2007-09-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:36:09 <edgy> Hi, when I view/edit the invoice, how can I see the payment done, please
06:36:09 <gncbot> edgy: Sent 10 hours and 7 minutes ago: <warlord> Payments aren't part of the invoice; they are separate. You can see them in the A/R register, in the printable invoice report, or via the Customer Report.
06:37:00 <edgy> warlord: thanks for the answer I just received via gncbot
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11:00:15 <tazz0r-afk> anyone around
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11:54:15 <Plouj> hi
11:54:41 <Plouj> What's the deal with reconciliation? What does it mean? I'm reading this and I don't get it: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/txns-reconcile1.html
11:55:32 <jsled> What don't you get?
11:55:36 <jsled> [[[
11:55:36 <jsled> The Reconciliation Window is used to reconcile a GnuCash account with a statement that a bank or other institution has sent you. Reconciliation is useful not only to double-check your records against those of your bank, but also to get a better idea of outstanding transactions, e.g. uncashed checks.
11:55:37 <jsled> ]]]
11:57:15 <Plouj> ok, here's one thing: "Once a transaction has been marked "reconciled", it can no longer be easily changed."
11:58:03 <Plouj> does that mean that if I use a transaction for the initial balance which might not be correct, I shouldn't reconcile it?
12:00:03 <jsled> Well, presumably you would change it to be correct before or as a function of reconcilation.
12:03:35 <Plouj> ok, sorry, I get it
12:03:42 <Plouj> I just get confused with so many new concepts
12:04:03 <Plouj> it's simpler than it seems
12:09:21 <warlord> :)
12:09:50 <warlord> @tell tazz0r Don't meta-ask. Just ask your question and wait.
12:09:50 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
12:10:19 <Plouj> hahah
12:12:14 <warlord> Plouj: it's the second (third?) time he's come in and asked "anyone here"?
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13:18:32 <Plouj> so, which parts are the least working, or most buggy in gnucash? What should I be aware of?
13:20:04 <warlord> That's an open-ended question... Do you have something more specific you're looking for?
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13:42:34 <Plouj> warlord: no, I'm just trying to prepare myself for using gnucash
13:42:47 <Plouj> it's a prety big and complicated application
13:43:10 <jsled> lots support (or lack thereof). Book closing absent.
13:43:14 <Plouj> it might be hard to tell the difference between a bug and just a complicated or obscure concept
13:43:32 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ will have some others. Or you can review the bugs at <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash>.
13:43:51 <warlord> Plouj: have you read the tutorial and concepts guide from start to finish
13:43:51 <warlord> ?
13:44:11 <Plouj> I'm still in the process of doing that
13:44:45 <Plouj> I'm a slow reader
13:45:08 <warlord> I suggest you finish that before you consider anything a bug.
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13:54:42 <warlord> * grumbles * Why doesn't /proc/kallsyms match System.map?
13:55:48 <warlord> All symbols are off by a constant 0x600000
14:03:03 <Plouj> humm, well
14:03:37 <Plouj> starting using gnucash with an incomplete bank account history might be hard
14:03:53 <Plouj> since I just can't account for some of the money that I have no record of
14:04:23 <Simon> do you have online banking?
14:04:38 <Simon> (you can probably access the old data using that)
14:04:45 <warlord> Plouj: You really should just start with some date from which you have all information, and just dont worry about dates prior to that.
14:05:12 <Plouj> ok
14:05:25 <Plouj> I have a .ofx file from 2006, but I don't even know what my balance was back then
14:05:49 <Plouj> unless I can find that out somehow
14:06:43 <warlord> Plouj: then dont worry about it. Start at, say, 1/1/2007
14:07:34 <Plouj> actually my bank gives me the balance from 2006 some time
14:07:38 <Plouj> this is nice
14:08:14 <Plouj> wow, 2005
14:08:27 <Simon> I used firefox' dom inspector to alter the dates
14:08:29 <Plouj> I had lots of money back then...
14:08:37 <Plouj> heh
14:08:48 <Simon> so far everything has had the data going back to the opening date, it's just not in the list ;)
14:09:26 <Plouj> what sucks is they only give me a .ofx for the last 12 months
14:09:35 <Plouj> I see data on the web interface for 2004 now
14:09:47 <Plouj> wow
14:09:50 <Plouj> right from the beginning
14:09:55 <Plouj> initial deposit of $20
14:11:43 <Plouj> ok, now I just have to put effort into copying all these transactions into gnucash
14:18:25 <Rol2> http://rafb.net/p/YbEHcC96.html <- what the heck? what is going on there?
14:19:41 <warlord> Rol2: looks like your checkout is frotzed.. Try a clean checkout?
14:20:45 <Rol2> Hm, I was trying to avoid that
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14:22:35 *** rob_ has joined #gnucash
14:26:32 <rob_> I can not un-post an invoice. I click on "Unpost" it ask if I want to unpost but when I click on okay the status does not change (the "Post" button is still grey and the "Unpost" still available.
14:27:13 <warlord> rob_: what version?
14:27:31 <rob_> 2.2.1
14:28:31 <Plouj> are there tools/reports that can show my profit over a period of time?
14:28:49 <warlord> rob_: I cannot reproduce that.. It works for me here.
14:29:03 <warlord> Plouj: you mean like the Income Statement?
14:30:25 <Plouj> well, some kind of graph of my performance
14:30:27 <Plouj> heh
14:30:32 <Plouj> I don't know what I'm talking about
14:32:24 <warlord> Um... "Income and Expense Chart"?
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14:40:00 <Plouj> I'll try it when I get home
14:43:52 <Plouj> yeah, this looks something like what I want: http://wiki.kldp.org/pds/GnucashTutorial/gnucash-report-income-bar.png
14:44:41 <Plouj> or even this: http://wiki.kldp.org/pds/GnucashTutorial/gnucash-report-income-expense.png
14:44:57 <Plouj> cool
14:45:07 <Plouj> can't wait to enter all those 700 transactions
14:47:41 <warlord> Heh
14:48:47 <tazz0r> darn it i missed him again :/
14:48:47 <gncbot> tazz0r: Sent 2 hours and 38 minutes ago: <warlord> Don't meta-ask. Just ask your question and wait.
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14:56:58 <tazz0r> warlord how can i leave a message on gncbot for andi5
14:57:19 <warlord> You just @tell andi5 ...
14:57:25 <tazz0r> ok
14:59:19 <tazz0r> @tell andi5 tazz0r wants you to have a look at the log for sept 26 and see if you can anwser his question at timestamp 20:28:15.
14:59:19 <gncbot> tazz0r: The operation succeeded.
15:00:16 <tazz0r> i havent had time to look through src yet :/ too much stuff to do lately and no time to do it
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15:37:58 <rob_> hi warlord (or anyone else) - going back to the question about unposting an invioce - I can unpost most invoices but there is one that I can not. I assume the record must be corrupted. Is there anyway I can delete the record associated with that invoice?
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15:38:48 <warlord> not though the UI.
15:39:24 <warlord> I'm trying to imagine what kind of corruption could cause unposting to fail.
15:39:36 <warlord> Is anything printed to the terminal or the tracefile?
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15:44:05 <rob_> how do I check the trace file?
15:53:36 <warlord> read it?
15:54:34 <rob_> found it. here it is:
15:54:38 <rob_> * 12:49:45 WARN <gnc.app-util> /home/rbaxter/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto:7:15: While evaluating arguments to gnc:lookup-option in expression (gnc:lookup-option gnc:*options-entries* "__gui" ...):
15:54:38 <rob_> /home/rbaxter/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto:7:15: Unbound variable: gnc:*options-entries*
15:54:38 <rob_> In /home/rbaxter/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto:
15:54:38 <rob_> 7: 0* (let* ((option #)) ((lambda # #) option))
15:54:38 <rob_> 7: 1* [gnc:lookup-option ...
15:54:40 <rob_> * 12:49:48 WARN <gnc.backend.file> Invalid timestamp in data file. Look for a 'invoice:opened' entry with a date of 1969-12-31 or 1970-01-01.
15:54:43 <rob_> * 12:50:13 CRIT <gnc.business.core> gncInvoiceUnpost: assertion `lot' failed
15:56:44 <warlord> Interesting... How could a posted invoice not have a lot?
15:56:58 <warlord> what have you done to that poor invoice??
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16:01:52 <rob_> Originally I was trying to assign payment to the invoice so that I could print a report showing the invoice paid. But I ran into some problems doing that and tried several things. I may have deleted the "lot." Can the lot be added?
16:02:54 <warlord> Not manually, no.
16:03:03 <warlord> I suggest you revert to a backup file.
16:03:35 <warlord> There's just no way to re-assign a lot to the invoice.
16:04:02 <warlord> And if you deleted it (not even sure how you could have done that!)... Well.. Welcome to shooting yourself in the foot.
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16:24:10 <rob_> I was wondering about that pain in my foot. I am opening a backup file. BTW, to delete a lot, open up the AR account, go the menu and choose Actions, View Lots, click on Delete.
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16:24:34 <warlord> Eeww.. That shouldn't be available!
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16:36:25 <rob_> Everything seems to working well with the backup file. Thanks for all your help!
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16:39:25 <warlord> You're welcome.
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17:55:09 <Plouj> humm
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17:59:03 <edgy> Hi sirs
18:00:00 <edgy> I added an expense account called salary where I want to list the salaries of my employees but not sure whether I should schedule it or not. Sometime they have a bonus others have deductions, what's the best way to proceed
18:00:57 <Plouj> what type of account would a paypal aacount be?
18:01:42 <Plouj> edgy: well, can't you just add or subtract whatever you need to/from the scheduled transaction when needed?
18:02:16 <edgy> Plouj: can I? I don't know how to work with scheduled transactions.
18:03:12 <warlord> edgy: you could make it an SX with a variable amount.
18:03:19 <warlord> Plouj: Asset/Bank?
18:03:48 <Plouj> warlord: well, the only way I've used paypal so far is just send money to people so money doesn't stay in my paypal account
18:04:00 <edgy> warlord: SX stands for what please?
18:04:12 <Plouj> edgy: I was thinking just adding additional transactions on days when there are bonuses to pay
18:04:19 <warlord> Plouj: well, in that case you could just ignore paypal completely.
18:04:30 <Plouj> warlord: that's what I was thinking
18:04:36 <warlord> edgy: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_is_the_.22SX.22_thing_I_see_on_the_lists_and_IRC_periodically.3F
18:06:21 <edgy> warlord: thanks a lot for the hints, I would try it now ...
18:10:34 <edgy> warlord: ok I SX it by just clicking on the schedule icon and choose monthly. Now I guess each month, I would find a new transaction created automatically and I can adjust the money for that month, right?
18:10:52 <warlord> edgy: yep.
18:11:38 <edgy> warlord: when I go to advanced the "create automatically" check box is not checked! Isn't this strange?
18:12:28 <warlord> not necessarily.
18:14:53 <edgy> warlord: so it would be created automatically without going to advanced and checking that box?
18:15:30 <warlord> I dont know.
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18:23:29 <edgy> warlord: to test this I added a "test" SX on an old date and set it to monthy but I cannot see it created on the transactions nor in the transactions report!
18:23:48 <warlord> edgy: did you run the SLR dialog?
18:24:36 <edgy> warlord: SLR stands for what? ;)
18:24:55 <warlord> * grumbles * Since Last Run
18:25:41 <edgy> warlord: I don't know where is that dialog could be found :(
18:26:05 <warlord> It's where you would intuitively look for it.
18:26:16 <warlord> Go explore the menus
18:26:27 <warlord> Or.... READ THE DOCS.
18:26:38 <warlord> Or maybe just google for it?
18:27:59 <edgy> warlord: fair enough ;)
18:32:17 <edgy> warlord: I figure it out. Thanks for helping me to learn
18:32:30 <warlord> You'e welcome
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18:41:42 <edgy> warlord: when I have a customer I used to create a new invoice and then add the payment, now - I know it's a stupid question - why don't I just put the money as a transaction on the account registry without that circle? ;)
18:42:24 <warlord> edgy: that's up to you on whether you want to easily keep track of each customer.. and what happens if the service happens before the payment?
18:43:05 <edgy> warlord: ah! I got you
18:44:05 <edgy> warlord: with creating invoices and customers I can first track easily all the payments done by one customer and also I can let him pay just part of the money e.g till the end of the service, am I right?
18:44:22 <warlord> yep.
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19:05:57 <warlord> Gotta run. BIAB.
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19:50:07 <Plouj> "This transaction is already being edited in another register. Please finish editing it there first." :(
19:58:35 <Plouj> it started telling me that
19:58:36 <chris> Plouj: If it's true, then Don'tDoThat. If not, it's a bug, fixed quite a while ago.
19:58:53 <Plouj> I'm using Fedora's 2.2.1
19:59:09 <Plouj> can I work around it?
19:59:16 <chris> Plouj: Do you have multiple registers open?
19:59:18 <Plouj> I don't feel like building gnucash myself
19:59:33 <Plouj> chris: yes
19:59:57 <chris> Plouj: well, are you looking at the same transaction from two registers?
19:59:59 <Plouj> but I opened the second register only after that error appeared
20:00:18 <jsled> Fedora has 2.2.1? Good on them. That's the latest release.
20:00:32 <Plouj> chris: nope
20:00:37 <chris> oh. what have you done since starting gnucash?
20:00:51 <Plouj> typed transactions for a few months
20:01:05 <chris> In how many registers?
20:01:13 <Plouj> just one, for my checking account
20:01:20 <chris> Any imports?
20:01:24 <Plouj> nope
20:01:39 <Plouj> I have a register/tab open that shows all my accounts and a register/tab showing a report
20:01:49 <Plouj> plus a register for the checking account, that's all
20:02:30 <chris> Um, that's not good. It sounds like a bug - and one that I thought we'd fixed long ago.
20:03:09 <chris> If you can create detailed instructions to reproduce, it would probably be helpful.
20:03:35 <chris> Otherwise, you should be able to close that one register and reopen it.
20:03:38 <Plouj> well, given how much I've typed up to this point it might be too hard
20:04:35 <chris> I really thought this was solved back in 2.0.x. :(
20:04:48 <Plouj> humm, I just cancelled the transaction and re-entered it without closing the register
20:05:05 <chris> that might work too.
20:06:13 <Plouj> I don't think I can come up with any useful steps to reproduce this since I've been doing pretty much the same thing for the last couple of hours
20:06:24 <Plouj> just entering transactions in this one register
20:06:53 <chris> But this is a pretty fundamental bug, because it's reporting that only because the transaction is still open for editing, which means it might not have been properly saved if it really was edited.
20:07:24 <Plouj> well, it is open for editing since I was editing
20:07:34 <Plouj> I get the popup when I press Enter to save the transaciton
20:08:11 <Plouj> s/save the transaction/record changes/
20:09:26 <Plouj> and I wasn't editing an already created transaction
20:09:38 <Plouj> it was a new transaction that I was about to record
20:10:16 <chris> right, so, the blank transaction is a little strange... you're not actually opening it for editing until your go to save it.
20:10:37 <chris> and when you got to open it for editing, gnucash is discovering that it's already open.
20:10:54 <Plouj> you think that's the case?
20:11:35 <chris> yeah, that's what the error means. But the fact that you could ever get it for the blank transaction is just a bug.
20:11:50 <Plouj> k
20:12:26 <Plouj> oh, you guys use svn/trac, eh
20:12:48 <jsled> we don't use trac much.
20:12:55 <chris> and it might be an indication that the _previously_ entered transaction wasn't saved correctly.
20:13:09 <jsled> that is, we don't use its ticket/wiki functionality. Basically only source/changeset browsing.
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20:14:06 <chris> hey andi5.
20:14:09 <Plouj> chris: yeah, that's what I was thinking
20:14:37 <andi5> @tell tazz0r simply add a line "set HOME=C:\home" to $prefix\bin\gnucash.bat, just before starting gnucash... that should do the trick
20:14:37 <gncbot> andi5: The operation succeeded.
20:14:38 <andi5> hi chris
20:15:18 <andi5> long live kvm :-)
20:15:55 <jsled> the virtualization layer, or a keyboard/video/mouse switcher?
20:16:18 <andi5> jsled: i will put it this way: i have 1 keyboard, 1 monitor and 1 mouse :-D
20:16:23 <jsled> heh.
20:17:09 <Plouj> I can't find the code that actually prints that message in trac
20:18:59 <chris> Plouj: It's in src/register/ledger-core/split-register.c.
20:19:50 <andi5> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/register/ledger-core/split-register.c#L159
20:20:35 <Plouj> oh, I got the wrong file
20:20:51 <jsled> If you used trac search, i don't think it searches over source contents.
20:21:03 <andi5> that is right
20:21:07 <Plouj> jsled: it doesn't
20:21:15 <Plouj> chris: maybe it would be nice to indicate which transaction
20:21:22 <Plouj> (in that dialog)
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20:23:52 <chris> Plouj: yeah, well, it'sw only supposed to be possible to begin editing one transaction at a time, and it's not supposed to be mysterious which one. But, point taken.
20:26:17 <Plouj> but usually when I don't finish editing one transaction and click on another a popup appears asking me what to do
20:26:28 <Plouj> that wasn't the case with this bug
20:27:02 <Plouj> er, maybe I just said something obvious
20:32:43 <Plouj> you know, the two times that this bug happends I noticed one similarity in transactions
20:33:09 <Plouj> both times it was a repeated transaction just different date
20:33:36 <Plouj> actually, no, not the same, never mind
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23:15:47 <Plouj> can you guys tell me if this is the right way to do a split transaction where I pay a guy for a product by taking money out of an ATM machine and also paying the ATM interac charge: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/3489/gnucashsplittranswt7.png ?
23:17:42 <warlord> Plouj: yes, but you can remove the Imbalance split.
23:20:08 <Plouj> how?
23:20:18 <warlord> select it, right click?
23:20:31 <Plouj> and?
23:20:35 <Plouj> remove transaction?
23:20:45 <Plouj> delete*
23:20:59 <Plouj> oh, whew
23:21:09 <Plouj> I thought that would delete the whole thing
23:22:13 <warlord> nope.
23:26:13 <warlord> okay, bedtime.
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23:52:52 <Plouj> ok, it's almost midnight, and I'm almost done typing out the second year transactions
23:52:56 <Plouj> good night