2008-02-15 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:35 *** snavin-14d has joined #gnucash
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01:49:15 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
01:49:15 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
02:31:25 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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10:05:41 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
10:06:03 <warlord> @nick gncbot
10:06:03 <gncbot`> warlord: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
10:06:37 <warlord> @nick gncbot
10:06:37 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
10:06:55 <warlord> andrewsw-afk, conrad: could one of you op gncbot?
10:09:32 *** kielein has joined #gnucash
10:14:42 <IanL> Hey, warlord
10:14:49 <warlord> hello
10:15:24 <IanL> I was going to test bug 504248 and see if Charles Day's patch indeed fixes it like he said it might,
10:15:31 <IanL> but I can't reproduce it,
10:15:44 <IanL> I was wondering if you had to do anything special to reproduce it
10:15:58 <IanL> it seemed like the answer would be no based on your comments but I wanted to ask,
10:20:41 <warlord> I haven't tried it.
10:20:56 <warlord> But no, I didn't have to do anything special to reproduce it. it just crashed for me.
10:21:28 <IanL> hmm, ok,
10:22:33 <warlord> But as I just said, I haven't tried the patch to see if it fixes it.
10:23:06 <IanL> yah, I wanted to test it but I can't reproduce the original bug.
10:30:11 <warlord> Maybe i should try to find the time to test it here ;)
10:37:20 *** nbinont has joined #gnucash
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10:49:22 <IanL> warlord, that would be appreciated,
10:49:42 *** Beth has quit IRC
10:49:56 <warlord> i'll see what i can do
10:52:12 *** Beth has joined #gnucash
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12:24:17 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
12:24:39 <warlord> andrewsw-afk, conrad: could one of you op gncbot?
12:41:10 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
13:24:28 *** vinci has quit IRC
13:27:46 <andrewsw-afk> @op gncbot
13:27:46 <gncbot> andrewsw-afk: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
13:27:52 *** andrewsw-afk is now known as andrewsw
13:27:57 *** andrewsw sets mode: +o gncbot
13:28:09 <andrewsw> 1:03 ping time...
13:28:21 <warlord> @op
13:28:22 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
13:28:23 <warlord> Thanks.
13:28:33 <andrewsw> how've you been?
13:30:28 <warlord> Not too bad.
13:30:50 <andrewsw> sorry I haven't been around. school's gotten hairy (but good)
13:31:15 * andrewsw is writing a newton's method cube root calculator in scheme :)
13:31:34 *** aindilis has quit IRC
13:32:13 <warlord> It's okay.
13:32:20 <warlord> You're allowed to have a life
13:32:21 <warlord> @op jsled
13:32:22 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jsled
13:33:46 *** chris has quit IRC
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15:09:47 *** andrewsw is now known as andrewsw-afk
15:34:26 <olsen> warlord, i had to "repair books" in gnucash
15:34:35 <olsen> check & repair all... that was strange
15:36:03 <warlord> um, okay.
15:56:05 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
16:18:42 *** Beth has joined #gnucash
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16:43:01 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
16:49:17 *** kielein has quit IRC
16:59:02 *** twunder has quit IRC
17:00:47 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
17:38:03 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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