2007-11-20 GnuCash IRC logs
01:52:48 *** basanta has joined #gnucash
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07:53:17 <twunder> mornin'
08:00:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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08:33:37 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
08:46:49 <wftl> Is there a way to import previously exported customer data?
08:47:32 <jsled> I don't believe so, no.
08:48:41 <wftl> jsled: Seems weird that you have an export function with not candidate to import.
08:49:04 <jsled> the import code was originally present but has been removed due to extreme brokenness.
08:49:29 <jsled> If you accept the risks, and have the original data file, you should just be able to copy the relevant XML from one to the other.
08:50:29 <wftl> 'extreme brokenness' -- I like that.
08:52:20 <warlord> wftl: yeah, the QSF import code is way broken.
08:52:27 <warlord> And nobody has spent the time to fix it.
08:52:47 <warlord> Every time I look at it my brain hurts and I find more memory leaks.
08:53:30 <jsled> Better to just have an importer for the exported data, rather than fix that one.
08:54:14 <warlord> Well, the generic importer needs some improvements, I think.. For example I think we really need to decouple it from the CoA.
08:54:44 <warlord> (I think it's an architectural flaw that the importer touches anything in the main account tree before you click "Finished")
08:55:02 <warlord> I think it's also a major bug that the importer can create imbalanced transactions
08:55:10 <warlord> But of course I have no time to work on any of that
09:00:11 <wftl> I only have a couple dozen customers to copy over so no biggee, but I was a bit surprised by the "you can check out but you can never check back in" feature.
09:00:32 <wftl> Perhaps it would be wise to disable export features for which there is no import.
09:00:47 <wftl> So as not to confuse users too much. [ insert appropriate smiley here ]
09:01:41 <jsled> Or an info dialog or something when you do the export.
09:01:52 <jsled> I mean, one could be exporting to try to use the data somewhere else.
09:02:10 <jsled> Though I still think it's easier to work from the datafile's XML than QSF.
09:17:28 <warlord> I do still believe that the theory behind QSF is sound, even if hte execution is a little flawed.
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10:25:08 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
10:59:38 <wftl> How do I enter two taxes against an invoice? There's a Tax field, but I can only choose one tax and I need two (PST and GST).
11:00:03 *** wizkid239 is now known as wizkid238
11:04:16 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
11:04:23 <warlord> wftl: Set up your tax table with both entries.
11:05:26 <wftl> I've done that. But I can't seem to select both.
11:06:46 <warlord> No no no... You put both entries in ONE tax table.
11:07:24 <warlord> I gotta run.. I'll be back in about half an hour.
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11:10:03 <wftl> Hmm, if I do that, then I see just one entry in my invoice. I need both taxes visible individually.
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11:42:23 <warlord> wftl: okay, i'm back
12:01:35 <wftl> Hey, warlord. I was just saying that if I set up a tax table with both entries, then I see just one entry in my invoice. I need both taxes visible individually.
12:01:57 <wftl> Perhaps I just wind up seeing them in the register, not in the invoice?
12:02:22 * wftl is really trying to love GnuCash. [ insert appropriate smiley here ]
12:02:43 <warlord> wftl: You can see them in the invoice if you select the "See All Taxes" option in the report options.
12:03:06 <wftl> Cool. Let me check that out.
12:05:04 <warlord> NOte that there IS a known bug in that in some versions that feature crashes the report.
12:06:07 <wftl> Okay, so the two taxes are just visible in the report. I was hoping to see them in the invoice itself.
12:07:08 <warlord> No, you wont see them in the invoice window.
12:07:18 <warlord> Just the total tax.
12:07:47 <wftl> Bummer. I can live with that but bummer still.
12:10:38 <warlord> Why would you need to see that on the invoice page?
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12:53:48 <andrewsw> morning
12:54:11 <andrewsw> warlord: some jurisdictions require that receipts show all taxes separately.
12:54:38 <warlord> andrewsw: Of course... and the invoice report will show that.
12:54:55 <warlord> What I dont understand is why you need to see it in the invoice WINDOW, where you enter your invoice data.
12:55:10 <andrewsw> d'oh.
12:55:37 * andrewsw reminds himself that warlord is always right... somehow...
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13:03:07 <warlord> hehehe
13:06:07 <andrewsw> I'm pretty sure my printing issue is a gtkprint issue backed up by crazy ghostscript transition in debian. :(
13:06:16 <andrewsw> looks like I'm handwriting checks for a while.
13:11:45 <warlord> :(
13:11:57 <warlord> Have you reported it to Deb?
13:12:21 <andrewsw> not yet, still waiting for some action on d-u. The problem is I can't tell which package to file against.
13:12:53 <andrewsw> I've downgraded both the ghostscript stuff and libgtk with no luck, so it may be elsewhere too...
13:15:13 <warlord> true..
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13:16:35 <andrewsw> these printing systems are so dang complicated, its hard to know where the change has come in.
13:18:16 <warlord> Yeah...
13:20:07 <andrewsw> couple that with me leaving gnucash up for weeks sometimes and who knows which version of what lib I'm running in.
13:20:32 <andrewsw> what I'm curious about though is why it printed three checks *before* it segfaulted yesterday.
13:22:18 <warlord> no clue.
13:24:08 <andrewsw> I think I'm going to report against libgtk and let them sort it out...
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13:28:43 <warlord> sure.
13:28:51 <warlord> Especially if the problem exists in gnumeric, too!
13:29:23 <andrewsw> that's how I figured out it might be gtk. gnumeric doesn't depend on libgnomeprint...
13:29:55 <warlord> right
13:29:58 <andrewsw> which means, BTW, that reporting uses gnomeprint and checks uses gtkprint (to answer last night's ?)
13:30:00 <warlord> it sounds like a gtkprint issue
13:30:06 <warlord> Yes.
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