2007-09-25 GnuCash IRC logs
01:50:47 *** Jaran|zZzZZzz has quit IRC
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02:25:19 <Simon> or you can input all the old history
03:32:02 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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06:11:14 <Nlex> i'm going to start the gnucash translation to portuguese
06:13:23 <Nlex> i've already been in the wiky and i've talked to the last translator who has stoped translacting two or three years ago
06:16:38 <Nlex> the gnucash web page ain't also translated. is it anything i can do about it?
07:11:11 <andi5> Nlex: i think so.... maybe http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/htdocs/trunk/README contains enough information for you
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07:18:42 <Val> can someone explain how tio set up a current account with a standing overdraught?
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11:44:13 <Nlex> i'm having some problems with my translation
11:44:58 <Nlex> i'm analising the previous .po file and there are some strange caracters
11:46:28 <Nlex> in the translated lines instead of having "Não é uma variavel" it has "Não é uma variável"
11:46:58 <andi5> oh, that looks great in my irc client :)
11:47:34 <warlord> Nlex: check the encoding of the file..
11:47:47 <warlord> It's probably ISO instead of UTF8.
11:48:02 <warlord> (it should be explicit at the top of the file)
11:48:53 <Nlex> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11:49:09 <Nlex> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
11:49:29 <Nlex> that's what i got!
11:49:49 <warlord> Nlex: Is your editor actually showing it in UTF8?
11:50:01 <warlord> which po file? And where in the file? (I'll take a look)
11:51:18 <jsled> Yeah. Seeing "Ä[some thing else]" is characteristic of a UTF-8 encoded file being viewed as ISO-8859-[something]
11:51:31 <Nlex> http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/unstable/2.1.x/gnucash-2.1.5.tar.gz
11:51:57 <Nlex> that is the file i've downloaded
11:52:19 <jsled> which .po file.
11:52:20 <jsled> ?
11:52:49 <Nlex> gnucash\gnucash-2.1.5\po
11:52:57 <warlord> also, you shouldn't be using 2.1.5
11:53:02 <jsled> That's a directory. Which language/po file?
11:53:11 <warlord> if anything, you should be using 2.2.1; but still, you should pull the file from SVN directly.
11:53:16 <Nlex> pt.po
11:54:21 <jsled> Yeah ... here in emacs, both pt.po and pt_BR.po have "Não é uma variável" in utf-8.
11:55:08 <jsled> <http://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk/po/pt.po> as well.
11:55:42 <warlord> Yeah, shows up as UTF8 here as well.
11:56:00 <jsled> Nlex: what editor are you using?
11:56:58 <Nlex> i'm only reading it. i'm using mfc word pad
11:59:00 <jsled> Ah. Well, it wouldn't surprise me that WordPad doesn't know about alternate encodings.
11:59:09 <jsled> Maybe there's a menu item to change the encoding, but I'm not sure.
11:59:27 <jsled> If you have the cygwin tools installed, you can probably use iconv to convert it from utf-8 to cp1252 (or whatever Windows uses)
11:59:34 <jsled> Or you can use an editor that understands utf-8.
11:59:56 <Nlex> and wich one would it be?
12:00:40 <jsled> Well, emacs. Or vim probably works. I've heard good things about TextMate, I think, for Windows.
12:00:59 <jsled> Oh, TextMate is for OS X.
12:01:20 <jsled> Ah, TextPad, for windows.
12:01:30 <warlord> I'd suggest emacs.
12:01:38 <jsled> There are also specific PO-file editors, including emacs.
12:03:02 <jsled> http://www.poedit.net/ seems to have a windows version and utf-8 support.
12:05:13 <jsled> Nlex: have you read <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation>, btw?
12:06:08 <Nlex> yes i have
12:06:44 <Nlex> it's a a new world for me
12:07:09 <Nlex> so there are a lot a things i don't understand yet
12:22:46 <Nlex> haven´t installed CSV yet. only a few hours ago i've understod what it is
12:24:17 <jsled> CSV?
12:24:26 <jsled> CSV = comma-separated values.
12:24:34 <jsled> If you mean CVS, we stopped using it a long time ago.
12:24:58 <Nlex> hmm, wait, that's not what i ment
12:25:09 <Nlex> SBV
12:25:23 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
12:25:35 <jsled> sbv? Do you mean SVN?
12:25:48 <Nlex> right :)
12:26:05 <jsled> :)
12:28:11 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
12:35:00 <Nlex> jsled: already got the poEdit
12:35:12 <Nlex> everything ok now
12:35:17 <Nlex> i guess
12:36:22 <Nlex> thanks
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16:18:10 <babyTux> can anyone tell me where I would find the config file that tells gnucash what account file to look for by default?
16:22:14 <warlord> it's in gconf
16:25:09 <babyTux> >
16:25:09 <babyTux> ?
16:25:27 <babyTux> I searched /etc/gnucash
16:26:23 <babyTux> I found a config
16:26:26 <babyTux> but it looks like it's empty
16:26:38 <warlord> Um.. yeah...
16:26:42 <warlord> I said, it's in GCONF
16:26:45 <babyTux> yeah
16:26:52 <babyTux> but you didn't say where gconf was
16:27:04 <babyTux> I tried to find
16:27:09 <babyTux> but I got bajillions of results
16:27:10 <warlord> it's not in a file.
16:27:18 <warlord> Duh! Of course you would.
16:27:23 <babyTux> ah
16:27:24 <warlord> google "gconf"
16:27:42 <babyTux> sorry
16:27:48 <babyTux> I'm pretty obviously a newbie
16:27:55 <babyTux> don't get all cranky
16:28:39 <warlord> Trust me, you haven't seen me cranky yet.
16:28:55 <babyTux> haha
16:29:07 <warlord> You dont want to see me cranky. 8-D
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16:45:32 <jsled> babyTux: Yeah. Use the gconf editor ... Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor
16:45:40 <jsled> (for GNOME, at leastT)
16:46:02 <jsled> Look for the /apps/gnucash/history key
16:46:39 <jsled> Of course, you can also run it as `gnucash --nofile` if you just don't want to start with the previous file... depends on waht you're actually trying to accomplish./
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21:41:05 <chris> warlord-afk: Is cvs.gnucash.org changing IPs?
21:41:15 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
21:41:17 <warlord> no.... why?
21:42:13 <chris> I just noticed that gncbot's hostname line changed.
21:43:02 <jsled> hmm. I get from `dig svn.gnucash.org`...
21:44:35 <warlord> should be 204....
21:44:42 <chris> I do not. I get
21:45:03 <warlord> chris: that's the correct address.
21:45:04 <jsled> Sorry. 204., yes.
21:45:21 <jsled> (should have just copied and pasted. :p )
21:45:48 <warlord> that's the correct IP.
21:45:56 <warlord> are you having a problem, chris?
21:46:26 <chris> No, I just see: [[[
21:46:34 <chris> 21:24 -!- gncbot [~supybot@cvs.gnucash.org] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:46:37 <chris> 21:24 -!- gncbot [~supybot@] has joined #gnucash
21:46:40 <chris> ]]]
21:46:51 <chris> And it seemed odd to me.
21:47:27 <warlord> Maybe the in-addr domain is having some issues?
21:47:39 <warlord> what do you get from: host
21:47:59 <chris> cvs.gnucash.org
21:48:12 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
21:48:16 <warlord> probably just a hiccup
21:49:58 <chris> oh well.
21:50:01 <chris> you know it's quiet when...
21:50:31 <warlord> heh. yeah.
21:52:05 <chris> ...when I'll start an OT query. Anybody recommend a simple VPN solution for very light use?
21:53:01 <chris> preferably maximizing ease-of-client installation?
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21:56:39 <warlord> vpnc?
21:56:47 <warlord> Anyways, gotta run
21:56:49 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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22:09:16 <jsled> from a client side, I've found the cisco-vpnclient-3des to be very easy to use ... though I think that's one part gentoo.
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22:09:46 <jsled> It is annoying to have to basically google search for the tarball by version number to find some university that's offering it to its students...
22:10:15 <jsled> I tried vpnc a bit, but didn't have immediate success.
22:10:33 <jsled> It seemed that OpenVPN would be good, but I know nothing about it.
22:11:00 <jsled> Also, there's something to be said for ssh port forwarding, depending. :)
22:18:52 *** Zoolooc has quit IRC
22:25:53 <puck> We use OpenVPN a lot. The NetworkManager plugin is pretty good for it.
22:26:02 <puck> (as long as you aren't being too complicated)
22:29:04 *** larz3 has joined #gnucash
22:31:32 <larz3> i'm importing credit card transactions. is there anyway to change the account to which they are imported after the first time you select it? the first time i imported from this card, i had not created a separate account for the card and just imported to an account marked expense account. now i want to separate expenses from each card, but when importing i can't find an option to change the destination account.
22:55:51 <jsled> larz3: how are you doing the import? OFX, QIF, ...?
22:57:41 <larz3> ofx
22:58:17 <larz3> from the american express website's ofx files if that's any help :-)
23:01:11 <jsled> No. :) But unfortunately I don't know the OFX import at all.
23:01:57 <jsled> I don't recall, but there should be a reasonably-named file in ~/.gnucash/ (or maybe ~/.aqbanking/) that contains the learned mappings.
23:02:06 <jsled> I'd not suggest editing it, but maybe removing it entirely.
23:02:27 <jsled> Also, you'll want to associate the credit card with a Liability > Credit Card account type ...
23:02:48 <jsled> ... and the Expenses with the relevant abstract Expense "category".
23:03:14 <jsled> It's not going to be much use to separate the Expenses by card type, as such.
23:07:15 <chris> looks like I'll give openVPN a spin.
23:07:24 <chris> thanks for the info
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23:11:04 <puck> np
23:16:08 <larz3> jsled, thanks, i'll check it out. i have a liability account called expense account, and under that a series of liability->credit card accounts for each personal credit card that has business expenses charged to it. separating transactions by card type makes it easier to keep track of where the cash is going and where its coming from etc
23:16:45 <larz3> each transaction in the card account gets associated with an expense category
23:17:30 <larz3> a whole bunch of USD credit card transactions that get accounted as hong kong dollar expenses. fun stuff.
23:17:43 <jsled> Right. There should be a Credit Card (Liability) account for each card/account ... and Expenses for each, well, Expense.
23:18:07 <jsled> anyways, I need to go. Later.
23:18:13 <larz3> jsled, thanks!
23:18:15 <larz3> bye
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