2007-05-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:48 <warlord-afk> nbinont: Huh.. are you sure you go libxml installed?
00:10:19 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
00:20:42 <nbinont> warlord: I think so...I see libxml2.dll in c:\program files\gnucash\bin ... have you heard reports of problems with the windows build?
00:21:06 <warlord> Only from you ;)
00:21:13 <warlord> I haven't tried the win32 build recently.
00:21:51 <nbinont> ok, cool
00:35:05 <warlord> :)
00:37:21 <nbinont> whew...didn't quite want to build it again (yesterday's 4am build was exciting enough :S )
00:42:57 <warlord> oh? got it working?
00:43:24 <nbinont> yes
00:45:53 <warlord> good
00:53:20 <nbinont> wow..look at the download count of 2.1.2 (windows). We are getting a download every 2 minutes or so.
01:01:29 <warlord> Cool.
01:01:35 <warlord> well, bedtime for me. good night.
01:01:37 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:01:40 <nbinont> night
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03:41:32 <duck> hello, i want to install gnucash on my xp desktop, can anyone show me how to do that?
03:42:46 <nbinont> go to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=192 and find gnucash-2.1.2-setup.exe
03:42:54 <nbinont> download, and install
03:43:43 <nbinont> this is not a stable version (as we don't have a stable version yet...coming within the next couple months)
03:45:12 <duck> hi thanks, does it mean the tar zip file i downloaded from gnucash.org cannot be used?
03:47:46 <nbinont> the tar.gz file is the source file, and it can be used, but you would have to compile it. (takes a few hours) and in the end you will produce the same gnucash-2.1.2-setup.exe that is on the website
03:48:54 <nbinont> if you haven't compiled anything before, I strongly advise you to use gnucash-2.1.2-setup.exe. believe me, it'll save you a lot of time
03:49:59 <duck> yes, i 've never compile anything before, out of curiousity: if i want to install it on linux, let's say redhat , or etc, must i use compiler? and what is the name ?
03:52:05 <nbinont> well, most linux distros (redhat, etc) will have to compiled already (with one exception), you would just have to get the rpm from your repository
03:53:21 <nbinont> The exception is that most linux distros will only provide the stable versions of software, so for gnucash, you would have 2.0.5 available. 2.1.2 would not be available (as it is not a stable release)
03:53:23 <duck> make me even confused, one step a time!, any suggestion on the chat room name i can visit for linux question?
03:55:21 <duck> i am trying the setup.exe file now:-)
03:56:08 <nbinont> I would reccommend you go to the chat rooms for your particular distro. they would be the most knowledgeable
03:56:42 <duck> how to find what distro is it on linux os pc?
03:56:58 <nbinont> if you are new to software repositories and linux packages, this page has a short intro: http://www.networkclue.com/os/Linux/commands/rpm.aspx
03:57:31 <nbinont> it should say when you start the computer: eg Red hat, kubuntu, ubuntu, Mandriva, etc
04:00:18 <nbinont> sorry if that was fast. if anything was not clear, I can try to clarify.
04:00:23 <duck> brief question, is it possible to connect via lan linux os to windows os pc? to use printer, etc
04:00:40 <nbinont> yes
04:00:51 <duck> okey dokie
04:01:24 <nbinont> you should read up on "samba" (the program that linux/Mac uses to talk to windows computers)
04:02:11 <duck> where can i find samba info?
04:02:45 <duck> wikipedia?
04:03:49 <nbinont> yes, that will work. also read your distribution's documentation for more detailed how-tos
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04:05:50 <duck> samba on wikipedia is a dance from brazil dude
04:06:41 <duck> :-)
04:07:17 <nbinont> try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samba_(software)
04:15:25 <duck> actually my problem is printer not detected on windows pc lan, but the pc itself already detected, so i guess it is already samba since the windows pc already detected
04:17:52 <nbinont> yes...sounds like you are part way there anyway.
04:18:03 <nbinont> I'm off to bed here (it's 4am)
04:19:03 <duck> ok, good night and thanks
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13:20:09 <warlord> any objection to me rebooting the cvs server?
13:20:19 <andi5> nope
13:20:49 <warlord> chris, jsled, hampton ?
13:21:04 <jsled> nope
13:21:21 <warlord> i'm going to rewire its power so it's on a UPS.
13:22:17 <warlord> going once....
13:22:35 <warlord> going twice....
13:22:49 <warlord> gone.
15:05:34 <warlord> jsled: I wrote something like that..
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15:07:16 <roxy_> Hi, I am trying to set up a investments account. In the docs it says I *have to* create a new gnucash file. Does that mean that I won't be able to input/output money from the investment accounts to my other accounts ?
15:07:46 <jsled> What section in the docs says that?
15:08:25 <jsled> It's not true, generally. You can have investment accounts alongside your other accounts just fine. That's the expected case.
15:08:56 <roxy_> 8.2.1. Predefined Accounts
15:08:56 <roxy_> To use the predefined investment account hierarchy, you
15:08:56 <roxy_> must create a new GnuCash file
15:09:16 <jsled> Ah. That stopped being true in 2.0, actually.
15:09:30 <jsled> The docs did not get updated, however. Can you please file a bug?
15:09:59 <jsled> At this point, you can just say File > New > New ACcount Hierarchy, and it will merge the accounts into your datafile.
15:10:18 <roxy_> jsled: thanks a lot , I'll fill a bug
15:10:24 <jsled> Of course, you can also create a new/empty datafile to see what accounts it will create, and manually create them alongside your existing accounts.
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15:47:43 <roxy_> I am trying to set up automatic retrieval of quotes for stock. To test I tried to get the quote for: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=CGM.PA
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15:50:12 <roxy_> I created the account for CEGEDIM, in the new security I entered CGM.PA, I entered a new type , get online quote from yahoo.
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15:51:15 <roxy_> I closed gnucash, ran: gnucash --add-price-quotes gcash/gnucash with output: nucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.13"
15:51:45 <roxy_> then reopened gnucash expecting to see the price of the share at yesterdays value, but nothing had change.
15:52:39 <roxy_> Is it possible to get the price for this share with gnucash --add-price-quotes ?
15:54:04 <jsled> I don't believe the register changes. Only the account tree and reports.
15:54:14 <jsled> The value of the shares for the indicated transaction is whatever it is.
15:54:36 <jsled> The price-db should be updated, which lets those other computed values (the account tree and reports) work.
15:57:04 <roxy_> jsled: you rock. The report is updated. I hadn't thougth about checking the report. Thanks again :-)
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15:57:51 <jsled> :)
16:13:55 <warlord> jsled: might want to build a simple initscript to start supybot
16:14:42 <jsled> warlord: true. I've made a note.
16:16:02 <warlord> k
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17:45:02 <edavison> hello, all.
17:45:24 <edavison> I have a question about v. 2.0.5 but is probably a generic question.
17:45:32 <warlord> dont meta-ask
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17:45:42 <edavison> I need to *delete* 3 prior years entries from my accounts file.
17:45:48 <andi5> nbinont: hey, thanks for 2.1.2 :-)
17:45:49 <edavison> How do I go about doing that?
17:45:58 <nbinont> andi5: np
17:47:01 <edavison> *or* how do I go about exporting 1/1/07 - 5/25/07 to a file for import to a new account file?
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17:49:31 <edavison> warlord: got it
17:49:41 <jsled> edavison: there's no good way to do either.
17:50:07 <warlord> edavison: what jsled said.. there's not a good way.
17:50:34 <warlord> Now, there WAS a perl script sent to the mailing list a few years ago (2003?) by Jon Kamens that might help... But it's not "supported".
17:51:18 <edavison> hmmm... :(
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18:16:17 <chris> [ot] anyone know how to find out which .so's a process has dlopen'd while it's running?
18:16:55 <jsled> lsof?
18:17:45 <andi5> you mean dlopened, in contrast to linked?
18:18:14 <andi5> in the end, it is like subtracting ldd from lsof, imho :)
18:19:03 <andi5> and can somebody please tell me why openssls build system sucks so hard?
18:23:16 <chris> cool, lsof minus ldd works.
18:23:34 <edavison> thanks; bye
18:23:35 <edavison> quit
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18:24:34 <chris> now, I have a feeling this is a stupid question, but dlopen'd objects all share the same heap, right? one process - one heap.
18:26:18 <warlord> on Linux, yes, they should.
18:27:19 <jsled> [ot] google reader got good.
18:27:34 <jsled> It used to suck ... now it appears on-par with bloglines.
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18:57:27 <andi5> regarding "cannot compile 2.1.2", does it suffice to touch ChangeLog?
19:12:42 <warlord> Yes. I just replied.
19:37:33 <nbinont> how firm is the 2.2.0 release date?
19:38:27 <nbinont> I ask because the weekend of june 16th is going to be very busy for me
19:40:01 <chris> nbinont: These things have been known to slip for weeks or even months for no apparent reason at all.
19:40:52 <nbinont> hmm, ok.
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