2007-05-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:20 *** dbr has quit IRC
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00:52:11 <warlord> hampton: do you have any ideas for kam?
00:54:55 <hampton> sounds like he's got some quotes with bad dates. only suggestion I have is to look through the price editor and delete the bad quotes.
00:55:39 <warlord> That's what I'm thinking, but apparently 2.0.<early> didn't do this..
00:56:24 <hampton> didn't do what? include the bad quotes in graphs?
00:56:32 <warlord> Yes...
00:56:37 <warlord> Or didn't have the bad quotes.
00:56:42 <warlord> I dont know which..
00:57:01 <warlord> I'm just confused because I dont know how the date system could even handle a date in the year 600,000
00:58:23 <hampton> not sure how that would work either.
00:59:00 <warlord> kam?
00:59:27 <hampton> kam, do you use the yahoo_europe quote source by any chance? Its got problems because yahoo changed their website, and one of the fields that seems to have been dropped is the date.
01:00:51 <hampton> warlord: How's F7t4 treating you?
01:01:04 <warlord> Not too bad.. a couple bugs.
01:01:21 <warlord> in particular, they need to rebuild emacs because of a change to glibc.
01:01:38 <warlord> and pidgin, the gaim replacement, doesn't have its own proxy configuration.
01:01:55 <warlord> I think I've filed... 3 or 4 bugs?
01:02:44 <warlord> The BIGGEST annoyance is that the GtkFileChooser is REALLY SLOW when operating on a directory with 6500 files in EncFS.
01:03:07 <warlord> But beyond that... not too bad.
01:03:11 <hampton> Final freeze was yesterday...
01:03:15 <warlord> I plan to install an x86_64 F7t4 system soon.
01:03:32 <warlord> yes, I know, but I'm sure they'll fix this one. emacs just plain dies on startup. it's unusable.
01:03:36 <hampton> I was thinking I might install it this weekend, but I'm traveling again next week.
01:03:53 <warlord> * nods *
01:04:37 <hampton> I think I need a new ISP. :-( Two 10-hour mail outages in two weeks.
01:05:13 <warlord> gmail?
01:05:19 <warlord> (er... TRY gmail?)
01:06:01 <hampton> I've thought about it. Kinda like the vanity domain though.
01:06:13 <warlord> I think gmail will do vanity domains.
01:06:25 <warlord> or at least i THOUGHT they would.
01:06:37 <hampton> do they host websites too? :-)
01:06:50 <warlord> Dunno
01:06:55 <hampton> I'm thinking of putting up my own server again, even though I have a dynamic ip
01:07:12 <warlord> You could use something like DynDNS
01:08:05 <hampton> already do so I can get in when traveling.
01:08:36 <hampton> [ot] I couldn't find anything in my cable contract allowing or prohibiting a home server
01:08:58 <warlord> what they dont know cant hurt them.
01:09:08 <warlord> I saw 10.6Mbps downstream today! Yay!
01:09:19 <hampton> true. and its not like I'd have a high load.
01:09:21 <hampton> cool
01:09:54 <warlord> Yeah.. It took me under and hour to pull down the F7t4 x86_64 ISO
01:10:16 <warlord> Have you ever installed an FxtN system and then converted to Fx-final?>
01:11:48 <hampton> I did back around FC2 and it didn't go all that well. At the time I think they were still using the rawhide repo as the working beta repo. I think the test releases are their own repo this time so that should work better.
01:12:20 <hampton> I basically ended up with some packages newer than FC2 and had to downgrade them.
01:15:11 <warlord> It sounds like all I need to do is update to the released fedora-release package and verify the yum config.. And then make sure I haven't gone too far.
01:16:19 <warlord> According to someone:
01:16:20 <warlord> Its dead-simple, really. I think simply upgrading to the fedora-release
01:16:20 <warlord> package out of the final F7 tree and yum upgrading may be enough, but you may
01:16:20 <warlord> well need to enable or disable some repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ first.
01:16:20 <warlord> Thus far, I'm not aware of anything that won't upgrade cleanly between F7t4
01:16:20 <warlord> and F7 final, and F7 is in deep-freeze mode as of earlier today, so only
01:16:22 <warlord> critical/blocker bug-fixes will go in from here until release. An up-to-date
01:16:24 <warlord> rawhide box is going to be really close to what F7 final is.
01:18:27 <hampton> sounds good. maybe I will update this weekend if I get bored. ;)
01:18:37 <hampton> I'm off to bed. see ya
01:18:52 <warlord> good night. ttyt.
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03:57:45 <fubar> Hi
03:59:18 <fubar> Is there some secret to entering splits? I can eventually get them correct, but only after fighting with gnucash (2.05).
03:59:31 <fubar> The split section of the manual sure isn't correct.
04:02:48 <fubar> I mean the Tutorial and Concepts guide isn't correct.
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08:46:45 <naboo> hi i search any information about gnucash specialy in polish lang because i write master work about gnucash, i`m economist on KUL
08:53:24 <naboo> ale wy rozmowni jestescie
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09:47:07 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
11:30:50 <warlord> @tell fubar The only secret I can tell you is to use <tab> and not <enter> on each line.
11:30:50 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
11:31:58 <warlord> @tell naboo GnuCash has a PL translation, but the docs aren't translated, only the application. If you run in a "pl" locale, gnucash will pick up the translation automatically.
11:31:58 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
12:08:55 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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14:04:44 *** plathrop has joined #gnucash
14:05:00 <plathrop> Hello.
14:06:08 <plathrop> I'm a new GnuCash user. I'm running GnuCash on OS X and having a problem getting online quotes working. I've followed the FAQ on the wiki, and I'm at the last step - contacting the developers via IRC :-)
14:06:42 <plathrop> What happens is I get a message saying "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes."
14:07:07 <plathrop> I started GnuCash using 'gnucash --debug'
14:07:25 <plathrop> I can paste the results if someone is willing to take a look.
14:36:53 <hampton> Use pastebin.com or pastebin.ca
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14:42:26 <plathrop> Okay - I'll do that now.
14:43:44 <plathrop> http://pastebin.ca/495366
14:46:45 <hampton> I don't see why that would cause an error. Does it work better if you change the quote source from Motley Fool to Yahoo?
14:47:42 <plathrop> I have the quote source set to "usa" - I'll try Yahoo.
14:47:56 <plathrop> I didn't see why the error would happen, either...
14:48:01 <plathrop> 1 sec while I try Yahoo
14:50:08 <plathrop> Huh. That worked. Thanks!
14:53:07 <hampton> Must be something about the retry when fool failed. I'll have to look into it. Would you file a bugzilla report?
14:57:39 <plathrop> Sure. Where should I go?
15:13:05 *** Demitar has joined #gnucash
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15:32:12 *** gncbot sets mode: +o cstim
15:32:25 <cstim> hi
15:32:38 <warlord> hiya cstim
15:32:43 <warlord> How are you this evening?
15:33:50 <cstim> fine. been sick a bit this week.
15:34:05 <cstim> Maia is sleeping now.
15:34:17 <cstim> how are you? *where* are you? :-)
15:34:40 <warlord> I'm home in Boston
15:34:57 <warlord> I hope you feel better soon.
15:35:05 <cstim> thanks
15:36:19 <cstim> btw "make check" in trunk fails in src/app-utils/test - is this known?
15:38:46 <warlord> Um.. News to me.
15:38:59 * warlord updates and checks..
15:39:28 <warlord> it worked for me at r16090. I'm testing 16097 now.
15:40:53 <cstim> ERROR: no code for module (gnucash main)
15:40:58 <cstim> FAIL: test-load-module
15:41:10 <cstim> ERROR: no code for module (gnucash main)
15:41:16 <cstim> FAIL: test-scm-query-string
15:41:31 <warlord> Hmm......
15:41:35 <cstim> in src/app-utils/test
15:41:51 <cstim> but yeah, "no code for module" smells of a local installation issue...
15:41:51 <warlord> That almost sounds like a path problem.
15:45:37 <cstim> The LWN editor wants to switch his accounting from Qu*ckb**k to some Linux application, http://lwn.net/Articles/233627/
15:45:50 <warlord> Ok..
15:48:56 <warlord> Interesting...
15:49:03 <warlord> fyi, "make check" just worked for me.
15:49:08 <cstim> ok.
15:49:19 <warlord> let me clear out the install tree and I can retry.
15:50:08 <cstim> oh, the last comment there is interesting: "I tried out QB 2006/7 for the Mac, and discovered that the data files are actually SQLite databases; perhaps they're also SQLite on Windows."
15:50:53 <warlord> Huh!
15:50:59 <warlord> That would be..... INTERESTING.
15:51:19 <warlord> I might have access to a QB data file next week.
15:51:46 <warlord> If so, I'll grab a copy of it and see what I can see.
15:52:56 <cstim> I've recorded that comment in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331439
15:53:02 <cstim> (as you can see by the email)
15:54:08 * cstim has way too much gnucash bugzilla items in his head
15:54:45 <warlord> Indeed!
15:54:50 <warlord> You're the Bugzilla Master!
15:56:19 <cstim> hehe
15:59:49 <warlord> "make clean all check install" succeeded, so I suspect it's something local to you.
16:02:20 <cstim> ok. fine with me. I'll try to clean up my installation later.
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16:06:43 <hampton> plathrop: bugzila.gnome.org
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16:23:42 <GuiGS> hi everyone!
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16:24:29 <GuiGS> I just start evaluating gnucash for windows. I hope I can help you finding some bugs!
16:24:45 <cstim> GuiGS: Nice. good to hear.
16:30:46 <GuiGS> i found an issue about date format.
16:31:36 <cstim> GuiGS: which language do you run GnuCash in? English?
16:32:15 <GuiGS> in preferences i have selected "locale", witch is "31/7/2005", but in account it shows "2007-05-18"
16:32:33 <GuiGS> Brazilian portuguese
16:33:58 <GuiGS> if I select UK date format (witch is the same as my locale), it works right
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16:52:42 <andi5> hi GuiGS
16:53:16 <andi5> GuiGS: wait for GnuCash 2.1.2 :-)
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16:59:56 <GuiGS> andi5: Thanks! I have to go now. Good bye!
17:00:11 <andi5> bye
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19:07:07 <kam> I still haven't figured out what's going on with the stock price graphs.
19:08:09 <kam> I looked at the prices using the price editor there are no prices with future dates in there.
19:10:29 <kam> I tried deleting prices using the price editor and refreshing the graph but it didn't get rid of the future stock prices.
19:11:46 <kam> Anyone interested in the gory details can look at the IRC log file from yesterday and search for my nick.
19:12:34 <kam> Logs are here: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/
19:14:22 <kam> brb
19:14:24 <andi5> kam: 32bit or 64bit platform?
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19:59:05 <warlord> [ot] SUCK! My new mobo/cpu combo doesn't power up!
20:07:41 <kam> Ouch. Sorry to hear that.
20:24:54 <warlord> Yeah. Really sucks. That was my weekend plan, to get that all set up.
20:25:30 <warlord> I dont have another AM2 mobo around, or another AM2 CPU, so I can't easily test.
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21:09:05 <warlord> YAY! It was a bad power supply.
21:11:20 <kam> Whew!
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21:22:37 <warlord> I'm off.
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