2007-11-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:51 *** basanta has joined #gnucash
01:00:17 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:03:59 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
01:04:09 <dbreiser> .
01:04:14 *** dbreiser is now known as dbr
01:04:16 <dbr> .
01:04:16 <gncbot> dbr: Sent 5 hours and 34 minutes ago: <andi5> do you have any information regarding http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2007-October/022033.html ?
01:04:34 *** dbr is now known as dbreiser
01:06:43 <dbreiser> @tell andi5 not really, though I suspect a mismatch somewhere in gtk+/libgoffice. Graphs work for me in fink (gtk+ 2.6.10 and libgoffice 0.2.2) and also experimental tree with gtk+ 2.12.1 and libgoffice 0.5.2 (gnucash trunk in this case, 2.2.1 in the standard fink)
01:06:43 <gncbot> dbreiser: The operation succeeded.
01:08:36 <dbreiser> @tell andi5 cairo is nominally 1.4.10 in either case, but it would be interesting to see the build logs for the macports installation
01:08:36 <gncbot> dbreiser: The operation succeeded.
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01:10:12 *** duvnell has joined #gnucash
01:10:33 <duvnell> is there a way to put date constraints when you run a report?
01:10:45 <duvnell> it seems to just report on ALL data entered
01:10:56 <duvnell> (cash flow report particularly)
01:11:10 <duvnell> ah.. right click (that wasn't obvious)
01:12:22 <duvnell> another question: what do I do at the end of the year? do I create a backup of my 2007 data and then clear it out for 2008? or would I just want to keep recording receipts into 2008 and always constrain reports?
01:12:31 <duvnell> or start completely over?
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04:37:11 <conrad> duvnell: What I do is keep going. Reset all income and expense accounts to zero balance using an equity account (that's explained somewhere in the docs I think).
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08:52:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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10:26:59 <jsled> duvnell: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Is_there_book-closing_support.2C_yet.3F
10:30:20 <warlord> Maybe by january I'll get motivated to write a simple feature that zero-izes all Income and Expense accounts.
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12:07:09 *** sorush20 has joined #gnucash
12:07:15 <sorush20> hi
12:07:33 <sorush20> I'm not sure if anyone replied to my question a few days a go how do I check ?
12:09:59 <sorush20> no body has answered me.
12:10:29 <jsled> what was your question?
12:32:20 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
12:47:13 <warlord> jsled: apparently sorush20 has no question anymore.
12:53:10 <tazz0r> @seen cstim
12:53:10 <gncbot> tazz0r: cstim was last seen in #gnucash 2 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <cstim> good luck!
12:53:35 <tazz0r> does cstim come on much??
12:58:34 <warlord> define "much"?
13:01:10 <tazz0r> ummm every few days weeks months ??
13:02:03 <warlord> days/weeks
13:02:10 <tazz0r> ok
13:02:33 <tazz0r> i recoded gwenhywfar to check for env vars first then if not found it goes for the registry
13:02:46 <tazz0r> working on aqbanking now
13:02:52 <tazz0r> to do the same
13:04:14 <warlord> ok
13:04:34 <tazz0r> kinda sucks that they dident use env from day one
13:04:44 <tazz0r> woulda made making it portable alot easier lol
13:05:02 <tazz0r> but i dont mind doing a little coding
13:09:12 <warlord> okay..
13:09:54 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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17:17:26 <jasper> if someone puts up cash in a new (private) company in return for shareholding, where does the transfer come from for gnucash's purposes?
17:21:31 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
17:21:35 <warlord> jasper: equity
17:21:45 <warlord> (Owner's Equity, to be exact)
17:25:29 *** jsled has joined #gnucash
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17:28:28 <jasper> sweet
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17:28:30 <jasper> thanks warlord
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17:30:20 <jlsed> @ping
17:30:20 <gncbot> pong
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18:14:32 *** wftl has joined #gnucash
18:16:02 <wftl> Hello all. Can someone point me to a (simple) set of instructions for setting up GST/PST for Canadian invoicing?
18:16:35 <wftl> Also, is there some way to delete/hide some of the fields on the Invoice entry screen?
18:18:13 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_handle_GST_on_invoices.2C_and_claim_GST_rebates_on_purchases.3F
18:18:36 <jsled> I'm not sure about the second question.
18:19:04 <andrewsw> I don't think you can mess with the Invoice entry screen at all. You can however, ignore some of the fields.
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18:21:50 <andrewsw> that's kind of frustrating. search 'GST' on wiki.gnucash.org/wiki returns nothing...
18:23:00 <jsled> Wow, no kidding.
18:24:10 <andrewsw> other FAQ search terms work though.
18:26:50 <andrewsw> for some reason that particular FAQ just doesn't show in the searches though its children do... wierd
18:26:59 <andrewsw> er. weird.
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18:40:31 <andrewsw> wow... segfault printing checks..
18:43:44 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
18:45:54 <andrewsw> and now it prints blank pages...
18:48:31 <andrewsw> weird. I can print reports but not checks.
18:53:32 <andrewsw> doesn't work in svn either. Is this a gconf thing maybe?
18:55:55 <andrewsw> not a file issue, same problem in another file.
18:59:39 <andrewsw> hmmm... killed a gconfd-2 that was hanging out.
19:00:12 <andrewsw> nope.
19:01:38 <andrewsw> here goes a reboot. see yo shortly.
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19:05:31 <andrewsw> woah. I just rebooted and it didn't actually reboot my box, just stopped all the services, loaded a new kernel image and came back... wft?
19:05:40 <andrewsw> wtf?
19:05:47 <jsled> heh. what distro?
19:05:52 <andrewsw> debian sid.
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19:06:38 <andrewsw> I don't remember sitting on a kernel upgrade, but may I was.
19:07:32 <andrewsw> I wonder if these newfangled kernels just do that...
19:08:56 *** BlackBsd has joined #GnuCash
19:09:11 <andrewsw> so crap. no love and check printing after a "reboot".
19:10:42 <andrewsw> but reports still work.
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19:13:30 <andrewsw> can't print to file either. just a blank file.
19:13:53 <andrewsw> check printing and report printing pull up different print dialogs...
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19:52:17 <andrewsw> no obvious printing related packages changed since 11/07.
20:08:04 <andrewsw> hmmm... lots of font related stuff inthe pipe for upgrade *and* getting a foomatic rip failure in gnumeric. maybe its not gnucsah related.
20:10:43 <andrewsw> okay, here I go for a real reboot. back shortly
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20:28:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:29:07 <warlord> andrewsw: reports and checks use (I THINK) slightly different interfaces to print.
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20:44:27 <andrewsw> warlord: hi
20:44:48 <andrewsw> yeah I can see that. the checks look like the gnumeric interface. reports are something else
20:45:27 <andrewsw> interestingly, gnc will print a blank page for a check (with no errors I've found yet) where gnumeric will
20:45:41 <andrewsw> cause an error to show in the cups interface (foomatic-rip failed).
20:45:51 <warlord> Interesting.
20:48:56 <andrewsw> as I said earlier, printing to file doesn't work either. A blank file. :(
20:49:08 <andrewsw> Something in the filter/render chain isn't working.
20:49:57 <andrewsw> all I can think is some tex related thing (dviutils?) I installed the other day must be messing with it.
20:50:24 <andrewsw> or I've left gnucash up through a couple upgrades that touched a bunch of printing stuff and it finally bit me.
20:52:44 <warlord> Could be a GnomePrint v. GtkPrint thing.
20:52:53 <warlord> It's all just a big mess right now.
20:53:05 <andrewsw> yeah.
20:53:18 <andrewsw> which one is being used where?
20:55:54 <warlord> i dont know.
20:56:28 <andrewsw> okay. I'm asking on d-u. I'm sure its not a gnucash problem per-se.
20:56:59 <andrewsw> ALthough its interesting to note that although gnumeric fails outright, it does print to a file where gnucash prints a blank page either way.
20:57:50 <andrewsw> I also see that I'm missing some upgrades including some fonts and libgtk2.0 stuff... maybe...
20:57:57 <andrewsw> time for dinner. cheers!
20:58:21 <warlord> Laters
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