2008-02-16 GnuCash IRC logs
00:56:21 *** Beth has quit IRC
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03:27:48 <warlord> @op
03:27:49 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
03:57:05 *** olsen has quit IRC
04:07:24 *** cortana has quit IRC
04:08:50 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
04:10:08 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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05:27:43 *** billy has joined #gnucash
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06:38:57 *** balu has joined #gnucash
06:39:07 *** balu is now known as Balu
06:39:37 <Balu> Hello everyone
06:43:28 <Balu> On my Ubuntu box at work I had German account names to choose from when creating a new file, but on the Windows box here there are only English ones (while the menu is German). Can I change that?
07:10:35 <Balu> Ok, figured it out :) - I had to change the gnucash.bat and include LANGUAGE and LANG...
08:11:59 *** olsen has joined #gnucash
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13:13:20 *** localhost has joined #gnucash
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18:09:57 <olsen> isnt there a shortcut to repeat the account on top of the current account in the ledger?
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19:37:54 *** warlord-afk has joined #gnucash
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19:38:13 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
19:38:14 <warlord> @op
19:38:14 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
20:16:14 <vinci> hi warlord
20:16:24 <warlord> hello
20:24:22 *** |gunni| has quit IRC
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22:36:47 *** Alumin has joined #gnucash
22:37:02 <Alumin> "meta-ask" heh
22:37:52 <Alumin> does GnuCash have a feature where you can set aside money, but that money doesn't ever (semantically) leave your account?
22:38:04 *** egsavage has joined #gnucash
22:38:15 <Alumin> this is the feature Quicken calls "savings goal"
22:43:00 <Alumin> brb
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22:43:53 <egsavage> hmm
22:44:18 <egsavage> i installed the latest version of GNUCash about a month or so ago
22:44:46 <egsavage> but now I can seem to find some option I used before.... I think I could export/save a transaction as HTML before, but I can't find it anymore
22:44:59 <egsavage> sound familiar to anyone?
22:45:23 <egsavage> rather , i meant to say I can NOT find that option anymore
22:49:42 *** |McLANE| has joined #gnucash
22:54:35 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
22:55:01 <dbreiser> egsavage: you can export reports as html, but I don't think there is any way to export transactions
22:55:41 <dbreiser> OTOH, if you generate a transaction report, I suppose you could call that exporting transactions
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23:09:26 <egsavage> a trans report?
23:09:42 <egsavage> maybe that is what I used before - i'll have to give that a try
23:10:12 <egsavage> i ended up used a fixed format import with OpenOffice Calc to suck in the data from a .log file from gnucash
23:12:39 <egsavage> that was it - account transaction report
23:12:41 <egsavage> then export
23:14:02 <egsavage> i'm surprised there isn't a .csv export yet in gnucash ... you would think that would proof useful
23:16:00 *** Alumin has joined #gnucash
23:18:03 <egsavage> thx dbreiser
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23:27:31 *** dbreiser has quit IRC