2007-04-27 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:31 <jsled> yeah ... I have a todo to deal with those, but it should probably be filed as a bug.
00:03:35 *** yamathan has joined #gnucash
00:03:40 <yamathan> Oh!
00:03:41 <yamathan> Well.
00:03:49 <jsled> Ah, hello! :)
00:03:50 * yamathan has finally arrived, then?
00:03:51 <yamathan> XD
00:04:06 <yamathan> Okay, so I'm trying to do this test budget for consumer education, right?
00:04:44 <yamathan> And every time I add simple "income" as a gift deposit (in the fake budget we're given 1500 to cover a security deposit and rent and some furniture) for some reason it thinks there's some imbalance going on.
00:05:06 <yamathan> But I'm having a hard time finding a simple "beginning amount" for just a checkbook, which is what would be really great for this initial itemized list.
00:05:19 <yamathan> Is there any way to get Gnucash from thinking I'm pulling something out of nothing?
00:05:40 <jsled> yamathan: have you read the Tutorial and Concepts Guide?
00:05:42 <yamathan> *gift deposit to me, that is.
00:05:48 <yamathan> Yes, which is why I'm so confused.
00:06:34 <yamathan> I mean, I added this as income, and it worked fine -- but then I attempted to transfer to opening balances, and then opening balances somehow thinks that it's 1500 in the hole, BUT for some reason my income doesn't reflect a new balance of 1500.
00:06:38 <yamathan> *3000 for that lst bit.
00:07:04 <yamathan> I mean, if that were true, all that would mean is that I'm transferring FROM opening accounts to income instead of TO opening accounts from income.
00:07:06 <S4L> why would you transfer TO opening balances?
00:07:11 <yamathan> Instead it's like I'm missing 1500 no matter what I do.
00:07:33 <yamathan> S4L, because I'm incompetant, that's why.
00:07:42 <jsled> Both Equity:OB and Income are funds-sourcing accounts.
00:08:06 <S4L> create a checking account with an opening balance of 1500... pay your security deposit, rent, and furniture from your checking account
00:08:07 <jsled> So, it's either-or.
00:08:50 <jsled> Either the books started with an opening balance (equity), or you got some income after the books were opened.
00:09:21 <yamathan> Huh.
00:09:41 <yamathan> Every time I try to go through the wizard (pardon me, druid) I don't get the field for opening balance any more.
00:09:51 <yamathan> And this is with new files.
00:09:58 <yamathan> New accounts, even.
00:12:25 <jsled> the opening balance fields should be in the tree view on the last page of that druid ... for leaf-node accounts, at least.
00:12:30 * yamathan gets the feeling he's missing something and refers to the documentation.
00:13:14 <zach> jsled: bug entered for schema validity error... http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433779
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00:18:22 <yamathan> Huh.
00:19:05 <S4L> so.... how long until the new version is packaged? I'm currently rocking 2.0.2
00:20:05 <jsled> S4L: which? 2.0.5 or 2.2? And what distro are you using?
00:20:24 <jsled> re: 2.2, see <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule>.
00:20:37 <S4L> erm... the topic says 2.1.0 is released, so, I was assuming that...
00:20:45 * S4L is using Kubuntu Fiesty Fawn
00:21:22 <jsled> We practice the odd=dev, even=stable minor-version numbering. So "2.1.0" is the first in the series leading to a 2.2.x stable line.
00:21:38 <S4L> 10-4
00:22:46 <jsled> I thought that fiesty had 2.0.5 ... but I guess I'm thinking of debian.
00:22:52 <yamathan> Argh!
00:23:29 * yamathan is getting confused as to the credits and debits and takes this as a sign it's time to go to bed.
00:23:33 <jsled> hhe.
00:23:39 <jsled> er, heh.
00:23:46 <jsled> yamathan: yeah, it can be pretty confusing.
00:23:59 <yamathan> Well, see, I'm used to one checkbook, with credits and debits being just that.
00:24:04 <jsled> I like to enter transactions strictly from my checking/CC registers, and just follow the lead of the existing transactions.
00:24:27 <yamathan> Now, technically a transaction to an expense account will show up as a CREDIT in the expense account --
00:24:33 <S4L> yeah, that's why I failed accounting...
00:24:34 <yamathan> but I forget this as I approach midnight. XD
00:24:59 * yamathan is also very much used to thinking of an expense as a negative integer in an overall view of the account.
00:25:21 <jsled> yamathan: there's an preference to use "strict" accounting labels. It should be off by default, and one should probably leave it that way. :)
00:25:26 <yamathan> XD
00:25:40 <S4L> luckily Gnucash has words such as "spent" or "recieved" or whatnot in the fields.... makes it much easier
00:25:47 <yamathan> I wonder if I have that damn thing checked.
00:26:26 * yamathan will be very cross if that's what has caused all this trouble, as it would be his fault it did. XD
00:27:27 <yamathan> Oh well, I'll be going off to bed now. Thank you for your help so far, guys.
00:27:57 <yamathan> *and girls, musn't be sexist in this, our modern Linux community. :D
00:28:55 * yamathan will be back tomorrow, probably.
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00:29:30 <yamathan> Sorry, I caught some red text just as I left.
00:29:35 <yamathan> Did you say something, jsled?
00:29:40 <jsled> I did not.
00:29:50 <yamathan> Must have been a sever message, then.
00:29:57 <yamathan> Sorry 'bout that.
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00:53:10 <kimmo> what's happened in the 2.x? I upgraded my distro last night, and along with it, gnucash 1.6.x to 2.0.1... and the startup speed is awfully slow, as is the rest of the application...
00:53:26 <jsled> 1.6!?
00:53:35 <kimmo> jsled, if it works, don't fix it
00:53:48 <kimmo> it was mandrake 10, the very first releases
00:54:04 <kimmo> I get to upgrade systems enough at work, so I try to avoid it at home
00:55:02 <jsled> uh.
00:55:28 <jsled> I don't know why 2.0 would be "awfully slow" ... if anything, I'd expect it to be a bit faster.
00:55:55 <jsled> Unless you're on bsd, and experiencing a known dramatic slowness due to a compilation "issue".
00:56:18 <kimmo> nah, it's fedora 6 right out of the box.
00:56:27 <jsled> What class of hardware?
00:56:36 <kimmo> athlon 700 :P
00:57:29 <jsled> Hmm. Do other gtk2 applications behave "slowly" during runtime (startup speed excepted)?
00:58:15 <kimmo> umm, not really, no
00:58:35 <kimmo> oh btw, how do I sort the accounts in the default order?
00:58:42 <jsled> Hmm. I don't know what to say. We've not really heard the same otherwise...
00:58:59 <jsled> In the Account tree tab?
00:59:10 <kimmo> yeah
00:59:52 <kimmo> would I have to make account code shown for that?
01:00:15 <jsled> Depending on what you mean, if you click the header of the Account Name column (or any, really), it cycles through "forward", "backward" and "default" sorting.
01:00:22 <kimmo> ah
01:00:30 <kimmo> thanks
01:01:26 <kimmo> I guess I'll test the slowness issues later today with a smaller ledger (The one I was working with last night dates back to 2002, and was way too much for 1.4 to handle back in the days)
01:02:03 <jsled> (if you upgrade machines all the time, wouldn't you see the value of keeping machines regularly and incrementally up to date... ? :)
01:02:59 <kimmo> not really, no. I'm a huge fan of "if it works, don't fix it"
01:03:31 <jsled> I've come to the opinion that that maxim doesn't work well for software systems, perhaps unfortunately.
01:04:08 <jsled> Also, I question the definition of "works". There's been both tremendous feature enhancements, bug-fixes and dependency fixes since 1.6.
01:05:02 <kimmo> hmm, the biggest feature gaps in 1.6 that I could think of was the dropping of certain 1.4 reports
01:05:51 <kimmo> anyway, thanks for you patience, I gotta get to work. I'll talk to you later
01:06:08 <kimmo> oh, and thanks for a great piece of software
01:06:10 <jsled> There's also an upgrade path issue. 2.4 probably won't be able to read 2.0 datafiles. And if I have my way, 2.6 won't be able to read pre-2.4 data files...
01:06:32 <jsled> Right. Thanks to all the giants we're standing on the shoulders of. :)
01:06:39 <kimmo> lol
01:06:40 <kimmo> later
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04:12:32 <fell> tpfennig: do you some translation or alway packet building?
04:12:52 <tpfennig> translations also, fell
04:13:15 <fell> tpfennig: Guide or Help?
04:13:44 <tpfennig> fell: ?
04:14:12 <fell> which part
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09:59:33 <hampton> Its already time for 2.1.1? Wow, where did the two weeks go?
09:59:56 <jsled> indeed.
10:00:41 <hampton> I was hoping to have the qofInstance changes done to move all the object fields from the public to the private data structure. :-(
10:04:50 <hampton> I'm debating whether to take today off from work and finish it, or finish it over the weekend and commit sunday so it has two weeks in trunk before going out in a beta release. I think the latter is the better approach.
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10:06:12 <jsled> I'm not sure why you want it to be part of 2.2, exactly.
10:08:30 <hampton> I thought it would be good to have QofInstance and one higher level object (Account) converted in the 2.2 release. Having that code heavily exercised would give us a better foundation for when we convert the rest of the objects for 2.4.
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10:10:22 * jsled nods
10:12:38 <hampton> I'm sure it also has a lot to do with the fact that I though gnucash should have used gobject from the beginning (instead of qof), but I was too busy with the gtk2 changes and didn't have any cycles so I didn't think it fair to complain back then.
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12:04:24 *** Administrator has joined #gnucash
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12:06:46 <bionic> Literally just starting to get to grips with the Windoze version of gnucash. I was changing a currency setting and it crashed. Now I cannot get back in. There is a small window with "GnuCash could not obtain the lock for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Myname"
12:07:38 <bionic> this is 2.1.0 on win2k
12:08:01 <andi5> does that window have buttons?
12:08:33 <andi5> WRT to the crash: is that http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433798 ?
12:09:54 <bionic> HI andi5, yes it does. I tried proceed anyway, and it generated a windows crash message.
12:10:21 <bionic> And that bug is precisely what happened
12:11:32 <bionic> OK, can see that there will a fix in 2.1.1
12:11:40 <andi5> i am not exactly sure how to workaround this bug.... killing gconfd-2.exe and deleting ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd should work, though..... ~ is your home directory, i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\$user
12:12:12 <bionic> OK, excellent, I will give that a go.
12:12:36 <bionic> Out of curiosity, how quickly do the updates appear?
12:12:48 <andi5> 2.1.1 is planned on saturday
12:12:50 <andi5> (tomorrow)
12:12:57 <bionic> oh excellent
12:13:27 <andi5> as usual, i can send dll's around, but nobody wants them ;-)
12:14:02 <bionic> I will try and contribute. I am using Win2k, home currency is Euro, buit I invoice in GBP mostly, so should be intersting
12:14:31 <hampton> andi5: What do you want tested?
12:15:14 <andi5> hampton: hiho :) .... may you go into preferences -> report and type something in the currency entry? .... it always jumps back to EUR here
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12:16:10 <dbr> andi5: is the wiki leaving something out wrt finance::quote installation on windows?
12:16:23 <andi5> dbr: not yet done
12:16:33 <dbr> ok
12:17:20 <dbr> active perl 5.8 and the various modules get installed, but the paths don't seem to be complete
12:17:55 <andi5> dbr: did crypt::ssleay install libssl32 and libeay32 to c:\perl\bin for you?
12:18:07 <andi5> i want to avoid that
12:18:43 <andi5> time is ticking, i am unsure whether i will be ready in-time :(
12:18:59 <dbr> nope
12:19:01 <andi5> or have finished
12:19:19 <andi5> do you still have the ppm install log?
12:19:29 <dbr> hmm. where is that?
12:19:43 <andi5> good question :)
12:19:44 <dbr> I haven't closed the package manager since the install
12:19:56 <andi5> ah, great.... there are two tabs
12:20:49 <andi5> the first should speak about downloading some crypt-ssleay script and there should be some "download libssl [yes/no]" line
12:22:16 <andi5> [ot] nice to see that the encodings-import-wizard suggests CP1252 on windows :-)
12:22:22 <hampton> andi5: same here. I can select another currency with the mouse, but not by typing.
12:22:33 <andi5> ok... do you want me to file a bug?
12:22:35 <dbr> at the end it said: "Fetch ssleay32.dll?[no] aborting download of ssleay32.dll
12:22:39 <hampton> sure
12:22:49 <andi5> dbr: does it say which libs it will use?
12:22:53 <hampton> is it suppose to work? I can't remember
12:23:30 <andi5> it looks rather similar to the other currency selectors, so i guess it should
12:23:49 <dbr> yes it does. right now my http access seems to be constipated. as soon as I can get to pastebin, I'll paste it there
12:23:59 <andi5> dbr: thanks
12:24:47 <andi5> dbr: i hope to make a .bat file to install these modules ... that way ppm will never download lib{eay,ssl}32.dll and use ours
12:25:49 <hampton> If I try the same thing in the "New Account" dialog it doesn't work there either, but there's no warning message.
12:25:57 <hampton> OK, it does work in the price editor.
12:26:01 <dbr> andi5: http://pastebin.ca/461252
12:26:19 <dbr> would you like the lists from f::q deps?
12:26:24 <andi5> hampton: it works if you click "choose"
12:27:14 <hampton> that's not working for me here
12:27:59 <andi5> dbr: the lists are uninteresting :) .... the crypt-ssleay package first downloads a script that is executed.... its output might be the only worthy :)
12:28:45 <hampton> The ComboBox should be insensitive until "Choose" is selected.
12:29:47 <andi5> and some currency should be chosen once you select a non-stock-like account type again
12:31:05 <andi5> dbr: fyi, even if the scripts downloads and installs ssl libraries, they will not be listed by ppm
12:32:18 <dbr> andi5: I did look in Explorer for the files you asked about
12:32:51 <dbr> here's the visible output from the crypt::ssleay segment of the install http://pastebin.ca/461264
12:34:15 <andi5> dbr: yep, i had the same output, thanks! .... but typical users will not have svn installed, i just want to avoid ppm downloading stuff unneeded :)
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13:00:42 <bionic> So, having deleted ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd
13:01:10 <bionic> where does previously entered data reside, when i re-open (which it does)
13:01:49 <bionic> JUst trying to find the file I previously created
13:03:27 <andi5> hehe .... you made gnucash forget that ;-)
13:04:24 <andi5> you can determine the base name by looking into ~/.gnucash/books... .maybe that helps
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13:06:36 <bionic> cheers
13:07:15 <andi5> ciao
13:07:17 <bionic> woops, it is empty
13:07:33 <andi5> oh
13:07:51 <bionic> does that mean it has disappeared altogether?
13:08:12 <bionic> Nothing critical, so not a huge prob, just a bit of time
13:08:14 <andi5> did it crash before you exited gnucash the first time?
13:08:26 <andi5> no, the file is definitely NOT gone :)
13:08:35 <bionic> yes it did
13:08:42 <andi5> books just keeps some state information for the file you opened
13:08:43 <bionic> crash before ist exit
13:08:56 <bionic> great
13:09:01 <andi5> like what registers you have opened, what window sizes and so on
13:09:06 <andi5> report options..
13:09:09 <bionic> ah right
13:09:49 <andi5> but this information is flushed only if you end your session, i.e. exit gnucash (cleanly ;-)) or load another file
13:10:35 <bionic> TBH, I had made a couple of business account entries, raised a few jobs and an invoice, and changed a few settings for currency, so not a load there
13:10:52 <andi5> ok.... but you saved the file, right?
13:11:50 <bionic> got me going there... yes I did
13:12:05 <andi5> ok... maybe you find it some day ;-)
13:12:27 <bionic> is it an lck extension?
13:12:46 <andi5> if you did not type an extension, there is none
13:13:03 <bionic> ok there is another file
13:13:24 <andi5> (.lck sounds good though)
13:13:34 <bionic> lol
13:13:57 <bionic> probavbly dumb question, but can i just open the file concerned?
13:14:02 <bionic> with Gnucash
13:14:05 <andi5> of course
13:14:52 <bionic> ok, it is the right file and I amgetting the same little window with buttons and the gnucash errore message
13:15:17 <andi5> (because of the stale .lck file)
13:15:29 <bionic> GnuCash could not obtain the lock for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Patrick
13:15:45 <bionic> maybe, any point in deleteing it?
13:15:51 <andi5> just continue
13:16:13 <bionic> ok, that is fine
13:16:25 <andi5> exit gnucash now... the .lck file should be gone now
13:17:30 <bionic> bang on you are right
13:17:41 <andi5> :-)
13:18:50 <bionic> Excellent, I will wait for the update. One other thing that I remembered. I specified the euro as the default currency on setup, but it reverted to GBP in actuality (the reason I was going in to change things) if that kind of thing happens shall I bug report it?
13:19:14 <andi5> bionic: see above, i noticed the same :)
13:20:27 <bionic> went for some exercise and didnt read the thread!, lol
13:20:45 <bionic> OK, I will keep my eye on the update tomorrow
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13:21:29 <bionic> It looks like this could be the poackage I have been looking for, Got to get things in order and fiond out how bad it is. :-(
13:21:30 * Rol1 enjoys gnucash 2.1.0 svn for the first time
13:21:39 *** Rol1 is now known as R0lf
13:21:43 <andi5> well, keep in mind that we have not had win32 binaries on release dates yet..... (there was only 2.1.0) ... it depends on two persons, one making the tarball and one building the binary now
13:22:09 <bionic> ah ok
13:22:36 <andi5> bionic: you mean how bad gnucash is?
13:22:51 <bionic> lol, no - finances
13:22:55 <andi5> ahh :)
13:23:12 <andi5> R0lf: did it build?
13:23:33 <bionic> i just re-read that - could be bad as in 'good' I suppose, lol
13:23:58 <R0lf> andi5: no
13:24:05 <R0lf> ;-)
13:24:12 <bionic> ttfn, andi5 thanks for your help
13:24:18 <andi5> you enjoy it failing, right?
13:24:22 <andi5> np
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13:26:28 <R0lf> andi5: No, of course it built all right. Took a little while to build. And takes a little while to start up on this slow LAN server (I run it remotely via ssh -X)
13:26:36 <R0lf> But it runs fine otherwise.
13:27:13 <andi5> are you targetting the skr04 tree?
13:27:31 <R0lf> what do you mean targetting?
13:27:41 <andi5> do you plan to correct/extend it?
13:30:49 <R0lf> yes
13:31:04 <R0lf> wanna help out?
13:31:18 <R0lf> I have already made a few changes to fell's latest work
13:31:22 <andi5> i am sorry, i neither have the time nor would i be of any help :)
13:31:33 <R0lf> who has commit access?
13:31:40 <andi5> me ;-)
13:31:51 <R0lf> I dont' have the time either ;-)
13:32:03 <R0lf> Good, then I can bug you about it?
13:33:01 <andi5> you can bug gnucash.... we will commit what fits ... not many us devs will complain, i guess, but if you are unsure, you could ask on gnucash-de
13:33:08 <andi5> us = US
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13:51:46 <hampton> andi5: woof, woof
13:52:33 * andi5 pets hampton
13:54:03 <R0lf> andi5: It seems the compiled gnucash cannot be turned German even with LANG and LC_ALL
13:54:07 <R0lf> what did I miss?
13:54:31 <andi5> env | grep 'LC_'
13:54:37 <jsled> R0lf: can you pastebin the output of `locale`?
13:55:06 <andi5> hm... LC_ALL should work, imho
13:55:07 <R0lf> jsled: No, you don't want that.
13:55:18 <R0lf> locale is en_US
13:55:22 <andi5> did you install in po/ ? :)
13:55:39 <R0lf> But I called LANG=de_DE.utf8 LC_ALL=de_DE.utf8 gnucash
13:55:56 <andi5> oh, i doubt x will eat that.... try de_DE.UTF-8
13:56:10 <jsled> R0lf: I'm sorry? `locale` should list all locale-related environment variables.
13:56:12 <andi5> but maybe i remember some ancient bug :)
13:56:13 <jsled> I'm guessing LC_MESSAGES.
13:57:18 <R0lf> Yes, LC_MESSAGES, but LC_ALL should override that
13:57:48 <R0lf> LC_MESSAGES=de_DE.utf8 is how I start it on my desktop
13:57:50 <R0lf> and it works
13:57:55 <hampton> LANG=de_DE.utf8 gnucash
13:58:01 <hampton> works for me ;-)
13:58:17 <andi5> ok ok.... i KNOW that it once did not work for me, though :)
13:59:20 <andi5> scripting languages do not like me today
13:59:33 <R0lf> UTF-8 is the same difference
13:59:42 <R0lf> outcome-wise
14:00:02 <andi5> so.... maybe you should paste the output of locale, finally
14:00:26 <R0lf> I will in a minute
14:00:32 <R0lf> Althought that is not going to help
14:00:47 <R0lf> (19:52:29) andi5: did you install in po/ ? :)
14:00:52 <R0lf> What was that?
14:01:00 <andi5> did you run "make install" in your po/ directory?
14:01:02 <R0lf> I think that sounds like more fruitful thing to explore
14:01:28 <R0lf> I ran make all install in the main directory as instructed by the wiki
14:01:35 <R0lf> Just one command after configure
14:01:40 <R0lf> Not a second
14:03:12 <R0lf> andi5: Do I need to go into the po dir and say make install there, too?
14:03:41 <andi5> you can try, but it should not be necessary...... i will have to leave, please hurry up with your pastebin :)
14:04:37 <R0lf> andi5: http://rafb.net/p/AL4kMy26.html
14:04:52 <R0lf> went into po and said make install
14:05:19 <R0lf> apparently no effect
14:07:14 <andi5> R0lf: what about LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 locale.... does that change a thing?
14:07:27 <andi5> R0lf: if it does, strace should tell you what files gnucash wants to read
14:08:14 <andi5> bye
14:08:23 <R0lf> andi5: nope
14:08:26 <R0lf> no change
14:09:28 <andi5> hm..... what about locale -a
14:10:36 <R0lf> /export/gnucash/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/gnucash.mo exists
14:10:38 <andi5> if you do not include anything german in your env variables, a `locales' update may have removed your german locales ;-)
14:11:31 <R0lf> andi5: Just did a dpkg-reconfigure locales and the German locales were generated fine
14:11:37 <R0lf> Let me test nano
14:12:09 <R0lf> locale -a lists among other de_DE.utf8
14:12:41 <andi5> but why the heck does not "LC_ALL=... locale" change a thing? .... that is weird
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14:13:53 <R0lf> Oh, that you mean
14:14:04 <R0lf> Then I get de_DE as response
14:14:23 <R0lf> but nano turns up english, too =-O
14:14:38 <R0lf> So, it seems to be a problem outside of gnucash
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18:08:09 <fell> R0lf: about http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-27.html#T13:54:03 have a look at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431510
18:09:25 <fell> It seems to be a general problem of first install with locale <> "C". tpfennig had also a few days ago.
18:11:22 <R0lf> fell: Thank you
18:11:24 <R0lf> I will try.
18:11:35 <R0lf> Strange thing is that nano also comes up in English
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18:12:39 <fell> That I did not test.
18:16:15 <fell> I think, I reopen and rename the bug.
18:16:36 <henriq> i'm having aqbanking/libofx issues. is there a better place to bring them up? (i'm in the USA and don't speak German)
18:22:44 <fell> henriq: possible you grandparents do? ;) I know nothig about libofx, but whatch the german list. So, what are your issues?
18:23:30 <henriq> i just changed credit union (old one worked great). the new one spits out "wrong account type" when i try anything other than checking
18:27:32 <henriq> i looked at the libofx mailing list and found where to add more account types, and that seems to work with aqbanking 2.2.9 (as seen in the read.bin written.bin logs)
18:27:43 * fell is reading http://linuxwiki.de/AqBanking ...
18:29:09 <henriq> but when i send other types of requests (creditcard) the credit union server doesn't like those requests
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18:36:08 <fell> henriq: I am nat so firm in this, so I think, the right place to ask, is at http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/aqbanking-devel. They also understand english.
18:36:21 <henriq> cool. thanks
18:37:12 <fell> You should possible attach infos about your system and the logfile or output.
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18:42:44 <andi5> hampton: ohoh... http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433915 :-D
18:44:43 <hampton> lol. another reason not to use 1/1/1970 based timestamps.
18:45:39 <andi5> to be honest... this unix epoch thingy looks fundamentally broken to me...
18:47:33 <andi5> R0lf: any news regarding gnucash svn in german?
18:47:54 <R0lf> no
18:48:03 <R0lf> that will have to wait at least until tomorrow
18:48:22 <andi5> ok
18:48:36 <fell> andi5: I am waiting for my scrollbar and buttons :(
18:49:25 <andi5> fell: so you are basically happy with _any_ glade file?
18:50:11 <andi5> you could install it locally without the need to have it committe
18:50:12 <andi5> +d
18:51:03 <andi5> oh, i do not know about the buttons though... and have not read the bug report about them
18:52:00 <fell> shure, may I need some instructions.
18:52:14 <fell> the buttons are http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=432143
18:52:38 <andi5> fell: i am desperately trying to get f::q into 2.1.1... that blocks me a bit :)
18:54:32 <fell> Oh, oh. I think hampton is on this? http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-27.html#T10:04:50
18:55:28 <andi5> on what?
18:55:32 <hampton> that comment had nothing to do with F::Q
18:56:23 <fell> sorry for a newby ;)
18:58:02 <hampton> np
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21:29:01 <zach> I get a lot of this kind of stuff during compile of windows gnucash: HHC3015: Warning: An alias has been created to "ch05s04.html#report-custom" but the file does not exist
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21:57:23 <henriq> fell: i fixed my problem by patching libofx-0.8.3, recompiling aqbanking 2.2.9, deleteing my existing HBCI accounts and re-importing my account list from my bank
21:57:30 <henriq> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=1166417564.7264.12.camel%40tunnel.physique.usherbrooke.ca&forum_name=libofx-devel had the patch
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22:19:51 <fell> henriq:fine :)
22:27:20 <fell> henriq: So you may answer your question on the mailing list. Maybe someone else later has the same problem.
23:47:34 <zach> when printing checks, the "NOTES" item prints the 'transaction notes field' . My question is where in the register is that field (how to edit and put text in it for check printing)? and if you use MEMO how does it pick which split memo to print?
23:49:24 <hampton> Its the memo field of the split being printed.
23:50:33 <zach> ahh.. so if i'm in the 'checking' register, it'll print the memo that's in the 'checking' split? I suppose that makes sense :)
23:50:39 <hampton> The empty cells in the register should have the name of the field in italics. You can see the notes field if you use double line mode, or split mode.
23:50:47 <hampton> yes
23:51:07 <zach> i don't see the notes field
23:51:22 <zach> actioin, account, R, Deposit, and Withdrawl
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23:51:24 <zach> only
23:52:18 <zach> ahh
23:52:22 <zach> i see now
23:52:29 <zach> I was using auto-split
23:52:41 <zach> if I chose double line the notes field shows up
23:52:55 <hampton> ah, it only shows in double line mode. sorry
23:53:01 <hampton> didn't realize that
23:53:56 <zach> i have found a bug with check printing in my learning experience tonight
23:54:05 <zach> if you make a 'custom' check
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23:54:29 <zach> and save it.. the first field is "type_0" and that won't print
23:54:39 <zach> you have to renumber starting with "type_1"
23:54:47 <hampton> can you file a bug report on that.
23:54:52 <zach> i will
23:54:58 <hampton> thanks
23:55:06 <zach> no.. thank you :)
23:56:44 <zach> what 'component' is check printing for bugzilla? general?
23:57:12 <hampton> yes. I should probably create a new component for it
23:58:28 <zach> ok.. I'll take the dogs for a walk and write it up when I get back...