2008-03-02 GnuCash IRC logs
01:39:12 *** kielein has joined #gnucash
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06:35:33 *** Gnufan has joined #gnucash
06:35:48 <Gnufan> hi guys
06:36:13 <Gnufan> can anyone tell me when 2.2.4 will be released
06:36:18 <andi5> hehe
06:36:29 <Gnufan> i read somewhere that it will be released today
06:36:55 <andi5> probably ${nbinont_wake_up_time} + a few hours
06:37:14 <Gnufan> great, thanks :)
06:37:30 <andi5> maybe tomorrow morning (cet), we will see
06:37:46 <andi5> Gnufan: but it is nearly complete... i just need to add some lines to NEWS
06:38:14 <Gnufan> great stuff, thank you andi5
06:38:28 <andi5> Gnufan: anything specific you are waiting for?
06:39:04 <Gnufan> on windows machine, when minimizing sometimes it messes up
06:39:21 <Gnufan> you get like gray boxes and stuff....
06:39:50 <andi5> yes, that is something that should have been improved a little
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06:41:00 <Gnufan> keep up the amazing work you do, thank you again
06:41:13 <andi5> thanks... i am just a lurker :)
06:43:17 <Gnufan> ;)
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08:13:55 <andi5> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.2.4 is up as draft... feel free to comment ... the same holds for NEWS (subset thereof)
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10:06:50 <andi5> jsled: pin
10:06:51 <andi5> g
10:07:21 <jsled> hey
10:07:41 <andi5> hiho :) ... i have tried to pimp our irc htmlizer a bit, are you interested?
10:07:57 <jsled> oh?
10:08:10 <andi5> i guess i have made it the most complicated way again, but well :)
10:08:58 <jsled> what's the change?
10:09:09 <andi5> well, only coloring of names
10:09:17 <andi5> i just wonder where to put that change
10:09:28 <jsled> what where?
10:09:31 <andi5> or, i mean drop an html page
10:10:03 <jsled> Oh, like re-generate the pages?
10:10:42 <andi5> hm? well, i just wanted to show you how the 29th of february would look with those changes, that is all
10:11:44 <jsled> nifty.
10:11:50 <andi5> :)
10:11:52 <jsled> Shades of blue, then?
10:12:01 <jsled> :)
10:12:34 <andi5> well, actually i stole the color selection from #twisted irc logs :)
10:13:38 <andi5> maybe a different order would do better, i do not know
10:14:00 <andi5> wow, you are damn fast :)
10:14:43 <andi5> it lacks any documentation at the moment
10:17:11 <jsled> I'd have made Colors def __getitem__(self, name), so you could do self._colors[name]
10:17:36 <jsled> Also, I love naming regex groups, so you can say m.group('nick')
10:18:23 <andi5> i was not so sure about the first one, but well... it is trivial to change
10:18:55 <andi5> well, regarding naming regex groups... name_re has a problem, as it tries to match two different things at once... maybe it is better to split it
10:19:36 <jsled> Also, why the change to the link_re?
10:20:16 <andi5> ah well... i just made it ignore some parts, i.e. match but ignore afterwards
10:20:49 <jsled> Oh. That makes the groups non-capturing, then?
10:20:57 <andi5> yes
10:21:35 <andi5> (?:...) : A non-grouping version of regular parentheses.
10:25:53 <andi5> if we ever want to have the same colors for a few people, then we can initialize Colors.mapping accordingly... the one thing i like is rename tracking ;-) ... but well
10:26:03 <andi5> btw, tarballs are up... just not nathan, as it seems ;-)
10:33:25 <jsled> heh.
10:34:04 <jsled> Well, I'm afk for the morning. I'll see you later.
10:34:08 <jsled> Thanks for rolling 2.2.4! :)
10:34:09 <andi5> ciao
10:34:42 <andi5> i guess it is time for me to shutdown for a while :)
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14:01:05 <nbinont> hi andi5
14:01:11 <andi5> ah, hi nathan :)
14:01:34 <andi5> how are you? =)
14:01:51 <nbinont> saw the tarball...I'm building it right now
14:01:56 <andi5> cool
14:02:22 <nbinont> I'm good - how are you?
14:02:36 <andi5> i am ... fine... a little bit sick, but i am not the only one :)
14:03:33 <andi5> nbinont: feel free to add the md5sum to the announcement wiki page so i can double-check and use that :)
14:04:41 <andi5> jsled: you are using ff 3.0, are not you?
14:04:48 <nbinont> ok. I guess it's more obvious there
14:05:35 <andi5> i think it was a good idea to put the sum onto sf.net, but i guess using it in the announcement is even better (others do that as well) :)
14:06:18 <jsled> andi5: I am, yeah. 3.0b3, now.
14:06:25 <andi5> sorry for not checking your google calendar, i guess i am too old for all this web 2.0 stuff ;-)
14:06:27 <jsled> b3 seems to crash a lot more than b2. :(
14:07:35 <andi5> jsled: same here ... did not you say that the super-dooper-location bar would rock? ... two opinions: (1) little bit slower, (2) focus the point under the mouse, so no "enter ambiguous search and navigate with arrow keys from the top" for me any more :(
14:07:54 <jsled> yeah. (2) has been pissing me off, recently.
14:08:13 <jsled> I really wish it did space-separated multi-term searching, too.
14:08:51 <andi5> yeah, (3) ... very important, looks done by half ;-)
14:09:06 <andi5> well, i mean as if not thought completely through... but hey
14:09:09 <jsled> Like, I know I was looking at a piece on wipeoutHD on kotaku the other day; "kotaku wipeout" should match kotaku from the domain, and wipeout from the page title (or url).
14:09:32 <nbinont> andi5: that's ok - I guess the calendar works better for some teams than others
14:09:52 <andi5> nbinont: probably =)
14:10:21 <andi5> jsled: i want to push some things onto trunk, but i hesitate to just doing it...
14:12:35 <andi5> one is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114591 ...
14:12:49 <andi5> should enable one to refine transaction searches
14:14:11 <andi5> or http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115066 ... lets you search for all items (txns, vendors) by removing the last search criterion
14:46:17 <andi5> hm.... if anyone has a pending patch, go on and grab r17000 :-D
14:49:55 <jsled> eh
14:49:59 <jsled> er. heh.
14:50:23 *** andrewsw-afk is now known as andrewsw
14:51:11 <andrewsw> hiya boys
14:51:30 <andi5> hiho
14:51:52 * andrewsw reads scrollback
14:51:58 <andrewsw> sorry you're sick andi5
14:52:26 <andi5> andrewsw: i guess i will be allright tomorror for work ;-)
14:52:33 <andrewsw> of course...
15:11:53 *** deepthink has joined #gnucash
15:14:58 <deepthink> Hi, I'm trying to register a sale of a mutual fund with profit according to "http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/invest-sell1.html#invest-sellexample2" but it doesn't work. It won't let me enter 0 shares. Is there a new way of doing this? What do I use to balance out the capital gain?
15:15:32 <deepthink> I'm on gnucash 2.2.1
15:20:16 <andrewsw> deepthink: works fine here in 2.2.3
15:21:36 <andrewsw> enter the zero shares line very last, is how I did it.
15:24:34 <deepthink> It worked... I don't know why but it keep moving the amount to imbalance before. I don't know what I did wrong
15:27:15 <andrewsw> yeah, it's definitely something that gnucash tries to fight a little bit...
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15:59:01 <andi5> well, i will go on and commit those patches above... on strong dislike there is always the possibility to revert :)
16:39:59 *** Aka has joined #gnucash
16:40:10 <Aka> Hi Guys,
16:40:37 <Aka> I'm a newbie... I would like to install Gnucash on my mac
16:40:50 <Aka> is there an easy way to do that?
16:42:32 <Aka> not so many plzzz
16:42:41 <jsled> Aka: options fro the mac are fink or macports.
16:48:31 <andi5> hm... stupid question: is there a documentation saying what a query with no term is? given that terms as or'ed, this should match no object, right? ... but then i regard what qof_query_merge does as really bad hack... i also do not understand what qof_query_invert does for empty queries.... any help greatly appreciated!
16:49:09 <andi5> actually i have always waited when this might bite me :)
17:01:28 <garry> Aka: i had gnucash on my mac, and i installed it from macports.
17:01:44 <garry> Aka: "sudo port install gnucash"
17:02:07 <garry> Aka: this installs the X11 version i believe
17:02:13 <Aka> Garry, thnx... I'm trying to install Macports
17:02:22 <Aka> but it takes a while
17:02:24 <Aka> :-)
17:02:25 <garry> yeah
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17:25:28 <Aka> garry: I tried this command: sudo port selfupdate
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17:25:37 <Aka> but it doesn't work
17:25:48 <Aka> 'command not found'
17:33:16 <garry> Aka: make sure '/opt/local/bin' is in your path
17:34:07 *** yzf600 has joined #gnucash
17:34:33 <yzf600> I don't understand how scheduled transactions work when they are just reminders
17:35:33 <yzf600> I read the docs, and they said that the "Since Last run" druid will allow me to select the reminided transactions to create them
17:35:53 <yzf600> but it only allows me to select only one line, and it doesn't even create the transaction
17:36:01 <yzf600> btw - I'musing 2.2.3
17:36:13 <andi5> yzf600: i think they can also be created automagically a few days ahead of date...
17:36:28 <yzf600> right, but I don't want them automatically created
17:36:47 <andi5> so your transactions are not created if you click ok?
17:36:49 <andrewsw> you can select more than one by using ctrl-click, I believe, if I understand the problem properly.
17:36:52 <yzf600> correct
17:37:17 <yzf600> ctrl-click only allows 1 selection
17:37:26 <andi5> shift-click the last?
17:37:42 <yzf600> same thing, only 1 selection
17:38:32 * andrewsw has no pending txns to test with...
17:38:33 <andi5> is your sx active? :)
17:38:54 <yzf600> sx?
17:39:01 <andi5> scheduled transaction :)
17:40:03 <andi5> really, i do not need to do anything in the since-last-run dialog, ... all txns say they are going to be created, then i click ok, and everything is as said: ok
17:40:34 <yzf600> basically, my since last run druid has a line for every scheduled transaction I have
17:40:46 <andi5> is that really a druid?
17:41:26 <yzf600> I selected "Actions->Scheduled Transactions->Since Last Run
17:42:12 <yzf600> so my window has a "drop down" arrow for each scheduled transaction that it reminds me about
17:42:27 <yzf600> The drop down is opened by default
17:42:51 <yzf600> the opened part contains 3 columns - date, status and value
17:44:16 <yzf600> I don't want certain things as automatic entries because I have more than one account that I can pay them from. I want it to remind me a bill is due, but allow me to alter it as need be.
17:45:03 <yzf600> Also, many bills are not a set amount each month. I'd like it to remind me when it is due, and I can fill in the amount of the bill and then have it create it.
17:45:16 <yzf600> I guess they all could be automatic entered transactions
17:45:31 <andi5> yzf600: you can use variables in your template transactions, but i do not have an explanation link right now for you
17:45:37 <yzf600> and I click the "review created transactions" box before I hit ok
17:45:50 <andi5> yzf600: also, what does the "status column" say?
17:45:56 <yzf600> reminder
17:47:09 <andi5> so did you activate "remind days in advance" or "create days in advance"?
17:47:17 <andi5> i suppose you want the latter and not the primer
17:48:02 <yzf600> I hae the enabled, remind in advance boxes selected in the scheduled tx editor
17:48:07 <yzf600> hae=have
17:48:43 <andi5> yes, of course... and 3 = 4 ;-)
17:48:51 <yzf600> ;)
17:49:01 <andi5> yzf600: so what about the other checkbox?
17:49:17 <yzf600> create automatically and create in advance are not checked
17:49:39 <andi5> then check "create in advance" and uncheck "remind in advance", i would say :)
17:50:16 <andrewsw> I think that's right. Create in advance I think lets you defer if you want.
17:50:48 <yzf600> Ok, well let me change a few of them to create in advance and see if I can defer creation
17:50:54 <andi5> andrewsw: does that mean i said something sensible?
17:51:01 <andrewsw> always! ;)
17:51:07 <andi5> hey cool ;-)
17:51:11 <andrewsw> even in your cough syrup induced fog...
17:51:19 <andi5> hehe
17:52:09 <yzf600> ok, so I changed one of the "remind in advance" tx'es to "create in advance"
17:52:20 <yzf600> now the druid shows the status as "to create"
17:52:27 <yzf600> but no ability to defre creation
17:52:51 <yzf600> I can review it after I hit ok, though
17:53:09 <andi5> yzf600: check "postponed" in the status column
17:53:29 <yzf600> The reminders just don't seem to work as they are described in the docs:
17:53:49 <andrewsw> there it is, yes... change the status column.
17:54:09 <yzf600> well shit
17:54:13 <andrewsw> yzf600: compliance with docs is always a tricky thing...
17:54:18 <yzf600> thanks a ton
17:54:25 * andrewsw should remember to read docs before changing code
17:54:26 <andi5> does it make sense now? :)
17:54:40 <yzf600> the docs don't say anything about changing the status column
17:54:43 <andi5> i want dvherman back!!! :-D
17:55:12 <yzf600> thank you, thank you, thank you
17:55:14 <andi5> yzf600: i am not sure what has changed in 2.2, but i think this was a druid before
17:55:34 <yzf600> that would make sense.
17:55:36 <yzf600> sheesh
17:55:44 <yzf600> those docs need updating
17:55:46 <yzf600> ;)
17:56:00 <andrewsw> patches welcome!
17:56:05 <andi5> yzf600: do us a favor and enter a bug at bugzilla.gnome.org, if there is not one yet
17:56:10 <andi5> or patches would rock even more!
17:56:11 <yzf600> will do
17:56:26 <yzf600> I would patch it, but I only know this one little thing
17:56:48 <andi5> well, nice warmup, i would say :)
17:56:56 <andrewsw> small discrete patches are great! and then the next poor sucker will get it ;)
17:57:07 <andrewsw> btw, what year yzf?
17:57:19 <yzf600> I'd hate to update jus the "since last run" section ( and not the whole 5.3.9 section
17:57:35 <yzf600> I have a '98 yzf600
17:57:44 <yzf600> hard to think it is 10 years old
17:58:27 <andrewsw> heh. my suz bandit 400 is 15 yrs old and still eats bigger bikes for lunch in the twisties...
17:59:33 <andi5> @tell nbinont i will be back tomorrow morning (~05 utc), have fun :)
17:59:33 <gncbot> andi5: The operation succeeded.
17:59:36 <yzf600> yea - I still love my bike. It still looks pretty modern too
17:59:42 <andi5> good night!
17:59:46 <yzf600> later
17:59:48 <andrewsw> ciao andi5
17:59:49 <andrewsw> get well
17:59:52 *** andi5 has quit IRC
18:00:46 <andrewsw> I had a '91 bandit and sold it in 2000. big mistake. I'll never sell my current '93
18:01:17 <yzf600> what classification is gnucash under for bugzilla?
18:01:40 <yzf600> oh - there it is - other
18:01:48 <andrewsw> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash
18:02:36 <andrewsw> I'm out too... rubber side down yzf600
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18:39:42 <chris> hey, cstim's a celebrity. :)
18:40:21 <chris> I just read an interview with him in the msysGit Herald.
18:42:03 <chris> http://marc.info/?l=git&m=120450073705567&w=2
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19:08:26 <andrewsw> I wonder who's project had the "dead lame CVS server"
19:08:45 <andrewsw> /who's/whose
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20:11:58 <warlord> .
20:14:59 <andrewsw> hiya warlord, how's things?
20:15:27 <warlord> not too bad.
20:15:30 <warlord> been a good weekend.
20:16:02 <andrewsw> cool. I was in an ACM programming contest this weekend...
20:17:40 <warlord> how did you do?
20:19:00 <andrewsw> third place in a field of eight. We should have done better but... who knew java does the right thing and want radians for it's trig fcns...
20:19:23 * andrewsw is embarrassed by that one.
20:19:44 <warlord> Hahahah
20:20:57 <andrewsw> exactly.
20:21:17 <warlord> although it's something I would've forgotten, too
20:22:05 <andrewsw> I wrote the solution so quickly, that I was suspecting I had some bounding problem or fencepost problem... nope...
20:22:35 <warlord> oh. oops.
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20:34:15 <andrewsw> dinner...
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