2007-11-07 GnuCash IRC logs
01:06:37 *** PMadej has joined #gnucash
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07:28:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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08:57:28 *** ironcity_ has joined #gnucash
08:59:25 <ironcity_> hello
09:01:55 <ironcity_> hi, I downloaded the gnucash-2.2.1-setup.exe windows binary and installed on my windows xp machine
09:02:13 <ironcity_> I have no problems in the installation
09:03:22 <warlord> great!
09:03:49 <ironcity_> however, when i clicked on the gnucash icon to start the program, nothing happened.
09:04:16 <ironcity_> I got the command screen flashed briefly and disappeared
09:04:37 <warlord> anything in the gnucash.trace file?
09:04:41 <warlord> What Windows are you running?
09:04:56 <ironcity_> windows xp pro
09:05:07 <warlord> Hmm..
09:05:19 <warlord> Do you have an outgoing firewall enabled?
09:05:29 <ironcity_> where is guncash.trace file
09:05:39 <ironcity_> ah...
09:05:51 <warlord> @op benoitg
09:05:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o benoitg
09:06:53 <ironcity_> good point, i might look into my firewall settings
09:07:26 <warlord> as for the trace file -- I dont know where the win32 app puts it by default. I'm not a windows dev/user.
09:09:59 <ironcity_> thanks warlord. i'll try to find it tonight when i get home and let you know where it is saved if i can find it
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14:21:12 *** bluewool has joined #gnucash
14:22:05 <bluewool> hello
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14:26:53 <bluewool> hi,i'm new at this so plz be patient...i'm trying to process a payment with transfer account being checking account and post to account accounts receivable,but every time i try,i get a message saying dat accounts receivable does not exist...plz help.
14:27:17 *** FeDoRa has joined #gnucash
14:27:32 <FeDoRa> Hewo :)
14:27:42 <andrewsw> bluewool: did you create an a/r account
14:28:50 <bluewool> yes,i created an a/r account which i already used to make invoices but now gnu says the account doesnt exist
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14:29:15 <andrewsw> so you made invoices and posted the invoices and now are paying them?
14:29:23 <bluewool> yes
14:30:07 <andrewsw> 1 sec
14:31:16 <andrewsw> okay. sorry had to shuffle some stuff out of the way.
14:31:32 <bluewool> no problem
14:31:41 <andrewsw> how are you paying the invoice?
14:31:48 <andrewsw> from the invoice itself?
14:32:14 <bluewool> yes,i selected the invoice and sed process payment
14:32:38 <andrewsw> this provides a window with "Payment Information" and the vendor, bill., date and amount prefilled.
14:33:37 <bluewool> yup,dats it...if u look at post to,ders accounts receivable der
14:34:25 <andrewsw> okay. and you've selected checking in the "Transfer Account" area?
14:34:36 <andrewsw> (sorry, I know its annoying to go step by step... )
14:34:48 <bluewool> yes,i selected checking account
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14:35:43 <andrewsw> you click OK and get an error saying exactly what?
14:36:06 <bluewool> dat the account,a/r does not exist
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14:37:23 <andrewsw> does that account show in the Accounts tab?
14:37:39 <bluewool> yes
14:38:05 <andrewsw> and is it type A/Receiveable? and does it show a balance?
14:38:44 <bluewool> yes,its under assets and it has a dr balance
14:39:41 <andrewsw> hmmm....
14:39:49 <andrewsw> what is the exact name of the account?
14:40:13 <bluewool> Assets:Assets:Accounts Receivable
14:41:31 <andrewsw> is that the name of the account or the name of the path to the account? IOW, if you right-click -> edit account, what shows in the "Account name" box?
14:42:42 <andrewsw> bluewool: you can't have ':' in the account name. I just duplicated that here using 2.2.1.
14:42:46 <bluewool> Assets:Accounts Receivable
14:43:04 <andrewsw> yeah. remove that ":" from the account name and you should be good.
14:43:18 <bluewool> ok.i'll try
14:44:55 <bluewool> it worked!!!thank you so much!!!
14:44:59 <andrewsw> :)
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14:47:24 <andrewsw> that's my boy scout deed for today... later
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15:17:01 <warlord> Wow! We allow people to set an invalid account name?
15:17:09 <warlord> That's a bug!
15:51:03 *** mort has joined #gnucash
15:51:36 <mort> I just built gnucash out of svn to see if the bugs that I asked about in this channel a few days ago are fixed for me.
15:51:49 <mort> Should I be on the SVN head or is there a 2.2.x branch that I should try?
15:51:57 <andrewsw> warlord: I think its already reported and maybe even patched.
15:55:00 <mort> it looks like I'm probably on the right branch....the message when I started up of "2.4 will be the next stable" scared me into thinking there might be very unstable features in svn head
15:55:55 <warlord> mort: at this point, no, not many new features in trunk yet.. I think the CSV importer might have been merged.
15:57:13 <warlord> mort: trunk is also more likely to have fixes than 2.2 -- fixes are made in trunk first and then (later) backported to 2.2 (or not).
15:57:29 <mort> okay.
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16:06:19 <andrewsw> warlord: can't find it right now but I have memory of reading an exchange about account separators.
16:06:32 <andrewsw> warlord: but you're right :) that's definitely a bug.
16:06:41 <andrewsw> warlord: and now I'm back to work. later
16:06:54 <warlord> later
16:10:13 *** cstim has joined #gnucash
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16:12:18 <mort> Either since I moved to gnucash 2.2.1 or perhaps as a result of using 2.2.x and then going back to 2.0.x, I now have a "Root Account" top-level account. is this normal?
16:13:21 <cstim> yes
16:13:24 <jsled> yes. 2.0.5 should know about the account and "ignore" it.
16:13:33 <cstim> hi jsled
16:13:41 <jsled> hello from sunny california. :)
16:15:05 <mort> cstim: okay.
16:15:22 <cstim> re-hi from rainy Hamburg.
16:17:02 <mort> Next question/bug: When I try to process a payment against an invoice, no transfer account shows up in the box and the "You must select a transfer account from the account tree" error comes up when I hit the OK button
16:18:04 <jsled> while the account appears selected, the code doesn't believe it is; you need to re-select the account in the control of the dialog.
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16:19:41 <mort> jsled: I think I ran into the bug you're referring to while trying to post and invoice.
16:20:09 <mort> There is an account selected in the "Post To" box, "Root Account:Assets:Accounts Receivable"
16:20:21 <mort> there is nothing in the Transfer Account area though.
16:20:31 <mort> which is where I'd usually select Chequing Account
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16:54:03 <warlord> mort: this is due to the "Root Account"
16:54:28 <warlord> you need to delete it. The best way is to move all subaccounts up to the top level and then delete the root.
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16:55:23 <oeolycus> Is there an easier way of editing transactions that are imported (OFX) from a credit card company than having to double click on each item, then opening the expenses menu, then scrolling down to find the expense account?
16:56:37 <warlord> oeolycus: if you turn on Bayesian matching, then gnucash will learn about those matches and then as you go it should get smarter about figuring out how to auto-map them
16:56:44 <warlord> But yes, you still need to manually train it.
16:57:44 <oeolycus> All right. I usually import them as imbalances, then change them within the account (cuz you can type exp:enter, and get expenses:entertainment faster than clicking through the menus)
16:58:07 <oeolycus> Then delete the imbalance acct.
16:59:19 <oeolycus> 2nd question: If I have two different gnucash files (dlb & dlb_accounts), is there a way to transfer some/all of the transactions from one file to another? I've tried the export/import options to no avail. Thanks for the help
16:59:53 <warlord> ahh, yes, then there's no way for the importer to learn, so no, no way to improve that process.
17:00:09 <warlord> Um, gnucash2qif, then import?
17:00:29 <oeolycus> that's a separate program?
17:01:51 <warlord> yes.
17:02:22 <oeolycus> ok thank you. just found it on sourceforge. you've been a great deal of help :)
17:03:19 <warlord> Glad to be helpful.
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17:18:19 <mort> warlord: okay, I'll try that.
17:18:20 <mort> thanks
17:18:41 <warlord> np
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17:51:44 <mort> warlord: that fixed it for me. Great. SVN does what I need! :)
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18:41:37 <warlord> mort: glad it worked.
18:55:20 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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22:39:57 <dbreiser> nbinont: do you know much about the perl installation for gnucash in windows?
22:42:43 <dbreiser> unrelated to perl, can someone comment on http://www.pastebin.ca/765558
22:43:29 <dbreiser> I suppose I could just --disable-errors-on-warning, but I get spooked when things that used to build don't
22:49:27 <nbinont> dbreiser: we use ActivePerl, and it's installed on the build machine around line 204 of install.sh. I haven't looked much further into it than that.
22:49:44 <dbreiser> thanks
22:49:53 <dbreiser> I'll have to bug andi5, I think
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23:06:47 *** nbinont is now known as nbinont-afk
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