2008-06-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:00 *** felle has joined #gnucash
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01:00:38 <felle> Does somebody know, why in http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash-docs/trunk/help/C/figures most pictures have duplicates with prefix Help_?
01:13:04 <felle> http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-help/ch04s03.html uses AccountReg_Screen.png (without prefix).
01:13:36 <p0troast> I'm pretty interested in getting "Bug 343711 – Splits to Imbalance-USD do not disappear when zero-valued." fixed.
01:14:19 <p0troast> Can anyone give me a pointer on what files/areas to start looking at?
01:18:08 <felle> ... and http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/help/ch04s03.html uses Help_AccountReg_Screen.png ...
01:19:45 <felle> ... so the files without prefix seem to be obsolete, if there renaming in the text files is finished.
01:40:56 *** felle has quit IRC
02:02:19 <harlan> Is there a .texi version of the gnucash userguide?
02:12:11 *** Rol1 has joined #gnucash
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06:27:51 *** MegaIRC has joined #gnucash
06:28:01 <MegaIRC> Hello
06:28:16 <MegaIRC> Is somebody here who can help me?
06:29:15 <MegaIRC> I don't know how to do the annual accounts/closure
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08:03:53 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
08:50:48 <jsled> harlan: There's not a texinfo version; there's some old texinfo-format design docs (src/doc/design/), but they're probably way out of date.
08:52:05 <jsled> felle: Sure, that's a reasonable guess. :)
08:52:46 <jsled> p0troast: Hmm. I'd guess the register is the right place to make that change. Unless the register is just slaving off something else for managing split consistency, but I doubt it.
08:53:00 <jsled> p0troast: unfortunately, the register is a big POS, so good luck! :)
08:57:15 <jsled> the register has it's core model, controller and non-ui view support in src/register/register-core/, the gtk/gnome-specific bits in src/register/register-gnome/, and the more checkbook-specific "ledger" application of the former two is in src/register/ledger-core/
08:57:18 <jsled> (more or less)
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11:30:59 <p0troast> jsled: Thanks. I found --debug, which was delightfully helpful in pointing me in the right direction also.
12:02:32 *** kling0n has joined #gnucash
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13:35:24 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:35:32 <warlord> p0troast: it might also be in the engine scrub routines.
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14:45:28 <warlord> Oh, for those who care.. I'm going to be in Frankfurt, Germany, July 20-26
14:46:13 <nbinont> nice! business or pleasure?
14:46:40 <warlord> business.
14:47:09 <warlord> I'll also be in Ireland from July 26-Aug 7
14:51:55 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
15:21:27 <harlan> jsled: I asked about the .texi version because th current user guide doesn't have page numbers in the pdf file.
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15:25:00 <warlord> harlan: it's docbook xml, not texi
15:26:04 <harlan> warlord: I know. And whatever generates the current .pdf file produces a document that contains no page numbers.
15:26:15 <harlan> That is Subioptimal for a 100+ page document.
15:26:20 <jsled> harlan: the pdf of the docs on the website is ancient.
15:26:29 <jsled> the makefile in the tree does have a *basic* rule to create a PDF.
15:26:30 <harlan> yup
15:26:45 <jsled> But I don't know enough docbook pdf fu to make it even somewhat palatable.
15:26:53 <harlan> me either...
15:26:58 <jsled> If you do, it'd probably not be too hard to do something even incrementally better than what we … aw. :(
15:27:03 <warlord> didn't someone do it on the list once?
15:27:16 * harlan has been trying to avoid learning docbook for years.
15:27:35 <jsled> harlan: another option might be to try to print an HTML-ized version through the browser, using a PDF-generator "printer".
15:27:53 <jsled> It wouldn't create a good TOC or Index, but at least it'd have page numbers.
15:27:59 <warlord> Well, you can try searching the list archives for the commands. ISTR the issue was that there wasn't a good way to detect where the schemas are located.
15:29:12 <harlan> The page numbers on the TOC or Index are what I need - the folks I am giving this to would Really Appreciate it (ie, they are looking for excuses to not like anything 'new')
15:29:28 <jsled> Ah.
15:30:54 <harlan> Page numbers would also help me - it has been a while since I studied accounting and I like to refer to a printed manual for some of the account setup stuff I am doing.
16:01:58 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
16:36:52 <romkyns> is it normal that my gnuCash data directory currently has 243 files? Is either of them _the_ file or is my data spread across all of them?
16:37:46 <romkyns> (just wondering about what to back up. I guess I'll just backup everything until i know for sure)
16:47:15 <warlord> romkyns: see the FAQ
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17:07:01 <jsled> romkyns: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_are_all_these_.xac_and_.log_files_filling_up_my_directory.3F
17:10:43 *** Rolf has joined #gnucash
17:13:15 <romkyns> thanks
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17:53:49 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
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19:01:58 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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21:32:58 <fell> Hi, I just detected, that http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian has nice instrutions, about building own GC packages.
21:34:24 <fell> I think, this point is also for users of other distros of interest and would suggest to put a hint on http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash.
21:36:47 <fell> ... behind the link to that page.
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23:18:41 *** p0troast has quit IRC