2007-05-27 GnuCash IRC logs
00:23:30 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
00:23:45 <warlord> ryjax: um, maybe if you said what error you got?
01:14:58 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
01:45:09 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
03:11:44 *** ErKa has quit IRC
03:40:42 *** sammyjojo has joined #gnucash
03:42:21 <sammyjojo> had a quick question, how exactly would i log a gift? i made an income:gift, but i'm not sure what the transfer would be
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03:56:36 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
04:59:01 *** rhowe has joined #gnucash
06:31:03 *** _gunni_ has joined #gnucash
07:24:17 *** Esaj has joined #gnucash
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09:05:23 *** BlackBsd has joined #GnuCash
09:11:23 <ryjax> yeah, i knew I forgot to add something...
09:11:25 <ryjax> .libs/gnc-plugin-page-report.o: In function `gnc_plugin_page_report_create_widget':/home/ryan/projects/project_gnucash/gnucash-2.1.2/src/report/report-gnome/gnc-plugin-page-report.c:342: undefined reference to `gnc_get_current_session'
09:11:25 <ryjax> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
09:11:25 <ryjax> make[6]: *** [libgncmod-report-gnome.la] Error 1
09:11:42 <ryjax> running standard make works fine.
09:12:15 <ryjax> dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -rfakeroot
09:12:17 <ryjax> does not work
09:19:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:19:32 <warlord> ryjax: that's a bug. it's been fixed in SVN.
09:37:54 *** nathan_ has left #gnucash
11:01:41 *** Demitar has quit IRC
11:50:52 *** Esaj has joined #gnucash
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12:30:56 <ryjax> thx warlord, i'll update and see if it helps.
12:46:48 *** roxy_ has joined #gnucash
13:00:37 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
13:07:07 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
13:07:08 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andi5
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13:23:56 <andi5> hm.... may someone tell me why http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/gnome-utils/gnc-dense-cal.c#L723 casts the lhs to unsigned before dividing it by denom? is this standard conforming? ... this leads to astronomously high scales and #441209
13:24:11 <andi5> oh, this happens if width==height==1
13:44:49 <roxy_> is there any plan for a gnucash port to kde ? it would be nice to have it in kontact.
13:48:55 <andi5> roxy_: nope, ... search the mailing list archives for reasons .... it boils down to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_don.27t_you_rewrite_GnuCash_in_programming_language_xyz_so_that_I_can_contribute_easily.3F, from my pov
13:49:09 <andi5> bye
13:49:17 *** andi5 has quit IRC
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15:45:26 <BlackBsd> hi, anyone running gentoo?
15:45:26 <gncbot> BlackBsd: Sent 1 day, 4 hours, and 36 minutes ago: <jsled> that the gnucash-2.0.5.ebuild should do a good job of handling all of guile, g-wrap and slib.
15:45:38 <jsled> BlackBsd: me. :)
15:46:04 <BlackBsd> this bot is cool
15:46:53 <BlackBsd> unfortunetly, the gnucash-2.0.5.ebuild does not work for me
15:46:57 <BlackBsd> its still failing.
15:47:07 <jsled> how so? can you pastebin the error(s)?
15:47:13 <BlackBsd> but i do not have the environment variable set
15:47:29 <BlackBsd> what is it and where do i set it...
15:47:47 <jsled> which environment variables?
15:47:56 <jsled> s/variables/variable/
15:48:03 <BlackBsd> i will past the error
15:48:06 <BlackBsd> in pastebin
15:48:27 <BlackBsd> it says to: See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347922
15:48:56 <jsled> What versions of slib, guile and g-wrap?
15:51:14 <BlackBsd> pastebin.com is down
15:51:16 <BlackBsd> figure
15:51:19 <BlackBsd> figures
15:51:22 <jsled> pastebin.ca
15:51:41 <jsled> pastebin.com seems pretty flaky.
15:52:44 <BlackBsd> http://pastebin.ca/514514
15:57:02 <jsled> Hmm. I wonder if it's just because of the sandbox violation, maybe?
15:58:38 <jsled> What version of slib, again?
16:02:56 <jsled> Also, can you pastebin the output of running the commands [[[
16:03:01 <jsled> guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'printf)"
16:03:05 <jsled> echo $status
16:03:06 <jsled> ]]]
16:03:18 <jsled> (From Bug#347922, Comment#1, and the Makefile...)
16:05:15 <BlackBsd> the status is 0
16:05:21 <BlackBsd> i have the tcsh shell
16:06:16 <jsled> So, there was no output from the first line?
16:06:22 <jsled> er, first command.
16:06:33 <BlackBsd> i get a blank line doing it in bash
16:06:44 <jsled> Cool. So, it works.
16:07:03 <jsled> What happens if you remove sandbox from FEATURES?
16:07:17 <BlackBsd> no output from the first command and running echo $status gives me a blank line
16:07:21 <jsled> (assuming it's in there, which is looks like it is.)
16:07:47 <BlackBsd> i dont have sandbox in my FEATURES
16:07:55 <BlackBsd> you talking about make.conf
16:08:12 <jsled> I should have looked closer. Instead of `echo $status`, try `echo $?`, after re-running the "guile" command.
16:08:18 <jsled> yes, in /etc/make.conf
16:08:58 <BlackBsd> the page talks about just setting an environment varialble...
16:10:09 <BlackBsd> and running echo $? gives me a 0
16:10:30 <jsled> Right. So, the test that ./configure is running is working.
16:10:57 <BlackBsd> yep
16:11:03 <BlackBsd> but guile is bombing
16:11:09 <jsled> Huh?
16:11:37 <BlackBsd> guile has to find the path also
16:12:13 <BlackBsd> their saying that configure finds it, but configure is using a tool which is not finding it.
16:12:23 <BlackBsd> because of a trailing character or something
16:12:50 <jsled> Well, assuming that that bug is your problem.
16:13:50 <jsled> The shell you're running emerge from ... has it been restarted at all? Like, after guile and slib were installed?
16:15:16 <BlackBsd> i have been trying this for days...
16:15:26 <BlackBsd> i think i need to run emerge --sync
16:15:29 <BlackBsd> maybe a fix is out
16:15:37 <jsled> I doubt it.
16:15:50 <jsled> I don't think the gnucash-2.0.5 ebuild has been changed in months.
16:16:16 <jsled> And there's no gnucash-2.0.5 as of my ~3am sync.
16:16:24 <jsled> Er, s/2.0.5/2.0.5-r1/
16:17:22 <jsled> So, what versions of guile and slib do you have installed?
16:19:59 <BlackBsd> i have guile-1.6.8 slib-3-1.1-r1 and gnucash 2.0.1 installed
16:20:05 <BlackBsd> trying to update gnucash
16:21:22 <jsled> Well, it's a heavy-handed solution, but you might wnat ot update to guile-1.8.x ...
16:21:32 <jsled> After that, you'll need to re-emerge slib, probably.
16:22:08 <jsled> If you do rebuild guile, make sure you do so with the "deprecated discouraged regex" use flags.
16:22:28 <BlackBsd> why?
16:22:34 <BlackBsd> never heard of that flag.
16:23:13 <jsled> they're three separate flags. They're needed for gnucash to build.
16:23:51 <jsled> But you wouldn't find that out until you eventually get around to building gnucash, and then might need to re-build guile (and slib).
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16:24:21 <jsled> (to be precise, they're needed for gnucash to run, not build; but the gnucash ebuild checks to make sure that guile was built with those use flags)
16:25:27 <jsled> I've gotta head afk; biab.
16:26:26 <BlackBsd> thanks
16:32:50 *** _gunni_ has quit IRC
16:33:22 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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23:34:44 <epigram> fuck
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