2008-02-20 GnuCash IRC logs
00:16:48 *** thebanana has joined #gnucash
00:19:00 <thebanana> how do i tell gnucash about a new invoice stylesheet?
00:19:18 <thebanana> i've created /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/custom-invoice.scm
00:22:11 <thebanana> actually, it seems that i've basically just built a new type of invoice
00:22:18 <thebanana> how do i activate it?
00:22:20 <warlord> Umm.. You need to get gnucash to load it, either by editing the master style-sheets scheme file (and re-modifying it every time you update) or by using config.user to (load) the file.
00:26:43 <thebanana> interesting ... anywhere i can look for more info on config.user?
00:27:21 <thebanana> nevermind - found the wiki page on custom reports
00:32:13 <warlord> ok
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08:05:37 <Miego> I am using GnuCash v2.2.3 on WinXP SP2 with German localization. After I work with GnuCash for I while (i.e. opening and closing tabs and doing my financial stuff...) and then minimize it, it crashes... An odd thing I also noticed is that there are a few (number varies) of minimized windows above the task bar. If I click on them, in order to restore them, they pop up as small grey boxes. This doesn't happen if GnuCash does not crash on minimi
08:05:37 <Miego> ime, it won't crash.) Any ideas?
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10:54:24 <Miego> PS: If the "grey boxes" thing isn't quite clear yet, I posted some pics at miego.hopto.org
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11:24:05 <warlord> Miego: I'm afraid I dont have an answer for you. I believe that some other people have also seen the same problem as you. I do not know if there's a bug# for it or not.
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13:14:44 <Miego> warlord: Okay, nevermind then. It has just been bugging me and I was hoping for an easy fix... but actually I just have to save my data everytime before I minimize or set the automatic saving to the lowest setting so that there won't be any dataloss... Thanks for the answer, though.
13:15:09 <warlord> You might try looking on the wiki?
13:15:14 <warlord> This might be discussed there.
13:16:06 <Miego> Actually, that's a good idea... I have been quite busy the last days and will be the nest week, but I will have a look...
13:16:18 <Miego> I will post here, if I find something
13:16:26 <Miego> If you are interested... :)
13:19:02 <warlord> sure.
13:25:41 *** dragonbyte has joined #gnucash
13:25:53 <dragonbyte> is anyone here using GNUcash with OSX/Macports?
13:26:01 <dragonbyte> I finally got it to install and now its giving me some odd errors
13:26:30 <dragonbyte> /opt/local/share/gnucash/scm/date-utilities.scm:382:3: Unbound variable: map
13:26:30 <dragonbyte> /opt/local/share/gnucash/scm/date-utilities.scm:382:3: Unbound variable: map
13:26:30 <dragonbyte> /opt/local/share/gnucash/scm/date-utilities.scm:382:3: Unbound variable: map
13:26:38 <dragonbyte> girk sorry, pasted funny
13:30:25 <warlord> dragonbyte: sounds like a guile/slib mismatch problem.
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13:41:54 <dragonbyte> could be
13:42:06 <dragonbyte> trying to back up into guile16 but it doesnt seem to like that
13:44:36 <dragonbyte> gurk, I have guile16 and slib-guile16 intalled but gnucash is failing saying guile doesnt work or its not installed
13:48:20 <warlord> You said you also had guile18?
13:48:26 <dragonbyte> I removed it
13:48:27 <warlord> Do you have multiple versions?
13:49:04 <dragonbyte> not anymore
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13:50:09 <dragonbyte> does 2.2.1 work with guile 1.8?
13:59:33 <jsled> Generally, yes.
13:59:49 <jsled> issues with guile compat are mostly around getting guile and slib to play nicely together.
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13:59:56 <jsled> And you really want 2.2.3 if you can get it.
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19:13:24 *** Charles has joined #gnucash
19:14:26 <Charles> Hi, this is Charles Day... I'm having trouble with my new SVN account and Derek said I should ask here for help
19:15:43 <Charles> Right now I am getting:
19:15:45 <Charles> $ svn checkout svn+ssh://cedayiv@cvs.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk /c/soft/gnucash/repos
19:15:46 <Charles> svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
19:18:12 <warlord> Charles: what's your IP Address?
19:19:04 <Charles> At this moment it is
19:20:33 <warlord> try: ssh -v cedayiv@cvs.gnucash.org
19:21:44 <warlord> pastebin the output, please?
19:22:00 <warlord> You're connecting, but from the server you just disconnect. The server isn't tossing you.
19:22:09 <warlord> Maybe the client can't access your public/private key?
19:22:18 <Charles> What is pastebin?
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19:23:49 <warlord> pastebin.ca
19:26:10 <Charles> OK, it's there: http://pastebin.ca/911917
19:29:11 <warlord> Okay, here's the deal:
19:29:12 <warlord> #
19:29:12 <warlord> debug1: try privkey: /home/Charles/.ssh/id_rsa
19:29:12 <warlord> #
19:29:12 <warlord> debug1: try privkey: /home/Charles/.ssh/id_dsa
19:29:12 <warlord> #
19:29:13 <warlord> debug1: no more auth methods to try
19:29:15 <warlord> #
19:29:19 <warlord> Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
19:29:32 <warlord> Looks like you don't have access to /home/Charles/.ssh -- or.. there's no keys in there.
19:30:19 <warlord> Is this the machine on which you ran ssh-keygen?
19:31:12 <Charles> Yes. If I do "cd /home/Charles/.ssh" the files shown are identity, identity.pub, and known_hosts2.
19:31:46 <Charles> Is the user name difference giving me grief, i.e. Charles vs cedayiv?
19:32:47 <warlord> Wait.. "identity" is an SSH1 key. You're running ssh2.
19:36:42 <Charles> OK, so do I need to rerun ssh-keygen with "-t ssa" and send you the new public key?
19:37:07 <Charles> Sorry, I meant "-t rsa"
19:38:53 <warlord> Ummm.. I dunno. the fact that it created an "identity" instead of "id_dsa" or "id_rsa" leads me to believe you have version skew.
19:40:51 <warlord> Make sure you're using an ssh-2 keygen.
19:42:06 <Charles> OK, I've done "ssh-keygen -t rsa" and it created id_rsa and id_rsa.pub
19:44:03 <warlord> Okay. Send me the pub
19:44:09 <warlord> And I'll update you.
19:45:59 <Charles> OK, I've emailed it.
19:46:46 <warlord> Thanks. Give me a minute.
19:55:36 *** dragonbyte has joined #gnucash
19:56:02 <dragonbyte> will someone be my hero and demand that gnucash compile on macports for me? :)
19:56:14 <dragonbyte> it throws a ton of issues with swig-core-utils
19:57:10 <warlord> I demand gnucash build on macports!
19:59:53 <warlord> Charles: Okay, try now.
20:00:24 <dragonbyte> any idea what the swig core issues are about?
20:00:50 <warlord> Not without seeing the errors. (use pastebin)
20:00:52 <dragonbyte> and an OSX happy version of GNUCash would be wonderful happy fun!
20:01:02 <dragonbyte> got one better
20:01:37 <dragonbyte> http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/13852
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20:01:41 <dragonbyte> same issue
20:01:53 <Charles> OK, the SVN checkout has succeeded. Thanks very much for your help. I knew it had to be something simple. Sorry for being stoopid with ssh-keygen.
20:02:15 <dragonbyte> Charles: as punishment you should fix the macports gnucash :)
20:02:56 <Charles> On macports, I am REALLY stoopid.
20:03:12 <dragonbyte> don't feel bad
20:03:17 <dragonbyte> I still havent mastered the apple keyboard
20:03:25 <dragonbyte> i thought the one button mouse thing was gunna bother me
20:03:43 <dragonbyte> you get over that surprisingly quick...the super secret keystroke thing is the killer
20:04:18 <warlord> Charles: it's okay
20:04:20 <dragonbyte> shift ctrl option G followed by command option V then another ctrl command Z
20:04:23 <Charles> If I owned a Mac, that might help.
20:04:23 <warlord> glad it's working for ya
20:04:36 <dragonbyte> then click on the icon and it will open it with the super secret options enabled
20:05:10 <Charles> Thanks again, Derek. I'm out...
20:05:29 <warlord> laters
20:05:59 <warlord> dragonbyte: dbreiser works on the fink port. i dont know about macports.
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20:06:58 <dragonbyte> attempting gnucash-devel
20:07:29 <dragonbyte> seems that guile 1.8 doesnt play nice on macs or something
20:07:32 <dragonbyte> so i have to use guile16
20:07:56 <dragonbyte> but then building gnucash spits those swig issues
20:08:52 <warlord> Did you clean out your gnucash build tree after swapping guile versions?
20:09:37 <dragonbyte> that I did not
20:13:11 <warlord> You might have remants of the 1.8 guile in the tree..
20:16:54 <warlord> dragonbyte: what version of guile 1.8 did you have?
20:17:05 <dragonbyte> not sure
20:17:15 <dragonbyte> have greatly angered the mac terminal though
20:17:24 <dragonbyte> working on getting everthing to quit now so I can start over :)
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20:20:13 <dragonbyte> ok trying from clean
20:23:35 <warlord> ok
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