2007-08-07 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:51:44 <andi5> Q: Did I miss any mails regarding possible successors of Wilddev as release manager? I am considering filing an application, but do not want to step on someone's toes.
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08:06:22 *** piyo has joined #gnucash
08:06:31 <piyo> greetz and howdy
08:19:37 <jsled> andi5: I think you should go ahead! :)
08:19:39 <jsled> piyo: hello.
08:19:52 <piyo> hello!
08:20:45 <andi5> jsled: ok :-D
08:20:52 <piyo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2IWxqvsSY8
08:21:58 <jsled> piyo: is that gnucash related? should I bother clicking on it?
08:22:21 <piyo> no, it is not gnucash related
08:24:26 <Jaran> hmm i filed a bug but it appears no one looks at it, how can i prod someone? :)
08:24:35 <jsled> Jaran: which bug?
08:24:41 <Jaran> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=459493
08:24:54 <Jaran> a minor thing but i'd love to see that fixed
08:25:00 <jsled> Also, the answer is generally "you don't". :)
08:25:06 <Jaran> or confirmed first for that matter, maybe it's just me :P
08:25:10 <Jaran> hehe
08:25:31 <jsled> If you can provide a datafile that exhibits the problem, reproduction is matter of seconds, not minutes.
08:25:53 <Jaran> sounds like a plan
08:38:03 <jsled> Jaran: for what it's worth, we have some 550 open bugs right now. We'd certainly love it if there were 0, but ... I'd not hold my breath.
08:38:22 <Jaran> yeh yeh i know
08:38:35 <Jaran> it's just that out of the 550 bugs only that one nags me right now ;D
08:38:40 <jsled> Not to say that it won't get fixed, of course. And this one is actually nicely contained, and in "new" code.
08:38:40 <jsled> heh.
08:38:45 <Jaran> so consider me a very happy customer!
08:39:05 <jsled> (biab)
08:41:01 <andi5> Jaran: confirmed... i will take a glimpse at it
08:41:09 <Jaran> yay
08:41:19 <Jaran> i just added a datafile and a png screenshot btw
08:41:30 <andi5> yes, that is what i used
08:41:36 <Jaran> cool
08:42:38 <Jaran> it's really a minor bug as you can see but i'd so love to see it fixed cause i plan ahead transactions in the future and would like to see the "Present" column working correctly etc.
08:43:20 <andi5> gimme some seconds please, everything is a bit slower on windows
08:43:31 <Jaran> hehe
08:52:51 <andi5> so i know why that happens and how to change... i am just not sure whether the bug is valid, i.e. it has to be changed
08:53:25 <Jaran> hmm
08:53:47 <Jaran> what's the difference of the cleared/current columns compared to the total column?`
08:54:31 <andi5> total is a totalling column, you might compare cleared to balance
08:54:49 <Jaran> yes but why does the totalling column sum up stuff while the others don't?
08:55:05 <Jaran> it doesn't make sense to me therefore i filed it as a bug
08:55:25 <Jaran> thinking that someone introduced those columns later and forgot to activate summation
08:55:53 <andi5> no no... he probably decided to use FALSE and not TRUE as recursive flag
08:56:58 <andi5> but i guess you agree that "reconciled" would have to change as well?
08:57:11 <Jaran> well but certainly the columns don't behave like a user would expect it?
08:57:14 <Jaran> yeh
08:57:23 <Jaran> it's not just cleared
08:57:33 <Jaran> present and reconciled would have to be changed too
08:57:43 <Jaran> to match the semantics of the total column
08:57:53 <andi5> i am not sure about present though
08:58:35 <Jaran> but it makes no sense showing "0" on a super-account instead of the sum of the sub-accounts?
08:58:54 <andi5> Jaran: start showing the "balance" column and it makes sense
08:59:57 <Jaran> hmm
09:00:19 <Jaran> i see your point
09:00:21 <Jaran> (a bit)
09:00:22 <Jaran> ;)
09:00:40 <andi5> at least the current behavior is pretty consistent
09:00:47 <Jaran> then i'd say introduce a "total-present", "total-reconciled", etc column? :S
09:01:06 <andi5> and all that in two currencies?
09:01:42 <andi5> maybe we need a preference ;-)
09:01:57 <Jaran> yeh
09:03:15 <andi5> that would affect the register summary bar (at the bottom) as well and one could not see untotalled amounts anymore
09:04:47 <Jaran> well take my "bug" then more like a RFE. i hope you see at least how i and probably other would value a totalled up present/reconciled/etc column :)
09:05:58 <andi5> Jaran: please write a mail to gnucash-user (after you searched the archives, strangely enough i could not find anything), link to the bug and ask there.... those folks know more about accounting than i do
09:06:17 <andi5> i.e. they know _anything_
09:06:25 <Jaran> heh
09:07:52 <andi5> btw, what os do you use? (out of curiosity)
09:09:50 <andi5> ahm, with os i mean "operating system" :) i am eager to know whether there are really people out there who can run gnucash on windows....
09:10:23 <piyo> what do you mean andi5
09:10:49 <piyo> i run gnucash 2.2.0 on windows xp sp2 japanese
09:11:04 <andi5> hey, cool... with a japanese ui?
09:11:16 <piyo> works great except for the random crashing and input problems
09:11:41 <piyo> once the data is in there though, it stays there which is good
09:11:44 <andi5> random is bad..... input problems: only in the register or all places?
09:12:19 <piyo> for me the random crashing is annoying but i can stand it
09:12:25 <Jaran> i use Windows, andi5
09:12:41 <piyo> the input problems have been explaned to me as a register design problem
09:13:02 <piyo> but its not "fatal" just annoying
09:13:13 <Jaran> got no problems, startup is a bit long and sometimes a modal dialog hides behind some other windows and makes the application appear frozen until i find it
09:13:19 <piyo> i keep putting my data into gnucash so its great :)
09:13:23 <Jaran> i think i found a bug report about that already
09:13:27 <andi5> piyo: any chance you can track down the crashes a bit?
09:13:43 <piyo> i don't understand the pattern yet
09:13:49 <piyo> so i can't report it
09:13:52 <andi5> Jaran: yep, and some gtk+ hacker is working on it... i do not know when it will be merged into gtk+ though
09:14:24 <piyo> right now gnucash 2.2.0 is pretty grand, but i hesitate to recommended it to japanese-only folks
09:15:16 <andi5> piyo: yeah... i tried to improve some little things, but it is hard as european, you know
09:16:15 <andi5> and: our windows knowledge is rather limited...
09:16:32 <piyo> how long has the windows port been in beta (non-stable)?
09:17:14 <piyo> i must say it feels pretty solid
09:17:40 <andi5> 2.1.0 has been released on 2007-04-14, i think the overall port (not taking the gtk1->2 port into account) started in march 2006
09:18:04 <andi5> but it was rather slow in the beginning, of course
09:18:28 <piyo> right now my data file is about 600K uncompressed
09:18:42 <piyo> if gc is slow i don't recognize it
09:19:25 <andi5> piyo: i mean the porting work... it paused for some months, because nobody cared :)
09:19:30 <piyo> :)
09:20:11 <andi5> does anyone of you use online price retrieval?
09:20:31 <piyo> is this a feature of gc?
09:20:37 <andi5> ahm... yes :-D
09:20:46 <piyo> in short, no i don't use any online feature of gc
09:21:09 <piyo> what is online price
09:21:16 <piyo> stock?
09:21:21 <andi5> yep
09:21:26 <piyo> oh
09:22:33 <Jaran> andi5: i do for some funds
09:22:49 <jsled> andi5: is gconf on windows put in '..gconf', or...?
09:23:33 <jsled> Oh. Nevermind. It's my damn email provider.
09:23:41 <piyo> wee
09:23:46 <andi5> jsled: what is '..gconf'? ... ok
09:24:21 <jsled> Yeah. In this infuriating Michael Novack thread. When '.gconf' or '.gtk-bookmarks' is at the beginning of a line, it turns into '..$whatever'.
09:24:53 <jsled> Because my damn email provider doesn't seem to realize that everyone else figured out how to get around that smtp issue a long time ago.
09:25:08 <andi5> hehe
09:25:45 <jsled> It's especially annoying for me, because they munge my '...jsled' signature, and thus digital sigs on my own messages never verify. :I
09:26:06 <andi5> Jaran: i wonder whether this flashing perl window is very annoying or not... it pops up when clicking "Get Quotes"
09:26:26 <Jaran> yeh it was annoying when i first saw it but i got used to it :P
09:26:45 <andi5> Jaran: does switching bin\perl and bin\wperl solve this for you?
09:27:16 <Jaran> i'll try
09:27:54 <piyo> question: is there any way to make gnucash not open the last file on startup?
09:28:02 <jsled> piyo: gnucash --nofile
09:28:14 <piyo> o_O
09:28:19 <andi5> piyo: yeah, edit gnucash.bat and change the last line like jsled just said
09:28:21 * piyo reads the manual
09:28:25 <piyo> thanks
09:28:31 <jsled> (ah. Windows. Right.)
09:28:41 <piyo> double click is so easy
09:29:17 <Jaran> andi5: no more flashy window, thanks for the hint :)
09:30:16 <Jaran> so what files can i switch to total up my "present" columns? *me runs*
09:30:25 <andi5> Jaran: great... i thought about extending install-fq-mods.bat to download perl but i do not really know how to set the PATH environment variable then.... maybe i will at least check for wperl and do something about that
09:30:45 <andi5> Jaran: build gnucash from source... i can tell you what to change ;-)
09:31:04 <Jaran> tehhe
09:33:42 <piyo> i wanted to see all the switches available from the cmdline like --nofile
09:33:55 <andi5> piyo: use --help :)
09:33:55 <piyo> but a grep reveals only changelog matching
09:34:08 <piyo> that only starts gnucash normally it seems
09:34:23 <piyo> hm... perhaps its calling gnucash.bat first
09:35:06 <andi5> hm? you double-click the gnucash.bat, right?
09:36:13 <piyo> well, ok, i tried opening a cmd window to my %GNUCASH%\bin dir and typing gnucash --help but it runs the prog
09:36:14 <andi5> adding a "pause" statement at the end of gnucash.bat might help with closing windows :)
09:36:51 <piyo> then i tried modifying the gnucash.bat file that says "start gnucash-bin" to "start gnucash-bin --help" but nothing runs
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09:37:31 <piyo> besides, the gnucash.bat file doesn't pass arguments to gnucash-bin.exe anyway
09:37:49 <piyo> i did a grep on the whole gnucash folder for --help but it matches only changelogs
09:37:58 <andi5> hm... the problem is that gnucash does not print out anything when it is run in the windows subsystem
09:37:58 <piyo> recursive grep
09:38:18 <andi5> do you have editbin or some exetype?
09:38:33 <andi5> or perl?
09:38:40 * piyo does not know editbin or exetype
09:38:50 <piyo> i am using emacs + cygwin to search it
09:39:31 <piyo> i just realized i should have searched for "nofile" instead of "--nofile" tee hee ._.
09:39:47 <andi5> well, there are two major subsystems programs can run... the console subsystem (always open a cmd window) and windows subsystem (never open a cmd window) [at least that is how i understand it]
09:39:48 <piyo> "gnucash-bin.exe matches"
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09:40:26 <andi5> while gnucash-bin.exe is not in the console subsystem, nothing is printed to a console
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09:40:39 <piyo> i suppose in a linux system i can just type "man gnucash" to get a listing of switches?
09:40:58 <andi5> gimme a sec
09:41:17 <zarchne> Yeah.
09:41:24 <zarchne> And environment variables.
09:41:47 <piyo> zarchne: yeah to my question?
09:42:06 <zarchne> piyo: yeah, probably.
09:42:07 <andi5> piyo: http://pastebin.ca/raw/648634
09:42:24 <piyo> zarchne: ok thanks
09:42:32 <piyo> andi5: thanks
09:43:00 <andi5> zarchne: who cares about man pages on windows? :)
09:43:21 <piyo> maybe people who want to automate stuff
09:43:23 <zarchne> I mean on my system you can definitely type "man gnucash" and get a list of switches and environment variables.
09:43:37 <piyo> this --add-price-quotes is interesting
09:43:49 <piyo> :)
09:44:17 <zarchne> But I don't know the rest of the context.
09:45:00 <andi5> piyo: http://pastebin.ca/raw/648641 :-)
09:45:20 <piyo> heh :)
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09:47:20 <jsled> And they're mostly correct, even.
09:47:35 <jsled> I notice that the gconf path prefix override switch is not listed.
09:47:45 <jsled> We should somehow try to generate that section of the man page from the code. :/
09:49:02 <zarchne> or have that code be literate...
09:49:13 <andi5> i have to go... see you
09:49:19 <piyo> thanks
09:49:22 <piyo> i have to go too
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10:55:10 <jsled> :(
10:59:54 <warlord> yeah, at least linux still works. ;)
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12:53:37 <warlord> WTF? My AP reset itself to factory defaults!
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15:46:19 <jpeach> Hi. How do I void out an invoice? I invoice my clients ahead of time but if they choose to no renew their contract then I need some way of voiding it.
15:48:24 <warlord> unpost it?
15:49:22 <jpeach> Ok... that seems painfully simple. Thanks
15:49:53 <warlord> heh. you're welcome.
15:50:21 <jpeach> The other problem I have is that each time I create an invoice and go to print it, I have to always select the template I want and then change the columns. Is there a way to set a default?
15:52:52 <warlord> dont "close" the invoice report; leave it open with your settings and then after you post your invoice switch over to the printable report window, click on the report "Options", and then select the new invoice#.
15:54:26 <jpeach> Is there any way to store them across sessions?
15:54:41 <jpeach> Other then leaving a report open all the time?
15:55:29 <warlord> Your other option is the save the settings as a custom report. (See the FAQ)
15:55:37 <warlord> but there are some issues with that feature.
15:57:16 <jpeach> Oh, the issue is different then what you are thinking. I have a custom report set up. My question is that it is not the default report when I go to print an invoice. I always have to select it. Plus, the columns need to be adjusted each time. THere is a default set of columns and some of them I do not need.
16:01:42 <warlord> There's no way to tie that into the "Print" button.
16:02:06 <warlord> Also, if you have to re-adjust the columns then you're not using a Saved Report. A Saved Report would live under Reports -> Custom
16:05:09 <jpeach> Correct I am not using reports->custom. I enter the invoice using the standard method and then post it. After that I press ctrl-p and then select the left-click and choose report options. Then I choose the style sheet. I will try creating a report. Thanks again
16:05:14 <jpeach> This is a great program!!
16:11:58 <warlord> Right, Ctrl-P (aka "Print")... There's no way to tie that to a custom report.
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19:24:22 <chris> Haha, andi5 writes a pretty impressive application email! :)
19:25:31 <jsled> heh.
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19:41:44 <adrigen> Anyone: do you know of any accountants in NSW australia familiar with Gnucash?
19:41:44 <gncbot> adrigen: Sent 6 days, 0 hours, and 48 minutes ago: <blahdeblah> Did you see my reply yesterday? When i showed GnuCash to an accountant friend here in Qld, she didn't need to know anything about it and picked it up pretty much straight away, since the account names were set up in a fairly sensible way by default, and everything worked so nicely out of the box.
19:42:31 <adrigen> impressive gncbot. impressive
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22:55:05 <jsled> Hmm. valgrind/callgrind doesn't even seem to want to start gnucash.
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23:45:24 <johnsdafsdfasdf> anyone know if there is a way to run a client server setup with gnucash?
23:45:31 <jsled> no.
23:47:45 <johnsdafsdfasdf> you don't know, or the feature doesn't exist
23:48:10 <johnsdafsdfasdf> is it possible to have multiple users?
23:48:11 <jsled> Sorry. Yes, I know. No, it's not a client/server app.
23:48:18 <johnsdafsdfasdf> ok thanks
23:48:33 <jsled> re: multi-user: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Can_I_use_GnuCash_with_multiple_users.3F__Maybe_via_the_SQL_backend.3F
23:48:37 <johnsdafsdfasdf> thanks