2007-08-05 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:43:56 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
11:04:58 <warlord> andi5: you here?
11:05:08 <andi5> hiho warlord
11:05:42 <warlord> hey. I seem to recall you making a change a while ago to fix a bug in the reconcile process where the automatic payment was using the wrong account?
11:06:30 <andi5> um.... did i?
11:07:07 <warlord> Maybe not. I dont know.
11:07:49 <warlord> For some reason tho on one 2.0.x system it properly remembers the payments, and on another it tries to pay from/to itself.
11:08:28 <andi5> 2.0.x and 2.0.y, where x !=y?
11:09:06 <warlord> Yes. The one that doesn't seem to work is the head of the 2.0 branch. I'm not 100% sure what 2.0.x version is the other one. I need to figure that out.
11:10:17 <andi5> is there some bug report / mail about that?
11:10:25 <warlord> The one that works is 15761
11:10:36 <warlord> I dont think so. I haven't looked.
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11:11:28 <andi5> gnucash is crashing for me right now, but somehow i doubt i have been doing anything with the reconciliation process in the recent past
11:12:02 <warlord> ok
11:12:39 <warlord> I wonder if it's r15957 (merged from r14782)?
11:12:46 <warlord> er, r15782.
11:13:23 <warlord> Unlikely
11:13:48 <andi5> yep, unlikely
11:14:15 <warlord> Hmm.. It's weird.
11:15:06 <andi5> may you post your findings in a bug report? maybe i will look at it to have some other bug besides those nasty gconfd ones.... grrr
11:15:09 <warlord> I wish hampton were around. I dont remember how that process "remembers" that info. Maybe it was a different (kvp?) change.
11:15:21 <warlord> Heh.. Okay.
11:23:56 <warlord> Ahh, I think I've tracked down the offending function; now I need to figure out why it's failing.
11:24:16 <andi5> go warlord, go
11:25:03 <warlord> Well, I tracked down the operation; it creates the transfer dialog and sets both the from and to to the same place.. That's correct.
11:25:28 <warlord> THEN it iterates over the account looking for a payment transaction...
11:32:37 <warlord> Oh, Hmm.. It does work. Weird.
11:33:00 <andi5> weird
11:33:15 <warlord> Maybe I was just confused because the transfer dialog didn't adjust the scrollbars to actually show it in the visible part of the window.
11:33:34 <andi5> ok, would you like that? ;-)
11:34:02 <warlord> Sure!
11:34:37 <warlord> gnc_xfer_dialog_select_from_account() and gnc_xfer_dialog_select_to_account() should adjust the respective trees so the selected item is visible.
11:34:57 <warlord> Want me to file a bug on that?
11:35:00 <andi5> sure!
11:35:14 <warlord> Heh.. So you can implement and close it? ;)
11:35:23 <andi5> *g*
11:35:43 <andi5> so the crasher was my own fault... but hey
11:38:33 <warlord> heh
11:39:33 <warlord> andi5: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=463678
11:40:05 <andi5> ok
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13:04:03 <warlord> hiya Wilddev
13:05:22 <Wilddev> hey warlord
13:05:53 <warlord> How goes it?
13:05:55 <warlord> how's life?
13:07:11 <Wilddev> going ok thx, life is exteremely busy still, but i got vacation on the 17th :D
13:07:18 <Wilddev> hows things with u?
13:08:29 <warlord> Not too bad. Just got home.
13:08:33 <warlord> glad to be home.
13:08:51 <Wilddev> yup know the feeling
13:09:14 <warlord> :)
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17:30:15 <pjsturgeon> hey, im having a little trouble working out how to set expenses and liabilities for employee payslips
17:30:39 <pjsturgeon> i have just about managed to work out how to set how much the employee should get, say £80 for salary and £20 for tax
17:30:51 <pjsturgeon> where where does liability come into it?
17:30:55 <jsled> pjsturgeon: http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/bus-pay-acct1.html
17:31:24 <pjsturgeon> i've been looking at that alot, and i cant seem to work it out :$
17:31:42 <jsled> "The tax liability accounts are where you accumulate the taxes withheld for all of your employees. The taxes are later paid to the appropriate government agency."
17:32:19 <pjsturgeon> yes ok, so i set £80 Expenses:salarys, £20 expenses:incoming tax. then set £20 liability:income tax then i get a mismatch with £20 too much coming out
17:32:25 <pjsturgeon> cant work out how to balanace it
17:33:04 <jsled> http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/bus-pay-protocol1.html#bus-pay-protocoltwo2
17:33:20 <pjsturgeon> lol yes this page doesnt make a huge amount of sense
17:33:49 <pjsturgeon> the numbers add up odd
17:35:38 <pjsturgeon> surely i dont need to put the tax in as Expense just yet, but instead put it as a liability untill i actually pay it. THEN charge the expense account?
17:36:27 <jsled> Sure, you could do something different. I'm not sure if there are Accounting implications.
17:36:41 <jsled> But the procedure described in the docs seems reasonable,
17:36:51 <jsled> I don't use the business features, so I don't know first-hand.
17:37:19 <pjsturgeon> fair enough, i can normally work these things out, just cant work out how to balance it
17:37:33 <pjsturgeon> anyone else around who uses business features? ^_^
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18:17:19 <warlord> the business features dont do payroll.
18:17:42 <warlord> And you dont have an "expenses:tax" for payroll.
18:17:49 <warlord> At least not (usually) immediately.
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