2007-11-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:22:31 <ArcRiley> cool our patched version works
00:24:15 <andrewsw> @tell warlord yeah, price from txn works, but feels kludgey and is a pita. anyway, I think I'm on the right track with adv.port. thx for listeneing again.
00:24:15 <gncbot> andrewsw: The operation succeeded.
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08:25:05 <warlord> .
08:25:05 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 8 hours ago: <andrewsw> yeah, price from txn works, but feels kludgey and is a pita. anyway, I think I'm on the right track with adv.port. thx for listeneing again.
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09:23:16 <warlord> @tell andrewsw Not sure why it's any more of a PITA than anything else -- you HAVE the transaction in hand at the time you need the exchange rate (maybe?). So the transaction itself is "more accurate" than the pricedb entries anyways. The pricedb is useful for estimating value at a time where you DONT have a transaction.
09:23:16 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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11:22:28 <andrewsw> .
11:22:28 <gncbot> andrewsw: Sent 1 hour and 59 minutes ago: <warlord> Not sure why it's any more of a PITA than anything else -- you HAVE the transaction in hand at the time you need the exchange rate (maybe?). So the transaction itself is more accurate than the pricedb entries anyways. The pricedb is useful for estimating value at a time where you DONT have a transaction.
11:23:15 <andrewsw> warlord: hey, morning and thanks. you are of course right.
11:23:24 <warlord> 'morning
11:23:51 <andrewsw> I've dug into that report some more and sort of ripped its guts out and have a much better understanding of what's going on.
11:24:00 <warlord> good...
11:24:48 <andrewsw> The whole pricedb thing is really sort of a distraction.
11:25:23 <warlord> Yeah.
11:25:46 <warlord> (I kinda thought so)
11:25:50 <andrewsw> If there's not a price from there, it really doesn't matter and is simple to flag a particular txn as a pricing txn.
11:26:29 <andrewsw> The problem I was having was using the price as a means of determining what currency the commodity is traded in, but that's really simple to dinf.
11:26:34 <andrewsw> find.
11:27:26 <warlord> :)
11:27:39 <andrewsw> I keep using this channel for thinking aloud. Causes all kinds of spurious noise for you guys...
11:28:27 <andrewsw> anyway I've got to get the kids to school. Maybe later I'll be back, I've got some questions about how to handle brokerage fees.
11:28:31 <andrewsw> later
11:29:13 <warlord> Later
11:29:21 <warlord> (must be US/Pacific)
11:30:32 <andrewsw> yep. that's why I ramble on here when you're in bed ;)... see ya
11:33:54 <warlord> have a good day
11:50:23 <cj> warlord: hey there
11:50:58 <warlord> hi
11:51:07 <cj> warlord: I hear gnucash knows how to get transaction data from schwab
11:51:16 <cj> warlord: do you know anything about that?
11:51:37 <warlord> umm... configure OFX?
11:51:47 <cj> yeah, but... :)
11:51:57 <cj> schwab doesn't advertise their OFX interface very well...
11:52:22 <cj> unless you mean something by "configure OFX" that I don't understand...
11:53:06 <warlord> Umm.... wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/ -- and look it up?
11:53:16 <cj> roger. thanks.
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11:56:01 <cj> I'm guessing this is the one to which you refer:
11:56:02 <cj> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2
11:56:22 <warlord> Yep
12:22:15 <andrewsw> hey. back for a bit.
12:24:15 <andrewsw> brokerage fees. I can't really tell what the old report was trying to do with brokerage fees.
12:24:55 <andrewsw> on the one hand, I can see wanting to ignore brokerage fees/factor them out of the numbers so that you get
12:25:04 <andrewsw> a pure look at what your investment did.
12:26:06 <andrewsw> But on the other hand, they are a cost of investing and affect overall returns and could affect the
12:26:21 <andrewsw> taxable results of your investing.
12:27:02 <andrewsw> In the first case, you have to track brokerage fees and adjust moneyin/moneyout so that the brokerage fees are essentially ignored.
12:27:33 <andrewsw> So that the $1010 into the account to purchase $1000 of stock with a $10 commission looks like $1000 in at the end.
12:27:49 <andrewsw> I wonder, should this be an option?
12:33:55 <warlord> Or maybe add a "fees" column?
12:34:05 <warlord> (yes, I think it should be an option)
12:34:34 <andrewsw> hmmm... yeah that would sort of make sense. d'oh.
12:34:59 <andrewsw> there is still the question of whether fees are included in the gains calculation or not. I don't actually know how that works.
12:35:15 <warlord> I dont know if they should be included or not..
12:35:54 <andrewsw> for my own information, I'd want to know how the fees affected returns, but for taxable stuff, I don't know.
12:35:59 <warlord> I dont know how you want to compute the price basis.
12:36:20 <andrewsw> what do you mean?
12:36:41 <andrewsw> oh. whether to include fees into the basis calculations?
12:36:47 * andrewsw shudders
12:37:20 <warlord> that's really all you're asking. Are fees in the cost basis or not?
12:38:07 <andrewsw> no. I frankly hadn't though of that. I've specifically excluded fees from cost basis. 100 shares at $10 have a basis of $1000 regardless, the way its currently done.
12:39:00 <warlord> well, then, there shouldn't be any questions about fees.
12:39:57 <andrewsw> So buy 100@$10, basis $1000, fees$10. Money in $1010. enter price @$15, unrealised gain= $500 or $490?
12:42:12 <warlord> I dont know.
12:42:34 <andrewsw> yeah. me neither.
12:42:48 <warlord> Assuming the "buy" fee is $10, I would say that the cost basis is actually 1010, not 1000, and the gain is 490.
12:43:05 <andrewsw> I guess I need to talk to an accountant.
12:43:23 <warlord> Yeah, I think so.. Or ask on gnucash-user. ;)
12:44:01 <andrewsw> just my thought!
12:44:44 <andrewsw> Either way, i think the rewrite will make maintenance of the report easier, and adjustments can be more easily made going forward.
12:45:05 <andrewsw> I think I'll be able to close quite a few bugs with this. :)
12:46:44 <warlord> I hope so!
12:47:12 <warlord> I'd say that you can add an option to allow the user to choose whether to include "buy fees" in the basis.
12:47:26 <andrewsw> its been bothering me for a while and I've not had the time/energy/itch to tackle it.
12:47:35 <warlord> Well, thank you !
12:47:52 <andrewsw> I wish I could remember what problem I was trying to solve before so that I could feel good about the work I did.
12:48:12 <andrewsw> Instead I think I just caused more headaches. :( live and learn
12:48:38 <andrewsw> yes a fees option is probably the way to go.
12:49:37 <warlord> I dont remember what you were trying to solve before.
12:49:44 <warlord> Maybe getting it not to crash?
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12:56:26 <andrewsw> there it is... fixed some multi-currency stuff, added an additional price source, added functionality (basis, gains), and closed a couple bugs.
12:56:37 <andrewsw> I feel better :)
12:59:20 <warlord> :-D
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18:53:09 <andi5> hiho ... someone willing to test a patch against svn2cl.xsl for me? ...
19:05:47 <andrewsw> can just anybody do it? or do you need a real dev
19:06:09 <andi5> andrewsw: you could give it a try in a few minutes...
19:06:32 <andi5> i am just trying to get it in (have to revert other local test commits first ;-))
19:07:27 <andrewsw> okay. willing to try.
19:09:18 <andi5> andrewsw: r16595 is waiting for you.... you may stop after the rebuilding of ChangeLog (please remote it first) if you want .... thanks a lot :-)
19:09:51 <andrewsw> um. okay, what is "please remote it first?"
19:10:11 <andi5> in case you are building without a clean source/build tree
19:11:00 <andrewsw> I have two trees. one pretty clean and one in the midst of report munching. hold on.
19:11:08 <andi5> *g*
19:12:29 * andi5 starts mahjongg
19:12:45 * andrewsw still reverting a couple little things that don't matter
19:12:47 <andi5> (it is too late anyway)
19:12:52 <andrewsw> ?
19:12:58 <andi5> oh, just ignore me
19:13:40 <andrewsw> okay, clean tree at 16595, what am I doing different than a normal make?
19:14:11 <andi5> nothing... just make sure that "make" is rebuilding the ChangeLog
19:14:31 <andrewsw> okay... making....
19:14:36 <andi5> i.e. you may need to remove that file or touch NEWS before
19:17:30 <andrewsw> I rm'd ChangeLog and restarted make
19:17:44 <andi5> thanks
19:18:12 <andi5> aaaah... i did not mean "remote", but rather "remove" of course :-D
19:18:16 <andrewsw> now the first entry is today by you r16595 Improve svn2cl.xsl...
19:18:22 <andrewsw> I just got that. heh heh
19:18:32 <andi5> may you give me the md5sum of the file?
19:18:50 <andrewsw> 3af363cf0e37b66e055b4ba2d46564c4 ChangeLog
19:19:06 <andi5> one second (just realized that i need the latest commit as well)
19:19:27 <andi5> nice... same for me
19:19:31 <andi5> does it look reasonable?
19:19:47 <andrewsw> looks like a perfectly fine md5sum.... rimshot!
19:19:57 <andrewsw> ummm... the Changelog looks fine to me.
19:20:00 <andi5> rofl
19:20:36 <andrewsw> BP means backport... what did you change relative to the old ChangeLog?
19:20:38 <andi5> from my point of view, md5sums should not start with numbers... that is just not.... well...
19:21:11 <andi5> quite some bits and pieces, and i just started taking a glimpse on xslt, so i hope i did not mess everything up
19:22:15 <andi5> it should not show some branches like gda-dev anymore (see the commit message) ... and for branches/2.2 i can choose to include trunk changes up to r16560 (the branching point) :-D
19:22:47 <andrewsw> I see. you want me to actually read the thing? ;)
19:22:50 <andrewsw> Seriously, though
19:23:21 <andi5> no, i did not expect you to read the whole ChangeLog :-)
19:23:52 <andi5> you should know it... by heart
19:24:00 <andrewsw> So the ChangeLog entry for 16561 has all these +'s, normal?
19:24:01 <andrewsw> heh
19:24:10 <andrewsw> No wonder I can never figure out what I'm doing.
19:24:29 <andrewsw> That would be a great thing to add to the "new dev" docs. First, memorise the ChangeLog...
19:24:30 <andi5> yep, that seems to be munged diffstat output
19:25:15 <andi5> then go study scheme
19:25:38 <andrewsw> that's the best part. i don't understand why its so difficult for people.
19:25:42 <andi5> take a rest while rewriting the register
19:26:00 <andi5> i have no clue :)
19:26:06 <andrewsw> you mean all my work porting all the scheme to prolog is wasted?
19:26:17 <andi5> andrewsw: can you give me the number of uncommitted but emailed patches from you?
19:26:26 <andi5> you mean cobol?
19:26:31 <andrewsw> pl/1
19:26:35 <andi5> aaah
19:26:45 <andrewsw> ummm.... I can, hold on./
19:28:01 <andi5> our train drivers are striking again, so even less time to take a look at them :(
19:28:47 <andrewsw> #460232, #487572 both include patches, not sure on the emailed, checking...
19:29:15 <andi5> maybe cstim (wink wink) will look at them first :-D
19:29:44 <andrewsw> the second is a lame patch, it fixes a report crash without addressing the missing functionality...
19:29:57 <andi5> nice....
19:30:24 <andi5> Crash, reason ENOTIMPLEMENTED
19:31:47 <andi5> oh, there are other pending patches as well... grrrr, people should stop sending patches ;-)
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19:32:33 <andi5> andrewsw: thank you _very much_ ... have a nice evening and see you!
19:32:44 <andrewsw> I know. I'm working on advanced portfolio waiting/hoping for outstanding patches to come through while wondering how I'll merge them
19:32:58 <andrewsw> andi5: you're welcome. cheers
19:33:10 <andi5> andrewsw: keep up with your work :)
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19:34:37 <andrewsw> @tell andi5 the only outstanding patches of mine seem to be 460232 and 487572. thanks :)
19:34:37 <gncbot> andrewsw: The operation succeeded.
19:34:43 <andrewsw> later taters.
19:35:43 <shahsag> hi, is there a programming API for reading gnucash account files?
19:42:23 <jsled> not exposed (e.g., via an existing shared library, pkg-info file, &c.)
19:42:43 <jsled> But there is a separate API for loading the file and creating just the engine objects (apart from the UI)
19:56:04 <shahsag> where can i read more about it?
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20:36:41 <shahsag> is there a way to hide bank accounts that i have closed in gnucash?
20:39:23 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:39:52 <warlord> shahsag: Under View you can tell it to hide accounts, or hide zero-amount accounts. You can also mark the account "hidden" under the "Edit Account" operation
20:41:00 <shahsag> excellent!
20:41:11 <shahsag> I guess I've been using gnucash so long i miss the new features when they've been added
20:41:25 <shahsag> That's one of the downsides of linux distributions
20:41:35 <shahsag> u get upgraded but u don't get a list of the release notes
20:42:15 <shahsag> next question...
20:42:34 <shahsag> is there a way for me to get a warning rather than this Imbalance-GBP account being created when i make a typo ?
20:46:41 <warlord> Unforutnately.... no. :(
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21:28:53 <shahsag> Well, we can't have everything in life :)
21:46:49 <warlord> Yeah... It's one of the things that bugs me...
21:46:57 <warlord> (maybe I'll find the time to fix it)
21:47:25 <shahsag> I tried that Transaction Report -> Export you mentioned the other day
21:47:35 <shahsag> but it outputs HTML rather than XML
21:47:40 <shahsag> so a bit harder to parse
21:51:06 <warlord> HTMl is a subset of XML. ;)
21:51:13 <warlord> there is no "XML" output
21:52:54 <warlord> anywyas, gotta run
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