2008-06-08 GnuCash IRC logs

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04:38:11 <overcast> hi. is there any way to calculate interest income automatically?
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08:10:41 <Chris> Hey everyone here...
08:14:50 <Chris> In GNUCash, there is the column in wich you can only place the letter N or the letter G. what is that column meant for??
08:21:32 <Chris> Never mind. i found it already :D
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14:56:54 <JonathanElli1> Hi. I have a bizarre printing problem. I have customised the Fancy Invoice style sheet. When I add a heading banner image it stops printing. Its fine again as soon as I remove the heading banner image. Its also ok when I insert a logo image. Can anyone help, please?
14:57:48 <jsled> 4b4b*sh
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19:19:02 <danielv> Is getting currency prices from online source supposed to work in 2.2.4? 2.2.5?
19:32:03 <harlan> I'm setting up an new gnucash installation. I have downloaded OFX/QFX files from the bank (checkbook, savings, credit card, car loan). They import OK, but then I have to manually go in and adjust every transaction because it only IDs one side of the transaction (the other side is usually 'USD-Imbalance'). Is there an easy way I can run a 'filter' pass accross the account so every time it sees a particular detail code on the transaction it will both u
19:32:43 <harlan> Is there an easy way to see if, eg, the car loan IFX file contains the splits for interest, principal, and any fees?
19:32:48 <harlan> OFX
19:33:07 <harlan> I can also get the car loan data from the bank in QIF.
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21:53:32 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
21:54:50 <dbreiser> harlan: when you import the ofx file, do all the rows of the transaction matcher dialog have a yellow background?
21:55:28 <dbreiser> you do have to identify the other side of the transaction in at least one import before the matcher can learn
21:55:58 <dbreiser> usually, you double click the last column on the right, and you get an account tree to pick the other side of the transaction
21:57:53 <dbreiser> I don't believe the ofx spec has any provision for split transactions (i.e., principal, interest, and fees)
21:58:12 <dbreiser> The financial institution would have to list them as separate transactions
21:58:12 <filip> i have a problem where i import QIF files from multiple accounts. if i do them one at a time, it picks up the duplicates (where i've transferred from one account to another), but if i import them all in one go, it doesn't pick them up and i get lots of duplicates. is this a known issue, or am i doing something wrong?
21:59:15 <dbreiser> I have almost never used the qif importer, so I'm not sure, but I believe that behavior is known
22:01:56 <filip> ah ok, thanks. another issue, i would like to have a graph the same as the "Income/Expense Chart" report, but including payments i make to my home loan, which is a liability - so that i can easily see how much money i have left over each month
22:02:31 <filip> but whatever i do in the options for the Income/Expence Chart report, i can't get it to include those payments
22:02:48 <dbreiser> That sounds like a cash flow report
22:03:15 <filip> yeah pretty much.. but with pretty graphs for each month :)
22:03:22 <harlan> dbreiser: when would I see the transaction matcher dialog?
22:03:29 <dbreiser> once again, I almost never print anything but checks
22:03:55 <dbreiser> harlan: just after you pick the file you're importing
22:04:29 <harlan> OK, I don't remember - I did the initial import and then spent several hours 'cleaning' the entries.
22:04:56 <harlan> I got about 2 months' cleaning done, and I am probably about 20% of the way thru.
22:05:22 <dbreiser> the Imbalance account in a split means you didn't enter the balancing split account during the import
22:05:37 <harlan> Is there a way I can run a "script" against what I have so far? It would be a much faster way of fixing things.
22:05:45 <harlan> I don't recall it asking me for anything like that.
22:06:23 <dbreiser> it has asked, or offered the opportunity, every time I've imported anything. But I can see how you might miss it
22:06:30 <harlan> :)
22:07:03 <dbreiser> for ofx, it doesn't really ask. It just says over on the right of the line "you need to pick an account to balance the transaction" (or something like that)
22:07:08 <harlan> Would it be a bad idea to flush all my transactions, leaving my accounts alone, and re-importing the data?
22:07:19 <dbreiser> I would do it that way
22:07:35 <dbreiser> but even that might not be as easy as you think
22:07:39 <harlan> If I import the same data twice is the system going to overwrite the transactions or will it duplicate things?
22:07:55 <harlan> It may be easier for me to just keep going - another half-days' work will get it fixed.
22:08:03 <harlan> And I can print a report on the splits for the car loan.
22:08:18 <dbreiser> with ofx, what will happen is you won't see any transactions - they're tracked by the unique ID, which you have already accepted
22:08:41 <dbreiser> you never see the ID, but gnucash tracks them internally
22:08:43 <harlan> Speaking of which, the new account driud did not set up some of the accounts - is this a bug or just a change between the online docs and the latest stable code?
22:09:19 <harlan> So if gnucash tracks them by ID and I reapply them will it automatically fix the entries with the 2nd import?
22:09:32 <dbreiser> I don't think the 'common accounts' have changed, but it has been a very long time since I set up accounts
22:10:20 <dbreiser> no. What tracking IDs means is that the importer looks at the second pass, says "hey, you already have all these" and displays no transactions to import
22:10:28 <harlan> ouch.
22:10:39 <harlan> OK, makes sense.
22:11:17 <harlan> So is there a way to run a script against my (gl?) that can fix the descriptions and "other side" accounts?
22:11:23 <harlan> I can code the script...
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22:12:14 <dbreiser> the data file is gzipped xml. If you're willing to attempt editting that, you could. But it won't be trivial
22:12:47 <harlan> OK. I have always wanted to avoid XML...
22:13:32 <harlan> Is there a "dumper" for OFX and/or QIF files?
22:13:46 <harlan> ie, OFX-> text
22:14:01 <dbreiser> ofx is text (simple xml, actually)
22:14:17 <harlan> OK, that is "readable" from a browser or emacs.
22:14:44 <dbreiser> yes. I dig through mine regularly, trying to pin down a couple oddities I want to fix.
22:14:50 <harlan> what about QIF?
22:15:10 <dbreiser> qif is also text. very, very little markup there
22:15:32 <dbreiser> (first character of a qif line is the extent of markup)
22:15:33 <harlan> OK. I may have a chance to see if either format has tthe splits for the car loans then.
22:15:58 <harlan> If so, I will import that file into a new account and see if it is "better" or not.
22:16:01 <dbreiser> I've seen splits for investment transactions, but never bank transactions
22:16:33 <harlan> I can snapshot my "database" before and after, removing the existing account data so the importer won't see duplicate transaction IDs.
22:18:17 <dbreiser> you can export your account setup and start over pretty easily. But if you have transactions entered in accounts outside the ones served by ofx, you're stuck
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22:36:48 <harlan> at the moment, I have nothing "new" added. I may give that a try, perhaps in a different directory.
22:37:19 <dbreiser> all you need is a different file name
22:37:32 <harlan> oh, thanks - that will be easier.
22:38:53 <dbreiser> I think it's File->Export then give it a new name.
22:39:07 <harlan> OK, thanks!
22:39:43 <dbreiser> That's the trick. Most people are expecting Export to export transactions instead of account structure
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23:08:35 <aggieryan> is it possible to export accounts to a format such as .csv?
23:10:44 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:11:06 <warlord> aggieryan: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_export_data.3F
23:14:39 <aggieryan> thanks!
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