2007-05-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:36:00 <ryjax> i'm getting an error when i'm initially setting up HBCI
00:36:26 <ryjax> set up wizard has not been found
00:36:41 <ryjax> package aqbanking is supposed to install the program qt3-wizard
00:37:18 <ryjax> for aqbanking i configured with ./configure --with-fronends=qbanking
00:37:21 <ryjax> did i miss anything?
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03:21:21 <andi5> ryjax: what version of gnucash?
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04:43:57 <lightnin`> (just curious, is anyone around this late at night?)
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07:41:58 <eleusis> late? it's never late on the internets!
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10:14:30 <warlord> Yay! F7 is officially out.
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10:24:29 <jsled> http://www.download.com/GnuCash/3000-2057_4-10689049.html
10:25:22 <hampton> Yay! I've already got azureus sucking it down.
10:26:51 <hampton> btw, warlord, don't update before installing from the dvd. The dev channel I've been using to keep F7t4 up to date already has some "fc8" packages in it.
10:28:32 <warlord> I haven't updated in a couple weeks; my plan is to just pull down the fc7 fedora-release package.. That should repoint me to the F7 archives so I should be set.
10:29:48 <warlord> Now I just need them to fix https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=241729
10:30:31 <warlord> I think I'll wait until this weekend; myth is less busy over the weekends.
10:32:17 <chris> grr.. and the fc6 repos have broken deps in them on the same day, coincidence?
10:33:32 <warlord> Oh? What deps are broken?
10:33:40 <warlord> (maybe they just haven't mirrored properly)
10:34:55 <chris> either pidgin or yelp, not sure yet
10:36:12 <warlord> I'm annoyed at pidgin -- they changed the network proxy configuration from a global to a per-account setting.
10:37:14 <warlord> ... and then hid the settings.
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10:44:21 <chris> Oh, I think I'm just seeing the old problem of there being no x86_86 version of gecko_libs. Bah.
11:01:00 <warlord> Okay, off to the hospital.
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12:17:26 <xai> I received an unexpected tax refund from an state agency. I usually pay the tax by creating a liability entry, and then cutting a check against that liability. Should I just reverse that process for a refund?
12:18:36 <xai> It has to balance somewhere, so seems logical.
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14:21:27 <esodan> Does any one know why QofInstance's functions use gpointer instead of QofInstance* ?
14:24:33 <esodan> Does any one know why when you change QofInstance object's Book, just change the pointer? May be you need: (a) remove from the actual book's collection (b) add to the new book's collection (c) change the pointer to the new book
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14:49:43 <Smooph> wow I made it
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15:00:19 <Smooph> hi is here a german =
15:00:25 <Smooph> ?
15:03:27 <jsled> maybe. What's your question?
15:08:53 <Smooph> I am a german and want to use one of the finance tools offered under opensource ... right now I use kmymoney but I cannot really figure out how it works and I just wanted to know if you can give me a tip on which one to use
15:08:57 <Smooph> jsled:
15:10:18 <jsled> Ah. We like GnuCash. :)
15:11:05 <Smooph> ok can you tell me a little about how it works
15:13:00 <Smooph> I am a private user, I want a program that gets the information off my account and shows it me ... I like the 2 way system where you say what you should get and the program compares and informes you about the differences ... i guess kmymoney can do something like this ... gnucash too ?
15:30:52 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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15:31:38 <warlord> I love EV-DO
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15:44:50 <hampton> lol. 8 update notices for F7 just came out.
15:44:59 <warlord> yeah, i noticed.
15:45:16 <warlord> How did you go from F7t4 -> F7final?
15:45:51 <jsled> Smooph: Yeah, that's called "reconiliation". GnuCash can do that.
15:46:30 <Smooph> k gnucash looks sort of complicated to me
15:47:06 <warlord> Smooph: accounting is complicated. gnucash is fairly feature-rich and DOES make lots of tasks easier.
15:47:06 <jsled> Smooph: as for finding out what GnuCash can do, <http://www.gnucash.org/features.phtml> is a starting point, and the manual <http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/help/help.html> and Concepts Guide <http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/> have some screenshots and step-by-step action.
15:47:24 <jsled> The Tutorial and Concepts Guide is pretty good about stepping you through it all.
15:47:55 <Smooph> kk thanks a lot ... i was looking for that kind of stuff
15:50:55 <jsled> Also, <http://www.myinvestmentblog.com/making-payment-your-gnucash-checking-account> has been doing a series of posts along the same lines.
16:00:10 <hampton> warlord: Thought I'd do that tonight. I'll probably boot from the DVD and do an upgrade.
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16:00:45 <warlord> hampton: Ahh.. before you do that, think you could try just using yum?
16:01:55 <andi5> Q (once again): Is The Great Reindentation going to happen before v2.2?
16:03:11 <warlord> andi5: I think it should happen just before the 2.2 branch.
16:04:18 <andi5> ok... *noted*
16:06:47 <andi5> i wonder why so many guys (6) have problems to install gnucash... i cannot remember having read about problems yet... weird
16:07:15 <warlord> hampton: I think one could just update the fedora-release RPM (and maybe the yum rpm) and then 'yum update'.. But i'd like to test that theory before I try it on my real systems.
16:07:46 <warlord> I suppose I could just backup my system first (it's only a 4GB system) and just restore it if it fails.
16:15:41 <andi5> hehe -> http://www.ohloh.net/projects/4903;badge_setup
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16:45:47 <hampton> warlord: I'll look at that.
16:45:56 <warlord> hampton: thank you!
16:46:54 <hampton> I'll try it on my myth frontend as there's nothing of consequence on that box.
16:53:37 <warlord> okay. let me know how it goes.
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17:17:11 <Adelie> Hello?
17:18:25 <Adelie> Is this the correct place for asking questions about gnucash?
17:19:57 <warlord> dont meta-ask
17:20:19 <Adelie> I need to know if Gnucash can generate Purchase Orders. I am using 2.0.2 on ubuntu.
17:20:22 <Adelie> sorry
17:20:38 <warlord> a) you should upgrade to 2.0.5
17:20:52 <Adelie> ok
17:20:53 <warlord> b) unfortunately no, there's no internal PO support.
17:21:10 <Adelie> Thanks. That's what I needed to know.
17:21:58 <warlord> You could probably kludge something..
17:22:50 <Smooph> Hi is here a german person who is willing to explain the principle of Reconciliation to me in a short talk on skype or teamspeak ... whatever
17:24:09 <andi5> teamspeak ;-)
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17:38:22 <matfej> Can anyone offer advice on convertin MS Money 2005 information into GnuCash?
17:38:51 <jsled> export as QIF.
17:39:19 <matfej> I didn't know it could export as Quicken data...very good!
17:39:46 <jsled> This is only what I understand the solution is; I have no first-hand experience.
17:41:36 <matfej> All that remains is for me grin and bear booting into windows yet again
17:44:16 <andi5> matfej: meanwhile you can try out gnucash 2.1.2 for windows :)
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17:52:09 <matfej> I renounced Windows, it makes my computer slow
17:53:01 <matfej> Well, I've got some work to do then...thanks
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18:52:26 <ryjax> finally got gnucash compiled with direct connect
18:52:42 <ryjax> it only took a day and half of fiddling around
18:54:47 <warlord> Wow! Long time.
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19:42:16 <ryjax> yeah
19:42:23 <ryjax> i know.
19:42:44 <ryjax> it was mostly an exercise with creating debs and such
19:42:55 <ryjax> then i found out about checkinstall :- /
19:44:35 <ryjax> now that i got direct connect available, do you guys think it's safer, not as safe, or just about the same as using quicken's ?
19:50:38 <warlord> The same
19:50:51 <warlord> (maybe safer, because you can see the source code)
19:51:31 <ryjax> yeah, that's what i thought
19:57:07 <lasindi> I'm trying to add a test transaction to an account in my CSV import code: http://rafb.net/p/TKBT5189.html The changes that I try to make to it (lines 98 - 101) don't appear to take effect, and it segfaults if I try to actually add the transaction. Any ideas?
19:59:49 <warlord> lasindi: I'm about to logout and head home and then to dinner.. But.. Where does it segfault? What's the backtrace?
20:00:05 <warlord> Be back later..
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20:04:24 <lasindi> If anyone else wants to look while he's gone, this is the backtrace: http://rafb.net/p/m7U9CG40.html
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20:33:16 <lasindi> Oh, I think I figured out what I did wrong.
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