2007-09-29 GnuCash IRC logs
00:35:30 *** pdc_ has joined #gnucash
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09:47:21 <jsled> .
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12:26:20 *** lianto has joined #gnucash
12:28:43 <lianto> hello everyone
12:31:35 <chris> lianto: hello
12:32:19 <lianto> chris: can i ask you a thing or two about modifying the gnucash source code ?
12:32:41 <chris> lianto: don't meta-ask - just ask.
12:35:32 <lianto> chris: i've searched through the mailing list history to find information about inventory system.
12:35:46 <lianto> chris: i know gnucash currently has no inventory system
12:35:54 <lianto> chris: i want to work on it
12:36:15 <lianto> chris: is there any other developer who already working on it?
12:38:17 <chris> none of the current developers are working on that.
12:40:08 <lianto> i've read parts of the source code and want to try some idea
12:40:26 <lianto> do i have to consult someone about making the changes?
12:41:05 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
12:41:26 <chris> you can ask questions here, or on the mailing list.
12:41:43 <chris> You don't need anyone's permission to modify the source, if that's what you're asking.
12:42:02 <chris> Although redistribution is governed by the GPL.
12:42:34 <lianto> ok
12:44:41 <lianto> that's all i want to know for now
12:44:45 <lianto> thanks chris
12:44:48 *** lianto has left #gnucash
13:14:08 <tazz0r> how do u get a list of gnucash-bin command line arugs because guncash-bin --help and /? dont work
13:16:17 <tazz0r> in windows that is
13:32:36 <tazz0r> nvm got them
13:39:29 *** IanL has quit IRC
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15:49:21 <jsled> .
15:49:35 <jsled> @nick jsled:
15:49:36 <gncbot> jsled: Error: Someone else is already using that nick.
15:49:38 <jsled> @notes jsled:
15:49:38 <gncbot> jsled: Sent 18 hours and 32 minutes ago: <Rolf> I am not a programmer. And certainly not C. Sorry.
16:20:16 *** pdc_ has quit IRC
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