2007-09-23 GnuCash IRC logs
00:06:49 *** pdc__ has joined #gnucash
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00:26:46 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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00:30:21 <cj> lar lar lar
00:31:08 <cj> is it possible to create filters that associate entry Descriptions with Accounts?
00:44:41 <cj> so as I don't have to clicky-click-clicky every time...
00:44:53 <cj> OMG! You're recording this!?
00:45:26 *** larz3 has joined #gnucash
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00:56:20 <cj> Hurm... how might I get gnucash to load a .csv file that BoA spits out?
00:58:28 <cj> I guess I'd have to convert it to ofx...
01:13:20 <catisonh> warlord-afk: savings account interest
01:48:07 *** Jaran|zZzZZzz has quit IRC
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08:20:50 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:21:51 <warlord> cj: there's no "filters" per se. Gnucash will auto-complete -- so if you re-use a description it will re-use the rest of the transaction. Also, you don't need to mouse; you can quickfill within the account.
08:22:21 <warlord> e.g. for Expenses:Utilities:Telephone you can just type: E x : U t : T e
08:22:28 <warlord> (without the spaces, of course)
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10:28:40 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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11:11:50 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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12:56:47 <warlord-afk> See y'all!
12:57:52 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC
13:08:53 <cj> looks like warlord needs to invest in a copy of irssi
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14:23:44 <jsumners> i'm not sure how to search for the answer to this question. i'm using Gnucash to track an estate account. i've recently paid a settlement for a credit card. the payment was less than what was owed, but is considered paid in full. what would be a good way to zero the account balance in Gnucash without adjusting the opening balance?
14:44:23 <larz3> jsumners, what about entering a transactions in the credit card account for the credit (owed - payment) and then recording that as income for the estate?
14:44:57 <jsumners> larz3: well, the estate isn't actually receiving any money
14:46:01 <jsumners> when all is said and done, the estate checking account will have a zero balance as well
14:49:09 <larz3> jsumners, forgiven debt seems like it should be accounted for as income
14:49:15 <jsumners> i suppose i could create a new asset just for that. i guess that will work
14:49:22 <larz3> IRS in the USA seems to tax forgiven debt as income as well
14:51:27 <jsumners> thank you for the suggestion. that will work just fine
14:53:19 <jsumners> hmm. should that show as a negative transaction in the asset account?
15:02:11 <jsumners> oh! not an asset account. an income account. gotcha
15:02:17 <larz3> jsumners, it should already show up in assets as the cash that the estate didnt spend paying the entire outstanding credit card debt. its extra money in the bank
15:02:20 <larz3> yea
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17:13:01 <Mikenichie> can anybody tell me how to keep the imbalance field from showing up whenever I do a schedule transaction?
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20:25:44 <mdj> Does anyone know how I can create a report that will go by my setup future budgets, and actually report based on total expenses vs. total income and give me balances?
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21:47:58 <chris> jsled: Way to go with the FAQ links.
21:49:44 <jsled> chris: eh?
21:51:46 <jsled> Oh, with the mlist questions?
22:09:00 <cj> I accidentally loaded about 10 transactions into "checking account" where I meant to enter them into "checking account/cj"
22:09:09 <cj> how does one go about moving such transactions?
22:09:19 <jsled> one by one.
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22:16:20 <chris> jsled: yeah. \
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