2007-08-27 GnuCash IRC logs
00:36:32 *** jakin has quit IRC
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01:01:51 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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02:08:56 *** yos87 has joined #Gnucash
02:09:04 <yos87> hi
02:10:33 <yos87> can I download a Gnucash account sample?
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12:30:58 *** andr3www has joined #gnucash
12:31:07 <andr3www> hi
12:31:37 <andr3www> I was wondering how can I completely uninstall gnucash, I uninstalled it because something got corrupted and it takes ages to boot and doesn't function right, but when I reinstall it the same problem happens
12:31:47 <andr3www> I've tried removing Application data, but that doesn't seem to be enough
12:33:07 <warlord> andr3www: what OS/Distro?
12:33:51 <andr3www> whoops sorry on Windows
12:34:03 <andr3www> I am looking to find any temp/lock files
12:34:15 <andr3www> just want to completely wipe everyhting and try again
12:35:13 <warlord> Okay, let's take a step back.. .What's the problem?
12:35:21 <warlord> What "same problem" happens?
12:35:33 <andr3www> it takes 10 minutes to open
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12:36:23 <andr3www> I found the trace files, if that helps?
12:40:09 <warlord> Have you read through the wiki page on the windows version?
12:40:20 <andr3www> yup that's how I found the trace files
12:40:39 <andr3www> I don't have Home Edition
12:42:09 <andr3www> should I submit my trace to help you guys with debugging?
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12:44:09 <warlord> Maybe? I have no idea if the trace will help.
12:45:09 <warlord> I'm not one of the win32 devs.
12:48:36 <andr3www> oh lordy
12:49:07 <andr3www> Its too bad there isn't a list of places all the files get written to so I could delete everything
12:49:56 <warlord> This is windows...
12:50:04 <jsled> The other directories you'll want are ~/.gconf/ and ~/.gnucash/.
12:50:28 <jsled> Maybe some others. But removing them isn't going to change anything.
12:51:46 <jsled> andr3www: there's other reports of that problem on gnucash-user, but I don't believe there's a solution.
12:52:01 <jsled> I don't care much about windows, so I've not been following it too closely.
12:54:37 <andr3www> its too bad there isn't a web app
12:55:04 <andr3www> I can't decide what OS goes on my work laptop
12:59:37 <warlord> See the FAQ
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13:01:22 <andr3www> to submit bugs?
13:01:29 <andr3www> or find information about a web app :)
13:08:36 <warlord> yes
13:29:28 <andr3www> ok cool thanks a lot, cya
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13:50:26 <warlord> where's the win32 f::q activation script?
13:50:32 <warlord> (where is andi5 when I need him?)
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14:08:45 <Jaran> lol
14:09:09 * jsled nods
14:09:35 *** xrg has joined #gnucash
14:09:49 <xrg> Much better here, jsled!
14:09:52 <jsled> xrg: :)
14:10:41 <xrg> Q: I do have multiple accounts for invoices.. With 2.2.0, 2.2.1 I cannot select the second of them in creating a Client or Supplier report..
14:11:15 <xrg> Is that bug known? Could it have to do with old/mismatching gtk/guile whatever libs?
14:11:53 <warlord> xrg: what do you mean "cannot select the second of them..."?
14:12:48 <xrg> W8: let me switch to english locale in my gnucash, so that I tell you all names correct..
14:14:53 <xrg> OK..
14:24:38 <xrg> Interestingly enough, I just saw the 'Due bills reminder' . It had never appeared in the localized 'el' version!
14:25:27 <xrg> So: my "bug": I select 'Reports/Business/Customer Report' and the empty page is generated.
14:26:07 <xrg> Then, I open the properties dlg and select a customer from the 'Company Field'. Just below it there's the 'Account' combo.
14:27:10 <xrg> Whatever I select at the 'Account' combo, it will always create the report for the first account of the combo. It will not even enable the 'OK' and 'Apply' buttons when I change the selection of the combo...
14:30:18 <warlord> Hmm......
14:30:31 <warlord> So it's a REPORT selection issue..
14:34:00 <warlord> You can select the account on posting invoices?
14:34:06 <warlord> or processing payments?
14:43:43 *** Vino has joined #gnucash
14:44:07 <Vino> Has 2.2.1 been tested on Vista? it keeps freezing as I try to open it.
14:44:53 <warlord> Vino: IIRC it requires some "compatibility mode".
14:44:59 <Vino> i see
14:45:12 <warlord> besides, why are you running crap like vista? :)
14:45:22 <Vino> why does everybody rag on me for that
14:45:40 <warlord> Because vista sucks? Why not run XP?
14:45:41 <jsled> heh
14:45:42 <Vino> i love linux and hate ms as much as the next guy, but i bought a new computer and it came with vista
14:46:03 <warlord> Note that I'm NOT ragging on you for running windows... Just Vista.
14:46:37 <Vino> if you tweak a couple settings and take off the aero crap, it's exactly like xp except it's faster and more streamlined, and with a couple neat things that xp doesn't do like the whole searching thing
14:47:07 <Vino> in my opinion all the negativity about vista is just anti-microsoft fanboys complaining.
14:47:56 <Vino> and it's not like all that complaining is going to do anything -- in a couple years everybody will be using vista just like they're all using xp right now.
14:48:12 <jsled> Wasn't there a PC Magazine editor who publically gave up on vista after 9 months, a few weeks back?
14:48:15 <warlord> Actually, I still have one machine runnig 2k. ;)
14:48:27 <Vino> well you're a holdout
14:48:28 <warlord> It broke so many things when my cousin installed it.
14:48:45 <Vino> it's gotten a lot better, and will get moreso as time goes on
14:48:52 <Vino> remember when xp came out there was the same reaction to it
14:49:58 <Vino> is gnucash-bin.exe the only binary i need to set compatibility for?
14:50:12 <warlord> True, and I hated XP because I could no longer dual-boot and use VMware.
14:50:20 <warlord> I dont know.
14:50:30 <warlord> None of the win32 devs are here.
14:53:01 <Vino> is well maybe they wrote it down somewhere
14:54:59 <Vino> cause this isn't working
14:57:39 <warlord> check bugzilla?
15:01:48 <Vino> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=469464 this is it, and i'm actually getting this error too but i just ignored it
15:04:17 <Vino> seems to insinuate 2.2.0 works
15:05:39 <warlord> Ahh.
15:05:45 <warlord> There's a proposed workaround in there, too
15:08:55 <warlord> No, not yet.
15:11:28 <warlord> Just looked it up in pipermail.
15:11:30 <Vino> oh yeah
15:11:35 <Vino> works like a charm in 2.2.0
15:12:20 <warlord> Vino: have you tried the 2.2.1 workaround listed in that bug report?
15:12:39 <Vino> no and i'm not going to bother because i don't have the time :)
15:12:46 <Vino> don't need any of the 2.2.1 fixes anyways
15:13:22 <warlord> ummm.. okay...
15:14:44 <warlord> And why the heck does he want gnucash to archive anything? ;)
15:14:57 <warlord> archiving new frontiers! Woohoo!
15:17:22 <warlord> Well, if I could find a couple months of time I'd definitely work on finishing the sql backend.
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15:23:13 <xrg> Sorry for the delay. I'm back after breaking something (in real life)..
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15:24:13 <xrg> In posting reports and processing payments, yes, I can select the right account.
15:24:54 * cstim is back from holiday
15:25:02 <jsled> cstim: welcome back. how was holiday?
15:25:11 <cstim> very nice
15:25:25 <cstim> no cuddly warlord, though :-)
15:25:32 <jsled> heh heh.
15:25:46 <cstim> (just having read the archives today)
15:30:06 <cstim> Ouch. 587 open bugs in my regular gnucash bugzilla list.
15:30:16 * cstim remembers a time when we got that down to 300 or so.
15:30:30 <cstim> ... shortly before 1.9.0, methinks.
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15:33:09 <warlord> cstim: Hiya Christian. Welcome back!
15:33:30 <warlord> My cuddliness is being siphoned off, I'm afraid ;)
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15:49:23 <cstim> hi warlord!
15:49:43 <warlord> hiya cstim
15:50:02 <cstim> maybe http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Known_issues is an easier answer to the usual win32 FAQ suspects.
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15:52:33 <warlord> cstim: maybe...
15:54:52 <warlord> * takes a deep breath *
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15:56:38 <cstim> is it?
15:58:01 <cstim> oh, /me reads -devel. sigh.
15:58:37 <jsled> I thought the tip-of-the-day issue was fixed. http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=470801
15:59:25 <warlord> It might not have, because of the lack of a 2.2 branch.
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16:05:27 * cstim is off to bed.
16:07:39 <warlord> good night cstim
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16:18:09 <warlord> I wish there were a way to not only close the bug, but make it un-reopenable.
16:18:59 <jsled> $user would just fine another...
16:19:04 <jsled> s/fine/file/
16:26:15 <warlord> Yeah...
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17:20:00 *** puck has joined #gnucash
17:21:36 <puck> Hey, I want to write some external reporting for my Gnucash files, can I poke at the Gnucash engine and find out the balance of an account at a particular date? Is QoF the right thing to use?
17:22:04 <jsled> Not really. QOF is a layer below gnucash.
17:22:23 <puck> That's what I thought...
17:22:46 <jsled> There's no clear external API right now. Your best bet is to get something running w/in gnucash via ~/.gnucash/config.user or config.auto or whatever it is...
17:23:00 <jsled> <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports> is helpful.
17:23:19 <puck> Rats, I wanted to have it cron'ed to run every night and notify us of the balances of certain key accounts
17:24:53 <puck> Can I run gnucash, and say "run this scheme, then exit"?
17:26:52 <warlord> not anymore. That functionality was removed in 2.0
17:26:59 <jsled> not really. I suppose you could get creative with a shell script that substituted in/out different ~/.gnucash/config.user's.
17:27:28 <puck> :(
17:30:27 <warlord> nobody was using it.. so chris removed it.
17:33:01 <puck> understandable, but regrettable. :(
17:34:36 <warlord> Well, if there's a real use for it I can see re-adding that functionality.
17:35:46 <puck> Well, I'll see if I can knock up a scheme script to get what I want
17:38:25 <warlord> Ok
17:47:34 * puck dreads having to write HTML in Scheme talk.
17:49:25 <warlord> hehe
17:49:58 <puck> I was hoping to use Perl so I could use Template::Toolkit. :(
17:51:53 <jsled> something like that is the longer term goal, in as much as we have goals.
18:08:31 <puck> One day, one day...
18:08:54 <warlord> yeah, when we have infinite time
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19:34:17 *** SDGathman has joined #gnucash
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19:37:10 <SDGathman> Attempting to compile 2.0.5 from fc7 SRPM on centos-5. centos-5 provide slib in umb-scheme package, but umb-scheme slib isn't seen by guile, so I installed slib-3a1-5.fc4 instead. Compiled and installed aqbanking and libofx.
19:37:42 <SDGathman> Got *almost* to the end, and get this:
19:37:42 <SDGathman> grep: /usr/lib/libguile.la: No such file or directory
19:37:42 <SDGathman> /bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libguile.la: No such file or directory
19:37:42 <SDGathman> libtool: link: `/usr/lib/libguile.la' is not a valid libtool archive
19:38:06 <SDGathman> The centos guile-devel package provides /usr/lib/libguile.so, but not libguile.la.
19:38:52 <SDGathman> This is in the final link via libtool.
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19:46:58 <SDGathman> I'll try 2.2.1 sources and see if I get lucky...
19:52:47 <SDGathman> Ugh. 2.2 needs libgoffice.
19:53:17 <jsled> fc7 should have goffice.
19:53:25 <SDGathman> I'm on Centos-5
19:53:33 <jsled> centos-5 should have goffice. ;)
19:53:46 <SDGathman> It doesn't, however. And DAG doesn't either.
19:54:04 <SDGathman> I had to build aqbanking and libofx.
19:54:37 <SDGathman> Is there a simple fix for the libguile.la problem above for 2.0.5?
19:54:48 <SDGathman> It compiles everything, and just needs the final link :-(
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19:54:50 <jsled> Well, it's nothing to do with gnucash.
19:55:07 <jsled> I'm not sure why it's saying that; you might want to contact a centos support channel.
19:55:34 <SDGathman> The guile-devel package doesn't provide libguile.la
19:55:49 <jsled> here (gentoo, current), /usr/lib/libguile.la is provided by dev-scheme/guile-1.8.1-r3
19:56:14 <SDGathman> That's if you enable static libs, which apparently they didn't.
19:56:23 <jsled> Oh. Hmm.
19:56:29 <jsled> I wonder why not.
19:56:40 <SDGathman> Does gnucash really need to statically link libguile?
19:57:25 <SDGathman> Maybe I should try to build a guile update for centos-5
19:59:30 <jsled> I don't think we statically link libguile.
19:59:48 <SDGathman> You think libtool is acting strange?
19:59:49 <jsled> The .la files are libtool library locator files; they describe the shared library.
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20:01:02 <SDGathman> Hmm, checked 2 or 3 other random libxxx-devel packages, and they don't include .la files either. Just .so
20:01:39 <SDGathman> Looks like libkde includes .la files.
20:10:16 <SDGathman> Where do I get the 1.8.1 guile package?
20:13:03 <jsled> guile-1.8.1's been out for a while; I'd imagine centos has it.
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20:20:46 <SDGathma1> They have 1.8.0 - and missing libguile.la
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20:32:31 <sorush20> I have a problem how do I show a purchases account , where stock is being bought for sale at either the same price or a higher price.. with the profit going to some other account?
20:33:56 <SDGathma1> jsled, Sure enough, SRPM for guile has --disable-static
20:36:46 <SDGathma1> Trying centos SRPM with --enable-static and 1.8.2 sources.
20:46:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:46:43 <warlord> SDGathma1: There's a RHEL after-market which should have gnucash and all the deps. Available via yum.
20:47:02 <warlord> Also, it's not statically linking libguile. It's looking for the Libtool Archive (.la)
20:47:24 <SDGathma1> Where? I normally use Dag, but he doesn't have it yet.
20:47:30 <SDGathma1> (Maybe I can contribute)
20:47:48 <SDGathma1> Got guile-1.8.2 built
20:48:21 <warlord> You shouldn't need a .la file unless some other package requires it.. Did you pull down a non-RHEL binary RPM and install it, instead of building something from SRPM?
20:48:37 <SDGathma1> Not that I know of.
20:49:16 <SDGathma1> Rebuilding guile for i686 - probably worth it for a VM.
20:50:47 <chris> warlord, puck, jsled: you could just put the command to load your scheme file into your ~/.gnucash/config-2.0.user
20:51:03 <warlord> It would be interesting to see what's pulling in the libguile.la dependency. You don't NEED the .la file, unless something references it.
20:51:32 <SDGathma1> It is referenced by libtool for the final link of the gnucash binary.
20:51:40 <puck> chris: Yes, but I want to have a cronjob that exports some info out of Gnucash on a daily basis
20:51:41 <warlord> chris: true, but that wouldn't let you (easily) modify the scheme "program" you want to run. E.g., a cron job that wants to perform a balance check and then exit.
20:52:15 <warlord> SDGathma1: That's not what I meant. there's gotta be some OTHER .la file that references libguile.la... "find / -name \*.la | xargs grep libguile.la"
20:52:19 <puck> (And reading through the Scheme reports, my eyes are hurting. :) )
20:56:11 <SDGathma1> libgw-glib.la
20:56:38 <SDGathma1> libgwrap also
20:56:56 <warlord> And where did you find a g-wrap BINARY RPM? And what made you think it would just work?
20:57:16 <SDGathma1> I built from SRPM.
20:57:56 <SDGathma1> But I see I built it on Centos-4.5, and got it mixed in by accident during upgrade to C5.
20:58:16 <warlord> Perhaps 4.5 had libguile.la
20:58:24 <SDGathma1> Could be.
20:58:37 <warlord> also, you dont need g-wrap if you install 2.2.x
20:59:09 <SDGathma1> Makes going for 2.2 worth a try.
20:59:12 <chris> g-wrap haunts us from its grave.
20:59:19 <warlord> hehehe
20:59:36 <warlord> you'll still need slib..
20:59:47 <warlord> (i wish we could kill the slib dep, too)
20:59:51 <SDGathma1> g-wrap is history on C5...
21:00:17 <SDGathma1> Killing g-wrap dependency in .spec
21:01:50 <SDGathma1> Oh, but I need libgoffice for 2.2... sigh.
21:02:32 <warlord> yeah, but that should be easy to rebuild from SRPM
21:04:13 <SDGathma1> rpmfind turns up zip for libgoffice
21:05:05 <warlord> downloads.fedora.redhat.com
21:08:22 <SDGathma1> Was it in fc6? Or do I need to find an fc7 mirror?
21:10:50 <warlord> Yes, it was in fc6.
21:10:55 <warlord> it was even in fc5
21:11:14 <warlord> Or you can try the ELAH (or whatever it's called) --
21:11:15 <SDGathma1> I'm still searching.
21:11:24 <warlord> I gotta run
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21:35:41 <puck> Hmmm, I think i need to learn more Scheme to be able to do what I want. :(
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22:20:07 <SDGathma1> Got 2.2.1 built! Need gnucash-docs...
22:23:09 <SDGathma1> Where so I get perl(Finance::Quote)?
22:23:14 <SDGathma1> Is it really needed?
22:35:21 <SDGathma1> Ok, now only missing yelp.
22:35:44 <SDGathma1> centos has yelp, but with missing dependency gecko-libs, which doesn't seem to be available anywhere.
22:44:57 <SDGathma1> Solved it. ANother C4.5 holdover ...
22:54:07 <SDGathma1> Yay! Got 2.2.1 RPMs up on my local repo for centos-5!
22:54:16 <SDGathma1> Running it - seems to work ...
22:55:41 <SDGathma1> Should I still upgrade guile to 1.8.2? Or just leave at centos-5 level (1.8.0) ?
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