2007-11-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:03 *** sarah has joined #gnucash
00:04:36 <sarah> Can gnucash automatically figure out which account to debit when importing transactions?
00:04:41 <sarah> I'd like to program in some simple pattern matching, but haven't found any resources describing how to do this.
00:08:21 <warlord> QIF or OFX?
00:08:35 <warlord> It has some memory, but it's not a programmable rule..
00:08:42 <warlord> QIF will remember exact string matches.
00:08:55 <warlord> OFX can use Bayesian-style matching (if you turn it on)
00:09:07 <warlord> Anyways, bedtime for me.
00:09:10 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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09:03:35 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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09:21:04 *** Johannes42 has joined #gnucash
09:21:59 <Johannes42> hi! can someone with a wiki-account add http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Encrypted_GNUCash to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_.22Can_you_please_add_a_password_feature.3F.22
09:22:12 <Johannes42> it's a great solution IMHO
09:22:31 <Johannes42> (not gentoo-specific)
09:35:20 <Johannes42> kthxbye
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09:59:27 *** Tentacle has joined #gnucash
10:01:06 <Tentacle> hey there, is there a way to generate a view in gnucash which shows me the summarized income and expenses and the balance per month?
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10:04:29 <warlord> Tentacle: not that I can think of.. at least not all at once.
10:04:51 <Tentacle> how would you do it for just one month?
10:05:06 <warlord> Ummm.. transaction report?
10:05:24 <warlord> I dont know how to get summarized income and expenses... AND the balances.
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10:07:19 <Tentacle> i think the income/expense diagram is just fine for me
10:07:39 <Tentacle> thanks for your ideas
10:08:12 <warlord> Me,m I like the INcome/Expense chart.
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13:25:27 *** edgy has joined #gnucash
13:25:55 <edgy> Hi sirs, I edited an invoice and now wants to remove it altogether but I don't know how
13:25:55 <gncbot> edgy: Sent 7 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, and 18 minutes ago: <warlord> either post the invoice and immediate process payment... Or just ignore the invoice completely. Up to you.
13:27:34 <edgy> gncbot: hi, can you answer my today's question instead of the old one? ;)
13:27:34 <gncbot> edgy: Error: "hi," is not a valid command.
13:30:10 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:30:15 <warlord> edgy: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_delete_an_Invoice.2C_Customer.2C_Vendor.2C_or_Employee.3F
13:44:20 <nbinont> seems like a few people are shooting themselves in the foot with the $HOME/.gnucash thing
13:45:23 <edgy> warlord: thanks a lot for the help. it's better to ignore or reuse it then than to understand that stuff ;)
13:45:58 <nbinont> just pondering here, but one idea would be to prevent users from opening or saving a file in $HOME/.gnucash ...wonder how hard that would be
13:51:29 <warlord> nbinont: Mostly I think the problem is that one platform defaults to $HOME/.gnucash/books for some strange reason...
13:58:05 * nbinont grumbles
13:59:01 <edgy> warlord: when I save my file in gnucash, I have lotsssssssss offfff .log and .xac files, why?
13:59:18 <warlord> See the FAQ
14:00:00 <edgy> warlord: sorry I really need to read that
14:02:19 <warlord> :
14:02:20 <warlord> :)
14:02:54 <edgy> warlord: I set it to one day but still there is lots of them because all of them are generated today! are people happy with this situation?
14:03:39 <warlord> Yes, people really hate to lose their data!
14:15:00 <edgy> warlord: logic!
14:18:45 <warlord> Of course.
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14:52:10 <andrewsw> howdy!
14:52:34 <andrewsw> I think I found my printing problem...
14:53:47 <andrewsw> created a new user, and suddenly that user can print.
14:54:47 <andrewsw> there it is... something in ~/.gconf/* got broken when gnucash segfaulted.
14:56:22 <warlord> weird!
14:57:11 <andrewsw> I'll say. I'm willing to bet its still a gtkprint bug.
14:58:15 <andrewsw> but probably to obscure to do other than make note of it.
14:58:24 <andrewsw> s/to/too
15:01:41 <andrewsw> and that gnumeric problem is still there... I think it was merely a coincidence. shrug.
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15:06:34 <warlord> Weird.
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15:15:18 <andrewsw> yep.
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15:49:25 <warlord> be back later
15:49:27 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
15:49:30 <andrewsw> see ya
15:52:43 *** IanL has left #gnucash
15:57:23 *** praetis has joined #gnucash
16:03:09 <praetis> My import transaction matcher is falsely auto-matching a particular expense account to all check transactions I import (whose names in the QFX file are "CHECK"). I've tried writing a script that adds <MEMO> tags to these transactions containing the exact title of the expense account I want, but it still always picks the same account. How does the matcher work and how can I better control it?
18:44:12 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
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19:52:57 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
19:53:26 <warlord> praetis: do you have Bayesian Matching turned on? If so, it remembers previous settings and will "learn" as you correct it.
20:01:29 <warlord> Adding a memo wont change it; if it thinks the description should go into an account you'll have to retrain it over time.
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23:32:18 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk