2007-07-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:01 <warlord> wasabi: that exists already, but only to map qif transaction to gnc transactions. E.g., if you run the importer once per file vs. importing all files together.
00:02:24 <wasabi> i guess i should probably ask the obvious question.... is gnucash in such a state where I will be able to conduct my personal finances without babying it? given that I can't get qif files from my bank with categories, anywyas.
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00:02:56 <wasabi> i can totally take the odd bug here and there, no big deal...
00:04:18 <wasabi> and as a side question: what do you use for the other side to a cash withdrawal?
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00:04:23 <warlord> well, like I said, I wrote some perl scripts to massage the qif.
00:04:40 <wasabi> ahh I see. n/m
00:04:58 <warlord> Cash withdrawal from...???
00:05:12 <wasabi> I found Cash in Wallet so n/m
00:05:54 <warlord> * nods *
00:06:37 <wasabi> and how does one ..... write off, cash in wallet? :)
00:06:44 <wasabi> transfer it to Unspecified or something similar?
00:06:45 <warlord> write off?
00:06:52 <warlord> like you lost your money?
00:06:59 <wasabi> Well, I eventually will spend it, but not care what I spent it on
00:07:07 <wasabi> And probably not even remember
00:07:19 <wasabi> And maybe even loose a portion of it. :)
00:08:02 <warlord> Ahh, for that I use Expenses:Miscellaneous
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00:09:53 <Sathamoth> I use Expenses:Alcohol for that
00:09:56 <Sathamoth> :)
00:12:08 <warlord> LOL
00:12:11 <wasabi> Okay, QIF file... C* <--- ?
00:12:14 <wasabi> category?
00:12:25 <warlord> Depends on the context.
00:12:45 <wasabi> looks like every single one of them has those
00:13:28 <warlord> Cleared Status
00:13:33 <warlord> http://web.intuit.com/support/quicken/docs/d_qif.html
00:14:02 <wasabi> Ahh, so I need to add L's
00:14:41 <wasabi> with some arbitrary text string I use to represent hte destination account?
00:15:36 <warlord> Yes, L[acct] -- or LCat
00:16:03 <wasabi> and basically make both related transactions in the different files refer to the opposite values?
00:16:15 <warlord> yeah
00:17:46 <warlord> so.. in foo.qif you'd have L[bar] and in bar.qif you'd have L[foo]
00:18:03 <warlord> And then you can map 'foo' to Assets:Foo and 'bar' to Assets:Bar
00:19:44 <wasabi> ahh hah
00:22:16 <warlord> okay, bedtime for me.
00:22:18 <warlord> good night
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00:48:16 <bdb4269> Hello all -- I'm a bit new -- trying desperatly to get away from the evil that is Microsoft Money. :)
00:48:16 <bdb4269> It's taking some getting used to, but slowly I am figuring everything out -- except a couple things. Most importantly....
00:48:16 <bdb4269> When I import from a QPX and have it auto-reconcile - it marks the transactions as cleared -- but does not update them with the data or payee of the transaction -- and most importatnly it keeps the ammount I had put in, instead of what the bank/QPX has.
00:48:16 <bdb4269> Is there some way I can get it to insert the correct data from the QPX when importing and autoreconciling? -- Or at the very least, get it to correct the transaction ammount to the banks value, when it matches a bank transaction with one I have entered?
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01:09:32 <dbr> bdb4269: I haven't tried this, but there is a setting in Edit/Preferences/Online Banking that is called Commercial ATM fee
01:10:04 <dbr> if you set that to 0, maybe gnucash will be more vigilant about matching numbers?
01:10:25 <dbr> but then it's likely to claim you don't have a match and may want to create a new transaction.
01:10:44 <dbr> I haven't figured out all the importing rules, so I could be wrong about this...
01:11:20 <dbr> In any case, the payee won't change -- what you enter is likely to make more sense than what the bank puts there
01:11:37 <dbr> at least for checks, and some other transactions
01:12:10 <dbr> So, if gnucash determines it has a match, it figures you knew what you were typing when you entered it
01:14:26 <dbr> sorry, gotta get to sleep. I hope my late night brain fog hasn't made things more confused for you.
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01:41:06 <bdb4269> I may not have been totally clear.
01:41:06 <bdb4269> GNUcash is matching (as in - correctly matching bank to manually entered) my transactions just fine
01:41:06 <bdb4269> My biggest problem is that if for instance I had entered $20.00 and the real transaction as imported from the QPX file was $20.01 -- then GNUcash, although it does coreectly match the transactions and mark the manually entered one as cleared - BUT it keeps the $20.00 I entered instead of taking the actual transaction ammount of $20.01 from the bank file -- so I have to manually go through and find and fix any discrepancies everytime I impor
01:41:06 <bdb4269> If it would use the bank ammount instead of the manually entered ammount when it matches a transaction -- then I could just have an average ammount that I use for each of my bills, and then when I import the QPX with the real transaction, it will automatically update the manually entered and estimated "bill placeholder" - to the actual ammount of the transaction.
01:41:11 <bdb4269> As far the payee name goes.... Aside from monthly bills -- I virtually never enter payee names into GNUcash -- I just enter ammounts -- sometimes I'm not even sure what they are -- I just see them in my pending transactions online, and so I enter the transaction ammounts into GNU cash to get a better idea of what I actually have -- What I would like, is if I don't have a payee name entered, and the transaction is matched with an imported o
01:41:17 <bdb4269> And regarding the date -- just pretty much what I said about the transaction ammount. What I enter by hand is always considered an estimate (at least by me anyway) -- so I would like GNUcash, when matching a manual transaction to an imported one, to keep the date on the imported transaction, because this is always going to be the correct and actual date of the transaction.
01:41:22 <bdb4269> I would even go as far as to request (not sure if this is the right place) that the date and transaction ammount should be default be set to the imported value whenever GNUcash match's a transaction, because the imported transaction, is ALWAYS going to have the correct date and ammount. The way it is now, seems somewhat "dangerous" since all the reconciling and matching seems to do, is mark transactions as "cleared" - but since it does not
01:45:35 <bdb4269> (Im sure I could set it to only match if the ammount ws exactly the same - and that would infact prevent inccorent transactions from neing marked "cleared" - but that would practically kill the entire point of auto-matching, because I would have to manually enter exact values for all my bills every single month)
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03:02:13 <Asgar> Hi everyone
03:05:24 <Asgar> I try to install GnuCash under Windows, but can't get AqBanking to work. I installed Qt, but AqBanking didn't find qt3support4.dll. I copied that file from Qt to gnucash/bin/, and then he asked for qtcore4.dll. I then copied all the qt*.dlls to gnucash/bin/, and getting a different error now: qt3-wizard.exe: entry point "_ZN7qString16fromAscii_helperEPKci" was not found in "QtCore4.dll"
03:05:55 <Asgar> What can I do? I tried google and bugzilla, but I don't have a clue...
03:12:14 <Asgar> Ah, forgot to mention: I _have_ Qt 4.3.0 installed, and my path variable is set correctly.
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07:22:15 <anculz> http://vaniketamer.miniville.fr/sec
07:22:17 <anculz> http://vaniketamer.miniville.fr/sec
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08:00:59 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:01:55 <warlord> bdb4269: Unfortunately the answer is no, gnucash doesn't currently work that way. if you let the importer do its job and import the transaction then it'll put that into gnucash, but when you use the importer as an automated reconciler it assumes you're smarter than the bank.
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10:46:24 <bdb4269> warlord: thanks for the info.
10:46:24 <bdb4269> Does anyone else find it a bit nonsensical that GNUcash should trust you more than the bank? (regarding actual date/ammount - when importing and matching transactions)
10:46:24 <bdb4269> It's a LOT less likely the bank is going to make an error than you (though certainly possible) but even if you are correct and the bank is wrong -- the bank still has on thier systems the wrong thing (until you contact them to correct it)
10:46:24 <bdb4269> Does what I am saying make sense to anyone, or does everyone else think that it makes sense for GNUcash to keep your transaction ammount/date instead of replacing with banks date/ammount (which right or wrong, is the the OFFICIAL register of your account) on transaction imports that are matched/reconciled?
10:46:28 <bdb4269> Anyway -- I have not had experience with C - but I generally have a pretty good idea whats going on when I look at it. Enough so that I would like to see if I can't edit the source do do what I want with this.
10:46:31 <bdb4269> Could anyone point me to which source file(s) I would want to look at/edit to make my GNUcash use the banks transaction ammount/date - when it matchs transactions on import? I am guessing somewhere in \src\import-export -- probably "import-main-matcher.c" or "import-match-map.c" or "import-match-picker.c" or maybe all three -- but if someone could point me the right one(s) that would help. :)
10:47:00 <jsled> bdb4269: It's "amount". There's only one m.
10:47:25 <jsled> Also, it's "GnuCash". We generally don't capitalize the GNU.
10:47:26 <bdb4269> lol - i never said I could spell ;)
10:47:35 <jsled> I could go both ways.
10:48:59 <jsled> I've not used the OFX/generic importer. And I've never really been happy with the QIF importer ... I think it has similar issues about which amount is retained and which is tossed.
10:49:36 <jsled> I really want a "import as reconciliation" that prompts the user or highlights differences in the amount.
10:57:53 <bdb4269> that would indeed be nice- but really all I need to make me truly confident enough to totally commit to the switch from the evil that is MS Money, is the ability to make it always keep banks amount/date. So if anyone can point me to the correct source files, so I can poke around and see if I can do this that would be awesome! (I may not have experience in C - but as I said I can generally understand whats going on when I look at it, and l
10:58:29 <jsled> (you got cut off at ", and l" there... IRC has line-length limitations)
11:00:38 <bdb4269> ah - I see -- thx for the heads up
11:00:41 <bdb4269> and learn better when I am working on something I can actually use and really want anyway)
11:04:26 <jsled> I'm browsing through the source, but it's not very obvious what/where to look. It doesn't help that I've not seen the app side of this code, as well. :/
11:08:00 <cortana> bdb4269 i'm not sure of your workflow, but when you reconciled your account when you get a statement from your bank you'd instantly see the discrepancy and fix it (or raise it with the bank)
11:10:09 <jsled> chris: google search alert.
11:10:14 <jsled> Technocrati sucks.
11:10:31 <jsled> Or, technorati, or whatever. Their search has always been atrocious.
11:10:51 <cortana> cool
11:10:51 <jsled> Which – given that's pretty much the core of what they set out to do – is really too bad for them.
11:11:06 <cortana> are the results worth linking too from the gnucash site or are there too many uninterestingthings
11:12:24 <jsled> yeah, not really. It's usually one hit every few days. Often some linuxquestions.mumble site. Today was interesting with the 2.2 release, so it was the standard sites (lwn, gnomedesktop, some other). There's a handful of "Joes Investment/Finance blog" hits.
11:12:36 <jsled> And every once in a while a random person weblog reference.
11:12:43 <jsled> s/person/personal/\
11:14:29 <chris> and do you just use "gnucash" as the search term?
11:14:37 <jsled> right. yeah.
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11:24:52 <bdb4269> cortana: -- the thing is - I dont want to have to manually enter exact ammounts for each of my bills every month -- in MS money, I just used "bill placeholders" -- really, just future transactions with an average ammount of the bill entered -- this helped me see how my bank account would flow over next month or so -- and when transactions were imported, they would get matched and bank ammount would be kept -- with GnuCash, it seems I either
11:25:24 <cortana> chopped off again, after 'I either...'
11:25:36 <bdb4269> my bad
11:25:40 <cortana> but i see where you are going... i think your workflow is just different from how gnucash works :)
11:25:45 <cortana> well, it's the bad of your client! :)
11:26:33 <bdb4269> I either have to enter exact ammount manually at some point for every variable bill every month -- or delete my "place holder" before import --- I know this doesn not seem like much, but I have a LOT of bills -- and either way -- right or wrong -- what the bank has is the OFFICIAL record of your account -- so why would you ever not want to keep what the bank has?
11:26:58 <jsled> The bank might be wrong. :)
11:27:23 <bdb4269> even if it is - it is the OFFICIAL record - and what they have on record is what you have in your account until you call to correct
11:29:49 <jsled> Again, the gnucash import isn't a reconiliation function. Though it's clear that at least you and I (and I'm sure plenty of others) would like to use it in that mode...
11:30:07 <jsled> Or, at least, have the option to prefer the imported data to the existing/entered data.
11:30:27 <jsled> (Though I'd like the import to really be a reconcilation operation, setting the flags, &c.)
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16:21:57 <darx> hi there folks
16:22:29 <darx> is there someway to import data from banks? if yes where can i read about it?
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20:16:36 <achille> Ok, all the gnucash releases mention that it works on osx
20:16:47 <achille> but I can't find it anywhere
20:17:36 <achille> and the source does not compile right, it requests popt 1.5 or later, but i have 1.10
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21:02:25 <dbr> achille: the best way to get gnucash on osx is either macports or fink
21:02:56 <dbr> right now, fink hasn't posted gnucash 2.2.0 yet, so macports is it for at least a couple days
21:03:22 <dbr> there are so many dependencies that building it from scratch yourself is wayyyyy too much work
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21:40:47 <zorblek> Hi! I'm attempting to use the Windows port of Gnucash on windows XP. I just installed it, and when I try to start it up, I get the following error message:
21:40:49 <zorblek> An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnucash. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
21:41:18 <zorblek> when I click on "details" this is what it says:
21:41:20 <zorblek> Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
21:41:21 <zorblek> Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
21:41:21 <zorblek> Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
21:41:21 <zorblek> Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
21:41:21 <zorblek> Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
21:41:40 <zorblek> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
21:43:11 <zorblek> (I forgot to mention: I'm using 2.2.0)
21:57:31 <zorblek> I must leave for a bit, but I *will* be back
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23:37:44 <zorblek> Back
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