2008-02-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:31:41 <blahdeblah-lap> Hi gnucashers (gnucashiers?)! I've just copied a data file from my desktop running gnucash 2.0.5-1 (Debian etch) to my laptop running 2.2.1-1ubuntu4 (Ubuntu gutsy), and when i try to run the fancy invoice report, i get " Report error An error occurred while running the report. " What can i do to find out the cause?
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08:39:14 <warlord> blahdeblah-lap: look in /tmp/gnucash.trace?
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09:14:18 <Pupeno> Hello.
09:14:54 <Pupeno> How do you reccord credit card payments? Transfering from bank account to what? and do you record the details of what was expent (each item on the credit card)?
09:17:57 <warlord> Bank -> CC
09:18:11 <warlord> yes, each purchase is CC -> Exp
09:20:13 <cortilap> Pupeno, where CC is a Liability account
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09:27:06 <warlord> Well, CC is of type "Credit Card"
09:30:31 <Pupeno> So, in Liability:CC, I put a charge for each time I buy something with the credit card and a payment each time I transfer money from my bank account to my credit card?
09:30:57 <Pupeno> Doing that, when I have "extra money" in the credit card, it appears negative and in red, is that normal?
09:34:35 <jsled> yes.
09:34:44 <jsled> by default, credit card accounts "sign reverse".
09:34:45 <cortilap> it means the bank owes you! :)
09:34:52 <cortilap> you can change that in the prefs btw
09:34:57 <jsled> yup.
09:35:21 <jsled> For the normal case, where you have a balance (you owe the bank money) on the credit card, the balance on the account will be positive.
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09:36:46 <Pupeno> ok,
09:36:48 <Pupeno> thanks.
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15:29:59 <andi5> OK... backport time again.... does anyone object to any of the following revisions (hoping i noted them correctly ;-)): 16852, 16884, 16931, 16932, 16934, 16935, 16939, 16940 ? ... thanks
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16:01:01 <blahdeblah-lap> warlord: Re: report error yesterday - there's nothing in gnucash.trace, but here's the standard output/error: http://rafb.net/p/0T33tc99.html
16:01:37 <warlord> blahdeblah-lap: what version of gnucash?
16:02:02 <warlord> I thought this was fixed already.
16:02:38 <andi5> so did i
16:03:46 <andi5> blahdeblah-lap: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483796
16:38:54 <blahdeblah-lap> andi5, warlord: thanks - i'll wait for a backport
16:39:09 <andi5> blahdeblah-lap: did you read the last comment?
16:39:27 <andi5> or do you mean an ubuntu backport?
16:41:08 <blahdeblah-lap> ubuntu backport :-)
16:41:17 <andi5> ok :-D
16:41:32 <blahdeblah-lap> With my skills in guile, i'm not about to attempt a build
16:41:34 <blahdeblah-lap> ;-)
16:41:42 <blahdeblah-lap> Thanks - gotta go.
16:41:48 <andi5> too bad
16:41:53 <andi5> no minute left?
16:42:33 <andi5> ah... ok, i see that you need quite some developer tools to apply the fix, so you are probably right in waiting
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17:31:19 <andi5> Oh, r16914 would be interesting as well :)
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18:12:06 <guillaume__> hello all
18:12:42 <guillaume__> I have a small question
18:14:13 <guillaume__> When I try to print an invoice, I get an error only when I select the "show Individual Taxes" chek boxe in the option
18:15:30 <guillaume__> but one of my customer is asking me to provide individual taxes on his invoice.. grrr.. I've setup my tax table to have 2 tax entry in one tax table
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18:34:12 <guillaume__> anybody can help me please?
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19:33:30 <twunder> is svn access restricted/borken?
19:36:55 *** andrewsw-afk is now known as andrewsw
19:36:59 <andrewsw> hey twunder
19:37:08 <twunder> hey andrewsw
19:37:09 <andrewsw> I'm trying now, haven't pulled in a while...
19:37:13 <twunder> how goes it?
19:37:22 <andrewsw> pretty well, and you?
19:37:36 <twunder> same :)
19:37:51 <andrewsw> school's got me running ragged and no time for gnucash, but I still lurk...
19:38:01 <andrewsw> looks like git-svn is hung up trying to pull.
19:38:08 <andrewsw> s/pull/rebase/
19:38:52 <twunder> I'm just trying an svn co of branches/2.2 and it just hangs
19:39:30 <andrewsw> okay, I just got svn co /trunk and it hung for a while and then went through.
19:39:36 <andrewsw> Probably stuck for 20 seconds or so.
19:40:08 <andrewsw> but that was anonymous, not ssh+svn...
19:40:31 * twunder only pulls anonymous
19:40:56 * twunder isn't a real dev, but he plays one on IRC
19:41:21 <andrewsw> heh heh. I'm not either but somehow snowed andi5... ;)_
19:42:07 <andrewsw> well, it's working for me know in git-svn as well...
19:42:23 * andrewsw watches a whole lotta revs go by
19:42:32 <twunder> trunk or branch?
19:42:43 <andrewsw> trunk. hold on I'll try branches
19:42:52 <twunder> I don't suspect it should matter
19:43:32 <andrewsw> branches/2.2 coming down now.
19:43:51 <twunder> so it's me :/
19:43:54 <andrewsw> the tubes must be clogged in your neck of the world...
19:44:01 <andrewsw> guillaume__: you still there?
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19:45:13 <twunder> andrewsw: looks liek not
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19:45:34 <andrewsw> whoops... back again!
19:45:45 <andrewsw> guillaume__: what is the error you get when running the invoice?
19:46:52 <twunder> svn.gnucash.org responds to pings (46.7-59.0 ms)
19:47:04 <twunder> so it ain't the tubes
19:48:00 <andrewsw> twunder: what's it doing, just sitting there blinking?
19:48:19 <twunder> yeah, cept for the blinking part
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19:49:51 <twunder> hmmm
19:49:56 <andrewsw> just to check the obvious, what is your command?
19:49:57 <twunder> it's working now
19:50:11 <andrewsw> oh yeah? how long did it sit there?
19:50:16 <twunder> does svn require a special port open?
19:50:28 * andrewsw 's pull got in front of twunders...
19:50:40 <twunder> I killed my firewall and it started working
19:50:58 <andrewsw> huh. depends on what url you used, but I'm guess just port 80 for http://svn...
19:51:27 <twunder> that would make sense
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19:52:13 <twunder> well, I restored my firewall and it's still working
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19:52:23 <andrewsw> but what is the intersection of "make's sense" and reality?
19:52:39 <twunder> 42
19:53:03 <andrewsw> LOL
19:53:23 <twunder> "Checked out revision 16976"
19:53:53 <andrewsw> that's where I'm at in trunk.
19:54:47 <twunder> I think you get the same answer regardless of what you check out (but just cuz I think it doesn't make it right)
19:55:06 <andrewsw> see twunder 5 lines back...
19:55:22 <andrewsw> dang, Charles Day is a busy boy.
20:01:26 <twunder> indeed
20:01:59 <twunder> odd, it seems that bringing down my firewall is necessary for svn to work :/
20:03:48 <andrewsw> so is it trying to get out on some other port first? tcpdump might be in order.
20:10:03 <twunder> tcpdump is too noisy :/
20:10:24 <andrewsw> you can filter it. Filter it for only the gnucash host.
20:12:42 <andrewsw> `tcpdump host svn.gnucash.org` I think should do it
20:13:07 <twunder> I'll try that when I come back on line
20:13:09 <twunder> l8r
20:13:13 <andrewsw> ciao
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20:41:57 <guillaume> I need help to understand this
20:42:19 <andrewsw> guillaume: are you still getting errors in the invoice?
20:42:25 <guillaume> yep
20:42:54 <andrewsw> I don't normally work with invoices, but I can try. Note though that I don't think there is support for more than one tax displayed.
20:43:24 <andrewsw> So tell me which invoice and what options.
20:43:30 <guillaume> ok
20:44:37 <guillaume> sorry i got my 82 years old grand father on the phone to try to make his dvd to work...
20:45:05 <andrewsw> no problem. I'm here for a little longer.
20:46:14 <andrewsw> Ah, I spoke to soon. Gotta run, but do this:
20:46:27 <andrewsw> run gnucash from a terminal,
20:46:42 <andrewsw> run the invoice and then if any output appears in the terminal paste it up at pastebin.ca
20:46:55 <andrewsw> put the link here and keep lurking, someone will be along sooner or later.
20:47:02 <andrewsw> sorry to dodge out. good luck.
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20:47:27 <guillaume> thanks
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21:02:57 <guillaume> here is the pastebin link http://pastebin.ca/922860
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21:58:42 <warlord> guillaume: you're on 2.2.1? Upgrade to 2.2.3. This problem has been fixed already.
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22:32:44 <guillaume> oo really
22:37:40 <warlord> guillaume: yes, really. http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483796
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23:04:41 <guillaume> is there a special way to upgrade ?! maybe...
23:07:15 <jsled> a special way?
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23:08:03 <guillaume> lol, well, I realy dont know how
23:08:17 <jsled> what distro/os?
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