2007-11-26 GnuCash IRC logs
01:13:44 *** Zoolooc has quit IRC
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13:08:34 *** TheNut has joined #gnucash
13:09:46 <TheNut> Whenever I click on find in process payment, the window flicks open and disappears, which is fine because the second time I click on find it stays open.
13:10:08 <TheNut> But if I select find job/invoice/customer/etc. from the menu it flicks open and doesn't stay open subsequently.
13:11:09 <warlord> i see no "find" in the process payment dialog.
13:11:27 <TheNut> Sorry, select.
13:11:39 <warlord> which select?
13:11:45 <TheNut> Both.
13:12:03 <warlord> also, what version of gnucash, and what os/distro?
13:12:12 <TheNut> 2.2.1, Debian sid.
13:12:49 <warlord> are you sure the window went away? maybe it popped up behind the main window?
13:13:00 <TheNut> I am.
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13:14:20 <warlord> well, i've never heard of that happening, and I certainly cannot reproduce it here.
13:15:34 <donfede> speaking of windows popping up behind ... has anyone reported that the auto save dialog (comes up by default every 5 minutes) seems to popup behind all other windows often (and is not even in the window rotation when pressing <alt><tab>) ?
13:16:59 <TheNut> Well it happens here. On a new user, too.
13:17:34 <warlord> TheNut: I just dont see how it could happen unless you're queuing up an extra 'enter' keypress into the window.
13:18:05 <TheNut> Perhaps it and fvwm are battling over something?
13:18:20 <warlord> could be.
13:18:33 <warlord> Try with metacity.
13:21:01 <TheNut> Yes, that doesn't do it.
13:21:23 <warlord> Then I'd chalk it up to fvwm being non-ICCCM compliant
13:22:06 <TheNut> I think I'd trust fvwm over metacity for icccm compliance.
13:22:26 <warlord> Wow, you're an overly trusting person! ;)
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13:37:52 *** rorrr has joined #gnucash
13:39:49 <rorrr> hello
13:40:16 <rorrr> I'm getting bug 430187
13:40:39 <rorrr> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430187
13:41:17 <rorrr> on 2.0.2
13:41:59 <warlord> rorrr: check your currencies.
13:42:09 <rorrr> default cdn
13:42:28 <rorrr> Where can I check for others
13:43:12 <rorrr> I don't get it on every account
13:43:25 <warlord> what's your computer locale?
13:43:30 <rorrr> just the three that I've sent a $0 invoice to in the past
13:43:59 <rorrr> do you mean Saskatchewan Canada?
13:45:01 <warlord> no, that's where in the world you are. That doesn't tell me where your computer thinks it is.
13:45:06 <warlord> run "locale -a"
13:45:24 <rorrr> C
13:45:24 <rorrr> en_AU.utf8
13:45:25 <rorrr> en_BW.utf8
13:45:25 <rorrr> en_CA.utf8
13:45:26 <rorrr> en_DK.utf8
13:45:26 <rorrr> en_GB.utf8
13:45:27 <rorrr> en_HK.utf8
13:45:29 <rorrr> en_IE.utf8
13:45:31 <rorrr> en_IN
13:45:33 <rorrr> en_NZ.utf8
13:45:35 <rorrr> en_PH.utf8
13:45:36 <warlord> stop
13:45:37 <rorrr> en_SG.utf8
13:45:39 <rorrr> en_US.utf8
13:45:41 <rorrr> en_ZA.utf8
13:45:43 <rorrr> en_ZW.utf8
13:45:45 <rorrr> POSIX
13:45:45 <warlord> STOP!
13:45:49 <rorrr> that's all
13:45:52 <rorrr> sorry
13:45:56 <warlord> Phew.
13:46:09 <warlord> Sorry, wrong thing. run "locale". What's "LANG"?
13:46:22 <rorrr> LANG=en_CA.UTF-8
13:46:45 <warlord> Okay, so default currency IS CAD..
13:47:00 <rorrr> yep sorr
13:47:02 <rorrr> sorry
13:47:19 <warlord> what's your account currencies in question? And what do you have set for your invoice/customer currency?
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13:48:45 <rorrr> It's actually three "customers"
13:49:14 <rorrr> hey
13:49:24 <rorrr> the first guy I checked is USD
13:49:25 <rorrr> cool
13:49:58 <rorrr> but should be CAD
13:50:08 <rorrr> I'll switch it and try
13:51:18 <warlord> Once you change the customer you'll need to re-select that customer in the invoice.
13:54:05 <rorrr> I unposted, edited customer, checked for CAD yep, reposted.
13:54:13 <rorrr> No amount shown on AR
13:54:36 <warlord> What's the currency of your AR account?
13:54:53 <rorrr> where do I check?
13:55:48 <warlord> Edit Account window
13:56:06 <rorrr> CAD
13:56:35 <warlord> Huh. And all the Income accounts are CAD?
13:57:13 <rorrr> They are all going into "Ad Sales" yep CAD
13:57:53 <rorrr> again, this started after I sent invoices of $0 to those customers
13:58:15 <warlord> Did you re-select the customer? Unpost Invoice; Edit; Select Customer and go through the selection dialog; Re-Post?
13:58:18 <andrewsw> TheNut: I"ve seen that same find behavior in both xmonad and wmii...
13:58:40 <rorrr> let me try again
13:59:22 <rorrr> do you mean click edit in view invoice?
13:59:27 <warlord> Yes
13:59:31 <rorrr> ok
13:59:36 <TheNut> It's not in twm or wmaker. Let me try those.
13:59:56 <TheNut> Somebody in #fvwm suggested it might be because I'm running on amd64.
14:00:06 <TheNut> Apparently something similar happened with ooo last year.
14:00:19 <rorrr> so first step click edit... note that Blair is the customer name
14:00:44 <rorrr> no way to select another that I can see
14:00:57 <warlord> Click on "Select"
14:01:09 <warlord> When you click "Edit" it should pop up a window.
14:01:14 <warlord> right?
14:01:18 <rorrr> no select button
14:01:45 <andrewsw> TheNut: I'm on deb sid up-to-date -k7 both gnc 2.2.1 and svn do this (i think).
14:02:03 <TheNut> andrewsw: Do you have any idea why?
14:02:40 <warlord> rorrr: Sorry, but I dont believe you. There's a button next to the customer name in the dialog...
14:02:50 <rorrr> nope
14:03:02 <warlord> In the pop-up window when you clicked Edit?
14:03:07 <rorrr> nope
14:03:27 <warlord> Show me... I need a screen shot to see where you are.
14:03:29 <rorrr> three tabs across the top customer billing info.. shipping add..
14:03:58 <andrewsw> TheNut: nope. note that edit->find never works, but new invoice -> select works on second click.
14:04:07 <TheNut> Da.
14:04:14 <TheNut> Doesn't help locate old invoices though.
14:04:44 <rorrr> got a place to paste this?
14:06:37 <andrewsw> TheNut: try using the Payable/Recievable Aging reports or Customer/Vendor reports
14:07:34 <rorrr> warlord: I have to run, I'll try later, thanks for your help
14:08:23 <warlord> rorrr: that's not the "Edit" popup.
14:09:20 <warlord> Click on the "Edit" button in the toolbar.
14:09:40 <warlord> rorrr: pastebin?
14:10:37 <TheNut> Ah that gets them.
14:10:49 <andrewsw> TheNut: :)
14:12:03 <TheNut> The weird problem's still there, though.
14:12:17 <TheNut> And the question remains - should I report a bug against fvwm or gnucash?
14:12:36 <andrewsw> yes. I don't know what it is.
14:13:16 <andrewsw> you'd probably have to strace gnucash and see what's happening. :(
14:19:58 <warlord> even strace might not help at this level..
14:20:04 <warlord> (unless you can decode the X calls)
14:30:57 <andrewsw> no chance of that here...
14:31:29 <andrewsw> but the right slice of stuff posted to a WM list would probably get things rolling.
15:01:19 <warlord> BIAB
15:01:21 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
15:02:26 *** draghetto has joined #gnucash
15:02:48 <draghetto> hello, i need help with gnucash 2.2.1 under ubuntu 7.10
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15:06:21 <draghetto> i have the old qif import duplicate name bug, when importing for the 2nd time from my bank account using the QIF format
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15:50:31 <warlord> draghetto: what "old qif import duplicate name bug"?
15:55:01 <draghetto> basically the first time i import my data from a qif file all is ok
15:55:23 <warlord> right.....
15:55:52 <draghetto> when i import the 2nd bactch (ie following month data) i get an exception "Duplica Name" and basically it creates a new account for each one i have selected in the import
15:56:19 <draghetto> for example if i want to assing a CreditCard to a VISA account it creates VISA 2
15:57:03 <warlord> It will do that if the currencies are wrong.
15:57:13 <draghetto> mmmmmmmmmmmm
15:57:16 <draghetto> that's interesting
15:57:29 <draghetto> cause it is actually keep giving me USD instead of EUR
15:57:34 <draghetto> how can i fix it?
15:57:52 <warlord> Um...
15:58:28 <warlord> I know there's a way in the QIF Import Druid.. BUT.. There may be a bug that you can only get to it by going backwards from.. some place.
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15:59:38 <draghetto> ehm ????
16:00:10 <warlord> After you select the qif file, I think you might need to click "back" to get to the "choose currency" page..
16:00:20 <warlord> Or just make sure your computer locale is set to a Euroland location
16:01:07 <draghetto> probably i found the bug
16:01:21 <draghetto> in the preferences i selected EUR but somehow it was locale selected
16:01:41 <draghetto> and yes i have set US as locale, so i should change it to EUROLAND
16:02:02 <warlord> That's not the locale.
16:02:09 <warlord> You can't set the locale currency through the preferences.
16:02:41 <draghetto> yes, i mean change the locale for the OS
16:02:47 <warlord> Right.
16:03:01 <warlord> That should probably make it work better... BUT.. No idea why it even worked the first time!
16:04:39 <draghetto> ehehe
16:04:43 <draghetto> thanks a lot!
16:04:48 <draghetto> it works like a charm now
16:04:53 <warlord> that solved it?
16:04:54 <warlord> Great.
16:05:00 <draghetto> btw, do you know under ubuntu how to change locale?
16:05:12 <warlord> Arguably the "default currency" should be something in the data file..
16:05:13 <draghetto> since i am here and i can "use" you a little more :D
16:05:24 <warlord> Sorry, I Dont do Debian/Ubuntu.
16:05:55 <draghetto> ok i tried
16:06:09 <warlord> sorry
16:06:13 <draghetto> thanks again for your help
16:06:28 <draghetto> don't be sorry... you are here for Gnucash :D
16:06:34 <draghetto> not for ubuntu!!
16:10:21 <warlord> :)
16:10:28 <draghetto> cya
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16:43:43 <micha> I probably discovered a very hidden bug in Gnucash 2.0.5, could someone please check whether it exists in the current development version too?
16:44:53 <micha> 1. Step: Enter a splitted transaction
16:45:48 <micha> 2. Step: mark any of the involved accounts as invisible
16:46:45 <micha> 3. Step: Try to enter in any of the not-invisible marked accounts a new transaction using auto-completion => Crash
16:49:22 <warlord> well, 2.2.1 is the current stable release.
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16:54:21 <micha> I know, but maybe the bug still exists. Did you try?
16:54:44 <warlord> no.
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16:55:48 <micha> would you mind to try?
17:00:09 <micha> not invisible, I mean "hidden"
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17:07:58 <warlord> Works for me. (no crash)
17:11:27 <micha> ok, thanks
17:11:36 <micha> (one reason more to upgrade ;-)
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19:17:12 <gpga> Does gnucash, have an Invetory app?
19:17:54 <gpga> Does gnucash, have an Inventory app?
19:18:07 <rorrr> warlord: thanks that toolbar edit button got it!
19:18:12 <andrewsw> gpga: short answer: No
19:18:59 <gpga> ;(
19:19:41 <andrewsw> gpga: less short answer: for certain uses, its possible to fake inventory using Stock accounts.
19:21:02 <gpga> but probably it will not show which items are on inventory (units)
19:21:49 <rorrr> warlord: you rock! Have a great day!
19:21:52 <andrewsw> if you create fake "commodities" to represent your inventory items, you can account for them. but its not very practical.
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19:23:13 <gpga> that will be a lot of work
19:23:42 <andrewsw> yep. hence the short answer.
19:24:09 <gpga> tnx 4r ur hlp
19:24:14 <andrewsw> :)
19:27:45 <gpga> bye
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19:38:47 <andrewsw> later taters
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22:37:07 <mjchang> andrewsw: Hi. I know that you've been working on the advanced-portfolio report, so have I. Should I send my patch to you directly and/or cc the devel list?
22:37:32 <warlord> mjchang: I think andrewsw is working on a complete rewrite of the report.
22:38:53 <mjchang> warlord: okay - just that I think I fixed the basis problem and the splits problem -- just didn't want my hard work to go to waste :-)
22:39:33 <warlord> Well, you should definitely talk to him about it..
22:39:48 <warlord> But by duplicating the effort, someone's work may go to waste.
22:39:54 <warlord> (or not -- I dont know)
22:40:33 <mjchang> Thanks -- I'll wait a while on the IRC for a reply - otherwise I'll just shoot him an email.
22:41:14 <warlord> Okay. I dont know when he'll get unidle.
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23:35:18 <warlord> good night
23:35:20 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:45:24 <cast_> To transfer money from your savings account to your checking
23:45:24 <cast_> account, open the Assets:Savings account
23:45:24 <cast_> regischildsplay-alphabet-sounds-svter, add a new transaction setting
23:45:24 <cast_> the Transfer to Assets:Checking in the amount
23:45:32 <cast_> oops, thought that would be 2 lines
23:45:48 * cast_ wonders how regischildsplay-alphabet-sounds-svter fits in there