2007-08-12 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:40 <chris> you *may* be able to trick one of the reports into grouping by, say, account code, and subtotaling all groups.
00:01:15 <chris> then, if you gave the account pairs of the same commodity the same code, it might just work.
00:01:32 <chris> rchern: do you follow?
00:07:21 <rchern> maybe, i guess i need to learn how to make a custom report
00:09:11 <chris> well, I just meant using the Transaction report.
00:09:49 <chris> but, I just tried to subtotal with a primary sort key of account code, and I don't think it works.
00:12:36 <chris> you know, I'd think that subtotaling by account name shoudl work, too, if they had the same account name. But it doesn't work either. It's probably another bug.
00:12:59 <rchern> :(
00:13:32 <chris> of course, it may be that the intended behavior was to disallow subtotaling on those keys, just like for most others.
00:13:47 <rchern> yeah, everything is the same except for the parent account
00:14:09 <chris> but in any case, it *looks* like it's supposed to work, but doesn't.
00:14:09 <rchern> seems like a common thing to want to know how much is in each fund...employee matching is common
00:14:58 <chris> In any case, the best solution I can think of now is to have a report with just the two accounts, and use the grand total.
00:15:14 <rchern> so really have 8 accounts? :|
00:15:28 <chris> you mean 8 reports?
00:16:51 <rchern> yeah that haha
00:17:05 <rchern> but a transaction report using account name as primary key worked, kind of
00:17:33 <rchern> shows the total balance for each of the 8 mutual funds, but shows it as shares, not a $
00:18:31 <chris> choose Options->General->Common Currency
00:18:54 <rchern> voila ;)
00:19:23 <chris> but it still won't sum the pairs.
00:19:36 <rchern> yes it does...
00:20:05 <rchern> oh wait never mind :(
00:20:13 <rchern> damn
00:20:42 <chris> sorry, I'm out of ideas. bedtime. good night.
00:20:58 <rchern> night...thanks...
00:38:04 <rchern> alright i'm out too, if anyone has ideas just nick alert me so i can search logs :)
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04:46:39 <ecraven> good morning!
04:46:51 <piyo> greetz and howdy
04:48:00 <ecraven> another question ;) is there a way to get gnucash to show all transactions of a sub-account in an account? i want every transaction that is part of a sub-account of Assets to show in Assets itself
04:48:47 <ecraven> what i forgot to say yesterday, gnucash is great ;) i was really impressed, i've been looking for a tool for my parents to do their accounts, and this seems to work great!
04:53:18 <piyo> im not sure if this will answer your question, but have you tried "Open subaccounts" ?
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04:55:01 <ecraven> that is quite exactly what i wanted!
04:55:04 <ecraven> awesome :)
04:55:20 <piyo> ok :)
04:55:50 <ecraven> if i want to create a new template for an account hierarchy, can i just create it in gnucash, export the accounts, and do some magic on that file?
05:19:17 <cstim> ecraven: you mean a new template that shows up in the "New file" wizard?
05:19:28 <cstim> good morning
05:20:01 <ecraven> yes
05:20:17 <ecraven> i'll create one for the standard austrian scheme, and put it online somewhere
05:20:36 <cstim> great
05:20:41 <cstim> we'd happily include it in gnucash as well
05:21:07 <cstim> hm ... http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation#How_to_translate_the_files_containing_the_new_account_hierarchies
05:21:36 <cstim> according to this, you don't need to do any magic anyway, except for including leading XML elements with the explanation.
05:22:26 <ecraven> hm.. why do i never find these wiki pages :) ok, when i have it, i'll come here and talk to someone :)
05:22:30 <cstim> Then, you'll copy it into $prefix/accounts/de_AT
05:22:41 <cstim> sure.
05:24:40 <ecraven> ah, my stupid bank won't let me download my visa card transactions.. they show them in html, but no download button.. does anyone know whether the online visa thing that lets you look at your card transactions lets you download csv?
05:27:38 <cstim> no idea.
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10:22:42 <warlord> rchern: you need to add the "Total in Report Currency" column to your Chart of Accounts.
10:23:07 <warlord> That will let you see your fund totals in (e.g.) USD.
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10:48:53 <rchern> trying to find that, thanks
11:00:05 <rchern> and failing, apparently
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11:05:29 <warlord> rchern: click the arrow on the upper-right of the CoA
11:14:15 <rchern> oh...that wasn't really what i meant i was going for, but yes that is useful. (it just happens that each fund is under a parent account so i get a USD for that which is good enough). i really just need to combine the vested and non-vested portions
11:14:25 <rchern> thank you
11:40:05 <warlord> rchern: um, that's not what you asked last night. :-D I answered the question you asked. If you wanted to ask a different question then you should have done so. ;)
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11:44:06 <warlord> If you want to combine the vested and non-vested portions (and you want to see the #shares, not the value) then you need a parent account of the same commodity.
11:44:28 <warlord> Or you need to build a report that will properly summerize them; like maybe an Advanced Portfolio report?
11:47:37 <rchern> I'd like to see both #shares and value :|
11:47:57 <rchern> I don't know, maybe I setup the accounts in the wrong heirarchy.
11:50:31 <warlord> Yea, it sounds like you want an additional common parent account (of type stock/mutual with the same commodity).
11:50:50 <warlord> I assume you have two accounts, one for vested and another for unvested?
11:51:10 <warlord> I would create Assets:...:<Company>:{Vested,Unvested}
11:52:19 <rchern> `http://rafb.net/p/3Ew9kr73.html
11:53:28 <warlord> Well, which do you want to see easier? The total vested/unvested across all commodities? Or the total for each commodity across vested/unvested?
11:54:37 <rchern> I set it up this way because my statement differentiates between the vested and unvested portions
11:54:57 <warlord> That didn't answer the question.
11:55:48 <rchern> I need to know the vested/unvested of the account as a whole
11:56:14 <warlord> So you need to see the total vested/unvested across all commodities?
11:56:26 <rchern> Right, which is how it is set up now
11:56:33 <warlord> right. okay.
11:56:43 <warlord> Did you try a portfolio report?
11:57:39 <rchern> Yes. It lists Fund 1, Fund 2, Fund 3, Fund 1, Fund 2, Fund 3
11:58:12 <warlord> Have you played with the report options?
11:59:51 <warlord> Nevermind. I just played.
12:00:08 <rchern> There's not really anything to play with on the investment portfolio report. Pick accounts, include accounts with no shares, report name, stylesheet, date, currency, price source, decimal places
12:00:24 <warlord> Yeah, I just looked.
12:02:15 <warlord> Anyways, I need to run out.
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12:08:00 <rchern> Sorting > Primary Key = Account Name (or Account Code) > Primary Subtotal (Subtotal according to the primary key?) = enabled, I even did the same for secondary key set to the same thing. That seems like it should be working
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12:43:17 <chris> rchern: yeah, it seems like it should, but it doesn't. You should file a bug.
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14:30:19 <cstim> hi andi5
14:31:01 <andi5> hiho cstim!
14:33:01 <andi5> cstim: do you have any new idea about our two win32 buggers?
14:33:39 <andi5> seems like the "gconf takes ages to start up" is some kind of network problem in orbit2... maybe.... could never reproduce it
14:34:31 <andi5> the "fatal error on startup" touches temporary storage areas, but again, i cannot make it fail if i set TMP (or TMPDIR or TEMP) to a newly created directory
14:35:20 <andi5> but to keep me rotating, my usb wlan stick does not work ;-)
14:39:02 <cstim> andi5: I pretty much gave up on new ideas on these two.
14:39:27 <cstim> I'd just release 2.2.1 with the newer ORBit and see who still complains.
14:41:07 <cstim> andi5: how's life in München?
14:41:09 <andi5> i guess all of them ;-)
14:41:39 <andi5> i guess job is part of life, right? i can tell more in a week :-D
14:42:04 <andi5> seems like munich is bigger than rostock
14:43:24 <andi5> but so far everything is running rather smoothly... no need to worry =)
14:43:31 <cstim> nice
14:45:12 <nbinont> andi5: new job?
14:45:16 <andi5> yep
14:45:35 <nbinont> cool
14:45:39 <andi5> i hope so ;-)
14:46:35 <andi5> nbinont: so the next sunday is ok for you? ... the usual procedure should be: (a) make (and upload?) tarball, (b) create win32 setup.exe, (c) make announcements?
14:47:34 <nbinont> yep, though I may not have the setup.exe ready until late sunday
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14:47:52 <nbinont> I'm moving saturday
14:48:00 <andi5> oooh
14:48:09 <andi5> i guess late sunday means monday night here :(
14:48:22 <andi5> fyi, i am @UTC+2
14:48:47 <nbinont> UTC-5...I think
14:49:04 <nbinont> so that would meen early monday there
14:49:19 <andi5> yeah, that would be possible... just make sure you have the setup.exe until midnight :)
14:49:30 <andi5> +finished
14:50:06 <andi5> but you are moving and think you can do the build?
14:50:16 <andi5> should i rather wait a few days or try myself?
14:50:23 <nbinont> not a problem (save anything uexpected)
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14:51:28 <nbinont> yes...I'm actually not moving far (few hundred km), so it shoudn't be bad
14:51:51 <nbinont> so yes, I can do the build
14:51:54 <andi5> hehe... 800 here and i think that is quite a bit :)
14:52:27 <cstim> "few hundred" qualifying as "not far"... well, that's by US measures, I guess :-)
14:52:37 <nbinont> lol
14:52:39 * cstim recently moved inside the same house
14:53:03 <andi5> cstim: are you still trying to calm down?
14:53:12 <cstim> calm down?
14:53:17 <andi5> or recover
14:53:29 <cstim> oh, no, that's fine for quite some time by now.
14:53:37 <andi5> =)
14:54:36 <andi5> nbinont: so ok, i will focus sunday, Aug 19 then
14:55:02 <nbinont> sounds good
14:55:37 <chris> cstim: what's this used for? +"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnucash-devel-request@gnucash.org>
15:03:41 <cstim> I have no idea.
15:04:07 <cstim> but I got used to the fact that many translators insert *foo*bar* into the po file header. I think it's nothing to worry about...
15:04:19 <cstim> but if you do worry, you can send an email to the Last-Translator :-)
15:05:12 <chris> well, I don't have any reason to worry, since I don't know what it's for, or even if it's a real email address.
15:05:27 <cstim> I think the previous email address was invalid as well.
15:07:46 <cstim> but what *does* worry me is the treatment of the `|´ msgids :-(
15:07:53 <cstim> grep 'msgstr.*|."' *.po
15:07:58 <cstim> I *thought* I checked those
15:14:27 <cstim> chris: how's git doing?
15:19:19 <chris> cstim: great. The more I use it the more I like it.
15:20:14 <cstim> the more you use it? I thought you've been using it for the better part of two years by now?
15:21:39 <chris> I probably played with a bit almost two years ago, but I only started using it fulltime about a year ago.
15:22:43 <chris> and, it's also grown fancy new features since then. e.g. I absolutely love 'git-rebase -i'
15:23:13 * cstim looks up -i
15:23:46 <chris> and the "select this hunk for staging" feature of git-gui (and also git-add -i) is pretty darn cool.
15:24:06 <cstim> yes, select/unselect this hunk from/for staging is indeed very cool
15:24:17 <chris> Both of those features have had a pretty big impact on my workflow.
15:24:42 <cstim> I am quite happy with the graphical cherry-picking in gitk
15:25:16 <chris> that's brand-new, isn't it? I haven't seen it in action, but I saw some list mail about it.
15:25:34 <cstim> I discovered it about 2-3 months ago.
15:25:59 <cstim> right-click on a commit has, among others, the item "Cherry-pick this commit", which will work on the currently checked out branch.
15:26:03 <chris> oh, I see it on my gitk now. I've never tried it.
15:26:27 <chris> that's pretty nice.
15:26:47 <cstim> I'm also showing off gitk and git-gui as often as possible on either Linux or Windows to my fellow workers. Every time they get more envious :-)
15:27:12 <chris> I kind of wish either gitk or git-gui would subsume the functionality of the other.
15:27:33 <cstim> not much longer, and they will ask for a migration to git. You know, we still use that unspeakable other so-called version control thingy...
15:27:48 <cstim> yes
15:28:12 <cstim> and git-gui has the better code structure, but they're both nice code.
15:28:26 <chris> the only serious thing git-gui lacks is history browsing.
15:28:51 <cstim> which is non-trivial because of all these branches and merges...
15:29:08 <chris> have you tried the drill-down blame feature of git-gui?
15:29:26 <cstim> err... no.
15:29:53 <chris> it's pretty impressive.
15:30:42 <cstim> I'm waiting for the git-gui and gitk maintainers to accept i18n patches into their mainstream...
15:30:53 <cstim> s/mainstream/master/
15:36:13 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
15:36:54 <cstim> hi warlord
15:37:09 <warlord> hi cstim
15:37:11 <warlord> how are you?
15:37:21 <cstim> very well.
15:37:48 <cstim> girls are out of town this weekend.
15:39:43 <warlord> Ahh, nice. So lots of time to work on your thesis and gnucahs?
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15:45:37 <chris> warlord: what do you think about this changing-transaction-type-locks-the-transaction thing?
15:46:00 <chris> I saw it, too, in 2.0.5 and wondered if it was a bug or a feature.
15:46:19 <warlord> It was designed as a feature, so that users couldn't modify transactions created by the business features.
15:46:57 <chris> ah, but they can modify some of the transactions.
15:47:07 <warlord> Right.
15:47:18 <warlord> I didn't want to make A/R and A/P read-only registers.
15:47:37 <warlord> I wanted users to be able to modify their own A/R and A/P transactions, but NOT modify the ones generated elsewhere.
15:48:32 <chris> but, only type=I are immutable, right?
15:48:57 <chris> auto-generated transactions with type=P are editable.
15:49:24 <chris> (until they click on 'type') :)
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15:50:12 <warlord> Right; the only special thing about "payment" transactions are that the split has a Lot.. And the post-payment function does auto-balancing against other lots for the customer.
15:51:08 <chris> I see, so those aren't the transactions you want to protect.
15:51:41 <andi5> chris: argh... reg-rewrite needs some cherry-picking from trunk :(
15:52:04 <warlord> well, i dont want to protect them as much..
15:53:06 <chris> andi5: well, how 'bout just rebasing it?
15:53:32 <andi5> how many rebases did that branch see so far? ;-)
15:53:36 <warlord> Ideally, eventually the register itself can do the multi-split stuff. It's very similar logic to automatic cap-gains.
15:53:41 <chris> andi5: several.
15:54:35 <chris> andi5: of course, by 'rebase' I just mean merge in changes from trunk.
15:54:46 <andi5> yep
15:55:39 <chris> warlord: what is it that you want to preserve about the "I" transactions?
15:56:06 <chris> andi5: out of curiousity, what do you miss?
15:56:51 <andi5> oh, r15693 and r16174 :)
15:57:14 <andi5> oh, and some more, my gtkhtml was not detected ;-)
15:58:24 <andi5> and now i need libplanner... argh
15:58:55 <chris> andi5: do you use an external build dir?
15:59:00 <andi5> yes
15:59:21 <chris> andi5: how?
16:00:17 <andi5> i have $global/{src,build,inst} , go to build/ and ../src/autogen.sh, ../src/configure --prefix=..../inst ... that is it
16:01:50 <andi5> ok, it compiles... let us see
16:03:34 <chris> so, basically, you're saying you just run autogen.sh from a different directory. and that's it?
16:03:58 <andi5> no, configure and make from a different directory, yes
16:04:08 <chris> oh, I see.
16:04:19 <andi5> autogen.sh is just for my convinience :)
16:04:32 <andi5> the configure script is put into the source directory nonethless
16:04:51 <andi5> great.. it does not compile ;-)
16:05:49 <chris> unused variable warning?
16:05:54 <andi5> yep
16:05:57 <andi5> ahem.. no
16:06:11 <andi5> (those two words are just too close on my keyboard)
16:06:29 <andi5> ../../../../src/src/tax/us/gncmod-tax-us.c:27: warning: implicit declaration of function 'setlocale'
16:07:47 <warlord> chris: I want to preserve pretty much everything in Invoice transactions, because they reflect an Invoice. I dont want them to get out of sync.
16:07:55 <warlord> Ideally I could just make the txn read-only.
16:07:59 <Jaran> [OT] (those two words are just too close on my keyboard) <-- reminds me of http://www.bash.org/?5300
16:08:34 <andi5> do i need to click? i guess that is what i had in mind ;-)
16:08:49 <andi5> ahm...yes, it was
16:08:50 <Jaran> :p
16:09:47 <andi5> yeah, that is r15931
16:10:57 <andi5> so... let us reconfigure without all those stuff
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16:19:09 <cstim> again outnumbered by andi.
16:19:18 <andi6> sorry
16:19:38 <cstim> or rather andi[[:digit:]]
16:19:51 <andi6> lol.... a smiling regex ;-)
16:20:26 <andi6> those are the good ones
16:20:52 <andi6> ok... simply compiling this beast is harden that i thought ;-)
16:21:32 <andi6> will continue tomorrow
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16:24:32 <chris> @tell andi5 fwiw, it builds fine for me.
16:24:32 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
16:25:43 <chris> warlord: how could invoices and invoice transactions get out of sync? (assuming they still reference each other)
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16:27:37 <warlord> user changes the totals in the register manually?
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16:32:27 <chris> but the totals are only stored once, in the transaction, not in the invoice, so what's out of sync?
16:33:47 <warlord> The totals are stored in the txn, but they are COMPUTED from the values in the invoice... And when you print an invoice report, it's also computed from the invoice, not using the txn.
16:33:55 <warlord> So, the txn needs to be a reflection of the invoice computations.
16:34:05 <warlord> Users need to change the invoice if they want to change the txn.
16:34:14 <warlord> (the invoice also contains the set of accounts used, etc)
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16:37:35 <chris> warlord: do you just mean in memory? I don't see any values stored in the invoice xml in the file.
16:37:55 <warlord> chris: look at the GncEntry values..
16:38:10 <warlord> Invoice -> Txn :: GncEntry -> Split
16:39:01 <chris> the gncEntrys don't have values either.
16:40:54 <warlord> Sure they do!
16:41:01 <chris> they have dates, description, tax stuff, and an invoice guid.
16:41:42 <warlord> and a qty and an iprice and a bprice.
16:42:00 <chris> maybe I didn't exercise it correctly.
16:44:13 <chris> ok, now I see them.
16:44:37 <warlord> :)
16:44:50 <warlord> anyways, I need to take off. Meeting a friend for the evening.
16:47:21 <chris> warlord: ok, later.
16:47:25 <warlord> later.
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17:04:24 <Lllama> Evening all. I've associated the wrong account with an ofx file. Is there a way to change this so it's pointing at the correct one?
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17:10:02 <warlord> Lllama: you need to edit the datafile by hand to reset the binding. At this time, AFAIK, there's no way to reset it in the UI.
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17:10:56 <Lllama> warlord-afk: Cheers. I'll give it a go.
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17:19:36 <Lllama> warlord-afk: That worked. Delete the online_id slot for the account (in case anyone's searching the logs). Thanks
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22:10:51 <TheMafia> Is there anyway yet to print on the three sections of a Deluxe forms three part check?
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