2007-08-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:01:14 <choji> I was already here, with the Problem that the Price Editor with Finance::Quote not work with my http proxy. Now i had the problem a little specified. If i run gnc-fq-dump yahoo ... the connection runs over http and including with my http proxy in the http_proxy var. if i run gnc-fq-dump dwsfunds ... the connection runs over https and without my proxy. i already tried to set a var https_proxy, but with no success
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06:50:27 <sorush20> hi the account retained earnings dose that mean drawings in british accounting/
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07:17:06 <sorush20> hello
07:20:08 <sorush20> warlord-afk:
07:30:46 <sorush20> is there an equivalent to drawings in accounting names in the USA. Am I correct in guessing that the accounting structures are named according to USA standards?
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08:04:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:05:07 <warlord> Well, the default is US-English, but there ARE en_GB account trees so if your locale is en_GB then you should get those trees.
08:05:22 <warlord> (I make no statement about whether those trees are "correct")
08:05:58 <warlord> I suspect that a "Drawinngs" account is where a company owner pulls equity out of the company, a "Capital Withdrawal"?
08:09:31 <sorush20> That is right
08:09:52 <sorush20> warlord: is retained earnings the same as drawings?
08:10:27 <warlord> no
08:10:54 <warlord> retained earnings is the sum of all profit from previous periods.
08:11:27 <warlord> (or the instantaneous retained earnings)
08:12:52 <sorush20> where can I find information on accounts without having to bother you guys?
08:13:04 <warlord> The dictionary?
08:13:10 <warlord> google?
08:13:17 <warlord> the documentation?
08:13:33 <sorush20> where in the documentation exactly
08:14:11 <warlord> throughout.
08:14:38 <warlord> read it cover to cover.
08:15:17 <sorush20> what about opening balance in the equity account .. is that the initial amount of money that is given to the company by the owner ?
08:16:53 <warlord> pleasar read the docs.
08:17:09 <warlord> the tutorial is a wonderful piece of work.
08:18:12 <sorush20> http://www.gnucash.org/docs.phtml is this it
08:19:10 <warlord> that's the launchpad, yes.
08:23:01 <sorush20> here in the screen shot the accounting screen shows different names for the equity accounts..
08:27:07 <warlord> The docs are written using the US accounts. But IGNORE THE NAMES!
08:27:15 <warlord> The names don't matter in the grand scheme of things..
08:27:22 <warlord> You can name your accounts anything you want!
08:27:33 <warlord> You could name it the Grand High Poobah and GnuCash wont care.
08:29:00 <warlord> The point is all about how the money moves around.
08:29:15 <warlord> Just name the accounts whatever makes sense in your locale.
08:34:51 <sorush20> are you programing anything right now ?
08:34:53 <sorush20> wal
08:34:54 <sorush20> warlord:
08:35:24 <warlord> anything gnucash-related?
08:35:26 <warlord> no.
08:42:30 <warlord> but I'm afraid I need to get dressed and go attend a funeral soon. so any last questions?
08:50:08 <sorush20> no last question thank for your help
08:55:18 <warlord> you're welcome. good luck.
08:55:21 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
09:24:53 <sorush20> anyone else here except warlord
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09:25:02 <sorush20> where do I read about the reports in gnucash?
09:25:18 <sorush20> dont' worrry got it
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10:46:19 <sorush20> I have made a profit and loss spread sheet for the uk that I would like somehow to be incorporated as a report into gnucash
10:46:37 <sorush20> how do I go about it since I don't know any C++ or languages
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11:16:19 <sorush20> where is the latest source code for 2.2.1
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11:36:02 <twunder> sorush20: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Subversion or http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/stable/
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11:56:35 <sorush20> twunder: will you behaving a financed by section in the balance sheet?
12:01:03 <twunder> sorush20: no
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12:09:09 <sorush20> have the reports in gnucash been confirmed by an accountant?
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12:47:23 <emre> hi folks, gnucash is rounding the fractions, how can I prevent it?
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12:55:53 <jsled> sorush20: not formally, but they're pretty standard reports.
12:56:00 <jsled> emre: where?
12:56:22 <sorush20> jsled: I think they should be
12:57:02 <emre> jsled: when adding a new transaction.
12:58:33 <jsled> emre: Generally rounding and precision is controlled by the currency in use. E.g. the USD's fractional units are 1/100.
12:59:58 <jsled> sorush20: as for adding reports, all the reports are in scheme; have you seen <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports>?
13:00:54 <emre> jsled: I'm using TRL, how can I change the precision for it?
13:02:07 <jsled> TRL ... I think that's TRY, now? What version of gnucash are you using? And why do you need to change the precision?
13:02:52 <jsled> I mean, if it's 100 kuru to the lira, do you really need to record 0.001 lira (0.1 kuru)?
13:03:32 <sorush20> what does the opening balances in equity account mean?
13:03:35 <emre> jsled: version: 2.0.2
13:04:06 <emre> jsled: 1.05 lira is 105 kuruş.. the same as dollar/cent..
13:05:03 <emre> jsled: maybe my version is old? because the turkish currency is changed and they did drop 6 zeros.. but this happened a couple years ago..
13:05:40 <jsled> emre: right. I'm not understanding why rounding is involved. What value are you entering, and what is it being rounded to?
13:05:59 <jsled> sorush20: see http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/accts-types1.html#accts-gc-bsa2
13:06:38 <jsled> emre: yes, 2.0.2 is pretty old. There were some serious bugs fixed after that in the 2.0 series, let alone the new 2.2 releases.
13:06:44 <jsled> emre: what distro?
13:07:02 <emre> jsled: when I enter 1.05 it rounds to 1.00 when I enter 1.55 rounds to 2.00
13:07:08 <emre> jsled: ubuntu, feisty.
13:07:26 <emre> jsled: ok, let me try to build it from sources..
13:08:08 <jsled> That's odd. You might want to double-check the currency type of the account. And maybe the "auto-decimal point" setting somewhere in {Edit > Preferences}
13:09:12 <emre> jsled: I set the currency of the account to TRL manually and I have tried everything with the preferences.
13:09:13 <jsled> But in TRL ... ah. In TRL for 2.0.2, the settings are 1/1
13:09:43 <emre> jsled: actually i set the smallest fraction to 1/100 manually.
13:09:50 <emre> of the account.
13:10:51 <jsled> Hmm. TRL -> TRY (with the parts-per-unit and smallest-fraction values being 100) in 2.0.5.
13:11:12 <jsled> emre: I'd suggest upgrading. I thought that there were 2.0.5 packages for Ubuntu.
13:11:46 <jsled> Yeah ... http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Feisty_Fawn_.287.04.29 claims feisty has 2.0.5.
13:11:53 <emre> sled: no, the latest version on ubuntu feisty is 2.0.2.
13:12:04 <jsled> Ah. <http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=gnucash> claims it's in backports.
13:12:22 <emre> hmm, i'm not using backports, just the official ones.
13:12:40 <jsled> I believe backports are "official", but I'm not an Ubuntu user.
13:12:40 <emre> i'm downloading the 2.2.1 sources. gonna compile myself..
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13:13:00 <jsled> emre: right on. Well, the wiki has other building instructions, some even 'buntu specific.
13:13:21 <emre> as far as I know backports are not turned on by default..
13:13:50 <emre> ok, let me take a look. doesn't it compile normal way, i mean configure make make install?
13:35:13 <jsled> emre: yes, though the dependencies are generally the rub.
13:35:34 <jsled> Something like `$package-manager build-deps gnucash` can help to get you to a state where gnucash will readily build.
13:35:52 <emre> thanks jsled, compiling it right now.
13:35:54 <jsled> If you got the sources from svn, there's an `./autogen.sh` step before ./configure, but it's the same after that.
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13:42:03 <sorush20> what account should I open for the purpose of drawings for the owner of a company?
13:56:42 <emre> jsled: I've installed it however the way describes in wiki does not work (it makes a .deb package which tries to overwrite the binutils package)
13:56:44 <emre> Unpacking gnucash (from gnucash_2.2.1-1_i386.deb) ...
13:56:44 <emre> dpkg: error processing gnucash_2.2.1-1_i386.deb (--install):
13:56:44 <emre> trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/strip', which is also in package binutils
13:56:44 <emre> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
13:56:44 <emre> Errors were encountered while processing:
13:56:48 <emre> gnucash_2.2.1-1_i386.deb
13:58:47 <jsled> Yeah, I've only started seeing that recently ... I have no idea why, though. :(
14:00:04 *** dmb has joined #gnucash
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14:00:06 <dmb> hey
14:00:20 <dmb> is it possible to import data from my bank directly?
14:01:18 <Jaran|zzZzZzz> with hbci i think
14:01:25 <dmb> hbci?
14:02:00 <Jaran|zzZzZzz> Home Banking Computer Interface
14:02:08 <Jaran|zzZzZzz> i haven't tried it with GnuCash yet though
14:02:18 <Jaran|zzZzZzz> actually i haven't used hbci at all :P
14:06:01 <dmb> my bank talks about being compatible with pfms
14:08:20 <jsled> Never heard of pfms.
14:08:33 <jsled> One can also use OFX DirectConnect to do direct bank interaction.
14:08:44 <jsled> Or, of course, manually download and import QIF or OFX files.
14:09:22 <jsled> HBCI is a German standard... think of it as OFX++, maybe. At least, that's the sense I get.
14:10:20 <dmb> jsled: my bank says its compatible with quicken and ms money, does that mean i can use OFX directconnect?
14:10:35 <jsled> Perhaps, I'm not sure what they mean.
14:11:04 <dmb> TD Banknorth provides access to your account information using Quicken®, QuickBooks®, or Microsoft Money® personal finance management (PFM) software.
14:11:28 <jsled> <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings> has a list of known settings.
14:11:39 <jsled> Oh, they're just using a generic acronym...
14:12:55 <jsled> emre: I should say, I've only started seeing reports of that, recently...
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14:15:42 <emre> jsled: I've take a look at the Makefile and apparently it is installing strip.
14:15:43 <emre> install-strip:
14:15:44 <emre> install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \
14:15:44 <emre> `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
14:15:44 <emre> echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install
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14:22:37 <dmb> jsled: you know anyone that knows where the location of the url for td banknorth is?
14:22:39 <dmb> the ofx url?
14:25:26 <sorush20> what account should I open for the purpose of drawings for the owner of a company?
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14:38:02 <guzzlefry> hey everyone
14:38:37 <guzzlefry> When you're entering something into gnucash, a transaction, is it best to do it item by item, or just the whole transaction?
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16:15:00 <dbr> dmb: try https://secure.tdbanknorth.com/scripts/serverext.dll with FID = 1001 and ORG = Banknorth
16:15:38 <dbr> dmb: but they have 9 regions, to I'm not sure if they use the same server. I'm in PA.
16:16:16 <dbr> er 'so', not 'to'
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16:31:28 <dmb> dbr: oh
16:31:45 <dmb> dbr: btw, they are a pretty good bank, no atm fees at all :d
16:32:13 <dbr> that's why I have an account there, even though the nearest branch is 40 miles away
16:32:44 <dmb> yeh, nearest branch is far away for me as well, its annoying to deposit checks
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16:43:28 <dbr> but then a 2 mile trip each way in a car costs more than a stamp these days. So I'm learning patience with deposits by maikl
16:43:30 <dbr> mail
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16:44:56 <dbr> The one thing that irritates me about TDBanknorth is that their bill paying is on the 'Good Funds' model -- the money leaves the account immediately
16:45:11 <dbr> and there is no guarantee of when it will get to the target.
16:46:40 <dbr> I had one payment get to Chase in 1.5 days at the end of December, but the next payment (different account, same destination at Chase) took 10 days in January.
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20:45:55 <meznak> I backed up my .gnucash folder before doing a clean Ubuntu reinstall and am having trouble getting my accounts imported.
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21:33:46 <meznak> I backed up my .gnucash folder before doing a clean Ubuntu reinstall and am having trouble getting my accounts imported.
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21:50:45 <twunder> meznak: what do you mean "having trouble getting my accounts imported"?
21:55:46 <meznak> twunder: before reinstalling, I exported my accounts as a .qif file. I also backed up the entire .gnucash directory, just in case.
21:56:06 <meznak> twunder: when I try to import the .qif, I get an error stating that "this does not appear to be a QIF file."
21:56:52 <twunder> meznak: you used gnucash to export your data as a .QIF file for backup?
21:57:04 <jsled> gnucash can't export as QIF.
21:57:25 <jsled> Waht menu item did you use?
21:57:34 <jsled> Did you backup your actual datafile?
21:57:56 <meznak> hmmm... i used file->export
21:58:18 <meznak> maybe i just assumed the qif extension... I really thought I remembered it selecting .qif for me
21:58:22 <jsled> If it's the one I'm thinking of, it just exports your Account tree, without an transactions.
21:58:31 <jsled> That file is a gnucash-format file you can just File > Open...
21:58:47 <jsled> But, you really wanted to backup your data file, not expport anything at all.
21:59:01 <meznak> let me give that a shot...
21:59:18 <twunder> right, that export just exports your account tree
21:59:38 <meznak> ha! I didn't even think of just opening the bloody thing...
21:59:44 <meznak> thanks :)
22:03:06 <twunder> hi jsled. you available to try to help me figure out what your code does in dialog-sx-since-last-run.c (bearing in mind I understand very little C).
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22:54:25 * twunder will just send an e-mail to the -devel list.
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23:35:09 <dmb> hmm
23:35:26 <dmb> any of you familiar with aqbanking?
23:35:34 <dmb> im getting a compile error when trying to compile it
23:35:52 <dmb> jobgetbalance_p.h:28: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'AB_JobGetBalance_FreeData'
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23:49:39 <dbr> dmb: are you compiling Head or a release tarball?
23:50:33 <dbr> at this point, I don't think the most recent svn source will work with gnucash even if it compiles
23:54:44 <dbr> I haven't had a problem with the 2.2.x series, but the 2.9.x will be a problem
23:59:01 <dmb> dbr: release
23:59:21 <dmb> dbr: the line of code it doesn't like is static void GWENHYWFAR_CB AB_JobGetBalance_FreeData(void *bp, void *p
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23:59:46 <dmb> i don't seem to understand why it looks like he is trying to return 2 types
23:59:54 <dmb> although it might be some advanced concept of c i never learned