2008-04-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:00 *** John has quit IRC
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00:10:21 <John> I keep getting a warning that the transaction I am trying to enter is being edited in another register. What does this mean?
00:10:29 <John> Where is the other register?
00:11:26 <warlord> what version of gnc?
00:11:48 <John> 2.2.4 on Windows
00:13:08 <warlord> IIRC chris put in that logic. I dont recall exactly how it gets triggered.
00:14:10 <warlord> generally it means you're actively working on the transaction from multiple sides.
00:14:16 <warlord> You can try hitting 'cancel'
00:14:23 <warlord> maybe saving and restarting?
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00:56:32 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:03:05 *** Schroeder has quit IRC
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01:34:30 *** xi_ has joined #gnucash
01:35:16 <xi_> I reinstalled my OS along with gnucash and when I start it up it says its looking for .gnucash/finances under my old home directory (I changed my username). How is this possible?
01:35:20 <xi_> that directory doesn't exist anymore
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01:51:42 <xi> I'm trying to upgrade from 2.0.1 to 2.2.1, the .gnucash directory is from 2.0.1 but the new version doesn't seem to recognize any of the accounts
01:51:57 <xi> its asking me to create a new set of accounts
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04:28:02 <p0troast> I'm having some trouble getting the menu option for OFX Direct Connect to appear.
04:28:13 <p0troast> ...in Ubuntu's Hardy Heron.
04:29:22 <p0troast> If I recall Ubuntu Gutsy/7.10 correctly, I would expect the menu item to be seen under the main menu's "Actions".
04:30:08 <p0troast> I've read both <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian> and <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu>.
04:30:28 <p0troast> The packages appear to have changed a bit, and I'm not entirely clear which packages provide what functionality.
04:31:13 <p0troast> Are there any updated build steps for either of the wiki pages I previously referenced?
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09:01:00 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:01:14 <warlord> p0troast: I dont think the build steps are different (except for the version numbers)
09:01:53 <warlord> xi_: Since you changed usernames the path differed. You say it "doesn't recognize" the old file -- what happens if you File -> Open it?
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10:24:37 *** wikki has joined #gnucash
10:24:39 <wikki> howdie ho
10:25:08 <wikki> on my linux box it appears I have gnucash 2.2.1 installed by the distro
10:26:04 <wikki> if I install 2.2.4 on another system can I use the same account files back and forth on either version or will the newer version change them and make them unusable by the older version?
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10:27:34 <jsled> There's an imcompatible change in scheduled transactions from 2.0.x -> 2.2.y
10:27:50 <jsled> But between minor versions (of any app, really) the format should be compatible.
10:28:57 <wikki> that's what I figured, but you never know. :)
10:30:29 <warlord> GnuCash is pretty good about not breaking compatibility within a stable release.
10:33:01 <wikki> that's very nice of them
10:33:14 <warlord> Where "them" == "us" :)
10:33:23 <warlord> (you're welcome)
10:33:31 <wikki> I love gnucash
10:33:59 <wikki> I'm not sure how I ever used quicken
10:34:06 <wikki> nested accounts are where's it's at
10:34:08 <warlord> hehehe
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11:22:24 <p0troast> warlord: Hrmm...at the very least in the build instructions, I no longer see a package named "libaqbanking${VERSION}-dev" or aqbanking${VERSION}-qt-wizard. These packages are listed in the Debian page to rebuild Gnucash.
11:23:23 <warlord> p0troast: apt-get build-dep gnucash
11:23:47 <warlord> As for aqbanking.. I honestly have no idea what it's called. I don't use Debian or Ubuntu
12:23:30 *** joerlend__ has joined #GnuCash
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13:12:54 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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15:39:38 *** gotnone has joined #gnucash
15:42:58 <gotnone> Any movement on purchase orders since December? http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007/12/2007-12-17.html
15:43:41 <warlord> "movement"?
15:44:12 <gotnone> um completion of the feature :)
15:44:24 <warlord> nobody is working on it.
15:44:32 <warlord> Care to donate the code?
15:47:03 <gotnone> I don't have it handy at the moment ;)
15:47:11 <warlord> well then
15:47:17 <warlord> this is a volunteer effort.
16:20:01 *** _gunni_ has joined #gnucash
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16:30:07 *** nullvalu has joined #gnucash
16:30:54 <nullvalu> hey im new to gnucash and just trying to get it set up under linux
16:31:19 <nullvalu> eventually i want to share the files between two computers but right now i want to transfer my data from one computer to another
16:31:45 <nullvalu> both are running linux, problem is when i open the data file on the second computer, it shows the Accounts tab, but no data
16:32:12 <nullvalu> any ideas on what i'm doing wrong/why i can't open the data files from another computer?
16:34:37 <nullvalu> hmm actually i just tried opening one of the .xac files from the 2nd computer and it opened fine. is it safe to just use this most recent .xac file going forward?
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16:36:45 <warlord> well, you might want to rename the .xac file -- it's a backup.
16:36:53 <warlord> But you might want to figure out how your datafile differs from the .xac file.
16:37:01 <warlord> Also, what are the different versions of gnucash on the two systems?
16:47:13 <nullvalu> the versions are both the same, installed from SuSE 10.3 repo's
16:47:32 <nullvalu> yeah i renamed the most recent .xac file and will just use that
16:48:17 *** edavison has joined #gnucash
16:48:22 <edavison> I am back ...
16:48:47 <edavison> Is there a way to get a Receivable Aging report with subaccounts?
16:49:05 <edavison> For instance, I have Accounts Receivable and Accounts Receivable:Client.
16:49:14 <edavison> But only the top level shows up right now.
16:57:02 <warlord> nullvalu: okay. that should work. But I still wonder why the original datafile doesn't work.
16:57:19 <warlord> edavison: why do you have the subaccount?
16:57:45 <warlord> (the answer is no... it wasn't designed for that. You dont need multiple A/R accounts, really)
17:00:36 <edavison> I have the subaccount to track, on cash flow, where the income is coming from, namely which client.
17:01:06 <edavison> Otherwise it all one lump sum. How else is this tracked if not a subaccount?
17:01:19 <warlord> by the transaction meta-data.
17:01:32 <warlord> GnuCash already keeps track of which customer has which invoice.
17:01:47 <warlord> although you're right... the cash flow report doesn't understand that.
17:01:55 <edavison> right.
17:02:15 <edavison> So I have to do a different report to summarize the income sources then.
17:02:24 <edavison> I really only want to do one report each month though.
17:03:31 <warlord> Well.... I think it would be relatively easy to extend the cash flow report to notice A/R (and A/P) accounts and break them out into virtual subaccounts.
17:03:48 <edavison> sounds reasonable.
17:03:59 <edavison> I would need to know scheme in order to do this myself, I imaging.
17:04:03 <edavison> imagine.
17:04:16 <warlord> True... But scheme is EASY!
17:04:29 <edavison> you know of a good web reference / tutorial?
17:04:45 <edavison> I am willing to try if I can get a handle on scheme.
17:04:46 <warlord> So there's gnc:owner-from-split which you could use...
17:05:07 <warlord> Umm.. google for "MIT Scheme Reference"?
17:05:42 <warlord> Then you could make a virtual...
17:07:00 <edavison> I will look for the reference on google.
17:08:04 <edavison> thanks.
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22:02:48 *** joeguerra has joined #gnucash
22:02:56 <joeguerra> hey, sup
22:03:27 <joeguerra> how go i get gnucash on my mac os?
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23:13:07 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord