2007-07-31 GnuCash IRC logs
00:44:28 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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09:34:13 <mixandgo> I have to make a transaction betwee different curency accounts, can anyone explain how it works cause I am having trouble understanding it
09:37:27 <jsled> mixandgo: have you read <http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/chapter10.html> ?
09:37:50 <mixandgo> jsled, ummm... I guest not ! thanks
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09:51:28 *** cleancut has joined #gnucash
09:55:22 <cleancut> Hi all. After about a six year break, I've been using gnucash again for the past few weeks and am loving it. What progress this project has made!
09:56:17 <jsled> Thanks.
09:57:10 <cleancut> I've added most of my data, and at some point in the last week or so, Assets-Liabilities is now about $2k more than Equity+Income-Expenses...any pointers on how to locate my mistake(s)?
09:59:54 <cleancut> ...or words to google search for?
10:02:56 <jsled> The balance sheet, perhaps?
10:03:31 <jsled> I mean, there's not a "find problem" button. :) You'll probably need to use the reports to figure out where things wen't off the rails.
10:03:47 <jsled> Also, check for non-zero Imbalance and Orphan accounts.
10:07:23 <jsled> The cash flow report might be useful to you, as well.
10:31:13 <cleancut> I was afraid that was the answer. :-)
10:32:08 <cleancut> Imbalance and Orphan are both $0. I'll figure it out eventually.
10:32:20 <cleancut> jsled: Thanks for your help and time.
10:32:40 <jsled> cleancut: you're welcome.
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11:08:06 <cleancut> Ahh! I found the discrepancy...the blance sheet report is balanced. When I manually sum up the dollar values of my investments on the Balance sheet report, it's different from the sum I see next to Assets:Investments in the account tab by the amount I noticed initially.
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11:09:09 <cleancut> I have been using the price editor.
11:09:38 <jsled> cleancut: ah.
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17:48:36 <antonv> Hi. I'm running version 2.2.0 on Windows. Does anybody know why I am having a problem with getting the logo to display when printing an invoice? It's like it can't 'find' the image. It doesn't show in the invoice.
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18:22:47 <warlord> antonv: perhaps the printing library can't convert your image to a printable version?
18:23:01 <warlord> Honestly, gnucash's invoices aren't very pretty.
18:23:33 <rhowe> heh
18:23:41 <rhowe> You should see the ones my company sends out
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19:16:59 <Min4677> Free calls --> http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/
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19:42:19 <warlord> Whee... IRC Spam
19:42:36 <warlord> jsled: can we remove that crap from the logs?
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22:46:45 <adrigen> anyone: is there any way I can shift the order of transactions which happen on the same day?
22:52:47 <jsled> adrigen: the sort order is date, credit/debit, num-field.
22:53:54 <jsled> Er, excuse me. I think it's date, num field, credit/debit.
22:54:03 <jsled> So, using the num field, you can adjust order.
23:01:25 <adrigen> Does that field have any other purpose?
23:03:39 <jsled> yes. It's usually the check or transaction number.
23:05:45 <adrigen> does that mean the only proper way to do it is to create the transactions in the right order?
23:06:27 <jsled> No. Without a number, debits are sorted before credits. (Mis)using the num field is the only way to effect a particular order.
23:07:58 *** OneSeventeen has joined #gnucash
23:08:12 <adrigen> .. im looking at one of my accounts ( this isnt any kind of report) and the entrys are in order of creation (debits and credits interspersed)
23:08:26 <jsled> adrigen: on the same day?
23:08:53 <adrigen> same day according to the date field... possibly created on different days.
23:09:22 <OneSeventeen> Is there a report that shows how much I have left for a certain time period's budget?
23:09:47 <jsled> OneSeventeen: I believe the answer is no, but I've not used the budgets.
23:10:00 <OneSeventeen> @jsled thanks, I was just checking.
23:10:00 <gncbot> OneSeventeen: Error: "jsled" is not a valid command.
23:10:36 <OneSeventeen> Is it possible to write custom reports?
23:10:58 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports
23:12:18 <jsled> adrigen: you appear to be right. I've (obviously) been under the impression that things are sorted by [date-without-time, num, debit, credit]
23:12:33 <jsled> But it appears that the timestamp on the post date does make a difference.
23:14:16 <jsled> Sorry, folks, I need to run. Take care.
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