2008-06-30 GnuCash IRC logs
00:15:38 <Sememmon> warlord: is there a way to set up gnucash such that when downloading transactions from my bank, it'll be smart enough to put the transactions in the right source accounts? Or do I have to manually set them all each time?
00:16:44 <warlord> Using QIF or OFX?
00:17:09 <Sememmon> OFX
00:18:06 <warlord> Do you have Baysian Matching on?
00:18:10 <Sememmon> I suppose once I've gotten everything set up, it won't be a big deal...
00:18:17 <Sememmon> but the initial setup will be painful =]
00:18:18 <warlord> Right.
00:18:19 <Sememmon> hm.. lemem chcke
00:18:51 <Sememmon> I do indeed.
00:19:50 <warlord> Then yeah, the second import should do a better job of guessing.
00:21:21 <Sememmon> ah, ok
00:22:00 <Sememmon> Fun, manual categorization of three months of transactions.. ready, go!
00:22:22 <warlord> yep.
00:22:27 <warlord> or.. split it up.
00:23:23 <Sememmon> Hm, what do you mean by splitting it up?
00:23:58 <warlord> Well, instead of 3 months at once, download each month separately.
00:26:01 <Sememmon> oh, gotcha
00:26:12 <Sememmon> hm yeah that'd be the smart thing to do, wouldn't it.. lol
00:26:20 <warlord> :)
00:26:38 <Sememmon> Guess I could delete may and june..
00:27:16 <Sememmon> on a side note, I'm very impressed by gnucash. I've not a lot of experience with finance software (just quicken a bit), but I'm finding it to be very powerful.
00:27:32 <Sememmon> Probably much moreso than I'll need it to be.
00:28:09 <warlord> :)
00:28:49 <Sememmon> Although setting up online banking was a bit more difficult than it was in Quicken.
00:29:10 <Sememmon> a lot of info that my bank wasn't kind enough to provide.. had to hunt it down w/ google.
00:29:29 <warlord> yeah, well, it's hard to find that information ;)
00:29:41 <warlord> Talk to the AqBanking people about that.
00:30:12 <warlord> It's THEIR configuration
00:31:20 <Sememmon> It would be nice if they'd just have a list of banks to pick from and it'd auto-complete stuff.. but then someone would have to maintain it I guess.
00:31:38 <Sememmon> Are there other applications then that use AqBanking?
00:32:08 <warlord> I have no idea.
00:32:11 <warlord> You'd have to ask them
00:33:51 <Sememmon> Hooray, 10 days of transactions categorized. -_-'
00:34:05 <warlord> :)
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00:52:49 <Sememmon> food and gas.. food and gas.. food and gas..
00:53:51 <warlord> Hahaha
00:53:54 <warlord> I see a pattern
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01:14:12 <warlord> okay, time for bed.
01:14:14 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:18:33 <Sememmon> g'nite =]
01:18:47 <Sememmon> Hm.. is there some place that shows scheduled transactions..?
01:32:29 <Sememmon> ah, found it
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08:57:08 <ChriChri> :) Hi. Nice Topic.
09:00:08 <ChriChri> GnuCash + HBCI: I didn't find documentation how to write filters/matches to automatically match via HBCI incoming account data to accounts. E.g. I want an incoming booking from my bank account with the word 'rent' in the subject be booked in an account for the rent I pay for my flat.
09:00:10 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:00:57 <warlord> ChriChri: turn on Bayesian matching, then select the match manually the first time. It should automatically do it later.
09:08:51 <ChriChri> Hm, I found that, but is there no way to set some rules manually or to take influence on automatic filtering?
09:16:22 <warlord> Nope.
09:16:29 <warlord> There is no "rule" engine
09:16:39 <warlord> But the importer does remember from import to import.
09:16:46 <warlord> So really, the only hard part is the first import.
09:28:35 <ChriChri> Hm, yes, which is the biggest one, because it imports all the bookings from the last 2 month from my bank...
09:30:10 <warlord> Well, then, break it up into smaller chunks.
09:30:22 <warlord> Tell it to only import the first month.
09:30:28 <warlord> Or do one week at a time.
09:30:35 <warlord> Nothing says you have to do it all at once.
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09:44:57 <ChriChri> warlord: Quiet an idea ;-) - thanks.
09:45:22 <warlord> Unsurprisingly I gave the same advice to someone else yesterday. :-/
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10:37:48 <ChriChri> Yep, I can imagine - sorry, I didn't find anything in the available documentation and this feature is important for me. If it doesn't work I'll pay for Moneyplex - I just need it.
10:37:57 <ChriChri> But thanks for the good advice!
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11:02:04 <romkyns> the Num column doesn't seem to work for a transaction which has a zero amount - such transactions are always moved to the start of the day...
11:04:34 <romkyns> does anyone else record balance snapshots at certain points in time? How? I've done so in my previous accounting system and it was extremely useful for finding errors.
11:09:36 <warlord> What do you mean "record balance snapshots"?
11:10:37 <warlord> As for the num column not working for zero-amount txns... That's... interesting.
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14:03:51 <romkyns> what i mean is that from time to time I check the calculated account balance in GnuCash vs. the actual balance. Eg by counting the cash, or calling up a person and confirming the current amount owed. I can't find a good way of recording this fact in GnuCash, any tips appreciated!
14:04:56 <warlord> Reconcile
14:06:43 <romkyns> tried that. It's not perfect because it's possible to edit a reconciled amount without a warning: by Jumping to the unreconciled leg and editing the amount there.
14:07:58 <warlord> that doesn't warn you? That would be a bug.
14:08:11 <romkyns> i'll check in 2.2.5...
14:08:15 <warlord> It should warn you if you're going to change a reconciled split (directly or indirectly)
14:08:35 <romkyns> nope, no warning
14:09:46 <warlord> Well, then, that's a bug.
14:10:15 <romkyns> ok, i'll create an issue in bugzilla
14:13:36 <warlord> ok
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14:24:54 <romkyns> done. Still, I found this is not the only problem with using Reconcile for this. If I accidentally enter the wrong month for a new transaction it is impossible to spot that the balance is wrong - all that changes is that there's now a single "n" among lots of "y"'s three pages up :) Can I make "y"'s a different color?
14:26:43 <warlord> I dont think so. BUT you can View -> Filter by .. to find specific states.
14:27:04 <romkyns> ah ok
14:27:24 <romkyns> thanks warlord
14:27:53 <warlord> np
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19:48:17 <Lee_Biernbaum> um, kind of a dumb question, but if I want to import transactions (qif) from a bank and have all my accounts set up, am I still using the same file>import tool, or is the druid only for new account setup?
20:05:25 <jsled> Lee_Biernbaum: which druid?
20:05:44 <jsled> There is a "new account hierarchy" druid, which you'll see as well when you create a new file.
20:05:54 <Lee_Biernbaum> the import>import QIF
20:06:03 <jsled> But the QIF import should only use existing accounts, not utilize the "new hiearchy" druid.
20:06:11 <Lee_Biernbaum> excellent
20:06:19 <Lee_Biernbaum> i figured as much, but wanted to double check before borking everything :)
20:06:30 <Lee_Biernbaum> taken me a while to unravel all the crap quicken did to the years of transactions
20:08:35 <Lee_Biernbaum> and i'm unlucky enough to have OSX for only one account
20:10:12 <Lee_Biernbaum> one more import question...
20:10:27 <Lee_Biernbaum> any idea what windows will do if i assign qif or qfx to open with gnucash
20:13:21 <Lee_Biernbaum> nothing, it seems, ok, cool, that works
20:13:22 <Lee_Biernbaum> thx
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20:24:34 <pwnguin> what all information should I ask my (US) bank for in order to connect gnucash?
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20:26:30 <jsled> pwnguin: (nice nick, btw) I don't know OFX very well, but <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings> is probably a good starting point.
20:27:03 <pwnguin> already seen that; but thanks
20:32:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:32:41 <warlord> jsled: hopefully Lee_Biernbaum knows to manually connect the QIF import items to income/exp accounts
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23:39:36 <Sememmon> warlord: thanks again for the help =]
23:39:40 * Sememmon wanders back to freenode
23:39:41 <warlord> you're welcome.
23:39:47 <warlord> and good night
23:39:49 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:39:57 <Sememmon> perhaps I'll stop by again sometime.. two servers are enough for me tho ;)
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