2008-05-25 GnuCash IRC logs

01:19:27 *** vinci_ has quit IRC
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18:43:38 <aum> hi - i want to write a prog to convert csv statement files from my bank into qif files for gnucash import - is there any info on qif file format that would help me create qif files which could directly import into gnucash without all the 'account matching' hassles? For instance, if i use GNUCash account names, will the file import directly?
18:44:08 <aum> or should i focus on converting csv files into ofx?
18:44:43 <aum> in which case, how should i lay out the ofx file so that i can bypass the need for manual transaction matching?
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19:12:30 <aum> or, is there any way to edit filters for automatic import transaction matching in gnucash
19:12:31 <aum> ?
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20:42:08 <jsled> aum: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_convert_from_CSV.2C_TSV.2C_XLS_.28Excel.29.2C_or_SXC_.28.21OpenOffice.org_Calc.29_to_a_QIF.3F
20:43:40 <jsled> I don't know of a great way to get around the need for transaction matching. I don't think any of the importers will automagically match imported transactions that have the same name as gnucash accounts.
20:43:48 <jsled> There's no way to directly edit the mappings, no.
21:13:36 <aum> for another approach - which API should I look into for adding transactions?
21:14:34 <aum> it would be absolutely awesome if gnucash could listen on a socket for commands - even a simple xml-rpc interface would be great
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