2007-09-14 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:07:39 <Alistair> Hi all I am having a bit of a nightmare in win gui doing split transactions even after reading the docs can anyone help?
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06:55:45 <MichaelM> hey I have a question about customising invoices, is it possible for me to create my own html template? or attach my own css to the invoice?
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07:03:30 <johbrahms> Hi everybody. I have a question about how to enter a complicated stock transaction due to a company takeover. The stockholding has been converted into a combination of two other stocks and cash. I've not yet been able to make this work. Any ideas?
07:11:35 <MichaelM> or, failing that is there much documentation about how the templates work? I am looking in src/business/business-reports
07:28:13 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:28:54 <warlord> MichaelM: sorry, so CSS. no HTML templates. If you need to really change around the layout of the invoice then you need to change the scheme implementation. Have you tried the various Invoice reports already available?
07:29:48 <warlord> johbrahms: maybe a sale and two purchases? You might need to edit the transaction from each account.. Or maybe create it from the 'cash' account.
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07:32:12 <warlord> @tell Alistair We can't help you if you don't ask a real question. The docs are extremely clear on how to enter a Split transaction. The debits and credits have to sum to $0.
07:32:12 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
07:32:20 <MichaelM> hey warlord, yeah I had a look through the source. I'm happy to write my own template if I have to is there much documentation about how the scm works
07:32:34 <johbrahms> warlord: thanks - yes, I may have to make it two transactions. I was hoping to do it with one multiple split, but I can't get the cash to show up in the bank account.
07:33:44 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
07:36:22 <warlord> MichaelM: there is no "template". http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports
07:37:11 <warlord> johbrahms: That's probably http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116353 Try creating the transaction FROM the bank account register.
07:39:29 <johbrahms> warlord: Brilliant, thanks. That worked (I think...)
07:42:32 <warlord> :)
07:43:46 <johbrahms> One other thing (unrelated) - I get this message when I run gnucash from the terminal: ";;; WARNING (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm: Oops - exchange rate ambiguity error: AUD 55.08 = USD 39.85)" Anything to worry about?
07:45:22 <warlord> Probably not. What's your computer's locale setting?
07:46:37 <johbrahms> warlord: en_GB.UTF-8, although I do have some AUD accounts. The strange thing is, I can't find any transactions with those amounts...
07:48:07 <MichaelM> cool thanks, I am looking at the .scm files now I might have a go at modifying fancy-invoice.scm so that you can attach a stylesheet to it
07:48:48 <warlord> johbrahms: IIRC that error comes when you have a three-commodity transaction.
07:49:03 <warlord> MichaelM: GtkHTML doesn't support CSS.
07:49:17 <warlord> So don't waste your time on trying to include one.
07:49:57 <warlord> BIAB..
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07:59:08 <MichaelM> ah ok I see the problem now
07:59:45 <johbrahms> warlord: OK, I've tracked this a bit further. Another "exchange rate ambiguity error" line refers to figures which are the *sum* of a series of transactions (a dividend reinvestment scheme). They're not three-commodity transactions, though.
08:09:00 <warlord> Are you sure? What's the (hidden-in-the-UI) transaction-currency for that transaction?
08:09:17 <warlord> Anyways, I need to shutdown. I'll be back online in about 4-5 hours.
08:09:24 <jsled> MichaelM: gnucash has its own notion of a "stylesheet", which has a similar role to CSS.
08:09:46 <jsled> (but implemented via <table><td bgcolor></> and <font> tags.
08:09:50 <jsled> warlord: take care.
08:10:05 <MichaelM> yeah I'm seeing that in the scm files now
08:10:08 <warlord> thanks, jsled
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08:10:36 <johbrahms> warlord: Thanks. How do I find the "(hidden-in-the-UI) transaction-currency"?
08:11:15 <jsled> johbrahms: A way would be to open your datafile in your favorite text editor and search for the currency.
08:11:37 <johbrahms> jsled: OK - I'll have a look.
08:11:43 <jsled> hmm. looks like one can't search based on currency.
08:12:13 <jsled> Depending on how it's setup, maybe adding the Commodity column to the account tree, and expanding all the nodes will reveal something.
08:12:38 <MichaelM> it didn't actually occur to me that gtkhtml doesn't support css - I figured I could just point it to a stylesheet and all would be good
08:13:14 <jsled> Nope.
08:13:37 <jsled> I'd like to switch to gtkmozembed, but there's a couple of more important pieces to deal with first.
08:13:55 <jsled> Actually, it might be the case that modern versions of gtkthml do have limited css support.,
08:14:21 <jsled> but I've not looked into it.
08:20:12 <johbrahms> jsled: The transactions all have <cmdty:id>AUD</cmdty:id> and aren't three-commodity transactions. But perhaps it's because my default currency (and locale) is GBP?
08:21:08 <jsled> johbrahms: I ... can't say. I don't realy know the multi-currency stuff at all.
08:21:20 <jsled> Sorry. :/
08:21:47 <jsled> morning machination to perform; back in an hour or so.
08:22:06 <johbrahms> jsled: No worries, I just reasoned that I should perhaps do something about the WARNING.
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10:07:28 <R0lf> Hey guys, care about giving the gnucash mediawiki an update?
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10:07:52 <R0lf> 1.5.8 is very outdated
10:13:50 <jsled> R0lf: please see recent gnucash-devel traffic.
10:14:06 <jsled> Is the DE wiki moving over to wiki.gnucash.org?
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11:03:52 <R0lf> Could be
11:04:05 <R0lf> I think it is likely.
11:05:14 <jsled> Sure seems that way from the Recent Changes feed over the last couple of days.
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11:06:16 <R0lf> yeah, nice to see some activity picking up.
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12:34:23 <warlord-slow> R0lf: See my response to the email.. The mediawiki update wont happen until I do a full system update.. but I'll try to block off a weekend in Late October / Early November to do the update to F7.
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15:05:59 <Alistair> >jsled> Just remove/blank all the fields of the split/line and switch to another split;
15:05:59 <gncbot> Alistair: Sent 7 hours and 33 minutes ago: <warlord> We can't help you if you don't ask a real question. The docs are extremely clear on how to enter a Split transaction. The debits and credits have to sum to $0.
15:06:01 <Alistair> it will disappear.
15:06:34 <Alistair> Cheers; do you mean that the split entry has to be deleted then a new one started?
15:09:17 <jsled> well, you can reuse the same Split/line.
15:09:42 <jsled> But, as I recall, you use-case wanted to ... /me finds bug.
15:10:49 <jsled> Wait.
15:11:06 * chris waits.
15:11:13 <jsled> heh. quiet, you. :)
15:11:34 * chris quiets.
15:11:39 <jsled> When you say a) "placed in a split" and b) "the split entry has to be deleted", do you mean the whole transaction?
15:11:44 <Alistair> Possibly you are referring to the other o/s in windows it seems to fight with user entry. EG you enter to total then part of split, then another part of split which might be a wrong value, then you cannot do anything but delete the whole split and start again
15:12:01 <Alistair> sri the whole transaction yes
15:12:08 <jsled> Ah.
15:12:19 <jsled> Right. Are you in "View > Basic Ledger" mode?
15:12:22 <Alistair> you cannot make an error in the entry and edit it
15:12:30 <Alistair> either or
15:13:24 <jsled> Well, no, not either or.
15:13:54 <jsled> In the "Basic Ledger" mode, you need to use the Split toolbar button or Actions > Split Transaction toggle to change to "split view".
15:14:12 <Alistair> I will load gnucash and try again - it was particularly hard to use yesterday before I closed it would not move from fields etc could have been part of the problem.
15:14:19 <jsled> In either View > Auto-Split or > Transaction Journal, splits are always visible.
15:14:45 <Alistair> Yes, no problem with the view, just altering the entry once it had been entered
15:14:48 <jsled> When I say "Split", I mean the subordinate Split lines of a Transaction's line.
15:14:59 <Alistair> yes
15:15:20 <Alistair> just a sec will try again with a fresh start
15:16:16 <Alistair> BTW I get a double messagebox 'tip of the day' on startup
15:16:50 <jsled> i.e., you get two of the same dialogs? at once, or in serial?
15:18:28 <Alistair> two of same dialog - one self closes. also i get some register screens when loaded where only the bottom row is shown - have to click the row, or move the slider the screen needs to be refreshed internally in code
15:20:23 <jsled> you should file a bug for both. Though the register one is less interesting, frankly.
15:23:56 <Alistair> Oh, crikey, now Im trying to make an entry and there is a dialog which advised 'this transaction is already being edited in another account', when the other account tabs are all closed.
15:24:20 <jsled> Do you have another gnucash instance running, perhaps?
15:25:04 <Alistair> seemingly the program locked up, but in actuality, the dialog hid itself behind the mainform, giving user the impression the program was locked. Its always good practice to make dialog warning boxes 'stay in front'
15:25:29 <Alistair> no second instance of program
15:25:51 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
15:26:04 <warlord> there are some known win32 issues with dialogs popping behind the main windows.
15:26:27 *** jsled changes topic to "Welcome! Don't meta-ask, just ask and *wait*. 2.2.1 released. <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ>. Channel is *publically-logged* <http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/>."
15:26:43 <jsled> Unfortunately, I don't think they're always limited to windows.
15:27:29 <Alistair> I had to close the current register and re-open it to avoid the warning.........back to splits
15:32:13 <Alistair> Unfortunately need to file another bug report as the dialog boxes keep coming up behind the mainform. Thanks for your help.
15:32:36 <warlord> no need to file a new one -- I'm pretty sure there's already an open report.
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15:33:54 <Alistair> Thanks warlord.
15:34:00 *** cstim has joined #gnucash
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15:34:08 <jsled> cstim: welcome.
15:34:15 <warlord> But I'd still like to understand what problem you're having with entering splits.
15:34:57 <jsled> cstim: question about the chinese translation at <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473827>; you'd applied a couple of others that were submitted about the same time ... just wondering if you missed this one, or intentionally didn't apply it?
15:35:01 <cstim> jsled: hi
15:35:01 <gncbot> cstim: Sent 6 days, 22 hours, and 26 minutes ago: <warlord> go ahead and commit; although that does break the 'string freeze'
15:35:15 <cstim> @tell warlord ok, I think already committed.
15:35:15 <gncbot> cstim: The operation succeeded.
15:35:24 <warlord> .
15:35:24 <gncbot> warlord: Sent just now: <cstim> ok, I think already committed.
15:35:28 <cstim> heh
15:35:30 <warlord> :-P
15:35:45 <Alistair> I am pretty sure it was to do with the program running very weird in the input fields yesterday - it seems to have sorted out this morning but if repeats will bug report.
15:35:53 <Alistair> Splits sorted I mean
15:36:06 <cstim> jsled, warlord: Still keeping position here for first-tier user support? There's always a whole lot to read in the logs.
15:36:38 <cstim> I'm rather busy with work these days.
15:36:48 <jsled> busy is usually good
15:36:48 <cstim> Flying to Versailles, France, next week.
15:36:51 <cstim> yes.
15:37:35 <cstim> jsled: but that's basically the reason why I didn't commit even all of the translation contributions so far.
15:38:39 <jsled> cstim: Ah. Just curious. It just happened that there were two others in the channel a few days ago that also wanted to do chinese translations
15:38:51 <Alistair> bi
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15:39:34 <jsled> is "bi" really shorter to write than "bye"?
15:40:51 <Jaran> 0.008s versus 0.01s ;)
15:40:59 <jsled> heh
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15:41:23 <cstim> You might have noticed the German activity in wiki.gnucash.org ...
15:41:35 <jsled> heh. yeah. is it moving over?
15:41:46 <cstim> That's actually quite a step forward. Eventually 2-3 more people are really contributing content.
15:42:19 <cstim> jsled: even better. These two (three?) people are actually creating new content and new, i.e. up-to-date, beginner's documentation.
15:42:23 <cstim> in German, that is.
15:42:35 <jsled> nice.
15:42:48 <cstim> but one of the goals is to move over the content from linuxwiki.de/gnucash, indeed.
15:42:53 <jsled> oh, great.
15:43:20 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
15:44:13 <cstim> I hope this new effort keeps the momentum for some time to come.
15:44:32 <warlord> would be nice.
15:44:37 <fell> if the "new" wiki give then some motivation, it would be fine.
15:44:50 <warlord> I'll schedule a server outage/upgrade in late Oct or early Nov.
15:45:05 <warlord> bbl
15:45:07 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
15:45:26 <cstim> There's even talk about founding a German non-profit association for gnucash. I'm not (yet) convinced whether this would be of any gain, but if people willing to do something, then this is always nice.
15:46:47 <fell> some said, germans needs allways a "Verein"
15:49:21 <cstim> fell: but I think you've probably heard it from me before: The idea is nice, but it's only worth the effort if it really can provide additional gain. (Which I don't see at the moment.)
15:53:04 <fell> cstim: I see it similar.
15:54:24 <cstim> jsled: did you already update the htdocs pot file?
15:54:28 <jsled> cstim: no
15:59:44 <cstim> shoot. Even though I committed to git locally, I forgot to adapt one Makefile to my latest changes.
16:00:50 <fell> git?
16:01:55 <cstim> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git
16:02:10 <cstim> Git is an extremely cool version control system, but a bit geeky to get used to it.
16:04:11 <fell> Ah, I see. Thanks.
16:04:38 <cstim> fell: The de.po.diff you sent yesterday is empty in my email client. Are you sure you sent the file correctly?
16:07:25 <fell> cstim: really, it is. I make a new one.
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16:07:55 <cstim> fell: I'm sitting at it. Just tell me here what to change.
16:09:48 * cstim is waiting...
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16:11:50 <fell> cstim: http://pastebin.ca/697907
16:15:02 <cstim> fell: ok
16:15:21 <cstim> actually in that sentence not only the * was removed, but also Microsoft Windows is mentioned.
16:15:36 <cstim> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/16359
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16:17:15 <fell> Hhm, it seems, I should more often have a look at trac.
16:18:36 <cstim> Committed.
16:19:27 <cstim> hm, except that it doesn't translate this sentence now.
16:19:36 <fell> Fine.
16:20:18 <cstim> oh, now I got it.
16:20:29 <cstim> hm, the second sentence of the first paragraph is not nice.
16:21:13 <cstim> "GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung für GNU/Linux, Unix, BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows, frei erhältlich unter der GNU GPL" would be better.
16:21:28 <cstim> fell: what do you think?
16:22:01 <fell> My Grandma said "Doppelt genaht hält besser." ;)
16:22:21 <cstim> which means here?
16:23:14 <fell> "... eine FREIE ..., FREI erhältlich ..."
16:24:16 <cstim> oh.
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16:24:38 <fell> remove ",frei erhältlich "
16:24:50 <cstim> right now it is "Das Programm ist GPL. <Absatz> Das Programm ist eine..."
16:25:34 <cstim> "GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung für GNU/Linux, Unix, BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows unter der GNU GPL."
16:25:51 <cstim> But this brings the words "Windows" and "GPL" a little too close :-)
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16:28:30 <fell> "GnuCash ist eine Finanzverwaltunng ..., welche unter der GNU GPL frei erhältlich ist."
16:29:21 <cstim> ok
16:29:30 <cstim> well
16:29:34 <cstim> alternatively:
16:29:42 <cstim> "GnuCash ist eine freie Open-Source Finanzsoftware, veröffentlicht unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 und verfügbar für GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows."
16:29:54 <cstim> (from http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.2.0/de last Paragraph)
16:30:05 <fell> but "personal and small business" is missing
16:31:01 <cstim> I'm only talking about the first paragraph of gnucash.org. These are in the second paragraph.
16:33:03 <fell> Ok, I think, it is enough, if it is explained in §2
16:33:12 <cstim> last try: "GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung für GNU/Linux, Unix, BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows, veröffentlicht unter der GNU GPL."
16:35:21 <cstim> any objections?
16:36:11 <fell> I think, its better. the normal user wants to know, 1. What is it. 2. can I use it and much later what is the license
16:36:52 <cstim> that's right. However, there has been some political reason to have a link to the gnu.org relatively on top of that page, hence I'd like to keep it there.
16:39:31 <fell> yes, in my eyes, it is ok. Now he reads: "Ah, kostnix, FiBU, OS; OK,GPL"
16:43:44 <cstim> ok, good night everyone.
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17:44:36 <Alistair> Currently, the method around Win GUI problem is to print to GNUcash PDFprinter, open the PDF file created, then print it with whatever printer you want. Roundabout, but it works.
17:44:52 <Alistair> Re print problem win gui
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18:14:03 <Alistair> Anyone advise where the homedir reports file is for win gui: there's no way to 'delete' a Saved Report, short of
18:14:05 <Alistair> hand-editing the saved-reports file in your homedir .gnucash directory.
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19:11:13 <Alistair> /quit
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