2008-04-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:57:08 *** dbreiser has quit IRC
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09:23:05 <simon__> What's meta-asking? </pun>
09:25:39 <cortana> haha
09:25:49 <cortana> hm, topic needs a reset on this server
09:28:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:28:32 *** warlord changes topic to "Welcome! Don't meta-ask, just ask and *wait*. 2.2.4 released. <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ>. Channel is *publically-logged* <http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/>."
09:28:38 <warlord> cortana: better?
09:30:28 <cortana> thanks
09:38:14 <warlord> np
09:38:27 <warlord> @op chris`
09:38:27 *** gncbot sets mode: +o chris`
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11:22:38 <sirio> hi there
11:23:17 <andi5> hiho
11:25:33 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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12:08:17 <quist> I am preparing my 2007 tax return.
12:08:33 <quist> Which report do I use to look at 2007 income/expenses?
12:08:44 <quist> I've got all the data entered etc.
12:22:58 <andi5> hm... i have no clue about tax returns in the us... i have enough problems understanding the german tax system ;-) ... so have you tried the different expense and income reports? i doubt there is any you can just print and send to your institution (irs?)
12:29:16 <quist> that's it
12:29:25 <quist> I just need to find the income and expense reports...
12:30:02 *** ErKa has quit IRC
12:30:35 <andi5> i do not understand... there is a main menu "Report", then select "Income & Expense"
12:32:24 <quist> Got it! Thanks
12:32:37 <andi5> you are welcome :)
12:32:44 <quist> and then I choose the date range from the Options ...
12:32:47 <quist> correct?
12:32:54 <andi5> correct
12:34:23 <quist> perfect... the report gives me expenses as well
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18:16:08 <simon__> I run a server with monthly expenses and three types of donations to keep it running. the first is one-time donations, next is monthly donations and the third is just whatever isn't covered I'll cover.
18:17:23 <simon__> would it be sensible to think of donators as Assets and the server as an Expense? or is that a Liability?
18:27:01 *** localhos1 has joined #gnucash
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19:58:39 *** Fell is now known as Fell_afk
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21:07:14 <andi5> hm... anyone here?
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22:56:58 <nbinont> .