2007-10-16 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:18 <nocsav> thanks. will try those out. i'm going to remove the old packages first and start from a clean state.
00:51:44 *** anajilly has joined #gnucash
01:04:12 <anajilly> excuse me for being clueless, but... earlier andi5 said: "@tell anajilly please use gncbot to tell me..."
01:04:12 <gncbot> anajilly: Sent 6 hours and 23 minutes ago: <andi5> please use gncbot to tell me what you think and whether the patch solves your problem ... ciao
01:04:19 <anajilly> I'm not sure what that means
01:04:50 <anajilly> oh... gncbot just told me something. I think I get it now. never mind
01:07:20 <anajilly> @tell andi5 the patch does prevent the crash.
01:07:20 <gncbot> anajilly: The operation succeeded.
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02:41:42 <datakid> any Australians in this channel?
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11:20:39 <Smooph> hi all
11:22:16 <jsled> hello
11:22:39 <Smooph> My bank uses the 900itan standard and I want to use gnucash for onlinebanking ... I managed to install aqhcbi stuff and I can get transactions and account information but i cannot issue transactions ... can anybody help me ? (I am from germany and my bank ist the "Postbank")
11:25:38 <warlord> Smooph: you might be best asking on the gnucash-de mailing list. Unfortunately none of us are german or familiar with the HBCI code.
11:25:38 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 14 hours and 39 minutes ago: <andrewsw> I understand but the work's mostly done, new stuff breaks trial-balance, so I'll put up my patch when finished and we can talk about it. cheers
11:25:48 <warlord> @op benoitg
11:25:49 *** gncbot sets mode: +o benoitg
11:26:21 <Smooph> k thx @warlord
11:27:32 <warlord> no problem.
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11:48:27 <warlord> heading to the office. BIAB.
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12:53:59 <andrewsw> warlord: Hi. upon reflection, you are, of course, correct. sorry for the noise.
12:54:59 <warlord> andrewsw: No worries. I'm not ALWAYS right.
12:55:02 <warlord> (just most of the time) ;)
12:55:08 <andrewsw> :)
12:55:10 <warlord> :-D
12:55:47 <andrewsw> I was trying to keep my changes very focused and minimal. and thinking inside a small box as a result.
12:57:15 <warlord> It's okay. We all do that.
12:57:35 <warlord> (I just tend to be pretty good at seeing the big picture. I'm just not always good at explaining it)
12:58:28 <andrewsw> sure. I get afraid of getting tangled in spaghetti code as I'm so out of practice.
12:58:38 <andrewsw> and I end up forcing myself into corners.
12:59:13 <andrewsw> of course this particular bit is pretty ugly anyway. I'll take performance improvements over pretty code.
13:00:14 <warlord> Well, one could always spruce it up in the rewrite, rigtht?
13:00:51 <andrewsw> wah!? you mean I have to rewrite this?
13:00:52 <andrewsw> ;-)
13:02:07 <warlord> well, not AGAIN.
13:02:12 <warlord> (hopefully)
13:02:23 <warlord> well, at least, not until we decide to migrate to a new reporting infrastructure.
13:02:58 <andrewsw> its a pretty complicated piece of code (probably more-so than needed) and I don't really understand it all
13:03:15 <warlord> Add comments as you figure it out?
13:03:30 <andrewsw> so I've fixed the bits that make it run faster, but haven't tackled the overall structure. the result is
13:03:37 <andrewsw> less pretty than it started.
13:03:43 <andrewsw> yes, I'm commenting the crap out of it.
13:04:21 <andrewsw> OT, is there any easier way to re-indent a block of code (emacs, scheme major mode)
13:04:45 <jsled> M-C-\
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13:05:07 <andrewsw> jsled: sweet thx
13:05:54 <jsled> I've noticed some files have an annoying mix of tabs and spaces.
13:05:57 <jsled> Both scm and C.
13:05:59 <warlord> I just use M-x indent-region
13:06:20 <jsled> M-C-\ is indent-region.
13:06:25 <warlord> we probably want to add appropriate emacs rules to each file to set the appropriate tab-v-space indent rules.
13:13:42 <chris> yuk.
13:14:43 <chris> we should just lazily convert all the tabs to spaces.
13:15:48 * jsled agrees
13:20:37 <warlord> That's not what I mean..
13:21:00 <warlord> What I mean is that once a file gets converted from tabs to spaces, we should add the appropriate magic so that tabs dont get re-inserted by emacs.
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14:07:54 <chris> I'm not a fan of sticking $EDITOR meta-data in source files.
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14:38:49 <andrewsw> anyone want to help me figure out some report logic? I've got confusing behaviour here...
14:39:13 *** Alistair has joined #gnucash
14:41:10 <Alistair> Hi latest version remains at 2.2.1 how long between updates as there are several bugs in this version that I thought may have been sorted by now?
14:41:58 <jsled> There might be a 2.2.2 relatively soon.
14:42:59 <Alistair> OK tks is there a url where I can get the dev compiled latest version?
14:43:04 <jsled> no.
14:43:13 <Alistair> OK
14:43:20 <jsled> I mean, you can pull and build it from svn, but...
14:44:19 <Alistair> No, thats OK, I will hang in there for 2.2.2 I think that should probably sort out most of the stuff that we have talked about in the past that is worth fixing.
14:44:57 <jsled> well, you can get a sense of what's fixed at...
14:45:25 <Alistair> I see by the release that its only about a month ago 2.2.1 was released so thats pretty good - better than my own software to be sure :-(
14:45:39 <chris> jsled: I can't believe it's taking you this long! Are you ok? :)
14:45:52 <jsled> chris: heh heh.
14:46:02 <jsled> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&classification=Other&product=GnuCash&target_milestone=2.2.2&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&chfieldfrom=&c
14:46:02 <jsled> hfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=
14:46:03 <jsled> Gah.
14:46:25 <jsled> Well, you'll have to fix the url. But those are the resolved bugs targeted for 2.2.2.
14:46:27 <andrewsw> noooooooo!!!!!! pastebin.ca!!!!!! ;)
14:46:46 <jsled> Also, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486922
14:47:01 <Alistair> Ok tks.
14:48:22 <andrewsw> http://pastebin.ca/738906, if anyone can help.
14:48:57 <Alistair> Except that url is a catchall for the various bugs does not show anything. Does not matter will check again in a few weeks for any changes.
14:49:18 <andrewsw> make that http://pastebin.ca/738907
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15:04:03 <andrewsw> oh NM, somewhere I've messed up.
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15:18:36 <cstim> what's "oh NM"?
15:19:02 <jsled> nevermind.
15:19:05 <cstim> ok
15:19:55 <cstim> andrewsw: instead of (cons (cons foo) bar) you might want to use (list foo bar)
15:19:59 <cstim> or something like that
15:20:12 <cstim> but just "(cons (cons" looks ugly
15:20:20 * cstim keeps typing const const
15:20:31 <cstim> Written way way too much C++ recently.
15:20:59 <andrewsw> okay. I'm still wrestling with it because my structure ends up with changed values later... ugh
15:21:36 <andrewsw> yup. somewhere after I buld that list, I end up changing it... now... where... hmmmm.
15:21:45 <andrewsw> s/buld/build/
15:23:22 <andrewsw> cstim, does (list foo bar) give me the same structure? or do you mean (list (cons foo bar) recurse-baz)?
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15:24:16 <cstim> errr
15:24:31 <cstim> it's been way too long ago since I have been writing scheme
15:25:34 <jsled> Yes; IIRC a list is just a set of cons pairs ... (list a b c) = (cons a (cons b (cons c 'nil)))
15:26:37 <andrewsw> yes. but I want a list of dotted pairs so that a,b,c= (foo . bar)
15:26:40 <jsled> Er... s/'nil/'()/, apparently.
15:26:41 <cstim> here's the deal: (list foo bar) is just shorthand for (cons foo (cons bar '() ) )
15:26:57 <cstim> jsled: you were faster
15:27:25 <andrewsw> okay, so the second is in order
15:27:40 <andrewsw> (list (cons foo bar) recurse-baz)
15:28:09 <andrewsw> regardless, somehow my list is getting changed somewhere in this spaghetti. ugh.
15:28:21 <jsled> "the second is in order"?
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15:29:19 <cstim> andrewsw: you know that you can evaluate scheme expressions directly at the guile prompt?
15:29:54 <andrewsw> cstim: yep. thx. I'll play with that.
15:30:12 <cstim> I mean, that was how I figured out what (list ... ) did.
15:30:28 <cstim> also, was the pastebin code directly from your code?
15:30:35 <andrewsw> yes
15:30:46 <cstim> if yes, you might want to watch out to use enough whitespace.
15:30:56 <cstim> (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval(car
15:31:11 <cstim> seemed to me missing one whitespace, but in this particular case this probably was ok
15:31:31 <andrewsw> ah. yes I did futz with the whitespace a bit in the paste.
15:31:46 <andrewsw> the lines were wrapping funny.
15:31:54 <cstim> ok
15:32:38 <andrewsw> I've confirmed that the list is coming out of (calculate-balances ..) properly... hence my NM. not enough data in that paste to fix it.
15:33:16 <cstim> I'm still around as long as my Mojito hasn't finished :-)
15:33:28 <jsled> andrewsw: is there a reason you care to have dotted pairs specifically?
15:33:36 <andrewsw> yummy.
15:33:45 <andrewsw> jsled: because the rest of my code depends on that.
15:33:52 <andrewsw> circular I know.
15:34:04 <jsled> how so?
15:34:11 <jsled> how does it depend on them?
15:34:54 <andrewsw> it searches the list for (acct.value) and returns that value. Its probably already implemented somewhere...
15:34:58 <andrewsw> a keyed list?
15:35:41 <andrewsw> ummm.. given an acct, go get its already calculated value. using ((acct.val)(acct.val)...)
15:38:20 <andrewsw> I'm guessing that structure already exists somewhere?
15:39:29 <jsled> I see. Maybe.
15:39:37 * jsled doesn't know, for sure.
15:40:03 * cstim doesn't know, too
15:42:28 <andrewsw> crap. definitely changes somewhere. somehow the parent account balances are being recalculated.
15:42:51 <andrewsw> Are their side-effects related to these commodity collectors somehow?
15:43:02 <cstim> there shouldn't be
15:43:24 <cstim> except that the (make-commodity-collector) object itself is intended to be modified instead of only copied
15:44:01 <andrewsw> so maybe I should go ahead and sum the collector and put that into the list?
15:44:10 <andrewsw> that would prevent it from being modified?
15:44:52 <andrewsw> hmmm... I wonder if this is it:
15:44:58 <andrewsw> (lambda (x) (if x (gnc-commodity-collector-merge this-collector x)))
15:45:29 <andrewsw> where x is the commodity collector returned from a search of that list.
15:45:43 <cstim> well, "merge" will modify the this-collector.
15:45:54 <andrewsw> does it also modify x?
15:46:00 <cstim> it shouldn't
15:48:10 <cstim> how do you create the collectors?
15:48:19 <cstim> can you pastebin a longer portion of the code?
15:48:58 <andrewsw> yes, though its gettin uglier as I try to sort it.
15:49:18 <andrewsw> the collectors are created in that calculate-balances function.
15:50:53 <cstim> ok. gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date creates a new commodity-collector each time, so that one should be fine.
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15:51:39 <andrewsw> pasting this is ugly. let me see if I can avoid it.
15:51:57 <andrewsw> collectors are created as described and returned in that list/cons structure.
15:52:30 <andrewsw> that list if passed to a variety of functions that search through that list returning the collector side of the dotted pairs.
15:52:48 <andrewsw> I guess those returned collectors are the *SAME* objects as the ones in the list.
15:52:51 <cstim> actually, when looking at gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date, I'm wondering why it is processing a list of splits?
15:53:10 <cstim> andrewsw: yes, that might be
15:53:29 <andrewsw> note that this issue is introduced in my code. the logic worked before I broke it.
15:56:37 <andrewsw> (still pasting...)
15:59:33 <andrewsw> http://pastebin.ca/738986. oh man it is ugly looking.
15:59:45 <andrewsw> there's way more there than you need I think.
16:00:23 <andrewsw> Also, I'm going to try wrapping my stuff into new collectors throughout and return those new collectors.
16:02:09 <andrewsw> would that be (let (this-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) (gnc-commodity-collector-merge this-collector some-result) this-collector)
16:06:20 <andrewsw> in that paste, the parts that look at the list are (get-balance and (get-balance-sub.
16:07:11 <andrewsw> yes. I see it. look at (define (get-balance-sub acct-balances account)
16:07:13 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
16:07:52 <andrewsw> it says (let ((this-collector (get-balance acct-balances account)) which means that this-collector is
16:08:06 <andrewsw> *pointing* to the same object as the one stored in acct-balances, right?
16:08:16 <cstim> probably
16:08:44 <andrewsw> then then I later merge this-collector and x (from above), I'm just adding it all back to itself. doh.
16:08:49 <cstim> I'm still wondering why gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date will "manually" calculate the balance from the split list.
16:09:00 <cstim> but I can't see when this was added.
16:12:05 * andrewsw crosses fingers
16:12:38 <andrewsw> wOOt!!!!
16:13:24 <cstim> glad to help
16:13:45 <andrewsw> that fixes trial-balance too!!
16:13:56 <andrewsw> yay yay yay !!! :-)
16:15:21 <warlord> cooL!
16:15:22 <andrewsw> so my ugliness, once I pull all the (displays) should cut the income-statement by a ton.
16:17:14 <warlord> Nice.
16:17:17 <warlord> Congrats.
16:18:11 <andrewsw> thanks!
16:23:23 <cstim> congrats
16:23:48 <andrewsw> my sample file: old report 7.7 seconds, new report 2.7 seconds
16:24:06 <warlord> Nice.
16:24:13 <cstim> but in other news I really wonder whether gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date cannot be changed to query the engine directly for the balance, instead of querying for a list of splits and cumulating *their* balance.
16:25:11 <andrewsw> IDK about that, but if that info is available without calculating it, makes sense.
16:25:13 <cstim> nevertheless that query has been in use forever; e.g. http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/scm/report-utilities.scm?rev=3522#L419
16:27:38 <cstim> maybe this should use xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() instead? no idea why that wasn't used back in 2001.
16:27:54 <cstim> oh, the old days.
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16:29:09 <cstim> andrewsw: because I think this should speed this up as well.
16:29:23 <cstim> whatever. Mojito empty. bed time here.
16:29:24 <cstim> see ya
16:29:28 <andrewsw> certainly.
16:29:33 <warlord> cstim: oh, I think I see.
16:29:38 <andrewsw> thanks again!
16:29:54 <cstim> warlord: what do you see?
16:30:11 <warlord> This procedure is doing a recursive sum, and keeping the children account commodity
16:30:27 <warlord> xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() wont give you a recursive balance.
16:31:01 <cstim> yes, but couldn't you do the recursive thing in scheme, but the balance-of-one-account in xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate()?
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16:31:36 <warlord> Hmmm.... Yeah, we probably could.
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17:13:01 <contents> Hey All, I'm getting an error message I don't know what to do with:
17:13:13 <contents> "GnuCash could not obtain the lock for /media/storage/workingdocs/Thomas_budget/budget-adjusted.
17:13:13 <contents> That database may be in use by another user, in which case you should not open the database. What would you like to do?"
17:13:31 <contents> But I'm the only one using this file. No one else has access.
17:13:49 <jsled> It's complaining because there's a lock file for that datafile.
17:14:01 <contents> How do I get rid of that?
17:14:13 <jsled> Which is there either because there's another gnucash instance running ... or the last instance didn't get a chance to remove it when it closed (maybe because it crashed)
17:14:22 <jsled> Uh, isn't there an "open anyways" option?
17:15:04 <contents> There is an open anyway option, but this same message is coming up every time I open it. I'd just like it to open up normally.
17:15:22 <jsled> When you say "open anyways", it should remove the LCK file.
17:15:32 <jsled> So, it sounds like it crashes every time you try to close gnucash.
17:15:39 <jsled> What distro are you using? What version of gnucash?
17:16:57 <contents> I'm using 2.2.1 on Mint-XFCE. Hmmm....I just closed it and it opened up normally...
17:18:43 <contents> Thanks, jsled. It had been crashing before multiple times, I think due to a problem importing a .qif file. Or it might have been due to switching from fedora to mint, which gave me trouble with permissions on this partition.
17:19:09 <contents> in any case, thanks, and I'll try back here again if it happens again. cheers!
17:21:39 <warlord> enjoy
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18:34:25 <contents> Now I've got another bug that's causing gnucash to crash. When I try to type something in gnucash, the app crashes immediately. Running gnucash from the terminal, this is the output it gives me when it crashes: gnucash: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-scim.so: undefined symbol: _Z28scim_x11_keymask_x11_to_scimP9_XDisplayj
18:36:47 <contents> I think that this might have been the bug that was causing it to crash every time before. It wasn't due to imorting .qif files, or switching from fedora to mint.
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19:37:58 <jsled> right. you're on mint.
19:38:52 <jsled> see ... http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486672
19:39:32 <jsled> My suggestion is to take it downstream to Mint. They're the only distro exhibiting this issue.
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22:18:39 <Anonu> hello
22:18:53 <Anonu> hello
22:19:47 <Anonu> any gurus here?
22:19:56 <Anonu> test
22:20:07 <Anonu>
22:20:09 <Anonu>
22:20:09 <Anonu>
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22:21:17 <Anonu> test
22:21:23 <Anonu> test
22:21:28 <Anonu> test
22:21:33 <Anonu> 1
22:21:41 <Anonu> guh, this isnt' working for me, sorry everyone
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23:46:12 <DanielHolth> Hello.
23:46:32 <DanielHolth> I want a smarter way to move things from "Unspecified" to their proper accounts, since I have a lot of them.
23:47:54 <jsled> Right. Code it up!
23:47:54 <DanielHolth> It would be very cool if, for example, the program would record my last 10 accounts as number shortcuts when I import a QIF from my bank, let me associate a transaction with an account by pressing 0-9, and then jump to the next uncategorized imported transaction.
23:48:21 <DanielHolth> It looks like the easiest way will be to write a utility that parses the GNUCash XML
23:49:00 <DanielHolth> I was kindof wondering whether I could script gnucash with Python instead of with (schema)
23:49:12 <jsled> schema?
23:49:46 <jsled> well, in fact, there's a <http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/python-gnucash>, but it didn't seem to get too far.
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