2007-11-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:36:00 *** basanta has joined #gnucash
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08:54:18 <Tentacle> when using online banking, do you place your bank account representation directly under assets?
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08:56:00 <Tentacle> or do you place them completely external from the basic structure
08:56:02 <Tentacle> ?
09:00:21 <jsled> They're just normal accounts.
09:00:27 <jsled> Assets.
09:00:54 <jsled> The importer should create/sync transactions directly in those accounts.
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10:20:40 *** kling0n has joined #gnucash
10:22:55 <kling0n> hello :) I have a series of scheduled transactions that have been registered over the last period or so.. I've been reviewing my accounts and discovered that I have not been registering the sales tax part of the transactions. I have made a change in the scheduled transaction template, but I was wondering whether there is any way to apply this change to all the earlier entries as well?
10:23:22 <jsled> no.
10:23:48 <kling0n> :(
10:23:49 <kling0n> ok
10:24:00 <jsled> Once created, the transactions exist alone and independent. They are tagged as being created from a particular SX, but nothing (at present) is done with that information.
10:24:16 <kling0n> so best plan would be to remove the earlier transactions and re-create?
10:24:34 <jsled> Depends. Or go through and fix them up manually.
10:25:01 <jsled> I guess it's a function of just how regular the schedule and amounts are.
10:25:22 <kling0n> its very regular :) it's my internet payments :)
10:25:38 <jsled> And how many of them there are; if there's only 1 or 10, it'll probably be faster to just learn how to edit transactions soley with the keyboard. :)
10:25:46 <kling0n> heh
10:26:10 <kling0n> is it correctly understood that formulas are only supported in the scheduled transaction editor?
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10:26:30 <jsled> no ... formulas work in the register as well.
10:26:38 <jsled> ()+-/*
10:26:52 <jsled> variables, even... but they're a little funny in the register.
10:27:28 <jsled> But a formula entered into the register is just evaluated immediately, and not retained anywhere; it's just basically an in-line calculator in the UI.
10:27:40 <jsled> (still quite handy, though)
10:29:03 <jsled> It'd be nice if the templating aspect was factored out of the SXes into a separate thing, probably integrating better with the register auto-complete ... as a use-case, one could have a "grocery" template that solicitied specific values for "food", "tax", "housewares", "pet food", "healthy and beauty", &c. and built up the whole multi-split txn.
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10:37:20 <freepenguin> http://www.freepenguin.it/index-en.html
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10:37:52 <warlord> DAMN SPAM
10:41:40 *** IanL has left #gnucash
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13:19:18 <andrewsw> jsled: first time using the new SX stuff... nice!
13:20:52 <jsled> oh, thanks! Still rough around the edges, but it should be easier to change/fix moving forward.
13:23:36 <andrewsw> haven't looked at the back of it (and don't want to...;) but its much cleaner to use.
13:24:41 <andrewsw> I only use it a couple times a year (annual expense stuff) and am not familiar with it, consequently. nice surprise :)
13:25:38 <andrewsw> ooh wow! I like the "created txn" page too. super!
13:26:27 <warlord> I really need to figure out some way to deal with account_balance_as_of() in an SX.
13:26:57 <warlord> My interest is "off" every month in my mortgage payment because I pay it down a little each month so the computations are off.
13:30:45 <andrewsw> is this known: print check with cursor in credit column of an expense split and the check prints with the amount of the expense, not the total.
13:38:37 <warlord> Sounds reasonable.. It uses the "current split"
13:39:32 <andrewsw> hmmm... ISTM it should climb up to the parent, find the split in the current register (if there is such a thing) and then use that split.
13:39:56 <andrewsw> except if you want to print a check from some other register... then it wouldn't work.
13:40:19 <warlord> right.
13:40:23 <warlord> so it uses the current split.
13:40:34 <andrewsw> 6 of 1, half-dozen the other.
13:47:13 <warlord> but what if it's a baker's dozen?
13:47:30 * andrewsw ROFL
13:47:38 <andrewsw> my wife and I just had this discussion yesterday...
13:48:24 <warlord> Uh oh!
13:48:38 <andrewsw> I think it ended with her calling me a geek and me sticking my tongue out at her.
13:49:01 <warlord> Hahahahahahah!!
13:49:08 <warlord> (and her laughing, I hope?)
13:49:27 <andrewsw> yep. she loves her geek.
13:49:42 <andrewsw> but she doesn't get the keyboard thing... but she will!
13:50:34 <warlord> Heheheh
13:51:16 <andrewsw> my family: http://wiki.swclan.homelinux.org/images/all_at_rushmore.jpg
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13:53:37 <twunder> nice family, andrewsw. All girls? sounds, uh, interesting (twunder has just 2 boys, 15 & 19)
13:54:03 <andrewsw> :) Just me and the dog and, well, he's less than a man.
13:54:20 <twunder> heh
13:56:41 <warlord> Nice T-shirt, too ;)
13:57:31 <andrewsw> mine or hers? <rimshot>
13:57:47 <warlord> heh
13:57:55 <warlord> Yours is nice too ;)
13:57:59 <warlord> :-P
13:58:12 <andrewsw> I got a whole load of those think-geek shirts from her and the girls last year.
13:58:16 * twunder wasn't going to ask the hers or his question
13:58:41 <warlord> Well, she isn't wearing a T in the pic.
13:58:58 <warlord> And the girls are all wearing kids girls Ts
13:59:06 <twunder> don't confuse me with the facts
13:59:11 <warlord> Heheheh
13:59:45 <andrewsw> thank goodness this isn't publicly logged...
13:59:59 <jsled> d'oh! :)
14:00:02 <twunder> d'oh!
14:00:49 <warlord> :-D
14:00:55 <andrewsw> heh. thank goodness my wife doesn't read IRC logs...
14:01:02 <warlord> hehe...
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14:11:15 <donfede> /whosi andrewsw
14:12:05 <donfede> andrewsw: from Sweden? quite a trip to mt rushmore. can you share what you do for a living (does it include hacking at gnucash?)
14:13:34 <andrewsw> donfede: no, just picked up a .se server in the irc rotation.
14:13:42 <donfede> ah
14:14:10 <andrewsw> being of Norwegian descent, I'm rather disappointed to be in a Swede powered server, but so it goes ;)
14:15:03 <andrewsw> hacking at gnucash is what I do to avoid real work which consists of owning a bar/pool-hall and an ice-cream parlor.
14:18:10 <twunder> hanging out all day in a bar/pool hall/ice cream parlor doesn't strike me as "real work" ;)
14:19:03 <andrewsw> yeah. After 7 years, it becomes that way. especially once you've solved all the problems associated with it and then iteratively apply the same solutions... blah... its boring.
14:21:06 <donfede> still, sounds pretty cool ... to sit in the sun, with water, and tasty beverages ;) but sure, good minds need a challenge.
14:21:49 <andrewsw> donfede: ummm... that's pool as in billiards not pool as in swimming. But that would be cool too!
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14:28:05 <andrewsw> well, there it is... real work beckons.
14:28:09 <andrewsw> later tatersss
14:53:41 *** timmo has joined #gnucash
14:53:56 <timmo> hi i'm having a problem with gnucash
14:54:21 <timmo> can anyone help
14:55:00 <warlord> timmo: not unless you ask a real question
14:55:15 <timmo> hmmm ok well i was just checking
14:55:31 <timmo> one day i tried to open it up and i got an error message
14:55:33 <timmo> heres what it is
14:55:46 <jsled> please use pastebin.ca if it's more than a couple of lines.
14:56:26 <timmo> This application has failed to start because libgncmod-engine.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
14:56:34 <timmo> but reinstalling doesnt fix it
14:56:51 <timmo> i searched for it on google and such but no luck
15:02:49 <timmo> any idea what it could be?
15:03:40 <warlord> Oh, Win32.
15:03:56 <warlord> Um, looks like "libgncmod-engine.dll" can't be found. Where is it?
15:04:18 <timmo> searching now
15:04:50 <timmo> does it come with the installation or is it something extra?
15:05:39 <jsled> it's part of the gnucash installation.
15:05:46 <timmo> it's in gnucash\lib\gnucash
15:07:25 <warlord> Okay... So what changed between the last time gnucash worked and when gnucash started failing?
15:07:38 <timmo> thats the thing - as far as i know, absolutely nothing
15:07:44 <timmo> literally one day it worked and the next day it did that
15:07:55 <timmo> no new installs or anything
15:08:24 <warlord> bitrot? Well, you ARE running windows. maybe it ate itself?
15:08:48 <timmo> i could imagine
15:08:58 <timmo> but then why doesnt it fix it when i reinstall
15:09:17 <timmo> i've reinstalled to different directories and multiple times
15:15:11 <jsled> timmo: have you restarted between installs?
15:15:15 <timmo> yes
15:15:34 <donfede> timmo: have you tried anything with "regsvr32" ... ex: regsvr32 c:\program~1\gnucash\lib\gnucash\libgncmod-engine.dll ... or the same but with /i ?
15:15:51 <jsled> donfede: what should that do?
15:15:53 <timmo> no i havent
15:16:04 <timmo> should i?
15:16:23 <donfede> that should register the dll with window (part of that MS voodoo we all hate)... normally the installer should take care of that ... but if something is flakey it may not
15:16:33 <donfede> timmo: I don't believe it will hurt to try
15:18:42 <timmo> i'm getting an error: LoadLibrary(d:gnucash....libgncmod-engine.dll) failed - the specified module could not be found
15:18:58 <timmo> d is where its installed
15:19:01 <donfede> are you sure your path is correct? (does "dir foopath" work)?
15:19:06 <donfede> maybe "d:\foopath"
15:19:12 <donfede> make it absolute instead of relative
15:20:02 <timmo> yea either way it doesnt work
15:20:15 <donfede> and "dir" ?
15:20:16 <timmo> what was the /i you mentioned?
15:20:43 <timmo> what do you mean dir?
15:20:51 <donfede> it's supposed to install / register it ... (not sure if that happens by default or if the /i is required ... I've not really delt with this in several years)
15:21:02 <donfede> dir d:\foopath\foofile # does that work?
15:21:34 * donfede off to class for a couple hours
15:21:47 <timmo> yea i guess i dont know what its supposed to do
15:25:49 <timmo> hmm i dont see why it wont let me do this, i'm searching for this error message now
15:26:55 <timmo> it seems that this error is if the file is not there but i'm looking right at it
15:28:05 <warlord> Maybe the file attributes got corrupted?
15:28:18 <warlord> What happens if you uninstall. reboot. install. reboot.
15:28:31 <timmo> nothing, same mess
15:28:41 <timmo> i've rebooted about a thousand times since this happened
15:31:49 <timmo> i guess i'll just have to find another program? i dont see how to fix this
15:32:44 <jsled> You might try asking on gnucash-user; there are many more people to read there than here.
15:32:52 <jsled> That is, the gnucash-user mailing list.
15:33:13 <timmo> where do i find that, on the website?
15:33:43 <jsled> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
15:34:33 <timmo> ok thanks
15:36:48 <timmo> alright i will try that thanks for all your help
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15:36:52 <timmo> later
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18:17:09 <chris> jeff's alive! :)
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19:31:24 <andrewsw> chris or anyone know the state of register-rewrite? is it remotely usable?
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21:41:36 <Chipper> Can anyone assist with a question about stock options? I'm new to gnucash (and accounting for that matter).
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21:50:18 <Chipper> How do I account for options that expire worthless?
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22:19:48 <chris> andrewsw: It should be usable, but still rough.
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22:24:20 <warlord> chris: yeah.. he sent me email with a new ssh key
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