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13:02:37 <mfwitten> Basically, I need a more verbose error. Can I set some kind of debug flag somewhere?
13:05:13 <warlord> mfwitten: Nope. Nothing to say. Did you build it yourself or use a prepackaged build for your OS/Distro?
13:05:36 <mfwitten> warlord: I built it myself (including all gtk/gnome dependencies)
13:06:42 <warlord> Well, I would blame the builder/packager ;-)
13:07:34 <warlord> Why not use the existing packages?
13:08:06 <mfwitten> :-)
13:09:21 <mfwitten> warlord: I didn't want to use fink or macports; while they tend to make life easier, they also tend to get in the way now and then. I wanted to try to do everything by hand. It hasn't been so bad ;-)
13:10:12 <warlord> Well, frankly, you'd have a working GnuCash if you used either Fink or Macports. dbreiser has done a HUGE amount of work to get gnucash working.
13:12:20 <jcarter> And I´ve had a HUGE amount of success getting gnucash running on my Mac.
13:12:50 <warlord> lots of people have.
13:12:53 <warlord> ... using fink and mp.
13:13:18 <mfwitten> Well... I'll take a look at what finkd and mp do.
13:13:47 <mfwitten> If it's a matter of patches, I wish those projects would submit them for inclusion in the actual software
13:14:47 <jcarter> I used fink. Been finding it very useful, and learning a lot.
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13:15:22 <warlord> I dont think it's just a matter of patches.. At least not for gnucash per se. (I can't talk to the other deps). But it DOES do a major work in terms of environment settings.
13:15:23 <mfwitten> I've been compiling by hand and learning a lot ;-)
13:15:43 <mfwitten> ah
13:16:02 <jcarter> No doubt. I´m a long time builder myself. Anytime I can take a shortcut, I will.
13:16:21 <warlord> i'm glad you're learning alot, but frankly I really detest people who want to learn a lot by compiling something that is already pre-built for their platform/OS/Distro and when they have trouble come to ask for help.
13:16:36 <warlord> (no offense meant -- it's a rub-off from all the slackware users over the years)
13:17:41 <jcarter> Got to go. Time to reboot.
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13:17:53 <mfwitten> jcarter, warlord: I'm not REALLY learning a lot. I'm also a long-time builder of things; I used gentoo for a long time, and I've committed a number of small patches to various projects.
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13:19:57 <mfwitten> warlord: I should also add that I despise when software doesn't compile cleanly; frankly there's not much excuse, as writing portable code is infinitely easy.
13:20:51 <warlord> Oh, I agree. You should see the stuff I need to deal with at work because of the windows devs who don't write portable code.
13:21:12 <warlord> It's also why GnuCash uses -Wall -Werror by default.
13:21:24 <mfwitten> good!
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13:26:39 <mfwitten> I'm pretty amazed that fink seems to install guile 1.8, as I've found that guile 1.6 is required
13:26:57 <mfwitten> (given that SLIB is a giant hack)
13:35:09 <warlord> Well, they may have added the appropriate glue to get it all working.
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14:23:42 *** marc_in_lux has joined #gnucash
14:24:18 <marc_in_lux> good morning/afternoon
14:25:01 <marc_in_lux> I've got an 'understanding' problem
14:25:19 <marc_in_lux> I currently run gnucash in a very basic setup for personal finance. Very happy with it.
14:25:34 <marc_in_lux> now I'm about to sign a mortgage
14:25:49 <marc_in_lux> I can follow how gnucash wants this to be setup, and it seems quite logical
14:26:20 <marc_in_lux> however, my monthly payments will be split - interests to an expense account, and pay back to reduce a liability
14:27:11 <marc_in_lux> What I'm missing there is how I can see that paying back towards a liability in my expense report. I know it's not an expense. But it still is money I won't have
14:27:58 <marc_in_lux> in my expense barchart ideally I'd like to see how much I spent per month, and on what.
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14:35:31 <warlord> It's not an expense.
14:35:39 <warlord> So it wont be in your expense barchart.
14:35:49 <warlord> But you can see it if you run a cash flow report.
14:35:57 <warlord> but AFAIK there is no barchart that will include that.
14:37:05 <marc_in_lux> I can see if I do cash flow or assets/liabilities reports that it'll be visible.
14:37:52 <warlord> right
14:38:02 <marc_in_lux> It's just that on a month-to-month view, while I enjoy the liability going down, I'd prefer to see it 'expensified' so I know about how much I spend.
14:38:38 <warlord> That's a Cash Flow report.
14:38:42 <marc_in_lux> well.
14:38:57 <warlord> Because paying down a liability, or even "saving" is still "spending" as far as your checking account is concerned.
14:39:11 <marc_in_lux> yes, it is
14:39:24 <marc_in_lux> that's why I'd like to see it in expenses
14:39:50 <warlord> But it's not an expense.
14:40:07 <warlord> Sorry, I shoudln't have said "spending".. I meant 'outflow'
14:40:09 <marc_in_lux> :-)
14:40:34 <warlord> Paying down a liability is still out-flow from your checking account.. just like paying for an expense.
14:40:38 <warlord> It's all in the Cash Flow.
14:40:50 <warlord> There just isn't a graphical cash flow.
14:41:01 <marc_in_lux> I am getting the logic - it's just an inconvenience then, I guess
14:41:04 <warlord> And no, there's no way to treat the liability as an "expense".
14:42:23 <marc_in_lux> cash flow is going to be more important in my accounting future, then ;-)
14:42:36 <warlord> It's a very important report in general.
14:43:26 <marc_in_lux> considering that it's impressively 'ugly'
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14:49:30 <warlord> Then send in a patch to make it prettier.
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15:04:29 <mfwitten> Talk to you guys later. Bubbye
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16:28:09 <jsled> @echo echo
16:28:09 <gncbot> jsled: Error: "echo" is not a valid command.
16:32:30 <todd> @echo error
16:32:30 <gncbot> todd: Error: "echo" is not a valid command.
16:32:40 <todd> @say cheeze
16:32:40 <gncbot> todd: Error: "say" is not a valid command.
16:32:43 <todd> heh
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17:49:25 <RassBariaw> how do I connect to an American bank account?
17:49:41 <RassBariaw> (can I?)
17:50:59 <RassBariaw> When I called the bank, they were only familiar with Quicken
17:51:18 <jsled> "connect" can mean a couple of different things.
17:51:38 <jsled> One is some sort of statement download, usually in the QIF format.
17:51:40 <RassBariaw> I want to use Gnucash with an American bank account.
17:52:13 <jsled> But also in OFX format.
17:52:14 <jsled> The other is "OFX Direct Connect".
17:52:32 <jsled> For this, you need a build/version of gnucash that supports it, and connection details.
17:52:49 <RassBariaw> I downloaded 2.2.6.
17:52:56 <jsled> What OS/distro?
17:53:02 <RassBariaw> Windows 2000 pro
17:53:37 <jsled> See <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2> for details about setting up DirectConnect.
17:53:42 <jsled> I have no experience using it, myself.
17:55:50 <RassBariaw> my goodness....looks like a lot of detail.
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18:00:22 <RassBariaw> I'll study the instructions and come back
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18:01:41 <jsled> Why would you leave "love" misspelled in such a /quit message?
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