2007-09-06 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:34:28 <blahdeblah> I found the answer to the second question (deleting an invoice) in the FAQ. Any takers on the first one? (For the record, it was: Is there a way to change the customer relating to an invoice after it is created?)
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09:29:11 <Rolf> jsled: Are you there?
09:29:20 <jsled> perhaps
09:38:01 <Rolf> hehe ;-)
09:38:24 <Rolf> The first suggestion you made yesterday (xslt) sounded a bit scary
09:38:54 <Rolf> With both the second and the third suggestion, I have hit the wall in trying to install xsh or working with python.
09:39:06 <Rolf> I'd prefer xsh, I think.
09:39:19 <Rolf> But I cannot get the darn CPAN to cooperate.
09:39:26 <Rolf> Are you running XSH?
09:40:08 <jsled> I really with there was some widely-available tool that let you do `xpath-eval '//account/name[text()=="Bank of Example"]/..' file.xml` or something.
09:40:21 <jsled> In another channel we'd talked about this ... I think we did find something.
09:40:24 <jsled> I don't use XSH, no.
09:41:19 <Rolf> Can you go through your logs to see which tool it was?
09:41:31 <Rolf> I am also looking for `xpath-eval '//account/name[text()=="Bank of Example"]/..' file.xml`
09:41:42 <Rolf> Are you using CPAN?
09:41:52 <jsled> Not specifically.
09:42:00 <jsled> But I don't do much perl.
09:43:06 <Rolf> Me neither.
09:43:18 <Rolf> But I would like to get this (or some other) tool
09:43:30 <Rolf> But CPAN wants to mess with /usr
09:43:46 <Rolf> If you try to reroute it elsewhere it seems to break easily.
09:44:39 <jsled> doesn't ubuntu have an automated way of mapping packages to cpan modules?
09:49:43 <jsled> Rolf: http://swhack.com/logs/2007-03-01#T17-20-02
09:49:53 <Rolf> dh-make-perl
09:50:04 <Rolf> I am trying that out now.
09:50:19 <Rolf> But I am sure it will fail since the general CPAN compilation also fails.
09:51:26 <jsled> I don't understand why /usr can't be modified.
09:52:32 <Rolf> It can of course be modified.
09:53:04 <Rolf> But there is a reason I am running ubuntu and not gentoo or LFS
09:53:10 <Rolf> ;-)
09:53:42 <Rolf> I *really* don't want to mess up my system just because I want a simple xml database tool.
09:53:50 <jsled> I mean, can't you just say `apt-get perl-xml-xpath` or something?
09:58:09 <Rolf> If you tell me what the relevant package is
09:58:13 <Rolf> That would be wonderful.
09:58:25 <Rolf> xsh2 is most likely not available as a package
09:59:01 <jsled> See that discussion at that url I pasted a little while ago. Apparently part of XML::XPath is a command-line tool called xpath that will give you the nodes that match a particular xpath from a document.
09:59:12 <jsled> Though I note a bit later that the output isn't really easily machine-processable.
09:59:14 <Rolf> "dpkg -l perl-xml*" returns nothing
09:59:47 <Rolf> Yes, but I am not sure that I can get XML::XPATH, either.
09:59:54 <Rolf> Let me try to compile it.
10:00:39 <jsled> try libxml-xpath-perl
10:00:47 <jsled> (c.f. <http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/perl/>)
10:00:59 <jsled> And <http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/perl/libxml-xpath-perl>.
10:01:04 <Rolf> jsled: http://rafb.net/p/wM027311.html
10:01:15 <Rolf> Oh, nice.
10:01:43 <jsled> I think CPAN is case sensitive, and it's probably "XML::XPath".
10:02:47 <Rolf> Oh, right.
10:02:57 <Rolf> But if there is an official package, that is even better
10:03:04 <Rolf> I am installing it ATM.
10:03:28 <Rolf> Maybe I can also install the critical packages and only build xsh2, instead of the failing dependencies.
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11:04:15 <Rolf> jsled: "xpath -e //act:code src/accounts/de_DE/acctchrt_skr04.gnucash-xea" does not return any entries. Where is my error in thinking?
11:15:19 * jsled gets back from afk and looks
11:15:41 <jsled> Well, 'accounts' isn't in src/ for one.
11:15:53 <jsled> Unless you checked out the trunk as "src/".
11:15:58 <jsled> which you probably did.
11:16:56 <jsled> What version of xml::xpath got installed?
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11:22:16 <jsled> Rolf: It looks like it's because of the lack of xmlns decls.
11:23:17 <jsled> yeah ... make the first line something like [[[
11:23:17 <jsled> <gnc-account-example xmlns:gnc-act="urn:gnucash:gnc-act" xmlns:act="urn:gnucash:act">
11:23:18 <jsled> ]]]
11:23:21 <jsled> And it'll work fine.
11:24:01 <jsled> Maybe (/me blindly guesses) because the xmlns decls aren't there, when the xml library parses it, it just throws away the namespaced nodes that it does't know about.
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13:50:43 <jsled> Lol @ <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=472370>
13:51:06 <jsled> Spoils the joke, but NSFW text.
13:59:41 <walbert> ha.
14:04:09 <walbert> Hey, I just started using gnucash today. Are files saved cross-platform and endian-agnostic?
14:04:29 <jsled> yes; they're xml and lisp, depending.
14:05:06 <jsled> And gkeyfiles (i.e., ini files).
14:05:50 <walbert> lisp?
14:05:58 <jsled> yes.
14:06:03 <jsled> Er.
14:06:05 <jsled> #t
14:06:17 <jsled> (sorry, bad lisp joke.)
14:06:17 <chris> Poor guy probably just misunderstood what was meant by figuring out "Steps to Reproduce".
14:06:50 <walbert> :p
14:08:12 <Rolf> jsled: funktioniert auch noch nicht.
14:08:21 <Rolf> sorry
14:08:33 <Rolf> jsled: This does not work either (yet)
14:08:45 <Rolf> Let's talk about it tomorrow if you have time.
14:08:51 <jsled> Oh? it worked for me here. But I don't know what '-e' is.
14:09:09 <jsled> The `xpath` usage string here is `xpath query [file]`
14:09:16 <jsled> Er.
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14:09:20 <jsled> xpath [file] query
14:09:36 <Rolf> http://rafb.net/p/6w3bYK44.html
14:10:01 <jsled> oh. That's a better interface, actually.
14:10:16 <Rolf> http://rafb.net/p/7t7gkJ47.html
14:10:58 <jsled> Oh, no, sorry. Edit the [[[ ... ]]] stuff into the top of the skr04 XML file
14:11:45 <Rolf> Oh
14:11:52 <Rolf> The format is outdated, right?
14:11:56 <jsled> which?
14:12:03 <Rolf> I was going to tackle that once I understood it.
14:12:12 <Rolf> The SKR04 file is outdated in format, right?
14:12:20 <Rolf> v1 instead of v2
14:13:14 <jsled> no. There's no v2 form of these files.
14:13:43 *** walbert has joined #gnucash
14:14:13 <walbert> Har. One more question. "Warning: Finance::Quote not installed properly." on the windows buiild.
14:14:16 <walbert> how to rectify?
14:14:43 <jsled> The <?xml version="1.0"?> is referring to the XML version ... and 1.0 is totally fine.
14:15:00 <jsled> walbert: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Finance::Quote
14:15:34 <walbert> ah
14:15:36 <Rolf> jsled: I had gotten that impression since when saving the account charts from a recent version of gnucash, the first couple of line are very different
14:15:38 <walbert> very helpful
14:16:11 <walbert> how long has gnucash been under active development?
14:16:13 <Rolf> jsled: Putting those lines into the SKR04 files produces an error.
14:16:24 <Rolf> walbert: quite a few years
14:16:50 <jsled> I think it's 10 years next month.
14:17:14 <jsled> Well, not *active* development ...
14:17:31 <walbert> oh, wow
14:17:31 <Rolf> jsled: I think I figure it out
14:17:40 <Rolf> jsled: Thanks.
14:17:49 <Rolf> I'm off for a movie evening.
14:17:52 <walbert> active or not, it's rather up to date
14:17:53 <jsled> Rolf: enjoy! :)
14:17:55 <Rolf> Talk to you tomorrow.
14:17:57 <jsled> cheers.
14:18:26 <jsled> walbert: in some places. Not so much in others.
14:21:10 <walbert> what needs to be cleaned up?
14:22:37 <jsled> Well ... there's a bunch of problems in the Windows port. The reporting subsystem is tied to relatively old HTML, with limited CSS.
14:23:09 <jsled> The register is all custom widgetry, which has proven problematic.
14:24:32 <jsled> walbert: I think the tax information might be a bit out of date.
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14:35:28 <walbert> hrm
14:35:44 <walbert> i was thinking that the reporting sybsystem in windows was rather ugly
14:35:48 <walbert> subsystem*
14:38:22 <walbert> i'm getting some errors on Install Finance-Quote
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14:38:58 <walbert> entry point not found in libea
14:50:10 <walbert> okay... ActivePerl 5.8 AND an installation of OpenSSL are required
14:50:53 <walbert> openssl.org links to http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html for those seeking win32 binaries
14:50:59 <walbert> might want to add a note of it to the wiki
14:55:55 <jsled> go for it. :)
15:23:34 <walbert> This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are a number of reasons why this may be so, please see Project:Protected page.
15:23:46 <walbert> oh.
15:23:48 <walbert> bah.
15:24:00 <jsled> Which page?
15:24:21 <walbert> had to confirm my email address
15:24:25 <jsled> Ah.
15:29:16 <walbert> <- Far too often guilty of not rtfm :)
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19:05:46 <walbert> Hello again, folks. Is there a way to take a spreadsheet file (date, memo, dollar amount, price per share, shares bought) and import it into a fund account?
19:07:13 <walbert> or should i just debit opening balances for the current value of the fund, and go by the current price and # of shares owned?
19:08:24 <walbert> I'm not really using gnucash for tax purposes, just for budgeting and figuring out net worth, though I would like to use it when I file for 2008
19:11:06 <jsled> walbert: no re: import
19:11:31 <jsled> With respect to the pricing information, you should take a look at hte docs, and the price db in particular.
19:12:07 <jsled> (the docs for stock handling)
19:13:37 <walbert> hrm, will do :)
19:13:47 <walbert> thanks for all the help today, btw
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