2007-06-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:06:41 <Wilddev> hmm
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01:14:26 *** Arrogance has joined #gnucash
01:24:44 <Arrogance> Is there a way to attach an expense transaction to a business invoice?
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01:49:16 <Arrogance> or even track discounts in an account
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10:54:42 *** majortool has joined #gnucash
10:54:53 <majortool> does gnucash import qfx files?
10:54:59 <majortool> or parse them?
10:56:48 <jsled> I'm not positive, but I don't think so.
10:57:17 <jsled> Oh, I guess I'm wrong.
10:57:35 <majortool> how do i get it to open those files?
10:57:43 <andi5> is qfx similar to ofx?
10:58:02 <jsled> OFX + quicken-special-sauce^Wtags, from what I understand.
10:58:06 <jsled> So, Import > OFX should work.
10:58:12 <jsled> But you'll need a build with OFX support.
10:58:21 <andi5> the menu says "import ofx/qfx" anyway
10:58:21 <jsled> majortool: what distro? Where'd you obtain gnucash? What version?
10:58:30 <majortool> gentoo
10:58:38 <majortool> ill check my use flags
10:59:09 <jsled> yeah, $(echo "app-office/gnucash hbci ofx" >> /etc/portage/package.use)
10:59:51 <majortool> what's hbci?
11:02:00 <majortool> oh okay
11:02:07 <majortool> yeah i want that too
11:02:27 <jsled> That's mostly for OFX DirectConnect, unless you're in DE.
11:03:22 <majortool> CA proven to work?
11:03:30 <jsled> CA?
11:03:34 <majortool> canada
11:04:37 <jsled> I'm not sure either way. Tehre's a page at <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki> that lists details for connecting to a whole set of banks. It's neither exhaustive or complete, but maybe it'll be useful.
11:04:47 <jsled> (/me does not use OFX...)
11:05:24 <majortool> jsled, how do you do it?
11:05:32 <jsled> Do what?
11:06:17 <majortool> download account info?
11:06:52 <jsled> Oh ... I've imported QIF files in the past. And I probably should try to get OFX setup one of these weeks so I have some experience with it.
11:07:15 <jsled> But I just enter receipts; I don't care to keep my books in full-fidelity.
11:07:26 <majortool> yeah my bank doesn't write qifs
11:07:44 <majortool> thanks for the help dude
11:07:51 <majortool> ggfn
11:07:59 <jsled> majortool: you're welcome. take care.
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12:00:36 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
12:01:06 <warlord> Arrogance: You can attach an expense to an invoice only if the expense is incurred through a Vendor Bill. Then you can chargeback the expense to a customer.
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12:01:11 <warlord> There's no way to "track discounts"
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12:06:54 <Arrogance> warlord-slow, that sounds perfect. I'll give it a try
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12:26:16 *** administrator has joined #gnucash
12:26:50 <administrator> hello to all !
12:30:40 <administrator> at the moment i am heavy with the developers of anjuta working on the Possibility to develop GNUCASH inside anjuta.
12:30:41 <administrator> However for some reason one thing at last dont will work and that is this bug here !
12:30:44 <administrator> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450604
12:30:45 <administrator> Does anybody know why Anjuta dont create a Entry in the Project window for Gnucash.
12:30:47 <administrator> Could it be that something with the Config and make Files of gnucash is wrong ?
12:30:48 <administrator> Creating Entrys for other Programms like "GPHPEdit" is for anjuta no Problem !
12:33:04 <administrator> If somebody want a step by step instruction how to build anjuta successfull on Ubuntu from the sources
12:33:06 <administrator> please read this prooved Howto here !
12:33:08 <administrator> http://groups.google.ch/group/gnucash/web/building-anjuta-from-sources-on-ubuntu
12:46:35 <administrator> the strange thing is that anjuta makes entrys for the binary like "test-qofmath" that can be found in
12:46:37 <administrator> "trunk/lib/libqof/qof/makefile:makefile.am:makefile.in" but not for gnucash itself !
12:46:39 <administrator> http://www.bilder-speicher.de/07062415558152.vollbild.html
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12:51:14 <andi5> administrator: i do not want to bore you, but the "config and make files of gnucash" still are not wrong :-) .... gnucash is a script generated by filling in some variables of gnucash.in .... probably too much for an automatic project importer
12:52:35 <andi5> better spend all that time for learning emacs, you will not regret it :-D
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12:55:12 <administrator> ok thanks for the answer about the gnucash script in the bin directory.
12:55:14 <administrator> But what is with the binary "gnucash-bin" ?
12:55:15 <administrator> The Problem importing gnucash with anjuta is allready solved.
12:55:17 <administrator> Copiling Gnucash with anjuta need only some seconds :-))
12:55:18 <administrator> Emacs i will never use. I am too fine such old thing.
12:55:20 <administrator> You know i from the Visual Studio Generation :-))
12:57:23 <administrator> Ok it could be maybe also that this is too much for the auto import function of anjuta at the moment
12:57:28 <andi5> gnucash-bin is a really standard automake bin program... i wonder why that does not work
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13:01:22 <administrator> I am just wondering that "test-qofmath" is showed but not "gnucash-bin".
13:01:24 <administrator> I am asking at the moment if both packages are somehow different handled in the config and makes files of gnucash.
13:01:25 <administrator> If this is noth the Case then everything is clear that something with anjuta could be wrong !
13:02:20 <andi5> maybe qof-math is the first binary anjuta detects?
13:04:07 <administrator> but then it would not show also the other entrys like libgnc-qof.la and so on
13:04:09 <administrator> http://www.bilder-speicher.de/07062415558152.vollbild.html
13:04:10 <administrator> what exactly are the other entrys ? can you say something about them ?
13:04:13 <andi5> but thqt is weird nonetheless.... test-qofmath is only a test program and built on "make check"
13:04:59 <andi5> [ot] sorry, somehow my windows keyboard layout switched to dvorak.... welcome to keyb hell ;-)
13:05:56 <andi5> yes,... seems like you never crawled src/, but stayed in lib/
13:07:18 <administrator> but you can run the new builded gnucash from the anjuta terminal with no probs
13:07:43 <administrator> just type the path were you have bulded and it start
13:08:42 <andi5> so it depends on what you want to use anjuta for... if debugging and autocompletion works for you.... maybe that is enough :-)
13:10:07 <andi5> please note that i do not think that added "anjuta support" will increase developer interest in gnucash at all :-)
13:12:00 <administrator> andi5: I want in anjuta the full service. And not i beleve very well that with anjuta the developer amount will be increased more than 100%.
13:12:02 <administrator> i must say also that gnucash is a very good programm for testing anjuta.
13:12:04 <administrator> A another bug that has been allready resolved is this here.
13:12:05 <administrator> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448491
13:13:43 <andi5> hehe
13:18:33 <administrator> andi5: do you have some infos about the others entry in the project window.
13:20:13 <andi5> .la's are libtool archives, useful for compiling and linking with libtool, but not necessary for running gnucash
13:30:10 <majortool> is there a channel for aqhbci help?
13:30:24 <andi5> i do not think so
13:30:35 <andi5> you post your question here or on the aqbanking-devel mailing list
13:30:41 <andi5> someone will respond to it
13:31:20 <administrator> andi5: ok i have checked now some of the files. It looks really like the entrys are a bug of Anjuta and not a bug of Anjuta.
13:31:21 <administrator> Thanks for the helpfull answers.
13:31:23 <administrator> till the next time
13:31:35 <majortool> im trying to setup a canadian bank in aqhbci setup but it doesn't find any banks ... or at least it's not displaying any, does it automatically pull up the baks based on what you've typed in or do i need to press something?
13:31:38 <andi5> administrator: ohm.....
13:31:50 <andi5> administrator: "are a bug of Anjuta and not a bug of Anjuta."
13:32:00 <administrator> sorry a bug of Anjuat and not a bug of Gnucash
13:32:06 <andi5> i see :)
13:32:39 <andi5> majortool: does your canadian bank really use hbci? i thought this would be germany-only?
13:32:52 <administrator> My brian has the revert bug at moment. i will go now for patch.
13:32:54 <administrator> Bye
13:32:55 <majortool> andi5, what should i use for canada?
13:33:16 <andi5> majortool: whatever your bank supports... probably ofx direct connect, then
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13:33:54 <majortool> andi5, how do i get to ofx direct connect, i have import ofx
13:35:07 <andi5> majortool: i guess you compiled gnucash with aqbanking support (--enable-hbci, bad name, i know) now, right? You can select the "aqbanking setup" from Tools and spawn the wizard from there
13:35:50 <andi5> then check whether there is a aqofx backend
13:36:28 <majortool> andi5, do i need to recompile without hbci?
13:36:39 <andi5> no
13:36:53 <majortool> i don't have aqbanking under toosl
13:36:54 <majortool> tools
13:37:14 <andi5> jsled? :-)
13:38:04 <majortool> USE="hbci nls ofx"
13:38:07 <andi5> maybe it is "Online Banking Setup"
13:38:20 <majortool> where's that cause i can't find that either
13:38:43 <andi5> hm... do you still have the build tree of your compilation?
13:39:26 <majortool> the sources?
13:39:51 <andi5> yep, do you see config.log? grep for "Optional components"
13:40:14 <majortool> i can't really do that, i use gentoo emerge package system
13:40:26 <andi5> does it clean out the build tree?
13:40:27 <majortool> it uses use flags
13:40:30 <majortool> yes
13:40:41 <majortool> app-office/gnucash-2.0.5 USE="hbci nls ofx -chipcard -debug -doc -quotes"
13:41:02 <majortool> those are the options i get
13:41:35 <andi5> did you build aqbanking with the ofx use flag?
13:42:00 <majortool> [ebuild R ] net-libs/aqbanking-2.2.1 USE="hbci kde ofx python -chipcard -debug -dtaus -geldkarte -qt3 -yellownet"
13:42:44 <andi5> ok, so you probably have /usr/lib/aqbanking/plugins/16/wizards/qt3-wizard?
13:43:39 <andi5> i am sorry, i cannot tell you the correct use flags... i am not a gentoo user anymore
13:44:06 <majortool> yup
13:45:49 <majortool> when i run that it runs what pops up when i click hbci banking
13:46:28 <andi5> oh, i am sorry... that is the old name for "online banking setup".... great
13:46:33 <andi5> there is a backends tab
13:47:34 <majortool> where?
13:48:15 <andi5> in that wizard.... maybe it is not "Backends", but it is the last one :)
13:48:33 *** warlord-slow is now known as warlord
13:48:34 <majortool> im recompiling everything without hbci
13:48:40 <andi5> why that?
13:48:42 <andi5> do not do that
13:48:50 <majortool> why?
13:48:55 * majortool stops
13:49:00 <andi5> because "hbci" use flags means aqbanking
13:49:13 <majortool> but you told me i didn't need hbci
13:49:14 <andi5> and you need that for ofx direct connect as well
13:49:19 <majortool> okay
13:49:21 <majortool> cool
13:49:44 <andi5> well, i meant hbci as "technology" :)
13:50:10 <majortool> okay i enabled ofx back end
13:50:14 <andi5> great
13:50:57 <andi5> [ot] yeah.... a translated aq wizard.... kudos to cstim!
13:51:15 <andi5> now it just needs an icon
13:51:40 <majortool> where can i find institution specific information, my bank gave me everything they could but non of it seems to fit what t his is asking for
13:52:30 <majortool> the only thing they knew for sure was the swift code but i put that in and nothing happens ... back to my original issue
13:52:40 <andi5> majortool: have you checked http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings ? ... i cannot help you, because i do not use ofx... (not available here)
13:53:20 <andi5> you may ask them specifically about ofx direct connect (maybe there is also another term for it, i do not know)
13:53:45 <andi5> i am going to leave... good luck, majortool!
13:54:07 <majortool> thank you
13:54:08 <jsled> administrator is "too fine for such an old thing [as emacs]"?
13:54:32 <andi5> jsled: somehow this did not pass my filters :)
13:55:09 * jsled goes afk again.
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13:55:51 <majortool> emacs = eight megs and constantly swapping
13:56:24 <jsled> the funny thing, is that's still true ... but everything else is 800MB.
13:56:32 <jsled> :)
13:56:57 <jsled> I just switched from Evolution (to Gnus), and noticed I have free memory again.
13:57:59 * jsled goes afk again for real.
14:04:09 <warlord> I've been using Gnus forever. SO MUCH better than Evo or Thunderbird, IMHO.
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14:08:12 <administrator> hello to all !
14:09:42 <administrator> can somebody tell me how this solution here is difficult to be implemented in gnucash ?
14:09:43 <administrator> Answer from the main developer of Anjuta.
14:09:45 <administrator> The problem here is that the script only reads Makefile.am. In case of gnucash,
14:09:47 <administrator> those variables are determined later after running configuration. There is
14:09:48 <administrator> currently no reliable way to read those variables before configure. Also after
14:09:49 <administrator> configure, anjuta does not peek inside Makefile and evaluate the variables.
14:09:51 <administrator> I am afraid this can't be solved in a straight forward manner. You can fix
14:09:52 <administrator> gnucash build to not use variables in SUBDIRS and instead depending on automake
14:09:54 <administrator> conditionals to build directories conditionally. Check out anjuta sources for a
14:09:55 <administrator> similar setup.
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14:15:38 <warlord> administrator: we have no plan to change the build system.
14:15:49 <warlord> Certainly not just for someone who wants to play.
14:16:23 <administrator> ok thanks for the info
14:17:50 <warlord> Show us you have some serious plans to become a core gnucash developer, send in a lot of patches, and then we'd be more willing to make more radical changes to accomodate.
14:26:41 <administrator> "radical changes" of gnucash is not my intention.
14:26:43 <administrator> My intention is only to make gnucash working with gnome-build.
14:26:44 <administrator> http://www.gnome.org/projects/devtools/gnomebuild.shtml
14:26:46 <administrator> If this is such a big thing for gnucash then ofcours gnome-build has to be extended to support variables in SUBDIRS
14:32:11 <warlord> if that's ALL you want to do, then I'm afraid you're on your own. Like I said, unless you intend to become a major developer then there's no reason for us to spend ANY time trying to fit it into YOUR preferences. See the FAQ about "Why don't you rewrite GnuCash in ..."
14:41:38 <majortool> is there anyway to adjust the balance on an account without making a transaction?
14:43:01 <warlord> majortool: nope. Only transactions adjust balances.
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14:43:13 <administrator> warlord: thanks again for your infos
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14:45:10 <administrator> bye to all till the next time
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16:18:36 <lasindi> Question about doxygen in GnuCash: Should I be able to generate doxygen docs by just using the "--enable-doxygen" option with configure and then just running "make" and "make install" again?
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16:43:48 <grma> hi, is there also a german irc channel for gnucash, my english in bookkeeping is very bad ?
16:45:41 <warlord> lasindi: no, you need to run "make doc" (or make docs)
16:46:03 <warlord> grma: no, just a german mailing list
16:46:04 <lasindi> warlord: Ah, okay thanks
16:47:45 <warlord> you're welcome
16:50:40 <grma> warlord: ok thanks, i will try it in english...
16:52:13 <grma> i want to use the income-statemet report, but i need it 2 different versions of looking, i need to make 2 different reports which look different, is there a eays sollution to that, or do i have to make 2 scm files ?
16:55:06 <majortool> sometimes when im importing transactions from ofx they come in the wrong order, i set the num field to be in order but sometimes the transaction doesn't move to it's proper place, anyone know why?
17:01:30 <warlord> grma: if you want the report to look significantly different then you may need to write some scheme, assuming the existing report options dont provide the hooks you need to control the content.
17:02:51 <warlord> majortool: the sort-order is post-date, number, then (IIRC) date-entered.
17:03:46 <majortool> warlord, yes, that is how i want it, but sometimes ill have the same date and number 9 will be before number 1, and i can't get it to update
17:04:33 <majortool> should i set numbers for transactions overall or start new iteration for each date
17:04:37 <majortool> ?
17:04:39 <warlord> majortool: even exiting and restarting gnucash?
17:04:53 <majortool> warlord, haven't tried that yet
17:05:36 <warlord> majortool: is one a credit and one a debit?
17:05:54 <majortool> yeah
17:06:05 <majortool> sometimes
17:06:13 <majortool> right now i have 3 withdrawls
17:06:15 <majortool> same date
17:06:20 <majortool> ordered 1, 3, 2
17:06:38 <warlord> huh
17:06:58 <majortool> the transaction dates are the same
17:07:11 <majortool> the number fields have been set to 1, 2, 3
17:07:17 <majortool> the program sorts it 1, 3, 2
17:07:24 <warlord> what version?
17:07:35 <majortool> 2.0.5
17:07:50 <warlord> huh
17:08:00 <warlord> and all three are withdrawals?
17:08:22 <majortool> i have 1-15 on one date, the sort is 13, 1, 2, 3 ...
17:08:27 <majortool> yeah
17:08:35 <grma> warlord: ok thanks, that is for the looking, and when this reports have to have different data, one report with all information, and a secound only the income for example is shown i have also to make 2 scm files ?
17:09:05 <warlord> grma: nope, then you just have to run the report twice and set the report options to configure the content. No programing necessary.
17:09:27 <warlord> majortool: are you sure 13 isn't a debit?
17:10:59 <majortool> i don't know anymore i started messing with the numbers to get different behaviour but all i can tell is that it's not by design
17:12:05 <majortool> the 1, 3, 2 won't fix itself
17:12:17 <majortool> and all 3 are withdrawls
17:13:27 <majortool> 05/30/07 1
17:13:39 <majortool> 05/30/07 3
17:13:47 <majortool> 05/30/07 2
17:14:24 <majortool> 1 withdrawl for groceries
17:14:32 <majortool> 2 insurance
17:14:40 <majortool> 3 misc
17:14:53 <majortool> all expenses
17:14:56 <majortool> all withdrawls
17:15:26 <majortool> will not sort properly
17:15:34 <majortool> as well
17:15:44 <majortool> when i am am able to successfully sort
17:16:00 <majortool> the balance column does not update properly
17:16:07 <majortool> i have to sort them by numbers first
17:16:37 <majortool> then i have to go to one of the withdrawl costs and change the number to some arbitrary number, then back to the real number and it will sort properly
17:17:14 <majortool> and update the columns with the correct values
17:19:20 <warlord> wait... how are you trying to re-sort them?
17:19:29 <majortool> automatically
17:19:35 <majortool> another thing is
17:19:50 <majortool> the colors are supposed to alternate between green and yellow
17:19:54 <majortool> it doesn't do that
17:20:07 <majortool> i can have green green green yellow green yellow yellow
17:20:18 <majortool> or any random order while manually sorting
17:20:55 <majortool> so im pretty sure the sort isn't working
17:21:01 <majortool> or being triggerd at all
17:21:17 <grma> warlord: ok, but this report can not be saved? so next year i have to do the same changes to get the reports, correct ?
17:21:55 <majortool> when i restarted the program the alternating colors were proper but the order NUM sort did not sort still
17:22:47 <warlord> the sort may be alphanumeric, not numeric.
17:23:02 <majortool> in just using numeric anyways
17:23:03 <warlord> what are the ACTUAL num field entries?
17:23:27 <majortool> <majortool> 05/30/07 1
17:23:27 <majortool> <majortool> 05/30/07 3
17:23:27 <majortool> <majortool> 05/30/07 2
17:23:38 <majortool> showing up in that order
17:23:40 <warlord> screenshot
17:23:44 <majortool> okay
17:23:53 <majortool> email?
17:23:56 <majortool> shared resource?
17:23:57 <warlord> url
17:24:18 <majortool> hold on i don't know if my apache server is configured yet
17:26:55 <majortool> gotta compile gim
17:26:56 <majortool> p
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22:18:18 <art> I'm a new user of gnucash, having used Quicken since 1992. I'm trying to get online banking working.
22:19:31 <art> I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) and have compiled the latest gnucash from svn, along with gwenhywfar-2.6.0 & aqbanking-2.3.1
22:20:11 <art> I can run the version of gnucash that I built. To me this has been a major accomplishment :-)
22:21:22 <art> I have a couple of questions.
22:22:51 <art> First question: When I invoke gnucash I immediately get the "GnuCash Tip Of The Day" window, but there is no content for about 5-6 seconds, eventually it displays the tip and proceed to bring up the main window... why?
22:23:39 <art> This delay didn't happen when I built gnucash-2.0.5, everything comes up immediately.
22:24:20 <art> The latest version built from svn reports version gnucash-2.1.4 (that's the one with the delay).
22:29:30 <art> Second question (and this may not be a gnucash question): I started the AqBanking Wizard, and have enabled the OFX backend, then created a couple of Accounts, no problem here. Then I try to create a new user, I click on "New" and I'm asked to select a Backend, ok, I select OFX-DirectConnect, click Ok, and I'm back at the Configuration window. I was expecting a window to allow me to enter...
22:29:32 <art> ...the new User information. Anyone else tried this? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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22:53:08 <warlord> art: does the delay happen every time, or only the first time you run gnucash? Like, if you run it a second time, does it still have the delay?
22:57:13 *** Megiddo has joined #gnucash
22:57:47 <Megiddo> Quick question about gnucash, is the windows port stable enough for a college student to put his trust in it working? :)
23:01:25 <warlord> Megiddo: The windows port is still considered beta-test/release-candidate. There are still knowqn bugs.
23:03:02 <Megiddo> Blargh, okay, thanks
23:04:29 <warlord> You're welcome to use it, but keep in mind that it IS still a test release.
23:05:48 <jsled> Also, to be fair, the not-windows-specific product has some 400+ "known bugs", so don't let that stop you. :)
23:06:09 <warlord> Heheh
23:24:31 *** Art_ has joined #gnucash
23:25:07 <Art_> warlord: the delay happens every time
23:26:46 <Art_> My system is x86_64 (Dual socket AMD64 Opterons) running Ubuntu 7.04
23:32:17 <Art_> BTW Art_ and Art are one and the same, I'm on a different system and didn't logoff the 1st one
23:50:21 *** duck has joined #gnucash
23:51:35 <duck> anyone know where and how should i enter the initial capital put into the business? and if the business has been going on for a while, how should i account the losses? ,
23:57:48 <warlord> art: hmm, I dont have an x86_64 to test, nor do I use ubuntu. maybe you can run 'strace' and figure out where the delay is? How much RAM do you have?
23:58:14 <warlord> duck: Equity:Opening Balances (or Equity:Capital Deposit, or whatever your accountant wants to see)
23:59:45 <duck> warlord, and what about the retained profit (losses)?