2008-02-10 GnuCash IRC logs
00:24:46 *** conrad sets mode: +o gncbot
00:24:52 *** conrad sets mode: +o warlord
00:27:49 <warlord> thanks conrad
00:27:54 <warlord> @op andrewsw-afk
00:27:55 <gncbot> warlord: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:28:13 <conrad> np
00:28:38 <warlord> @op andrewsw-afk
00:28:38 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andrewsw-afk
00:39:28 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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08:18:14 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:32:22 *** joerlend_ has joined #GnuCash
08:34:01 *** vinci has joined #gnucash
08:34:35 <vinci> hi all
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09:23:40 *** warlord2 has joined #gnucash
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09:32:52 <warlord> @op
09:32:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:34:53 <kielein> icew
09:36:02 <warlord> wow, that was a pretty long delay!
09:39:34 *** gncbot` has joined #gnucash
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09:43:59 *** gncbot is now known as warlord
09:44:02 <warlord> @nick gncbot
09:44:03 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
09:44:06 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
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10:46:57 *** deepthink has joined #gnucash
10:47:45 <deepthink> Hello. My file won't open anymore! It seems to crash while running the reports. Is there a way to open the file without displaying the reports?
10:48:34 <deepthink> The error I get is: "ERROR: In procedure read: ERROR: Unknown # object: #\<"
10:49:10 <deepthink> I have gunzipped the file to try and remove all references to reports in the xml but I couldn't find any.
10:54:42 <deepthink> It is really strange as I tried to open all the backups (I have 30 days worth of backups) but they all have the same problem. Has there been an update recently? My version is 2.2.1 built from r16462 on 2007-10-03 which is the current stable version in Ubuntu.
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11:14:15 <deepthink> Which tags in the XML file belong to reports. I need to remove them as the reports in my current file seem to crash gnucash on startup.
11:28:44 *** andrewsw-afk is now known as andrewsw
11:29:24 <andrewsw> deepthink: look in ~/.gnucash/books/<name of gnucashfile>.
11:30:33 <andrewsw> just move that file aside (rename) it and reopen your file.
11:31:11 <andrewsw> don't muck around in the XML file unless you really know what you're doing. There are no report tags in the XML file, it's all in the .gnucash/books file
11:37:01 *** andrewsw is now known as andrewsw-afk
11:53:22 *** cortana has quit IRC
12:00:55 *** tjanssen has joined #gnucash
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12:19:38 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andi5
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12:46:27 <vinci> btw. - why did you set up trac - should this replace bugzilla?
12:46:28 *** andi5 sets mode: +o gncbot
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12:47:38 <andi5> no, not at all... see also http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513872 .... i suppose it was installed as a nice web interface to the svn repository
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12:50:58 <andi5> do we have two gncbots now?
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13:15:20 <nbinont> andi5: do we have any schedule for 2.2.4?
13:16:25 <andi5> i guess i will have to write on gnucash-devel something about it... the earliest date i can do something about it is in 3 weeks, so feb 29th, mar 1st
13:18:19 <nbinont> ok, good to get an idea. that timing works well for me too
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13:52:47 *** IanL has joined #gnucash
13:52:56 <IanL> hi all,
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14:44:27 <deepthink> andrewsw-afk: thanks! the file works again!
14:46:58 <vinci> Hi, question: I heard GnuCash has plugins - where can i find them in source?
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15:07:17 <andi6> vinci: what plugin do you mean?
15:07:50 <vinci> I dont know. somebody said stuff like online ba nking is made as kind of a plugin
15:08:18 <vinci> because I thought loud about if that wouldnt be a good idea if some things were plugins
15:08:18 <andi6> yep, online banking is handled by src/import-export/hbci
15:08:37 <andi6> most import-export features are actually optionally loadable modules
15:09:37 <vinci> andi6: I think some localization stuff could be better in extra packages - like tax stuff - that could have a different release schedule
15:09:54 <vinci> and no american would need german tax stuff propably
15:10:09 <vinci> maybe thats not really plugin
15:10:36 <vinci> I think modular in many ways. i just read that the current modular architecture will be changed
15:10:45 <vinci> I think its said on roadmap page in wiki
15:10:58 <andi6> hm... is that one up-to-date?
15:11:08 <andi6> and i do not know whether anyone is actually working on that right now
15:11:10 <vinci> heh
15:11:21 <andi6> although there are quite some ideas to be found in the irc logs already :)
15:11:59 <vinci> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Roadmap#Remove_module_system
15:12:26 <vinci> maybe a roadmap should have a date
15:12:31 <vinci> and version numbers
15:12:44 <vinci> reading all irc logs can be a lot of reading
15:13:00 <andi6> lol, i read "maybe a roadmap should have a debate" ... that would be true as well ;-)
15:13:10 <vinci> oh
15:13:10 <andi6> vinci: sure
15:13:33 <vinci> andi6: the gnucash roadmap youtube debate ;)
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16:04:19 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
16:10:05 *** TAP has joined #gnucash
16:12:33 <TAP> I'm trying to set up scheduled transactions that happen every other month, every six months, every year, as well as every three years. Is it possible? I'm trying to convert my Quicken scheduled transactions.
16:13:03 <andi5> sure
16:13:28 <TAP> How? The selection list only goes to month.
16:14:07 <andi5> every 2, every 6, every 12, every 36 months?
16:14:19 <jsled> In the Frequency panel, it'll say "Every [1]^/v months."
16:17:49 <TAP> Thanks!
16:34:22 *** Mrdini has joined #gnucash
16:34:30 <Mrdini> heya all
16:39:26 <Mrdini> hmm, can gnc-fq-xxxxxx use ISIN codes?
16:42:31 <jsled> Mrdini: I'd guess its a question of if the quote source can accept them on its web interface.
16:42:42 <jsled> I think F::Q just passes the symbol through, and parses the results.
16:42:44 <Mrdini> jsled, hmm....
16:42:50 <jsled> Of course, you could just try it. :)
16:42:57 <Mrdini> as still having problems with the mutual funds :P
16:43:05 <Mrdini> yeah, not working :/
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17:14:25 <Mrdini> hmm, could Finance::Quote be broken during weekends when the markets are closed?
17:15:22 <Mrdini> gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe GB0006664683GBP <---- I get a couple of "Missing"
17:16:36 <jsled> I don't think I've heard that (that F::Q doesn't work on the weekends). It should just return the last available quote, assuming that's what most pages/sites would do.
17:16:47 <Mrdini> hmmm
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17:16:58 * Mrdini stabs mutual funds :P
17:17:14 <andi5> jsled: do you think a delete key accelerator for "delete [selected] account" in account tree page is ok?
17:17:36 <jsled> is there confirmation?
17:17:39 <andi5> sure
17:17:51 <jsled> then it sounds right and good.
17:18:03 <andi5> thanks
17:19:01 * Mrdini might just post on the mailing list :/ I swear I'm going nuts with these mutual funds :(
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17:24:45 <TAP> When I create a new scheduled transaction the focus is not where I expect it (i.e. the name field). I expect to be able to start typing immediately after pressing new but the letters go to the bit bucket. Is this just an issue with the Windows version?
17:26:13 <Mrdini> hmmm, is gnucash.org down? if so, anyone have a link to the ML?
17:27:05 <andi5> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo
17:27:46 <jsled> Mrdini: yes, www.gnucash.org continues to be dwon.
17:27:49 <jsled> down, even.
17:29:01 <Mrdini> ta!
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17:37:41 <Mrdini> actually, I noticed someone recently asked about italian mutual funds, so will wait & see if anyone replies to him
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17:55:44 <andi5> jsled, TAP: what about http://pastebin.ca/899167 ? it seems to work :-)
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17:59:14 <jsled> I'm sure it's good.
17:59:53 <andi5> goes in then... (marked as bp, we will see :-))
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20:18:20 <Mrdini> ah ha! it's not me then - http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2008-February/023692.html
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