2007-08-09 GnuCash IRC logs
00:23:50 *** pdc has quit IRC
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07:45:25 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:27:54 <jsled> andi5: hey andi5. what do you think re: <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=464994>? Should it be reassigned to gconf?
08:30:32 <andi5> eek... iirc this should not happen as it sounds like he used the wrong iconv.dll... that is what we have redirect.exe for :( ... i will ask the reporter later
08:30:50 * andi5 is happy to watch youtube on linux with gnash now :-)
08:31:10 <piyo> oh, youtube?
08:31:21 <piyo> will you click my youtube link?
08:31:57 <piyo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2IWxqvsSY8
08:32:06 <andi5> why should i?
08:32:23 <piyo> b/c its funny
08:32:40 <andi5> that is good... but no =)
08:33:00 <piyo> ok
08:33:02 <piyo> "Everyones a dinosaur and we drift all the time. Its impossible to drive straight"
08:35:18 <andi5> now it crashed :-D
08:37:32 <piyo> "What do you plan to do about it?" "I'm gonna drift."
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08:50:39 <piyo> well andi5 if you ever fix yer gnash, try this other one:
08:51:02 <piyo> http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2007/08/08/video-an-absolutely-awe-inspiring-planet-earth-remix/
09:01:36 <chris> piyo: please prefix offtopic links with "[off]"
09:01:52 <piyo> ok
09:05:14 <warlord> actually, use OT
09:05:20 <piyo> ok
09:05:23 <warlord> using [off] just keeps it out of the log
09:06:36 <piyo> OT log test
09:07:41 <chris> warlord, actually, I'm more interested in keeping the OT links out of the logs.
09:08:05 <warlord> chris: um, okay.
09:08:20 <chris> but, "[off]: OT: {link}" works, too
09:08:38 <warlord> sure.
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10:56:47 <anton> I'm running GnuCash 2.20 on Debian Etch. How can I change the font used to print the invoice? It is very large.
10:57:42 <anton> There is a default font option but it does not seem to have an affect.
10:57:53 <warlord> anton: it's 2.2.0, 2.20 would be the 10th (11th?) stable 2.x release. Use the gnome font control panel.
10:59:47 <anton> warlord: I'll try that, thanks.
11:14:04 <anton> I've gone and opened the font preferences application from Desktop | Preferences | Font. All font sizes are 10. I've changed the Document font size to 8 but it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong here? Am I even at the right place?
11:14:33 <warlord> do you use gnome or kde desktop?
11:14:46 <anton> gnome
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11:18:03 <warlord> Oh, it's possible that Debian Etch is old enough that the gtk (or gtkhtml) has bugs.
11:18:12 <warlord> Have you looked through the list archives on this topic?
11:19:18 <anton> No, but I've been searching with Google for a solution.
11:21:34 <anton> It is easy to change the font of invoice report itself? Maybe I can edit the report myself.
11:22:58 <warlord> Please go search the list archives.
11:23:41 <anton> OK
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11:47:49 <warlord> :)
11:47:58 <warlord> oops, wrong window
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17:34:46 <antonv> warlord: I've solved my large font printing problem by installing version 2.0.5 on SuSE 10.1 KDE. It works like a dream!
17:35:17 <jsled> That's a heck of a solution. :)
17:36:27 <warlord> Huh!
17:37:04 <warlord> well, glad that works, but I'm surprised that you can't get 2.2 to print properly..
17:38:29 <antonv> I was just as surprised and a little dissappointed.
17:38:46 <antonv> Learned an important lesson here... :)
17:38:59 <warlord> Oh?
17:39:45 <antonv> Yeah. Don't just move to another distro and version of GnuCash without being sure that it will acutally work.
17:40:43 <warlord> There is that.
17:41:37 <antonv> warlord: thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
17:41:41 <warlord> you're welcome
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